at this time. in the video.

Goetia was nailed to the white jade throne by those rings of gods, and said in shock

"Why!! Why!!!"

He doesn't understand. He doesn't understand why these rings are still attacking him even though they have been returned to heaven! He also doesn't understand why Solomon still wants to save mankind even now!

Still unwilling to give up!

"Now, do you want to save mankind?! Solomon!!!"

"You are the one who has witnessed countless tragedies but did nothing?!"

After hearing Goetia's words, Solomon also expressed his agreement.

"Yeah, it's incredible"

"We obviously have the same perspective, sit on the same throne, and spend the same time."

"But you and I came to completely opposite conclusions"

"If you want to say there is any difference between me and you...I think it's just because I don't have the freedom to be angry."

After hearing what Solomon said, Goetia also felt a little incredible!

He didn't expect that Solomon would actually say something like this.


And Solomon also continued, without paying any attention to Goetia's intention.

"My existence as a heroic spirit has now disappeared."

"From now on, Solomon will disappear from the Throne of Heroes"

"Because of the complete demise of the Magic King Solomon, the age of myth will truly come to an end."

Fujimaru Ritsuka next to him couldn't help but said after hearing Solomon's words.

"you....Will it disappear?"

After hearing what Fujimaru Ritsuka said, Solomon also looked back at Fujimaru Ritsuka."197""Although I am scared and sad, this is the only thing I can do."

"So even though it’s sad, I have to do it"

"There is no need to worry about this choice, you and Matthew taught me."

Ritsuka Fujimaru also walked up to Solomon at this time, her face full of sadness.

"Why....You are too selfish"

"It was hidden from us before"

"Slippery...Doctor, this is too tricky....."

Listening to Fujimaru Ritsuka's crying words, Solomon couldn't help but touch the back of his head.

"Really? Maybe he's very naughty."

"I'm so ashamed. In the end, I still don't understand people's hearts."

As he said this, Solomon also looked over at Goetia.

"But now I can give a clear answer"

"Goetia, you hate the meaninglessness of life. Indeed, nothing can last forever. In the end, there is only pain."

"But that's definitely not despair"

"Some people face death and isolation with their limited lives"

"Some people know that the end is inevitable, but they still keep repeating the acquaintance and parting"

"It was a journey of infinite brilliance, like the shining stars."

"This is....A story of love and hope."

Magicians and followers in various worlds also fell into silence after hearing these words of Solomon in this video.

To be honest, they did not expect that the legendary Solomon King, would you say something like this?

【Cu Chulainn: I never thought that the legendary King of Magic, Solomon, would actually say something like this. It really exceeded my expectations!】

【Conquering King; Yes, no one thought that the legendary King Solomon would look like this?!】

【Weber: Well, Rider, it's like, before Saber was summoned, no one knew that the legendary King Arthur would be a woman!】

【Saber:.....What's the matter, has your fantasy been shattered?!】

【Weber:....It's just that I was very surprised....】

In the world of Chaldea.

Da Vinci fell into silence after seeing the situation in this video.

There is no doubt that Solomon, who returned himself to heaven, will disappear next.

The other members also fell into silence.

Even now Dr. Roman has not disappeared.

But the Solomon in the video is the future Doctor Roman. in video.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Solomon, her eyes once again filled with tears.

And Solomon, looking at the sad Fujimaru Ritsuka, had a smile on his lips.

"Can I deliver everything to you?! Fujimaru"

"Delivered to Chaldea, where we have lived together, the first and only Master"


Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't hesitate and immediately agreed to Dr. Roman's last request.

At this time, golden energy light emerged from Solomon's body.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's face was already full of blood. He shed tears.

Solomon stretched out his already transparent hand and gently wiped away the tears on Fujimaru's face.

"Very resounding answer"

"You have really grown into a reliable Master."

The next moment, Solomon's figure and everything about him were completely returned to the sky. They completely disappeared from the space between heaven and earth.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka, looking at the position where Dr. Roman was standing, also looked down. said loudly

"Goodbye, doctor."

As Solomon returned to heaven, the ten rings of God were also returned to God at this time.

Goetia also escaped from trouble.

"Huh, until the end, you are still a person who can only rely on others!"

"How can we be convinced by such lies?"

"There will be no obstacles to our great cause"

"Life does not need a deadline, and stories that are doomed to death are unnecessary for me."

Speaking, Goetia also raised his hand.

Above the sky, the purple light belt that had stagnated began to operate again at this time.

"In the end, it is my victory. Without the Servant, what can the Master do?"

"ha! call!"

At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka took a deep breath, and then exhaled

"Of course it can be done."

After hearing what Fujimaru Ritsuka said, Goetia also looked over with confusion.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka's voice also sounded next.

"Thousands of years have passed since the Age of Primates was established. The Age of Mythology ended. After AD, humans have become the most prosperous species on earth."

Speaking, Fujimaru Ritsuka also walked towards Goetia carrying the Snowflake Shield.

The originally heavy Snowflake Shield became lighter at this time.

"We are the ones who determine the future of the planet and carve inscriptions on it."

"For this purpose, I have learned countless knowledge, collected countless resources, and experienced countless life cycles."

"Let mankind continue longer, be clearer, stronger and prosperous"

"The chart of humanity, in the world of magic, is called [human science]】!"

"Chaldea regards this as its supreme mission and has persisted to this day!"

"call out!!"


The remaining summoning spells on Fujimaru Ritsuka's ritual equipment exploded at this time!

The last energy was also released at this time.

"I am Fujimaru Ritsuka!"

"With the help of countless people, I stand here in place of countless people......Chaldean Master!!!"


"call out!!"

The moment Fujimaru Ritsuka said these words! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The dazzling blue energy light bloomed from Fujimaru Ritsuka's body at this time!

And then , turned into a blue energy beam, soared into the sky!

Penetrating the entire sky!


When the blue energy beam soared into the sky, the stars in the sky began to move continuously at this time, turning into rays of light!

In every world.

Whether it is a magician or a follower.

They were all stunned in place.

This situation was far beyond their understanding.

Whether it was the energy light blooming from Fujimaru Ritsuka's body and rising into the sky!

Or the rapid movement that began to turn into a Stars of light!

Such a scene!

They have really never seen it!

They have never even heard of it![]

【Kenneth: This......this....How is this going?! How could something like this happen! What exactly is going on?!】

【Cu Chulainn: Isn't it obvious? The entire world's servants in the video are responding to Fujimaru Ritsuka. This is unimaginable!】

【Red A Yes, Lacner, who would have thought that Fujimaru Ritsuka would be able to operate like this at the end?....Is he going to use his human body to defeat Goetia, the first beast?!】

【Joan of Arc: It looks like this, she is indeed the last Master in that world!】

【Shirou Emiya: Compared with these, I want to know, how come this Goetia still exists?! Shouldn't he be disappearing soon?!】

【Merlin: After all, Goetia is the number one beast, so it still needs some time. It won’t be long.........】 at this time. in the video.

When the dazzling blue light dissipated, a pair of wings made of energy appeared on Fujimaru Ritsuka's back!

White energy flames were constantly escaping from his shoulders!

"Let’s decide the outcome! Goetia!!!"

And Goetia also responded to Fujimaru's invitation!

"Come on then! Chaldea!!"

"call out!!"


"Bang bang bang!!!"

In an instant, countless demonic tentacles appeared on the ground again!

The seventy-two demonic pillars completely occupied this place in just an instant!

"Disappear! Human history! I will hold the seventy-two demon gods and turn you all into dust in the universe!"

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't have any fluctuations. His eyes were red, filled with crazy flowing energy!

His body was now filled with violent energy!

But, it was here that the final battle was about to begin. moment.

A golden figure appeared on this venue


The last energy on the ceremonial dress also turned into hot gold at this time!

It filled the entire energy pipe directly!

Another servant was summoned, his cloak was blown by the breeze, and he stood fighting with Goetia on his back.

Twisting. He turned his head and looked at Goetia quietly.

But Goetia didn't look at the two summoned servants at all, his eyes were always on Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"One is enough!! Just killing one person is enough!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka also rushed out at this time!

The summoned Cave King instantly turned into black mist and attached itself to Fujimaru Ritsuka's body.

"call out!"



Those demon pillars also released one after another crimson energy beams at Fujimaru Ritsuka at this time!

However, all these energy beams were dodged by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Even those who did not escape would be trapped in the cave. The king blocked it.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka, with the help of the Cave King, rushed towards Goetia!

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Jin Shining looked at the golden figure in this video.

The corners of his mouth were also Raise slightly

"Sure enough, I am the savior who finally appears!"

"This guy Fujimaru is quite good!"

As for the other servants who were also summoned,

Jin Shining directly chose to ignore it.

In the world of the Fourth Holy Grail War, the Conqueror King looked at the servant summoned by Fujimaru Ritsuka's energy.

The corners of his mouth were also Raise slightly

"It seems that this battle is not over yet.、"

"But it’s also 5.2. This is the final battle between humans and beasts."

"If it ended so simply, it would really lose a lot of meaning."

After hearing what the King of Conqueror said, Weber also looked at the King of Conqueror with some doubts.

Wouldn't it be better to end it earlier?!

Rider is so excited about this overtime!

He hasn't been summoned yet!

"call out!!"

At this moment, a golden light shot towards Goetia!

Goetia dodged and avoided the golden light.

This golden light was directly inserted into the ground!

It was a golden Sword!


Rama rushed out from the side, raised his sword, and rushed directly towards Getia!

The sword in his hand slashed towards Getia!


The sound of a sharp weapon cutting through the flesh was heard. A huge gash was cut out of Goetia's abdomen! On the other side, Fujimaru Ritsuka was running towards Goetia!

However, even though Fujimaru Ritsuka had Even with the help of the Cave King, he still couldn't dodge so many energy beams!

After being scratched by an energy beam, the violent power directly caused Fujimaru Ritsuka to fall to the ground. The

Snowflake Shield also It was also inserted into the ground

"call out!!"


But, just when Fujimaru Ritsuka turned over and wanted to stand up and continue charging!

Those demon pillars locked onto Fujimaru Ritsuka at this time!

The dazzling crimson energy light burst out!

Fujimaru Ritsuka The ground between the demon pillars suddenly exploded at this moment!

The violent energy attack immediately swallowed Fujimaru Ritsuka inside!.

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