Among Chaldea.

The magicians and servants in each world don't understand.

But Dr. Roman knew why.

The reason is also very simple, because the King Solomon in this video is not the real King Solomon at all.

But it is the number one beast that uses the appearance of King Solomon!

Therefore, he wants to destroy the entire human race and burn away human reason.

It is also a matter of course.

Beasts are born to destroy the world.

It was at this time. in the video.

Looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka below,"King Solomon" also spoke at this time

"Welcome, Master of Chaldea"

"I didn't expect you to be so good at fighting, it really surprised me."

Fujimaru Ritsuka clenched his fists and looked at King Solomon above.

"The Magic King, Solomon!"

But, just when Fujimaru Ritsuka was about to make a move,

"King Solomon" was the one who spoke at this time.

"Don't move. Although I allow you to visit, I do not allow you to kneel down."

"Why do you have to come here?"

"Why can't I just wait for a few minutes?!"

"Why can't we wait for the imaginary third Noble Phantasm we created to complete its activation calculation?!"

At this moment, the perspective of the entire video suddenly shifted to the huge aperture above the sky!

At this time, the huge aperture continued to expand!

And Matthew, when he saw the sky After the huge aperture, he couldn't help but say

"According to the doctor's observations, there is no energy on earth that exceeds that band of light."

"It must be the one that burns up the entire earth and incinerates humanity."

And"King Solomon" immediately felt a little funny after hearing what Mashu said.

"How is it possible? Is the commander of Chaldea blind?!"

"Indeed, with my belt of light, I can burn the surface of the planet."

"But what good can it do?!"

"The order is reversed, Matthew"

"【There is no energy on Earth that exceeds that band of light】?"

After saying this, King Solomon immediately laughed!


"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Obviously, King Solomon finds this very ridiculous!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After hearing Solomon's words in this video, they all didn't know what to say.

【Cu Chulainn: Why do I feel that there is something wrong with what King Solomon said in this video? Does he have some back-up plan?】

【King of Conquerors: Is there any difference between what you said and what you didn’t say? This King Solomon is the last big boss, how could he have no backup plan?! What nonsense!】

【Diarmait: Ahem, Lord Cu Chulainn, Lord the Conqueror is right. This is indeed the truth.】

【 three...It’s really a matter of putting it here and there! If you have the time, why not put your mind into this video and see what happens next. Isn't this better than wasting time?!】

【Cu Chulainn:.....Rider, aren’t we making reasonable guesses?!】

【Medusa: Reasonable guess?! Ah! Lacner, if the nonsense you said can be regarded as"reasonable guesses", then anyone's words can be called"agreed guesses"!】

【Cu Chulainn:......】

In the world of Chaldea.

After Dr. Roman heard the words of"King Solomon" in this video.

I immediately felt very confused

"What does the impostor in this video mean?!"

"Could it be that the light band in this video is not what I thought it was?!"

"Or is it that it has undergone earth-shaking changes after burning so many human minds? `!"

It's just that no one replied to Dr. Roman, because other people didn't know this thing.

They didn't know anything about"King Solomon" in this video and the light belt.

That's it. At this time.

In the video,

King Solomon directly put his hand on his forehead after finishing laughing.

"Idiot, isn't this a given?"

"Because that’s [you]!"

As he said this, King Solomon also raised his palms to the sky.

"Create a singularity and divide the flow of history"

"From now to the past, almost burning endlessly"

"This is the light strip!"

"It condenses all the human traces that existed in that era. This is the crystallization of human history!"

After Matthew heard what King Solomon said, he immediately felt a little incredible!

"It's not about destroying humans, it's about using humans as fuel....."

Obviously, this matter is beyond everyone's knowledge.

In Chaldea's understanding, this light belt is used to destroy mankind!

But today, King Solomon said that this light belt is not to destroy mankind, but to use mankind as consumables to refine the crystallization of human history!

And strengthen your own strength! this....It made Matthew feel unbelievable!

King Solomon looked at the incredible expression on Matthew's face and enjoyed it very much.

"Then, I reached the highest throne!"

"If no one can defeat the customer, then it’s up to me!"

"Just walk beside me to that tragic demise!"

Just when King Solomon was saying this, the magicians and servants in various worlds simply couldn't believe their ears. What did they hear?!

What did they hear? They actually heard this. King Solomon in the video said that he treats human beings as consumables.

While refining the crystals, he also enhanced the power of the light belt and his own power!

This really allows magicians and followers in various worlds to Dare to believe your ears!

【Joan of Arc: Sure enough, the King Solomon in this video is not King Solomon at all, but the devil! Only a devil can create such a cruel thing!

【Amakusa: Ah, Ruler, I support your idea in this regard. King Solomon in this video is indeed a demon.】

【Cu Chulainn: I remember that the Pillar Demon God called King Solomon"King", right?! At first, I thought this was just because King Solomon was the master of the demon Baal. But now it seems that is not the case. This King Solomon has truly become the Pillar Demon King!】

【King of Conqueror: Ah, this time, you are right. The King of Conqueror in this video is indeed not a human being. Even the most evil human beings cannot do such a thing! This guy is really a devil!】

【Jin Shining: Well, I also agree with this....This really makes me feel disgusted! It's simply more outrageous than those gods! 】

In the golden era, although those gods wanted to rule humans.

But he did not directly use human beings as consumables to improve his strength like King Solomon in this video.

In the world of Chaldea.

After Dr. Roman heard what King Solomon said in this video.

The pupils shrank suddenly!

He didn't expect that King Solomon in this video would be so cruel!

Just use humans as consumables!

"this....How can this be!! How dare he do this?!"

Da Vinci sighed immediately after seeing the situation in this video.

She could understand that Dr. Roman could not accept what King Solomon did in this video.

But...She is not Romani after all.

Therefore, it is impossible to truly understand Romani. at this time. in video

""King Solomon" After saying this, he immediately said to Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Before I achieve my great achievements, you still have some regrets about the remaining time of your life!"

But, the next second after"King Solomon" said this!

Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately said to them

"Who are you, Solomon?"

And"King Solomon" never smiled after hearing what Fujimaru Ritsuka said.

"I am Solomon, at least in this body!"

"The resistance of the heroic spirits is insignificant. As long as the Master disappears here, they will all retreat!"

"All your actions and thoughts are extremely shallow"

"Fujimaru Ritsuka.....The worst Master in mankind!"


Just after"King Solomon" said these words, two wind blades shot out directly from"King Solomon" at this time! They shot towards Fujimaru Ritsuka!


Ma Xiu's big shield instantly bloomed with a dazzling blue light.


Just at this moment!

The two wind blades directly bombarded me!

The entire ground immediately raised countless dust!

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu were covered in it!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Looking at this video, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu, who were covered by dust, did not have any worries.

As a dedicated defense servant, Mashu could easily resist these two wind blades.

Even though King Solomon released the two wind blades in this video!

That’s no problem! as expected.

When the dust in the video cleared away, Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka were revealed intact.

Matthew even refuted what"King Solomon" said!

"wrong! you are wrong!!"

"No matter how painful and uncomfortable he was, he never stopped trying his best and never stopped moving forward."

"Fujimaru Ritsuka is the best Master!"

"I can prove it!!"

After saying this, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu looked up at the top in prepared formation. That was King Solomon who was already sitting on the white jade throne!

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

After hearing Mashu After this rebuttal, they all nodded slightly.

Although they didn’t know what kind of enemies Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka had experienced, and what kind of special points they had experienced!

But the Fujimaru Ritsuka in this video was able to communicate with such Build a good relationship with many Servants!

Being able to get so many Servants to come to help him!

You can know that Fujimaru Ritsuka is the best and best Master for the Servants!

He is also the best and best. The Master who saves the world!

【Saber: Yes, Mashu is right. How can a Master who can get so many Servants to help him willingly be the worst Master in mankind?! He must be a very good Master to be able to get these Servants to help him】

【Red A, it’s true. If we talk about the worst Master, it should be Gudazi. That human being is the worst Master.】

【Cu Chulainn:.....It cannot be said that, in some respects, Gudazi can be considered an excellent Master, but....There's something wrong with her character....】

【Red A: Lacner, is it really just his character that is worrying?! In there, you were all eliminated!】

【Cu Chulainn:..........So what?! Compared to many Masters, she has done a very good job! 】

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Red A looked at these barrages sent by Cu Chulainn, and a smile appeared on his face.

Of course he knew that Gudazi was an excellent Master.

But this human being is really evil!

That act of deliberately squeezing other servants in order to raise horses.

It really makes Red A unhappy!

It was at this time. in video

""King Solomon" also closed his eyes after hearing Mashu's words.

"I am very touched"

"Not only for the round table where King Arthur and the knights reunited"

"It’s also because you are so shameless that you can even use this as a weapon."

"call out!!!"


A wind blade suddenly blasted out at this moment!

In just an instant, it rushed in front of Mashu!

Mashu had no time to defend himself, and was directly hit by the wind blade against the shield! A violent hurricane broke out instantly. Come out!

Directly send Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka flying out!

"Bah, bah, bah!!!"

Even after landing, the two of them had to slide on the grass for a long time before all the force was released!

After standing firm, Fujimaru Ritsuka said directly to Mashu

"Mashu, leave the backup to me!"


After hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's command, Mashu didn't hesitate at all. He raised his shield and rushed towards King Solomon!

"Bang bang bang!!!"

As Ma Xiu charged forward, huge wind blades one after another struck at Ma Xiu like a heavy rain!.

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