It was at this time. in the video.

Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but clenched his fists when he looked at this empty area and the weapons left by the Impaler.


"It has been confirmed that Professor Leif has been eliminated"


At this time, the side effects of this simple Servant Summoning Ceremony began to appear.

Under this side effect, Fujimaru Ritsuka fell to his knees directly on the ground.

He did not recover for a long time.

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka quickly adapted to it. This one.

Then with the help of Matthew, he walked towards the ancient gate!

But, at this moment!

Leif's voice sounded again!

"Although I'm really angry, I still have to appreciate you"

"You have grown a lot! Fujimaru Ritsuka!"

Just when Leif's flower was affected, a huge demon tentacle rushed out from the ground and stopped in front of Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"But that makes no sense, absolutely no sense!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu were stunned when they saw the Demon God Pillar suddenly rushing out. There is no doubt that this is Leif's true form.

"Because we are infinite"

"Well, show up, companions!"

"Hoo ho ho!!"

As Leif's words fell, several demon tentacles emerged from the ground again.

"The Demonic Pillar is reborn!!"

Ma Xiu also felt a little unbelievable when he looked at this scene!

"No....This is!!!"

"That’s right, we are both the space itself and the temple itself!"

Leif said directly before Ma Xiu could finish his words.

"The Seventy-Two Demonic Pillars are not names, but describe our state!"

"We are in the state of the ever-present seventy-two demons"

【Amakusa: In a state of 72 demon gods forever?! this......Doesn't it mean that they are invincible in that place?!】

【Two rituals: It looks like this. All these demon pillars were cleared away before, and now they have appeared again. It looks like what Leif said in this video.】

【Doctor Roman: No, there are still some differences. It should be said that the Temple of Time is composed of seventy-two demon gods.】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka; Doctor, are you sure?! If this is really the case.....Doesn’t that mean that these Demon God Pillars will not be destroyed before the Temple of Time collapses?!】

【Doctor Roman: Logically speaking, this is indeed the case. Therefore, the breaking point is to enter that door and reach the real owner of the Temple of Time. Only then can we win. 】

That’s when Dr. Roman sent this barrage. in the video.

Leif's upper body emerged from the Demon God Pillar, and his lower body had turned into tentacles, connected to the Demon God Pillar.

"Still don’t understand?! Fujimaru"

"In other words, unless all 72 compatriots are wiped out, they can't kill me!"

When Leif was saying this, tentacles appeared on the outside of Caleb.

These demon tentacles attacked Chaldea crazily, forcing Chaldea to temporarily be unable to observe the situation on Fujimaru's side!

And Leif also laughed loudly at this time!

"This is impossible, impossible!! Everyone!"

"Where can such firepower and such a legion be found?"

"That’s right, you can’t find it anywhere! You don't have any at all!"

"Are you just a moth chasing a flame?!"

"Hoo ho ho!!"

Just when Leif said this, orange-red lava emerged somewhere in the Temple of Time.

The first singularity, the smelting furnace Naberius, appeared!

Then, the second singularity, the information room Floros, that is, Leif himself!

Next, there is the third singularity, the observatory Fornius!

The fourth singularity, the control tower Barbatos!

The fifth singularity, the weapon Shehapas!

The sixth singularity Point Peep Star Yamon.

The seventh singular point, Spinak of the Academy of Life.

When the demon pillars of these seven singular points emerged, the whole world also began to undergo crazy transformations and distortions!

In each world, The magicians and followers fell into silence when they saw that these were the seven singularities in the video.

How can I put it, they did not expect that in this Temple of Time, seven singularities would appear at once. The demon pillar corresponding to the singularity!

【Shining gold; the demon pillar corresponding to the seven singular points?! Well, I feel really unhappy looking at these things!】

【King of Conqueror: Ah, Jin Shining, you are right. I feel very uncomfortable when I look at it. I always want to destroy all these things directly.】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka: Didn’t expect that in this Temple of Time, the Demon God Pillar that had been defeated before would be able to appear again?! If this is the case, it will be difficult to deal with it.】

【Matthew: Yes, senior, we defeated these Demonic Pillars in other singularities with the help of other servants. However, in this video, there are only senior and me, even those simple servants There are still a few times for the Summoning Ceremony, but under these Demon God Pillars, it is not enough! 】

After Mashu’s barrage emerged, the magicians and servants in each world.

Once again, he fell into silence.

So far, these magicians and servants cannot tell what kind of chances Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu have in this video. at this time. in the video.

The contents of human history suddenly flashed into Fujimaru Ritsuka's mind.

Then he fell directly to the ground!

And Leif started to attack Fujimaru Ritsuka at this time!

"Yes, this is the history of mankind that you are obsessed with!"

"call out!"


A deafening roar sounded!

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu were hit by this attack again!

However, these attacks were still blocked by Mashu.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was once again taken to another safe place by Mashu.

And Lei Husband, obviously didn’t care much about this, and still started to break Fujimaru Ritsuka’s spirit.

"The last Master, Fujimaru Ritsuka, it was really a pleasure fighting with you!"

"The futility of persisting in fighting till now! The misery of dying without achieving anything!"

"We would like to comment on its beauty!"

"thank you, and...."


"Together with Chaldea, you can follow the burned-out human principles!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"


At this moment!

Amidst Leif's laughter, a voice suddenly sounded!


After hearing this voice, Leif also raised his head in disbelief.

At this time, Joan of Arc also appeared in this video

"The evidence is that they are standing here fighting at this time!"

"It's you demons who think it's unnecessary to exist!"

"Laughing at the weak humans who say it is absolutely impossible to reach the goal"

"Even if all life will be burned out in an instant." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Still looking up at the sky, I firmly believe that I will not leave the outcome in anyone's hands!"

Just when Joan of Arc appeared and said these words!

Above the dark night sky, the lights of the servants streaking across one after another kept shining!

And they were rapidly approaching the Temple of Time!

"How can this be!!"

Leif looked at the appearance of Jeanne and the glow of the servants in the sky, and immediately felt incredible!

Not only Leif, but also the magicians and servants in various worlds felt incredible.

From then on ,

He actually appeared in the world without being summoned!

Moreover, so many followers appeared in the world together!

【Amakusa:? ? ? ?!! Ruler, I read that right! So many followers appeared on their own without being summoned! Unbelievable!!】

【Joan of Arc: Ah, you read that right, it is indeed the case."I" am also in this video, and I am also the first Servant to appear on his own initiative!】

【Cu Chulainn: Absolutely...Incredible!!】

【King of Conquerors; Well, in fact, it is still understandable. The purpose of the seventy-two demon gods in this video is to destroy mankind and burn away human reason. Then mankind will be destroyed, and the heroic spirits on the Throne of Heroes will naturally cease to exist. , so it is normal for these heroic spirits to appear on their own and come to help Fujimaru.】

【Medea: Ah, that’s true. This is not a battle between Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mash, but a battle for all mankind! 】

It was at this time. in the video.

The glow of the servants in the sky also fell to the ground at this time!

A servant that Fujimaru Ritsuka had come into contact with before.

The servants who appeared in the singularity were either enemies or allies with Fujimaru Ritsuka at the time.

They all landed in this temple of time at this time!

Please give me flowers.

At this time, they are all standing on the same front as Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu!

Let’s face these seventy-two demon pillars together!

After all the servants appeared, he also said to Fujimaru and Mashu, who had been watching here.

"Come on, raise your head, Fujimaru, Mashu"

"This is what you and we created together......"

"The story of taking back the future!"[]

At this time, in Chaldea, which had already closed down a lot of consumption.

These staff members were also extremely confused.

"Is the instrument faulty?!"

"Summoning spells continue to appear in various places"

"Lingji reaction....10.....20....30...."

"Still increasing!!"

Da Vinci also couldn't believe the scene he saw at this time, so he couldn't help but ask Dr. Roman

"Romani, this is....."

At this time, the corners of Dr. Roman's mouth raised slightly.

"Yes, it’s a Servant!"


"They are coming in an endless stream!"

"Come to this temple without the power of earth veins, without summoning array, and isolated from the history of mankind!"

"Only relying on the only fate as sustenance, he appeared with his own will!"

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

When watching this video, these followers are still coming in a steady stream.

They all feel a little incredible!

Especially after hearing this from Dr. Roman After saying that, I was even more shocked!

【Kenneth: Use the only fate as your sustenance, and use your own will to appear.....this.....this is really...unimaginable....】

【Tokiomi Tosaka: Yes, this is really just like Arabian Nights. Even if you know that this battle is related to the entire civilization and the entire world, after seeing the scene in this video, you still feel... It feels incredible!】

【Two rituals; do they appear by virtue of their own will?! This is really, really awesome!】

【Merlin: Although I hate to say it, the role of these servants is probably just to drag out these demon pillars. After all, they couldn't destroy these demon pillars at the same time.】

【Doctor Roman: That's enough. As long as we hold back these demon pillars, that's enough!! Only by holding back these Demon God Pillars and allowing Fujimaru to enter the door would there be a possibility of victory. Now these Demon God Pillars are just the appetizer for the beginning of the battle.】

【Merlin: That's true, but can Fujimaru really defeat the real person behind the door with just relying on him?!】

【Doctor Roman: Believe me and Fujimaru, it must be possible. 】

In the world of Chaldea.

Da Vinci immediately sighed after seeing these barrages from Dr. Roman.

She already knew what Dr. Roman meant.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Perhaps, this is really the only way to defeat the final enemy!

Let the world recover!

However, Da Vinci was a little reluctant

"Romani......" at this time. in the video.

Leif looked at these followers who appeared one after another, and felt that his ideas were strongly impacted!

Totally can't believe it!

"This kind of thing is impossible!"

And Joan of Arc, after hearing Leif's words, immediately said directly to Leif

"Maybe, but everyone seems to have changed their minds"

"Just in response to the achievements of a human being who suddenly carried the whole world on his back, and even though he cried under the pressure, he still did not give up."

Ma Xiu said excitedly after seeing Joan of Arc.

"Miss Jeanne."

Fujimaru Ritsuka turned to the surrounding servants.

These servants also responded to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

At this time, Jeanne raised her flag and faced these servants. said

"listen to me! When you come to this realm, you will be hard-pressed by a thousand people, and you will be defeated by thousands of heroic spirits!"

"Even though we may be incompatible enemies!!"

"We may come from an era where we never met, but now let’s fight side by side"

"My real name is [Joan of Arc]】!"

"I swear in the name of the Lord!"

"Be a strong shield in front of you!!"

As he said that, a dazzling golden light bloomed from Joan of Arc's body at this moment!

In an instant, a dazzling golden light bloomed from Joan of Arc's body at this time!.

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