
After Leif said this, his cane hit the ground again!

The hurricane once again swept through the entire battle field!

Huge tentacles emerged from the ground at this time and wrapped around it!

"You Chaldeans are still clinging to life and surviving!"


"Is it my mistake?"

"No, that's not the case, it's because there is a person who has escaped my observation and is hiding very deep."

When he said this, Leif really opened his eyes.

"Right, Romani Achiman!"

Magicians and servants in various worlds were quite surprised after seeing what Leif said in this video!

They thought that Leif was going to tell Fujimaru Ritsuka Name.

Unexpectedly, the name that came out was Dr. Roman’s name!

【Medusa: Why does Rafe say Dr. Roman's name in this video? What did Dr. Roman do?!】

【Red A, look ahead. I always feel that a new situation will arise.】

【King of Conquerors: Everyone in Chaldea, can you help us explain a little bit, what does Leif’s words mean?!】

【Matthew: What, actually, Dr. Roman was just a doctor before, but now, after the director and the acting director disappeared, he replaced the acting director and the others to command Chaldea. Got it】

【Cu Chulainn:? ? ? In other words, a doctor became the supreme commander of Chaldea?! No wonder Leif would say something like this, no one would have thought that a doctor would become the top commander!】

【Merlin: Ah, yes, no one would have thought of it, right, Romani?!】

【Dr. Roman:.......】

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Jin Shining looked at the barrage in this video, and thoughts appeared in his eyes.

He always felt that things were not as simple as these people thought.

How is it possible that Chaldea was saved just because of this?!

There must be something somewhere else that they don't know about.

This completely destroyed Leif's plan. Otherwise, Leif in this video would not be so angry!

"But, what is it?!"

"Is this Doctor Roman hiding something?!"

"It really makes me curious!"

Not only Jin Shining, Saber was also keenly aware that something was wrong.

How could a doctor become the supreme commander of Chaldea?!

Why would those people in Chaldea let a doctor become the supreme commander?!

Among them , , there must be a deeper reason!

"In the end, why?!"

At this time.

In the video.

Chaldea in this video also appeared in this video.

Doctor Roman and Da Vinci also appeared one after another.

However, neither of them spoke. He just looked at the screen quietly and Leif on the screen.

And Leif also continued to say at this time

"Or are you deliberately trying to act like a clown in front of me?!"

"If so, that would be a shame!"

"I actually developed some friendship with you."


Leif hit the cane to the ground again, and the hurricane once again swept through the entire battle field!

And at this time, Da Vinci, in Chaldea, dealt a blow to Leif.

Leif Then he fell into silence.

Then, he continued to say

"Of course I also noticed that he was suspicious, so I arranged for him to die in the explosion in the control room."

"call out!!"


Just as Leif was talking, a small wind circle emerged from the cane!

The hurricane gathered directly and hit Fujimaru Ritsuka!


However, this hurricane attack was blocked by Matthew and dispersed in just an instant!

And Leif opened one eye and was ready to fight.

"Now, our Wang Teng can't take action, so it's up to me to solve the problems I left here."

As he spoke, the cane in his hand turned into a magic wand!

Countless tentacles also began to become active at this time!

"call out!!"

"Boom boom boom!!"

Not only on the ground, but also in the bottomless underground, there are tentacles constantly emerging!

"My name is Demon God Floros!"

"One of the seventy-two demon gods, the one who controls information!!!"

"Let me happily see how much you have grown!"!!!

This Leif is actually one of the seventy-two demon gods!!!

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after hearing Leif's words in this video.

After seeing the magicians coming from the ground After the tentacles rushed out, I felt that my head was a little hard to bend back.

【Two rituals; I see. It turns out that Leif is also one of the seventy-two demon gods. No wonder.】

【Matthew: Professor Leif.....Turns out to be one of the seventy-two demon gods.....】

【Doctor Roman: Yes, I didn’t expect that he would be the Pillar Demon God, let alone that these Pillar Demon Gods would actually appear to destroy Chaldea. Before, I thought Leif was just a Pillar Demon God. control magician】

【Da Vinci: Romani, you don’t have to blame yourself. Before Leif was exposed, no one knew that he was one of the Pillar Demon Gods. This is really....Too outrageous】

【King of Conquerors; yes, it’s really outrageous.....The seventy-two demon gods controlled by King Solomon actually want to destroy the world. It is really hard to understand!】

【Kenneth: What’s so hard to understand?! No matter what they say, they are still demons, so how can they really help humans?! After breaking the seal, it is only natural to take revenge on humans and want to destroy them. 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after seeing this barrage.

They were all silent.

Before Leif revealed his true identity, no one thought about this Leif.

He is one of the seventy-two demon gods.

After all, in the past, Leif had been emphasizing that the plan to destroy mankind started from the time of King Solomon.

Then he said that the inheritance of the magician family has always been passing on this thing.

This caused misunderstandings among magicians and followers in various worlds.

Thinking that Leif is a member of the magician family.

As a result, now, this Leif is saying that he is Floros among the seventy-two demon gods!

This left some magicians and servants in various worlds unable to react.

It was at this time. in the video.

As Leif's voice sounded, a huge tentacle also appeared behind Leif!

"Buzz!!!" When Leif's words fell, a crimson magic circle appeared on each eye of the tentacles! It was not only the magic circles that appeared on these tentacles. Not far away, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Ma Xiu was already surrounded by these red magic circles!

"Hoo ho ho!!"

Purple flames are constantly burning on these red magic arrays!

"call out!"


The next moment!

A violent explosion suddenly erupted! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It swallowed both Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu directly!

The purple smoke and dust, in just an instant, The entire battle field was covered.

At this time!

During the explosion, Mashu held up a shield with one hand to resist.

With the other hand, he protected Fujimaru Ritsuka and said calmly

"Confirm that the enemy individual is the Demon God Pillar"

"It is speculated that that door is the road leading to the center of the temple."


While saying this, Fujimaru Ritsuka also recovered.

"Um! Break through!! Matthew!!"

At this moment, the two of them finally landed on the ground.

"call out!!"


The moment they landed, several red magic circles once again surrounded Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu!

Magicians and servants in various worlds were watching this video.

The Demon God Pillar's attack was so fierce that they were speechless for a long time.

After a long time, these servants came back to their senses.

【Medea; she is indeed one of the demons enslaved by King Solomon. Such an attack is really fast and powerful....Even I can't carry out such a series of attacks in such a short period of time】

【Medusa: Yes, this kind of attack is indeed too violent......】

【Jin Shining: Humph! But that's it! If this king were here, how could he be in such a mess?! It can only be said that this girl's attacks are too lacking!】

【Conqueror:......Jin Shining, the girl in this video looks like she is using a shield. She is obviously a defensive servant....It is understandable that attack methods are too scarce. 】

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Saber looked at the shield on Mashu's hand in this video.

His brows were also slightly wrinkled.

She doesn't know why, but she always feels that the shield in Matthew's hand is very familiar in this video.

"Why on earth is Matthew in this video"

"Why does the shield in her hand give me such a familiar feeling?!"

"But for a moment, I couldn't remember it."

Emiya Shirou was a little surprised after hearing Saber's words.

"Mash's shield feels familiar to Saber?"

"Doesn't that mean that Matthew is also one of the Knights of the Round Table?!"

"Isn't this right?!"

However, Saber didn't pay attention to Emiya Shirou's words at this time. She just frowned and kept trying to think.

At this time.

In the video

"call out!!"


These magic circles did not wait for Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu to prepare before they launched an attack again! The purple energy explosion also devoured Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu in an instant!

However, this time, Mashu He and Fujimaru Ritsuka did not stay where they were. The moment the magic circle exploded,

Mashu directly pulled Fujimaru Ritsuka away from these attacks and kept rushing down!

"call out!"



"Bang bang!!"

But 470, Mashu and the others' actions were sensed by the Demon God Pillar in just an instant! The purple energy beam attack also kept bombarding Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka!

This made Mashu have to stop. , using the shield in his hand to resist the attacks.

When these attacks dispersed, Fujimaru looked at Mashu who was trying to resist, and also had other thoughts.


With that said, Fujimaru directly pressed a white button on his combat uniform!

"The person you want to assist next is not me."

"But him!"



As Fujimaru Ritsuka's words fell, a small magic array similar to Chaldea's magic array for summoning followers appeared on his body!


Servant summoning magic array?!

In Fujimaru Ritsuka's body appeared on the body!

This....This is simply difficult for magicians in various worlds to accept!

【Kenneth;...No, is Chaldea's magic development already so advanced?! Can a servant summoning array be engraved on the combat uniform?!】

【Tokiomi Tosaka: This is indeed very outrageous.....I didn't expect Chaldea to be able to do this, but how did he do it?!】

【Emiya Shirou: But, will this look have any side effects?! This is a Servant Summoning Formation engraved on the combat uniform, and this combat uniform was worn by Fujimaru Ritsuka on his body. If he were to summon it directly, would it drain away Fujimaru Ritsuka's magic power?!】

【Matou Kariya:...Logically speaking, no, but there are definitely side effects. I just don’t know what kind of side effects they will be. But looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka's actions in this video, I think the side effects will not be too great and will not affect Fujimaru Ritsuka's normal actions. 】

In the world of Chaldea.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the Servant Summoning Magic Formation that appeared on his body in this video!

Also a little surprised!

He also didn't expect the combat uniform he was wearing in this video.

It also has this effect!

This is true, beyond Fujimaru Ritsuka’s expectation!

However, Da Vinci next to him was thoughtful

"Well, you can still do this!"

"It seems that the me in this video is thinking much further than I am now."

"However, it’s not too late now"

"Let’s first take a look at the side effects of this combat uniform, and then consider whether to imitate Chaldea in this video."

"Let’s also come up with a combat uniform like this!".

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