"It's not sabotage, it's just checking the backdoor we left last time."

Silver Wolf was a little unhappy and muttered,"You never cared about these things before."

"That's because someone who can't be included in Elio's script has appeared."

Kafka sat comfortably on the chair.

Her left leg was crossed over her right leg, creating a thrilling purple-red curve. There was a barely perceptible bulge on her belly, which was unique to mature and plump beauties.

There were four buttons on it, which seemed to indicate the direction to move forward.

"Therefore, our plan must also change accordingly."

Kafka opened her red lips slightly, and an indescribable figure emerged in her mind. Her eyes, full of temptation, became extremely deep:"Don't forget......That terrible enemy."

Beside him.

Silver Wolf didn't know whether he heard it or not, his expression gradually became ugly,"Damn it, almost all the backdoors I left behind have been cleared out, with only one in the Black Tower office!"

"Black Tower did it?"Kafka restrained her expression and smiled.

Sometimes it was quite interesting to see Silver Wolf being defeated.

"It wasn't that woman's work."

Silver Wolf quickly tapped the virtual keyboard.

After a moment, he glared at Kafka angrily:"It was that bastard who did it, Kafka, is he from the space station or one of us!"

"Why can't it be yours?"

A teasing voice came from outside the door.

The door opened and Ji Chen appeared in sight, holding lunch for three people.

"It's so funny, you are worthy of my attention?"

Silver Wolf glanced at Ji Chen, his eyes showing undisguised disdain.

Ji Chen was a magnanimous man.

He didn't care about Silver Wolf's provocation, put the sumptuous lunch in front of her, and very considerately arranged the knife and fork for her.

Then there was the purified water and bread that Kafka wanted.

He pulled over a chair and sat down.

The three of them enjoyed today's lunch in this conference room.

Kafka was still very elegant when she ate. She bit off a piece of bread with her red lips, chewed it carefully, and the number of times seemed to be carefully calculated, and then swallowed it into her stomach.

There was not even a crumb on her lips.

Ji Chen didn't even have a chance to help her clean up.

After lunch.

Silver Wolf pushed the empty plate directly in front of Ji Chen with her little hand, then crossed her legs and continued to lean on the chair to play games.

Ji Chen was not angry at all.

He smiled and threw the tableware into the void.

Then he took out three cups of after-meal drinks.

Looking at Kafka's appearance while tasting, he asked a more interested question:"Xing, what is the relationship between you and her?"

Kafka paused.

After a moment's silence, she said calmly,"Genetically speaking, a quarter of the data that makes up Xing's body comes from me. When she was a child, I took care of her. After all, whether it's Silver Wolf, Blade, or Sam, they are too bad at this."

Ji Chen's eyes lit up,"In other words, in a sense, Xing is actually yours......."

Kafka smiled but didn't answer.

But in a way, this question has been answered.

Ji Chen leaned back in his chair contentedly and breathed a sigh of relief.

But he soon thought of something and looked at the little silver wolf and said,"What about the other three quarters? Is there a share for her?"

Xing loves playing with her phone so much.

It should be related to the silver wolf, right?

"You should ask her about this."

Kafka did not answer for Silver Wolf.

Ji Chen turned to look at the internet-addicted girl who was playing games and touched her fair arm.

He was looking forward to whether Xing had two mothers or a kind aunt.

Seeing that Silver Wolf did not speak,

Ji Chen grinned and reminded (threatened):"Ether cassette."

The fingers playing the game paused.

Silver Wolf turned his little face to the side, as if he saw through his dark thoughts, and said contemptuously:"So what, Xing is a genetic product cultivated in a laboratory, and does not have parents in normal human cognition."

"How do you know I'm not a normal person?"Ji Chen looked at Yin Lang in surprise.

Yin Lang was completely stunned.

How could there be such a thing in the world?......

"There is one more thing, I think it is your responsibility."

Ji Chen looked at Kafka's white shirt.

Then he looked at Silver Wolf, that small chest without the slightest curve:"The star's gene must have come from you. If little Xingxing goes hungry in the future, you will be fully responsible!"

"Go to hell!!!"......

At 2pm, in the Black Tower office.

As the simulation of the universe has made rapid progress in the past two days, one of the partners, Screw Gumm, has come here from afar.

This is related to the secrets of the Star God, and even this mechanical gentleman feels a little incredible.

"Black Tower, the detailed data has been analyzed, but you haven't told me the most important logic yet"

"What?" Heita asked casually.

"Who is the person who brought changes to the simulated universe? You have modified the data in this regard, and I can't retrieve even one historical image."Screw Gumu's tone was serious, and it was impossible to find any fault with it.

Estelle, who was standing by, naturally knew who had been communicating with the teacher all night.

The corners of her beautiful eyes softened.

"The data has been given to you, what else do you want?"

Heita refused directly.

She was the one who paid the price again and again to let Ji Chen test the simulated universe.

It had nothing to do with Screw Gumu, or even Ruan Mei.

Ji Chen could only belong to her.

"As a collaborator, I think I have the right to share these." ScrewGum's mechanical voice is still orderly and full of logic.

"Really? Then take your technology and quit. The simulated universe no longer needs you."

Heita folded his arms and ruthlessly burned the bridge.

On the side.

Estelle almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

Why didn't I realize before that the teacher actually had such a cute side.

Screw Gumu touched his forehead helplessly,���When he was about to reason with Heita, the entire space station suddenly trembled slightly.

Esta was the first to react.

She said to Heita, who was frowning,"It's two o'clock in the afternoon now. The Dawn Plan has begun. Ji Chen should have started it now.""

"Ha, let's see what this guy is capable of."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge holographic screen appeared in the office, showing the scene of the space station.

"According to the plan, Ji Chen should appear......Here."

Esther adjusted the holographic image.

Then she was stunned, opened her rosy mouth in shock, as if she had seen something incredible.

Beside her.

Heita was also stunned, but soon recovered, only the depths of his blue-purple pupils lit up with a strange light.

This guy's strength seemed to exceed her expectations.

He is already qualified to become......

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