Cocolia pursed her soft lips:

"Klipperburg has officially issued a notice to inform all citizens that the person who proposed"revitalizing the country through imperial examinations", opening up the promotion channel for civilians, and issuing 10,000 Winter City shields according to resident ID cards is the husband of the Great Guardian, you, Lord Ji Chen."

"Probably tomorrow morning, it will reach the ears of every citizen."

"So, you will probably have some troubles when you walk on the street in the future, and you will be surrounded by the fiery enthusiasm of the people of Beloberg."

Cocolia said, and she couldn't help feeling a little nervous. She carefully watched the changes in Ji Chen's face.

She used the people's support and honor, and turned it into a sense of responsibility to"tie" Ji Chen.

On weekdays.

Ji Chen always looked relaxed, as if he never took anything to heart.

Even after having a good time, he lay beside her and held her in his arms, but there was still a feeling of unreality.

It was as if he would disappear at any time and never appear again.

Cocolia was afraid of losing him, so she thought of this way, wanting to keep him as much as possible, even if it was only for a short time.

"So that's it......"

Ji Chen looked down at Cocolia's delicate face.

No idea could be seen on her face.

Just when Cocolia was getting nervous and afraid to breathe,

Ji Chen suddenly smiled and pinched her fair face.

"You are such a good Cocolia, you actually dared to cheat your husband. Tell me, how are you going to compensate me!"

Cocolia relaxed, lowered her head and put her cheek on Ji Chen's chest.

In her soft voice, there was a shy charm:"Let my husband deal with it."

Ji Chen couldn't help but breathe hotly.

But he didn't plan to let her go."Not enough, you have to be the same as usual. You are the great guardian, the only god in Beloberg's heart."

Cocolia instantly understood what Ji Chen meant.

The shame in her eyes became stronger.

But her face gradually became serious, and she became the cold and majestic ruler of Beloberg again.

Looking at Ji Chen with cold eyes,"Let you deal with it!"

This strong contrast of being naked but having a majestic and sacred temperament completely ignited the burning atmosphere.

In the dark room of the big office.

The clouds and rain lasted for a long time......

Night fell.

After a day of excitement, the people of Beloberg all lay awake in bed, looking forward to a better tomorrow.

Great Guardian and Lord Ji Chen.

These were the most frequent and pious words they used that day.

A great change that would go down in history was about to begin.

Everyone would be lucky enough to witness it with their own eyes!

The passion and glory echoed in their hearts for a long time.......

He carried Cocolia, who had worked hard for most of the day, back to the bedroom. He covered her with a blanket, bent down and kissed her fair forehead.

Ji Chen gently left the room and closed the door.

At this time, the other office areas of Klipperburg were still brightly lit.

Speaking of it, Cocolia, the great guardian, was still somewhat incompetent, of course, the main reason was Ji Chen.

He was thinking about whether to give her more bonuses, anyway, all the money spent was the assets looted from those powerful families.

Ji Chen walked slowly on the street, heading towards the edge of the passage that had been eroded by the rift.......


Bronya is directing the Iron Guard to sort out the looted materials.

These materials can be described as massive, which shows the heinous crimes committed by the powerful and capital over the years.

But fortunately.

Under Ji Chen's arrangement, all the able-bodied men of those noble families will be forcibly incorporated into the Iron Guard.

After a short training, all will be deployed in the upcoming star core counterattack.

They will use their own blood to wash away the crimes they have committed.

Whenever she thinks of this.

Bronya can't help but think of that familiar figure in her mind.

But her face gradually dimmed.

At this moment.

Bronya suddenly noticed something out of the corner of her eye, and subconsciously looked at the corner of the street.

The back figure flashed by.

"It's him. That's not the direction of the bookstore. It's so late. Where is he going?"

Biting her lip and hesitating for a moment,

Bronya called an officer and ordered the Iron Guard to continue collecting the supplies.

Then she quietly followed.......

Edge passage.

This used to be the Beloberg neighborhood.

You can see neatly arranged streets and modern buildings such as street lamps and telephone booths. But now it has become a paradise for world-shattering monsters.

Bronya chased the figure into the street.

But after turning a corner

, the figure disappeared like a ghost.

Bronya instantly became nervous. She immediately reached for the gun handle.

The next second, a sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded from behind.

Bronya turned around and raised the gun. When she was about to pull the trigger, a big hand grabbed her wrist firmly.

"Wow, so cruel, shooting as soon as they meet?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Bronya breathed a sigh of relief quietly, without any relaxation on her face.

She glanced at the bastard who appeared behind her and said:"According to the Iron Guard's order, anyone who trespasses into the Rift Corrosion Area without permission will be regarded as an enemy."

"So I am an enemy too?"

"That’s right!"

"Then I surrender, take me back."

Ji Chen raised his hands.

But he did not let go of Bronya's soft little hands. He raised them together.

""You lecher!"

Bronya blushed and pulled her hand back.

She could no longer keep a stern face.

She looked around and asked,"It's so late, what are you doing here? Do you need my help?"

"It's nothing serious, I'm just a little tired and can't sleep, so I came out to relax and prepare for the next step of conquering the star core."


Bronya stood up straight, her eyes suddenly became serious.

"I'll go with you!"

Star core.

The source of all Yalilo's disasters.

As the leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, Bronya knew how powerful and strange it was.

If Ji Chen could really subdue it, then Bronya was willing to give everything she had, even if it meant sacrificing...

"Don't be so serious."

Ji Chen waved his hand and helped her tie the ice blade spear back to her slender waist.

"This time I'm just experimenting. If you want to follow me, then let's go."

"But there is no geothermal heater here. Do you want to go back and put on more clothes?"

"No need."

Bronya shook her head.

"OK, let's go."

Ji Chen didn't say anything else. He glanced at Bronya's thin blue and white military high-slit long skirt and took the lead to walk to the depths of the edge of the passage.......

In order to avoid a fearless battle, the two of them kept walking around the world-shattering monsters.

Most of these monsters were not intelligent and would only wander around unconsciously.

It was easy to avoid them.

Walking onto a long street,

Ji Chen looked around and suddenly his eyes lit up. He quickly walked forward.

"Did you find anything?"

Bronya followed closely.

She saw Ji Chen picked up a stick and smashed a supply container.


""I haven't come to brush the supply container for a long time, and the feeling is still the same as before."

Ji Chen sighed.

Listening to the reminders of [Destruction] and [Exploration] +1 in his ears, he felt even more relieved.

"It's you who's said to be the thief who often destroys the supply containers in the army!"

Bronya snorted coldly and looked at Ji Chen unkindly, as if she was going to execute him and defend the military discipline on the spot.

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