After breakfast, he briefly talked to Ji Zi and contacted her by phone.

Ji Chen stood up and was about to leave the train.

However, he did not expect to meet Sanyueqi, who had just washed up and looked radiant with skin so white that it almost reflected light, in front of the train door.

"There is dirt on your face!"

Ji Chen said seriously

"Really? Help me blow it away."

March Seven raised her pretty face, her eyes were bright and charming.

Ji Chen was stunned.

Before he could react, March Seven changed her expression, raised her delicate little feet, and kicked him hard in the abdomen,"Go to hell!"

With a scream,

Ji Chen gurgled down the gangway, fell to the ground, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

March Seven hugged his arms in front of his chest, his face full of pride.

Finally, he got his revenge for yesterday.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement from outside.

March Seven gradually became worried, thinking that Ji Chen had been kicked on the head by him and fainted.

He jumped off the train nervously, wanting to see what was going on.

As a result, as soon as his feet touched the ground, he was locked by a pair of arms.

As soon as the words reached his throat���It was blocked directly and made a humming sound.

"Little Sanyue, sometimes being too kind is not a good thing."

After tasting her lips, Ji Chen looked at Sanyueqi, whose face was flushed and whose limbs were gradually weakening. He felt a little greedy. But he knew that this girl was not easy to mess with. While she was still not fully recovered, his palm slipped into her skirt, and with a strong fragrance, she turned around and disappeared outside the train platform. Almost a moment later, Liu Xiang's cold breath, wrapped in a huge shame and anger, chased after him from behind.


The corridor of the containment compartment.

After making sure that Sanyueqi was gone.

Ji Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sanyueqi was also strange. After turning off the lights at night, he could hold her to sleep.

But in broad daylight, let alone kissing her, even holding her hand would get him beaten.

Unless he sneaked up on her when she wasn't paying attention. Wiping the non-existent sweat from his forehead,

Ji Chen walked slowly towards the main control compartment.

I wonder if the stationmaster Estelle will complain about being delayed for so long.

As for the distinguished guest.

Judging from the time, this should be another dazzling mechanical intelligent life after Club #27, Mechanical Emperor Rupert.......

Arriving at the core control area,

Esta was directing several department heads in an orderly manner to deal with the upcoming Dawn Plan and the guest.

Ji Chen waited for more than ten minutes.

Esta handed over a cup of hot tea with a very apologetic look.

"I'm really sorry, the space station has been too busy these two days."

Ji Chen smiled, not minding at all, took a sip of tea, and started to work.

"When is the plan to start? I will go and prepare now."

Esda was very relaxed in front of Ji Chen. After pondering for a moment, she touched her smooth chin and said,"It was originally planned to start at 10 o'clock in the morning, but because of the guests, it can only be postponed to 2 o'clock in the afternoon."

"That's right."

Esta looked up at Ji Chen with some mystery:"Are you interested in guessing who is the guest visiting the space station today? Friendly reminder, it is related to Ms. Black Tower."

Ji Chen raised the corner of his mouth and gave the answer directly:"Seat #76 of the Genius Club, Screw Gumm"

"you......How did you know?"

Esther opened her mouth in shock.

As a distinguished guest of the Interstellar Peace Company, Screw Gumm, who had the same status as the Black Tower, suddenly visited the space station. Apart from the company's top executives, there were only herself and......

Esta suddenly thought of something and blinked her bright eyes:"Did Ms. Black Tower tell you?"

Ji Chen smiled and did not explain.

He continued:"If Screw Gumu comes, then the Dawn Plan's virtual network defense and attack will need to be changed."

"Yes, I asked you to come here today for this reason."

Esta looked a little embarrassed,"Mr. Screwgoom's arrival must be due to the simulated universe, so Ms. Black Tower will definitely appear as well. In this case, the plan we prepared before will be a little bit of a mess."

"So, you can contact that person.......Friends, let her put more energy into it."

After saying that, Ester looked at Ji Chen expectantly.

Those watery eyes that seemed to be able to speak made people reluctant to refuse.

Ji Chen understood what Ester meant.

Screw Gum, Silver Wolf, plus the professional expertise, compared to the slightly inferior Black Tower.

If we can have a hearty virtual confrontation at the Black Tower Space Station.

Then in the future, the entire space station, in terms of virtual networks, will become a watertight iron bucket based on this experience, and there is no need to worry about problems in this regard.

But all this requires the consent of the arrogant genius hacker to take action.

The only person Ester can ask for is Ji Chen.

Looking at the expectant eyes.

Ji Chen coughed lightly and nodded:"Don't worry, Silver Wolf......"I'll take care of my friend's side."

For Silver Wolf, this might be just a piece of cake.

The most important thing is that there are things in the Black Tower Space Station, or in the simulated universe, that she is very interested in.

This is the most important bait.

Next, the two discussed the details of the next plan for more than an hour.

Ji Chen once again witnessed Estelle's almost terrifying ability to control the overall situation.

It is no exaggeration to say that if she is given a planet and a little bit of initial resources, and there is a strong enough protector behind her,

Estelle can completely build a huge interstellar empire.

Thinking of this, a bold idea came to Ji Chen's mind.

He subconsciously looked at the cute little rich woman in front of him with a silly face.

Estelle certainly didn't know that Ji Chen was planning to hit on her.

He found that more than an hour had passed.

His eyes were suddenly full of apology:"I'm sorry to have delayed you for so long again. How about this, I'll take you......"

Halfway through the conversation, there was a knock on the door.

Asta stood up and opened the door. It was a female clerk whom Ji Chen met during his daily mission. She was a cyborg.

The news she brought was that Screw Gumm was about to arrive at the space station.

When Asta turned around, Ji Chen took the initiative to say,"It just so happens that I also have to invite that friend. See you this afternoon.""

"Thank you for your hard work." Estelle showed the sweetest smile on her face.......

As one of the members of the genius club who can promote the development of cosmic technology, the status of Black Tower and Screw Gumm can be imagined.

The Interstellar Peace Company went through untold hardships to establish some cooperative relations with the two.

This time, Screw Gumm came to the space station, and naturally he needed to be received with extremely high standards.

But for Ji Chen.

There is no need to meet this mechanical gentleman for the time being.

Half an hour later.

Neighboring galaxy.

Where Kafka and Silver Wolf temporarily stayed.

A luxury suite on the top floor of the Neon Building.

Blade was sitting in the living room, sharpening the fragmented sword covered with broken cracks with his fingers.

When he sensed the movement, he looked up and stared coldly.

After discovering that it was Ji Chen, he silently retracted his gaze and continued to concentrate on sharpening the sword

"Good morning, Ren. You are accompanying your wife again."

Ji Chen casually greeted Ren as he passed by him. He did not expect him to reply, and walked inside.

Kafka's room was not closed.

She was leaning on the sofa, playing with her phone lazily.

Her every move showed her maturity and temptation.

She did not have the monstrous evil appearance of the Star Core Hunter as rumored by the outside world.

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