Huanlong is undoubtedly very powerful.

Using the body condensed by Jianmu, she can face Jingyuan, Longzun Danheng, and the star of the double destiny.

Coupled with the weird state of soul flame. It was the first time that Ji Chen dealt with such an enemy, and he was somewhat restrained.

Even after spending a full half an hour, Huanlong still found a flaw and escaped from the seal.

At the last moment.

Ji Chen only pulled out a flame from her flame body.

It was at this moment that the naked Huanlong figure appeared in his palm.

Kafka stopped joking.

He looked seriously at Huanlong in Ji Chen's palm.

After a moment, he frowned slightly:"She seems unconscious?"

"This is just a soul fragment, it is normal that it has no consciousness."Ji Chen explained

"What's the use of that? I thought I could get some clues to destroy the Star God. What a waste of joy."

Silver Wolf yawned and huddled into the sofa, with tears in her eyes.

It was late at night.

She was already too sleepy.

After working so hard for so long, she gained almost nothing except saving Blade.

"Let's try the Word Spirit Technique."Ji Chen looked at Kafka


Kafka nodded after hearing that.

A faint light was released from her purple-red pupils, locking onto the somewhat dazed phantom in Ji Chen's palm.

Unfortunately, after a moment, she shook her head and said,"I can't sense any will that can be controlled by the Word Spirit. This situation only exists in severely damaged mental patients."

"That's a pity, I thought I could pry something out."

Ji Chen pinched the soft body of the phantom man in disappointment.

In the depths of the dark universe, a huge and graceful phantom figure comparable to a star suddenly groaned, forcibly cutting off the sensory connection with the remnant soul, and a crazy and destructive light flashed in his eyes.

""You're a pervert." The silver wolf on the sofa saw Ji Chen's actions, his face full of contempt and disdain.

Ji Chen chuckled.

After putting away the phantom man, he put his right hand under his nose and took a breath intoxicatedly,"Exquisite buttocks, a beauty on earth"


Silver Wolf's fair face suddenly turned red.

He glared at the shameless bastard with gritted teeth.

"Okay, Silver Wolf, it’s getting late, go back to your room and rest. I have something to talk to Ji Chen about alone."


Hearing Kafka's gentle voice,

Silver Wolf, who had been sleepy for a long time, stood up without any hesitation. Before leaving the room, he turned back and glared at Ji Chen fiercely.

The luxurious suite was suddenly filled with a quiet atmosphere.

Smelling the fragrance emanating from Kafka beside him,

Ji Chen felt his heartbeat speeding up little by little.

"Next, it's time for the two of us, you promised me."

Kafka took off her coat gracefully in a soft and charming voice, revealing her perfect and sexy curves......

Train set.

The next morning.

Sanyueqi opened his eyes and found no one around him. His colorful pupils flashed with disappointment.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the phone.

He clicked on Ji Chen's chat box and typed a line of words casually:"Hey, what are you doing."

On the top floor of the neon building.

Ji Chen was awakened by the message alert sound.

He raised his hand and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Seeing Sanyueqi's message, he yawned and replied:"I'm cleaning the black tower. I used it last night and forgot to clean it."

I put down the phone and realized that I was lying on the floor. No wonder my waist and legs hurt.


Three exclamation marks.

Ji Chen could even imagine the girl's eyes wide open in shock.

"No wonder the black tower doll on the platform disappeared, it turns out you stole it!"

"Return it quietly and quickly!"

"Let me tell you! Black Taco is terrible"

"If she knew you did that to her doll,......If you do something so dirty, you're done for!"

"The train may not be able to save you!"

A series of messages came at the speed of light.

It was enough to show how anxious March 7 was.

"Don't be afraid, the black tower can't do anything to me, I can knock her down with one punch."

After sending the message,

Ji Chen got up from the floor and prepared to take a shower.

But when he saw the big bed next to him, he was stunned.

Kafka was lying on her side on the bed, sleeping quietly.

Her intoxicating purple-red hair was scattered on her beautiful cheeks and her white and shiny neck.

Further down, the ravines that could swallow everything were displayed without reservation.

The perfect curve formed by her graceful body was more like the most perfect picture in the world, making people unable to look away.

Although Kafka, who was sleeping soundly at this time, had lost the charm of a mysterious bad woman, she had added a few strands of gentle temperament out of thin air, as if she was lying in his arms, a soft and coquettish beautiful wife.

"This is Kafka's room. Why am I sleeping on the floor? What happened last night?

Ji Chen racked his brains.

He remembered that Kafka couldn't wait to ask him to fulfill his promise last night and help experiment and expand the Word Spirit Technique.

He was like a little white mouse.

He let Kafka penetrate his spirit and will again and again.

Until he was so sleepy that he fell asleep directly, and the scene stopped abruptly.

"Nothing should have happened."

Ji Chen exhaled.

He took a deep look at the beautiful body lying on the bed, wearing only thin clothes, and turned to walk towards the bathroom.......

After washing up,

Ji Chen changed into clean clothes, left the suite, and prepared to go to the restaurant to get some breakfast.

He happened to meet Silver Wolf who came out from next door.

The lazy little face looked like he had eaten a fly after seeing Ji Chen:"Why haven't you left yet?"

Then he thought of something and suddenly looked at the room where Ji Chen walked out:"No, you didn't leave last night?!!!"

"Do you have any objections?"

He glanced at Yinlang lightly.

Ji Chen did not explain, deliberately letting her imagine, and walked slowly towards the restaurant.

Seeing Ji Chen's figure disappear,

Yinlang was very anxious and wanted to go into Kafka's room to see what was going on.

But he was afraid of seeing something he shouldn't see.

Finally, he stomped his feet and rushed to the restaurant.

If this bastard really did something bad to Kafka!

He will never be forgiven!......

Ten minutes later

""Thank you for your hard work last night."

In the restaurant, Kafka looked at Ji Chen with a gentle smile, and a trace of apology appeared on her delicate and beautiful face.

She was indeed too anxious last night. She couldn't wait to improve her long-standing speech and spiritual skills through Ji Chen, the hard-to-find"little white mouse".

As a result, one of them almost exhausted his mental power.

The soul was exhausted countless times. Both of them fell asleep in a daze.

If it were anyone else, they would have become an idiot without intelligence after being subjected to this kind of"torture".

As for whether Ji Chen went to bed with Kafka last night, it has become an unknown unsolved case.

After all, both of them had blacked out.

"It's okay, I'm glad I can help you."

Ji Chen put down his knife and fork and wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue.

"It's getting late, I'll go back first. When you want to continue, just contact me by phone."

Seeing Ji Chen's figure disappearing out of thin air,

Kafka showed a charming smile on her face.

It was indeed a bit embarrassing last night.

But the gains were also great. The Word Spirit Art, which had not made any progress for a long time, has gradually opened up a new path.

"Tampering with the Star God."

Every time I think of Ji Chen's words.

Even though Kafka is as calculating as a demon, she can't help but feel a little hot.

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