After leaving Ji Zi,

Ji Chen came to the corridor.

It was completely dark now, and it was time to rest.

There was no light in other passengers' rooms.

He returned to his room.

After taking a cold shower,

Ji Chen sat leisurely on the sofa.

Thinking of what he promised Estelle during the day, he took out Kafka's phone from the void.

He called up the friend list, and a few avatars appeared.

He scanned them one by one.

Ji Chen became playful, clicked on [Blade]'s avatar, entered the chat box, and typed a message:"There are five people, I want to fight four, you......One of them!"

He was really looking forward to how Blade would respond.

Unfortunately, as soon as the message was sent, a line of small words appeared below: Message sent failed

"No signal? That shouldn't be the case."

Ji Chen clicked on Kafka's profile picture again and thought carefully for a moment:"Are you there? V Silver Wolf."

There was no message failure this time.

But there was no immediate reply. It was not until two minutes later that a message prompt appeared:"Haha, do you think you are very humorous?"

Ji Chen glanced at it and said:"Children should not touch adults' mobile phones."

"Whose child?! Your whole family is children!"

"Urgent, urgent"

"Ha, you forced me to do this!"

The message was briefly quiet.

After a moment:"Hahaha, you poor bastard, you don't even have any bank account in your name! Hahaha!! You didn't come from some corner! It's so funny!"

It was followed by an emoticon that made your stomach hurt.

Ji Chen looked at the black card lying quietly in the void space, and the 10 billion credit points in it, without any ripples in his heart.

Ester is still experienced.

She gave him a black bank card, on which no clues about Ji Chen could be found, but he could spend money at will.

"Is it funny?"

"Are you angry? Hahaha, cough, Kafka said that the Star Core Hunters should help each other, so, you call me Sister Silver Wolf, no, Aunt Silver Wolf, and I will transfer 10,000 credit points to you, how about that, it's a good deal!"

"Do you believe it?......I'm behind you now......"

In a splendid villa on a prosperous planet in a galaxy adjacent to the Black Tower Space Station,

Silver Wolf leaned on a luxurious sofa, holding a bear cub in his arms, and saw a message pop up on his phone.

Suddenly, he felt a chill on the back of his neck. He subconsciously looked behind him.

A large floor-to-ceiling window, through which he could see the starry night sky.

"This bastard actually dared to scare me."

Silver Wolf breathed a sigh of relief.

Although that guy was a little weird, it was absolutely impossible for him to cross a galaxy to find me. He immediately became a little angry.

His fingertips quickly tapped the screen:"It's so funny, who do you think you are! Star~God~! How about I transfer ten credit points to you, go buy a scale, and weigh yourself."

After the message was sent, there was no response.

Silver Wolf waited for a long time, and after confirming that Ji Chen was offline, he yawned out of boredom.

"This guy, he can't help but laugh."

Then he picked up the game console and continued the online game he had just played.

This game is not friendly to newcomers.

But Silver Wolf relied on his superb skills to overcome this problem in a short time.......

After playing for more than ten minutes,

Silver Wolf felt a little sleepy. He looked at the time, stood up, stretched, and walked slowly to the bathroom.

Kafka should be almost done at this time.

After taking a bath,

I will return the phone and go to bed.

Thinking of this,

Silver Wolf subconsciously looked at the silent chat box of Blade on the phone.

I don’t know how the task is completed.

There has been no reply for an hour.

Enter the bathroom.

Fill a pool with clear warm water, and then sprinkle a few fragrant petals into it.

Silver Wolf nodded with satisfaction.

He took off his coat and threw it on the hanger next to him.

He unbuttoned his shorts and bent down to take them off.

However, just halfway through,

Silver Wolf suddenly noticed a figure appearing out of thin air behind him.

Without any hesitation,

Prometheus appeared on his wrist, transformed into a sharp light blade, and subconsciously and instinctively slashed behind him.


The light blade seemed to be chopping on a hard rock, making an unpleasant impact sound.

"It was blocked!"

Silver Wolf was deeply shocked. Prometheus was her life-long weapon that was a perfect combination of science fiction and ancient artifacts, which she had created at great cost and with the help of the blade. It was almost invincible in the past.

But today it was blocked so easily.

Gritting her teeth,

Silver Wolf was about to mobilize all her energy, but her exposed shoulders were suddenly gently touched by a hand.

Then all her strength was strangely sealed.

At the same time, a teasing and familiar voice sounded, which made Silver Wolf feel relieved, and her whole body tensed up.

"Silver Wolf......Aunt? I'm here to withdraw 10,000 credits."

With a gulp,

Silver Wolf swallowed nervously,"Don't mess around! Kafka is next door! Believe it or not, I'll call her now!"

"Shout, even if you shout until your throat is broken, no sound will come out of this room."

Ji Chen gently and tenderly held Silver Wolf's shoulders and asked her to face him!

Her little face was nervous and scared, and there was no trace of the arrogance during the chat!

The phone Kafka gave him had a tracking and positioning program buried in it. Kafka did not hide it, and Ji Chen did not erase it.

Because he could use the power of intelligence to reverse the coordinates.

As long as he had the coordinates and spent a little more time, Ji Chen could appear in front of the rebellious internet-addicted girl with almost half of his pioneering destiny.

Of course, the most important thing is the Black Tower Space Station, which is a neighbor of the galaxy where the planet under his feet is located.

If it is farther away, even if he has the coordinates, it will be very difficult for Ji Chen to do it with his current strength.

When he boarded the Star Dome Train from Yalilo,

Ji Chen used the power of destiny to cover the starship, locked the pioneering atmosphere emitted by the train, and flew in the vast universe for nearly a week.

In the future, if he occupies the entire pioneering destiny, or the rest of his power is improved to a certain level, he may be able to achieve physical leap and travel between Yalilo and the Black Tower Space Station in a very short time....

In the bathroom,

Silver Wolf was half-undressed. She tried her best to keep a straight face, as if she didn't want to lose face in front of Ji Chen, but the nervousness and panic in her eyes still betrayed her completely.

After all, they were alone in the bathroom.

She was so pretty, had a good figure, and was so cool.

What if Ji Chen's beastly nature exploded and wanted to take her by force?

Silver Wolf had almost no ability to resist.

"Forget it."

Ji Chen suddenly spoke up and let go of Silver Wolf's shoulder:"He's just a little brat, is there any need to get angry with you?"

"Who is Xiao......"

Silver Wolf retorted halfway through his retort and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Wait for this guy to let down his guard.


Her ether editor is not a vegetarian!


Ji Chen took out his phone, showing the exclamation mark of being blocked by Silver Wolf, and pretended to recall:"I remember saying last time, if you dare to block me,......What is it?"

Seeing the heat gradually revealed in his eyes.

Silver Wolf shuddered and his whole body went numb.

He finally realized what this bastard was going to do to him.

He covered his butt with a panicked look and warned him forcefully:"You dare to mess around! Kafka will never let you go!"

"It's still unclear who will let whom go."

Ji Chen muttered, moving his wrists a few times.

Then he laughed like a devil, raised his evil palm, and approached the weak, helpless and panicked Silver Wolf step by step,"They say that the butt of a pressed duck is a treasure. Today, I must experience it myself, hehehehehehe!"

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