With a creaking sound, the door opened from the inside.

The warm girl's room and the soft and lovely girl herself were revealed.

When she saw that it was Ji Chen standing outside the door, San Yueqi's face tightened and she hurriedly tried to close it.

But it was too late.

One of Ji Chen's feet had already been inserted into the door frame.

"Get out!" Sanyueqi glared

""Don't come out!" Ji Chen said shamelessly.

"I call you Sister Jizi!"



San Yueqi was so angry at Ji Chen's indifferent look that his chest heaved, but he had no way to deal with it. He was about to explode.

"Don't be so heartless. I'm just asking you for a small favor."

"I thought about it over and over again. The entire train, no, the entire space station, can only be completed by the lovely, beautiful and generous Xiao Sanyue."


Sanyueqi tried to keep a straight face, but the corners of her delicate mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Of course!" Ji Chen nodded heavily.

"That......Go ahead and tell me, but let me make it clear first, if it’s too much, I will definitely not agree to it!"

"Yes, it's very simple. Please help look after the child."

"Looking after the child?"

March Seven was stunned by Ji Chen, and his pink little head subconsciously leaned out of the door.

"Where are the children?"


Ji Chen stretched out his hand and pointed at the cute Xing.

Sanyueqi looked at her and blinked.

Xing also blinked.

The two of them stared at each other,"You call someone this old a child?"


Ji Chen took Xing's delicate little hand and placed it in the equally soft little hand of San Yueqi:

"She is less than three days old. It would be great if you can help take care of her for a while and teach her some basic common sense."

"All right......"

San Yueqi nodded and reluctantly agreed.

Xing looked clean, beautiful and pure, and she really liked her.

Two cute girls would definitely have a lot of common topics when they were together.

""Then please."

Ji Chen nodded to Xing, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something:

"In March, when will the trains start running again?"

"It will take about a week. The train needs repair and maintenance."

"One week? That's enough."......

When he got out of the train, he saw the space station staff waiting there.

At Ji Chen's request,

Esta did not spread the story of his space station savior.

It was mainly because it was too troublesome.

It would be great to be a passerby, so that when he flirted with the beautiful space station staff, he would not have any burden.

Not long after,

Ji Chen came to an office.

""Sir, Stationmaster Ester is waiting for you inside."

After thanking him,

Ji Chen entered the office and saw Ester sitting at the table, flipping through documents.

Her perfect and seductive waist and small buttocks outlined a curve that was enough to kill people.

"Mr. Ji Chen, you are here."

Hearing the footsteps,

Estelle turned around with a sweet smile on her face.

Without waiting for Ji Chen to speak, she took out a black card from her pocket and handed it to him.

"There are some credits in here. They are from Interstellar Peace Company, as a token of gratitude to Mr. Ji Chen for saving the space station."

"The stationmaster is too polite.

Ji Chen took the black card from Estella's little hand shyly.

He didn't want money unless Pepe pinched his head.

"It's nothing, just 100 million credits, just a tiny bit of kindness."

""Duo Shao?" Ji Chen opened his eyes wide and his voice changed a little.

"One billion~~"

Estelle blinked innocently.......Not much.

If the space station budget hadn't been consumed too much, she could have given more. She felt a little guilty.

Looking at those innocent and lovely eyes,

Ji Chen swallowed his saliva unwillingly. He subconsciously looked at Estelle's plump long legs.

Is it too late to hug her now?

Rich woman, hungry, food!

Being stared at by Ji Chen's fiery eyes,

Estelle's face was slightly distorted.

But she didn't say anything coquettishly, but felt a little shy.

But fortunately, Ji Chen also had to save face.

He quickly raised his eyes and his eyes became serious.

"Stationmaster Esta, I have something that I need the help of the space station and the Interstellar Peace Company behind it."

"Mr. Ji Chen, please tell me. As long as Ester can do it, I will not refuse."

Ester's face was full of sincerity.

There was no need to worry that she would be hypocritical and play tricks in front of others.

It was precisely because she hated the ugly struggle within the family that she chose to become a student of the Black Tower and manage this space station on his behalf.

"I want to buy a complete set of infrastructure equipment and powerful ground combat weapons, such as mechas, cruise fighters, space rail guns, etc., needed for a civilization to develop into a high-tech interstellar era."


Estelle looked surprised. She obviously didn't expect that Ji Chen's request was actually these.

"I know it may be a bit difficult to ask, but as long as I can do it, Ji Chen will do my best to repay you."

Ji Chen looked sincere.

He gently returned the credit card he had just received, which was not yet warm, to Estelle.

"No, no."

Esther waved her hands quickly,"I just didn't expect that Mr. Ji Chen's request would be this."

After thinking for a while,

Esther looked at Ji Chen cautiously and expectantly,"Can you let me know the reason for buying these things?"

She felt that there must be some unknown secrets behind this.

If Ji Chen was willing to share with her, she would be very happy.

"Of course."

Ji Chen nodded and simply told Estelle about the invasion of the planet Yaliluo by the star core and antimatter army....

"So that's how it is......"

After digesting this information,

Esta looked at Ji Chen with an undisguised look of emotion.

It turned out that everything Mr. Ji Chen did was to revive his devastated homeland.

This was simply too great.

A hero of civilization left his homeland where he had lived since childhood and came to a dangerous universe. After countless hardships and injuries, he finally brought back the seeds of technology that led to the progress of civilization. In the eyes of countless expectant people, he grew into a towering tree. Isn't this something that only happened in the history books of civilization!

She was lucky enough to witness this scene with her own eyes.

Esta's breathing gradually quickened, and she felt the blood boiling in her body.

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