"You want me?"

Heita frowned and turned his head away in disdain, avoiding Ji Chen's burning gaze.

"Yes, I want you......Space station."

Ji Chen said the second half of the sentence slowly and methodically.

"Space station?"

Heita was slightly stunned."What do we need it for? This is just a warehouse for storing things, with some interesting objects and some uninteresting people."

"Of course, I want to do something comfortable. Why, you are not reluctant to give it up, are you?"

Heita's eyes flashed with hesitation. He seemed to be weighing the value between this warehouse and Ji Chen.

""Forget it." Ji Chen waved his hand,"Since you are so stingy, I won't make things difficult for you. Just lend me a few clerks and rare items, and I'll return them to you after use. Is that okay?"

Ji Chen seemed to compromise and stated his real request.

In this space station, any inconspicuous clerk is the most outstanding genius on their respective home planets.

They are willing to come to the space station in order to follow the Black Tower.

And the Black Tower.

The messenger of the Star God of Knowledge and a member of the Genius Club, has broken through many academic theories that can be called miracles.

Even the most powerful and richest Interstellar Peace Company in the universe.

With an almost flattering attitude and spending unimaginable amounts of money, the Black Tower was reluctant to establish partial contact with them.

One of the purposes of Ji Chen's visit to the space station this time.

Is to borrow some talented clerks for the great leap forward in scientific and technological civilization on the planet Yalilo.

"A few clerks and strange objects?"

Heita nodded,"No problem, now, test the simulated universe!"

"as you wish"......

Two hours later.

Heita looked at Ji Chen, whose face turned pale and seemed a little weak, with disdain:"Why is it not working?"

"Maybe I've done it too many times and I'm a little insensitive. How about I lie down this time and you take charge of the whole process?"

Ji Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead and panted softly.

Heita ignored him and muttered to himself:"I have tried all kinds of destinies, why can't I attract the simulated star god again?......"

"Is it because the realism is not high enough?"

Heita suddenly turned around and covered the projected control panel with his hands:"I am going to upgrade the simulated universe. You should leave here and continue testing after the upgrade."

After saying that, without waiting for Ji Chen to answer,

Heita closed his eyes and could vaguely see the light of the code flowing rapidly under his eyelids.

"Throwing it away after use, what a scumbag."

Ji Chen rolled his eyes, left the office leisurely, and walked towards the strange object storage cabin.......

"Fragments of the Meteorite Sword. Not bad. Wings of Wind? There's not even knees in this place. Can it fly?"

Ji Chen carried a big bag and stuffed several interesting objects into it.

Including the wretched scoring gun.

When he returned to the train group, it was already early in the morning.

Dan Heng came out of the information and duty room. He didn't sleep all night, but he didn't look tired at all.

It can be seen that Long Zun's physique is amazing.

It gave Ji Chen a bold idea.

The conductor Pam, who also didn't need to sleep, made a table of delicious breakfast.

At the table.

March 7 saw Ji Chen coming, frowned his delicate nose and said,"Why did you suddenly disappear last night?"

"What's wrong? When you woke up in the morning and didn't see me, you felt like something was missing?"

""Don't worry about your big head, there are a lot of things going on in the space station these two days, don't run around and make trouble for others!"

After March Seven finished speaking, he suddenly realized that the atmosphere in the restaurant was a little strange.

Turning his head, Ji Zi and Walter, who could be said to be the seniors of the train team, looked at Ji Chen, then looked at her, with gentle smiles on their faces.

In an instant, March Seven's pink cheeks were completely filled with blush.

"Don’t make random guesses. There’s nothing going on between this guy and me. I only took him in out of kindness because something weird happened in his room last night!"

"Well, Xiao Sanyue, we all know it."

Ji Zi's smile became more gentle, like a caring elder,"However, young people should know how to be moderate, after all, health is the most important"

"It’s not like that! Bastard, say something!"

Sanyueqi stared at Ji Chen with shame and anger.

He felt that his innocence was about to be lost!

Ji Chen looked into the beautiful colorful eyes affectionately:"Sanyue, I will be responsible for you!"

"I'm sorry, you big head ghost!"

San Yueqi stepped hard on Ji Chen and turned away in shame and anger.

After taking a few steps, he returned to the dining table and took his own breakfast, then disappeared from everyone's sight.

"It's still fun to tease someone because of the entanglement."

Ji Chen couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, and saw Ji Zi and Walter, who also had a smile on their faces.

Only Dan Heng was eating there coolly, not paying any attention to the jokes and joy here.

"No, where is Xing?"

Ji Chen realized at this moment that the two-year-old Xing baby did not come to the restaurant for dinner.

"She should still be sleeping."

Ji Zi ate a piece of fruit elegantly, her red lips looked even more vivid,"It's normal to be sleepy when you're on a train for the first time. On the day when Xiao Sanyue was salvaged from space, she slept for a whole day and two nights."

"How can that be possible!"

Ji Chen stood up and walked towards the train compartment:"She is the protagonist who is about to save the universe, she must not get the bad habit of sleeping in!"......

In the rest car.

Ji Chen passed by March 7's room. Through the crack in the door, he could see the girl sitting at the table, huffing and puffing her breakfast.

The little skirt behind her was inadvertently tightened, revealing her youthful and fair appearance.

There was no trace of the shy look just now.

Ji Chen took a few glances, then retracted his gaze and walked a few steps to Xing's door.

Knock knock knock.

There was no response after the knock on the door.

Ji Chen, who had expected all this, reached out and took out a key from his empty pocket.

Insert it, turn it, click~~

The door opened.

At a glance, he saw Xing sleeping soundly on the big bed, with only half of her head exposed and messy gray hair.

Ji Chen, who considered himself half an old father, of course wanted to help Xing get rid of the bad habit of sleeping in.

He closed the door casually and came to the soft big bed.

It seemed that he could feel the gaze.

Xing opened her eyes, and after seeing that it was Ji Chen, she closed them lazily again, and turned over, revealing her white shoulders.

"Get up and have breakfast, everyone is waiting for you"

"Let me sleep a little longer. I'm so sleepy.~~"

Listening to the lazy nasal voice, Ji Chen sat on the bed, stretched out his right hand, and gently placed it on Xing's soft head.

Then he closed his eyes, and the power of memory gradually filled the whole room.

Xing just stood there motionless, letting Ji Chen do what he wanted.

It can be seen that she trusts him.

After a while.

Ji Chen opened his eyes, and disappointment flashed across his face.

Kafka's words are still very powerful.

With his current power, he couldn't unlock the sealed memory in Xing's mind.

But one thing can be confirmed.

Xing is definitely not a newborn printed by Silver Wolf, but was teleported to the space station across the stars.

She has a complete childhood and adolescence life experience.

Right next to Kafka.

She is considered a half mother.

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