Silver Wolf chuckled twice and glanced at Ji Chen with disdain.

""Ha ha ha again, believe it or not, I will taste your airport here and there?"

Ji Chen looked at him unkindly.

For a rebellious internet-addicted girl, beating her with sticks is the best way to educate her!

Silver Wolf's face froze.

He quickly hid behind Kafka.

Looking at this guy, he might really do something so crazy!

"Okay, Ji Chen, I've given you my phone number, remember to contact me when you have time."

Kafka smiled softly.

She had heard footsteps outside, rushing towards here.

Without wasting any more time, she was about to leave with Silver Wolf.

"Wait, I'll take you there."

Ji Chen took a step forward and clenched his fist and blasted forward.

With a muffled sound

, a passage that could accommodate two people was blasted open in the void ahead.

On the other side of the passage was the vast universe, where a sci-fi ship was suspended.

Kafka stared at Ji Chen deeply.

Without saying anything else, she disappeared into the void passage at the same time as Silver Wolf.

Outside the containment room, footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Ji Chen glanced at Xing, who was still in a coma lying on the ground.

After thinking for a while, he also lay on the ground, resting his head comfortably on Xing's thighs, and closed his eyes.......

Inside the accelerating spaceship,

Kafka leaned back on the sofa, her long and tight legs outlining a breathtaking beauty, and she sipped the red wine in her glass elegantly.

After a moment, she lazily said to the Silver Wolf in front of her:"How is it, is there any result?"


Silver Wolf shook his head in distress,"I searched all the existing information, and there is no clue about Ji Chen. It's like he appeared out of thin air!"

Kafka didn't seem to be too surprised by this result:"The universe is huge, even the Interstellar Peace Company, which is spread all over the galaxy, can't guarantee that it has explored every planet."

"So it is normal for some people who are not in the information to appear."

Silver Wolf put down the terminal.

He said expressionlessly:"What I want to know more is why it was so easy to let that guy join us?"

Kafka took a sip of red wine.

Her red lips seemed to have just become brighter, and a strange light flashed in her seductive pupils:"Because I found that he has several completely different destiny powers."

"And each of them is very powerful. If we win him over, it will be of great help to our plan."

Speaking of this,

Kafka recalled the scene not long ago when Ji Chen punched out a void channel.

The smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more intense.

Was he deliberately showing it to her?

Really......Very cute............

At the same time, two figures entered the room where the star cores were stored.

They saw two people lying unconscious on the ground.

"Ji Chen?!"

After seeing one of the people on the ground, San Yueqi showed an expression of disbelief on his face.

Then he rushed over quickly.

"What happened to him? Dan Heng, come and have a look!" His voice was filled with anxiety.

"The heartbeat and pulse are very weak."

Dan Heng half-knelt down to check Ji Chen's pulse and shook his head, saying,"He may need artificial respiration."

"Artificial respiration?"

March 7 was startled and stammered,"I......I don't have much experience."

But when he saw Ji Chen's unconscious appearance, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Dan Heng, get out of the way."

After sending Dan Heng away, San Yue Qi took a deep breath, leaned over and kissed Ji Chen. She did this more than ten times in a row.

San Yue Qi's face was flushed from holding back, and she gasped for air.

But she found that Ji Chen still showed no signs of waking up.

She was so anxious that she didn't care about her lack of oxygen. She took another deep breath, held Ji Chen's face, and kissed him deeply. When their lips touched, there was a sweet, soft, and sweet feeling.

While San Yue Qi was breathing, she looked at Ji Chen who was so close to her without blinking.

A shy light gradually appeared in her eyes.

At this moment,

Ji Chen's long eyelashes trembled, as if he was about to wake up.

San Yue Qi was frightened and quickly got up.

She covered her chest and looked very nervous.

"Um......Where is this......"

Ji Chen opened his eyes, his face full of weakness and confusion.

When he saw the cute girl half-kneeling beside him, he immediately rushed over in surprise.

"March? Great! I finally get to see my family!"

"Uh-huh, cough, loose...release..."

Sanyueqi was held so tightly that she couldn't breathe. Her face turned red and she struggled to pat Ji Chen's back.

Ji Chen reacted and quickly let go of her soft body.

When Sanyueqi was blushing and gasping for breath, he looked at Xing who was still unconscious beside him.

He raised his hand and patted her face.

"Hey, sleepyhead, wake up."

As if by some magic,

Xing, who was still unconscious just now, slowly opened his eyes.

"By the way, Ji Chen, how did you suddenly disappear from the train and appear here? Who is this beautiful girl?"

San Yueqi, who had recovered from the shock, leaned over and looked at Ji Chen in confusion, and looked at Xing who was even more confused than her.

"I don't know either."

Ji Chen spread his hands,"I was looking up information in the reference room when I suddenly heard a sentence 'Aha, what a shame', and then I appeared here, and I just woke up."

"That’s right."

Ji Chen thought of something and looked at San Yue Qi and said,"I remember I was in a deep coma. How did you wake me up?"

"without......It's nothing! I just used some simple first aid!"

Sanyueqi's crystal face was instantly filled with blush, and her voice was nervous and shy, looking very cute.

Danheng shook his head and silently checked other parts of the room.

"this......Where is it? Who are you?"

Xing's confused voice sounded.

Ji Chen said seriously:"This line has been said once, change it"


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