Ji Chen was a little confused.

Driving without vision is risky.

The transmission of the Starry Sky Train is uncontrollable.

This is why Ji Chen suddenly appeared on March 7's bed.

Looking at the alert little face not far away.

Ji Chen sat up straight and put on a harmless smile.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly realized that there was something hanging on his head.

He raised his hand and touched it, put it in front of him and took a look, his eyes suddenly widened slightly.

This is a small white panty decorated with a bow.

It feels soft and seems to still have some temperature.

Almost subconsciously.

Ji Chen put it under his nose and sniffed it.

A faint complex fragrance immediately rushed into his nasal cavity.

"Ah! You pervert!!"

San Yue Qi was filled with shame and anger.

She no longer cared about the identity and strength of this mysterious man.

She pounced on him with her claws and teeth bared, and punched him hard on the head with her pink fists.

Then, while he was covering his face in pain, she quickly snatched the small fat man that she had just replaced and had not had time to pack up. She stuffed it into her pocket as quickly as possible.

I don't know if it was because of excessive force or because she was holding it in, but a layer of crystal redness covered her pink face.

"Tell me who you are, or I will call Pam to slap you to death!"

March Seven's eyes were full of vigilance.

The Starry Sky Train was sailing in the vast universe, and this man could suddenly appear on her bed.

His strength must be extraordinary.

Thinking of this, March Seven reached into her clothes, trying to touch her cell phone to send a message to Uncle Ji Zi Yang.

But she found nothing.

When she entered the room, her cell phone and coat were thrown on the bear sofa together, and she felt bitter in her heart.

On the big pink bed,

Ji Chen helplessly straightened his hair that was messed up by March.

Then he looked at that cute little face.

He showed a sunny smile:"Hello, my name is Ji Chen, I'm a good person"

"Bad people don't say they are bad people, you can't fool me."

Sanyueqi put his hands on his waist, looking like he saw through everything.

"Wow, you are so smart!"

Ji Chen gave Sanyueqi two thumbs up and looked at him in admiration.

Sanyueqi tried to suppress the upturned corners of his mouth,"Don't play tricks on me, tell me where you came from and how you got into my bed."

"Well, it’s a long story. Actually, I am also a victim.

Ji Chen’s face gradually became serious.


March Seven frowned cutely, with confusion in his eyes.

"That's right!"

Ji Chen nodded heavily and was about to start fooling San Yueqi.

But his eyes suddenly fell to the door.

Almost at the same time, the door was pushed open, and a pair of mature and beautiful long legs walked in.

"Sister Jizi!"

March Seven's eyes lit up, and he rushed directly to the elegant and dignified elder sister.

Finally, he didn't have to face that mysterious guy alone!

"My friend, can we have a talk?"

Ji Zi's voice was neither fast nor slow, and her gentleness was filled with the confidence of being in control of everything.

"If I'm not mistaken, everyone on the train except March 7 should know that I'm on board, right?"

Ji Chen smiled.

"That's right."

Ji Zi nodded calmly.

"Then let's go to the observation car. Some things may require you to take the train."

Ji Chen said, and turned to leave the room.

Outside the door,

Dan Heng stood there with his hands folded across his chest, his expression very cold.

"Good evening, cold-faced little green dragon."

After greeting with a smile, Ji Chen walked towards the observation car with great familiarity.

"cold noodle......Xiao Qinglong? Is he talking about me?"

Dan Heng narrowed his eyes, put down his arms and followed silently.

In the room,

Ji Zi stopped San Yueqi who was about to run out excitedly.

He looked down at her helplessly and said,"San Yue, are you going to go out like this?"

"How to go out like this?...Wow!"

March Seven looked down at her body, her puzzled expression instantly turned into panic. She rushed to the bear sofa and quickly put on her clothes.

She went back to her room to sleep, and she was almost half naked.

Because she was used to it, she didn't notice it.

So just now, she was half naked and chatting with that guy for so long?


Why didn't he remind me!!......

"I'm from a lost planet"

"There has just ended an extinction crisis, and technological civilization has seriously regressed"

"As a messenger of civilization elected by all people, I drove the only well-preserved old world warship towards the endless void."

"There is only one mission, to bring back the spark of civilization for the mother planet."

Ji Chen looked pious, his eyes fell on the vast and endless starry sky outside the window, as if he saw his own dying homeland.

"Lost planet?"

Walter looked at Ji Chen, and there seemed to be something special in his mature eyes.

"He is lying."

Dan Heng said calmly.

San Yueqi shouted excitedly:"This guy is really a bad guy, Uncle Yang, tie him up quickly!!"

"I mean every word I say."

Ji Chen looked at San Yue Qi seriously:"Don't think that you can find fault with others just because you are cute!"

"This young friend."

Walter stroked his cane, and his voice was emotionless:

"That 'ancient' warship can help you leave the planet, but it can never go beyond the galaxy. You are using the power of destiny, right?"

Before the previous interstellar warship was destroyed,

Pam sensed a breath of life inside, which soon disappeared.

Jizi and Walter noticed something unusual.

So they deliberately let the train crew go back to rest, but in fact they were secretly on guard and set up bait.

Otherwise, Jizi and Danheng would not have appeared outside March 7's room so quickly.

""Walter is worthy of the name of the world."

Ji Chen praised.

Then he said to Pam politely:"Conductor, can you give me a cup of coffee, with ice, thank you."

During this period, except for encountering a space fleet on the way and borrowing some food and [Synesthesia Beacon] from it, he has not eaten anything else. He has been thirsty for a long time.

"No problem."

Since Ji Chen appeared, Pam has been staring at Ji Chen with her head tilted.

Now she heard his request. She didn't hesitate at all and walked towards the coffee machine with a pia pia

"Huh? Pam, when did you become so easy to talk to?"

March 7's face was full of question marks.

Ji Zi looked at Pam, then at Ji Chen, and then at Walter.

They both seemed to have noticed something.

Soon, a cup of iced coffee was placed in front of Ji Chen.

After Ji Chen thanked him, he picked it up and drank it all.

A comfortable expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hey, we've had our coffee, isn't it time to tell us about yourself?"

Sanyueqi put his hands on his waist and looked at Ji Chen unhappily.

"Of course."

Ji Chen nodded heavily, and then a powerful force surged out of his body, filling the entire observation car in the blink of an eye.

Dan Heng's eyes suddenly focused, and his right hand was clenched, ready to take out a weapon at any time.

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