The gate of Beloberg.

Time passed by minute by minute.

More and more world-shattering monsters rushed out from the depths of the ice field and rushed towards the city gate fearlessly.

On the city wall, Bronya looked at the time.

Less than twenty minutes had passed since Ji Chen left, and most of the Iron Guards' ammunition had been consumed.

The rear supply chain had almost no chance to breathe.

This was the result after the Silver Mane Iron Guards concentrated on clearing all monsters in the edge passages after obtaining the Iron Emblem of World-Sweeping.

Otherwise, the situation would be even more grim if they were attacked from both sides.

Take a deep breath.

Bronya picked up her weapon, ignored the dissuasion of her followers, jumped off the city wall, and came to the tragic battlefield.

Front line of defense.

Xier held a blue giant sickle, panting slightly, and in front of her was an imaginary leaf weaver that was cut in half.

After continuous high-intensity fighting with monsters, even with the fate accessories given by Ji Chen, her physical strength has begun to run out.

Not to mention those Silver Mane Iron Guards who were highly nervous and would die if they relaxed a little.

If there is no change in the short term, Beloberg's fate will be doomed.

He raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Xier was about to hunt an outer universe flame that was advancing with artillery.

Suddenly, he saw a Yanhua creature rushing out from the ground at the ground fire line not far away.

With scorching flames burning all over his body, he quickly pounced on a member of the ground fire.

"Get out of the way!"

Seele's face suddenly changed, and she was about to move over.

But the monster was faster, and it was about to completely ignite its fellow Earth Fire.

In a flash, a crisp gunshot rang out. The rapidly flying Yanhua creature was like hitting an invisible wall, and its body exploded directly, turning into a pool of broken red Yan crystals.

Looking in the direction of the gunshot,

I just saw Bronya putting away her sniper rifle, her movements were graceful and cool.

On this battlefield full of smoke and tragedy, she was like a holy flower in the sky.

"I didn't expect that you, a pampered young lady, would actually walk down the city wall to meet the enemy in person."

Seele came to Bronya and spoke bluntly.

However, compared to the first time they met, there was no tit-for-tat sarcasm.

Bronya did not explain anything.

She glanced in the direction of Yongdong Ridge, and a flash of worry flashed in her eyes,"There are only ten minutes left."

Then she continued to hold the gun and fight against the monsters that broke through the defense line.

Seele was not to be outdone. Her figure turned into a blue butterfly and disappeared. When she appeared again, the sharp blade instantly crushed a powerful Eternal Winter Disaster Shadow......

A few minutes later, the entire battlefield turned into a tragic ocean.

The boiling blood almost soaked the frozen soil. More and more Iron Guards fell when the first and second lines of defense were defeated.

Only the last city wall was left, blocking the Rift Monster and the people of Beloberg.

Under the city wall,

Bronya was covered in blood and gasping for breath, watching the Iron Guard corps retreat to defend the city gates under the pursuit of the monsters.

The continuous artillery fire on the city wall could not stop the fearless monsters.

They were like pure killing machines, knowing no fear of fear or pain. Even if their bodies were blown in half, they still crawled towards the city gate with red eyes.

"What are you doing here! Retreat to the city wall!"

Seele appeared beside Bronya and took her back. Her heavy breathing and tired eyes showed that she was in a state of semi-exhaustion.

In just over ten minutes, she didn't know how many monsters she had killed. Her entire arm holding the scythe was aching and almost falling apart.

Bronya let Seele pull her and retreated towards the city gate.

But at this most chaotic moment, the elite rift monster with intelligence attacked Bronya.

In the violent spatial fluctuations, three shadows of the cannibals appeared out of thin air, surrounding her. They attacked Bronya who was surrounded in the middle.

"Bastards, go to hell!"

Seele's eyes released a dazzling blue light, and the butterfly ornament she kept close to her body surged with tremendous energy, instantly filling her body.

The butterflies flying all over the sky turned into sharp edges, raining down on the three Devourer Shadows.

But the long battle made Seele almost exhausted, and her speed inevitably dropped. It was too late to change direction after barely passing by the monster's body.

Seeing that Bronya was about to be torn to pieces by the monster, all the iron guards on the city wall who noticed this were horrified. There were countless world-ripping monsters on the ground, including the three Devourer Shadows that were about to attack Bronya.

As if it had suddenly lost its soul, its movements stopped strangely for a moment.

The bloodthirsty madness in its eyes, like a beast, also melted at this moment, and it turned back into the monster that was confused and only wandered around by instinct.

""Bronya, get out of the way!"

Hearing Seele's shout,

Bronya subconsciously turned aside.

The next second, the sharp edge was used overwhelmingly, strangling the three elite Devourer Shadows in the blink of an eye.

After doing all this,

Seele bent over and gasped, her physical strength was rapidly depleted, and she could hardly stand.

But she knew that Beloberg won this battle at the city gate.

Inside the city wall.

A new round of weapons and ammunition was delivered, and they quickly climbed onto the city wall, bombarding the world-breaking monsters in rows.

These monsters no longer had the madness of fearlessness and death. Although their strength had not subsided, they all acted on instinct. They were dizzy from the dense barrage and artillery fire, and even began to flee towards the ice field.

The war that lasted for seven hundred years was about to win its first victory......

Two hours later.

The sound of gunfire has stopped.

The ground outside the city is full of debris left by the dead monsters.

Every Silvermane Iron Guard who participated in the war showed an unconcealable joy on his face.

But everyone knows that this is just a small victory.

After hundreds of years of development, the planet is already full of rifts, and the monsters produced are almost beyond description.

If you want to retake your homeland, you must expand outward with Beloberg as the center until all monsters are eliminated.

This process will take a long time.

It may take several years, or even decades or hundreds of years.

The flame of hope has been ignited, and if you want to make it burn, you need the belief that everyone in this city will win.......

The front-line command room.

Compared with the lively atmosphere outside, the atmosphere here seems a bit depressing.

"Haven't you found it yet?"

Bronya looked at the Iron Guard officer who had just returned from outside the city.

"We dug deep near Yongdong Ridge, but still found no trace of Lord Ji Chen."

The Iron Guard officer said cautiously, not even daring to look at Bronya's face.

"You can't find a living person. Are all the Silver Mane Guards like you useless people?!"

Xier stood up fiercely, and a sickly flush appeared on her pale face. She turned her head to look at Bronya, and turned to walk out of the city.

Obviously, even if her body has not recovered yet, she will go out of the city to look for Ji Chen in person.

"Wait, I'll go with you!"

Bronya followed without hesitation.

"Lady Bronya, you can't......"The Iron Guard officer was about to stop him, but was interrupted by Bronya.

"That's enough. Things here are over. I don't need to continue to take command. But if I don't find Ji Chen, do I still have the face and confidence to continue leading the Silver Mane Guards?"

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