
The piercing and loud sound of the war horn pierced the sky. Every citizen stopped what they were doing and stared at the city gate.

Living in Belloberg, they knew what the sound of the war horn meant.

An inexplicable tension began to spread.

The war that would decide the fate of this city had officially begun.

Everyone, whether alive or dead, would witness it with their own eyes.


Silvermane Iron Guard camp.

Bronya, in military uniform, led a group of guards to the parade ground. In less than three minutes, the densely packed Silvermane Iron Guards were all ready to go with live ammunition.

In the sound of the battle horn, countless soldiers' blood gushed out, and their hands holding their weapons trembled uncontrollably.

It was not because of fear, but because they could not suppress the passionate fighting spirit in their hearts.

Before joining the Silvermane Iron Guards, all the soldiers swore under the battle flag that one day in their lives they would go out of the city and fight to the death with the world-shattering monsters that destroyed their homes.

And this day has come.

They will write history themselves and be remembered forever by the Eternal Frozen Monument.

Standing on the high platform of the parade ground, looking at the blazing flames of war in the eyes of the Silvermane Iron Guards,

Bronya knew that she didn't need to say anything more.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, she slowly drew out her spear.

Pointing the gun at the city gate, her voice was clearly heard by every soldier:"Everyone, the war has begun. Behind us is our only home. As Silvermane Iron Guards, you......How to do?!"

""Fight! Fight! Fight!!!"

The neat sound of killing almost drowned out the loud war cry.

Every Silver Mane Iron Guard soldier shouted these three words with all his strength.

Under the iron bones, the iron-blooded killing intent was fully revealed.

The eyes under the iron helmets were already glowing with a thick bloodshot.

"Let's fight!"

At this moment, Bronya's momentum was no less than Cocolia's.

Under her command, thousands of troops spread out like a tide, quickly and orderly landing on their own battlefield.......

The city gate.

The overwhelming monsters of the Rift Realm, as if summoned by something, stepped on the corpses of their companions crushed by the barrage and rushed towards Beloberg frantically.

Among them, powerful beings such as the Shadow of the Guardian can be vaguely seen.

This was almost impossible in the past.

Because these monsters have almost no IQ, they can only wander around the Rift Realm by instinct.

Now they are gathering in a large area, there must be a leader behind them.

Around the city wall, there are constant sounds of gunfire and artillery fire.

All the Iron Guards are fighting hard to resist the enemy and use their weapons to stop the monsters.

But the number of monsters this time is too much.

If you come to the sky above Beloberg, you can clearly see that the dense group of monsters is like a tide in a river, rushing towards the city like an island in the river.

Every city defense soldier knows that it will take at least ten minutes for the military camp troops to arrive. Whether they have weapons, ammunition or the number of personnel, they are not enough to support such a long time.

Then there is only one way, that is to ignite the tens of thousands of pounds of explosives under the city gate. Only in this way can the monsters be stopped and time for support is gained.

The explosion killing range is hundreds of meters.

Unless they evacuate in advance, everyone on the wall will be buried with the monsters.

"Lord Ji Chen, please withdraw to Klipperburg first."

The officer in charge of the city gate defense came behind Ji Chen and said,"With us here, these monsters will never step into the city gate!"

The Iron Guard soldiers had already made preparations to sacrifice themselves.

But they could not watch Ji Chen die here.

After smiling,

Ji Chen shook his head and said,"Don't worry, it hasn't come to that yet."

After speaking, he patted the city defense officer on the shoulder and strode towards the city wall.

The city defense officer was stunned.

Because when Ji Chen patted his shoulder just now, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind............

"Quick! Reload your cannonballs, the monsters are getting closer!"

"Don't stop firing grenades! Use your spears to find gaps and penetrate them. Don't let them break through the defense line!"

"Don’t worry about the wounded for now, support from the city will arrive soon, brothers you must hold on!"......

The harsh and dull sound of gunfire continued.

Every iron guard of the city defense was desperately defending the defense line.

But even so, the roar of the monsters was getting closer and closer. Frost crystal creatures, relying on their flying ability, had even rushed to the city wall one after another, and crashed into the muzzles of the iron guards' guns one by one. In less than three minutes, the defense line formed by the barrage of gunfire quickly collapsed.

The overwhelming monsters, along with the violent tremors of the earth, were approaching rapidly.

It was even possible to clearly see the bloodthirsty fierceness of those monsters, as well as the unique cold breath of cracking.

It was estimated that in no more than thirty seconds, this steel city gate would be broken through.

Unimaginable consequences would result.

Originally, according to the final plan, the self-destruction program needed to be activated immediately, and the entire city wall and the soldiers guarding the city would be buried here together with the rifting monsters that pounced on them.

But now, because Ji Chen was there, there were variables that no one could predict.

Just when the city defense officers could not make a decision, a dazzling golden light suddenly broke out from the front, and in the blink of an eye it was like the scorching sun, making it impossible for the naked eye to look directly at it.

Only a vague human figure could be seen in the golden light.

Like a god, he stepped into the void and appeared above the densely packed world-shattering monsters outside the city gate.

"This is......"Lord Ji Chen."

After a brief moment of confusion, the shock in the officer's heart could no longer be described in words.

All the Iron Guards and the world-breaking monsters were also attracted by the golden light ball like the scorching sun, and even forgot what they were doing.

The next second, the golden light ball fell down and hit the center of the densely packed world-breaking monsters.

Amidst the earth-shaking roar, endless golden light spread wildly around, devouring thousands of powerful world-breaking monsters in the blink of an eye.

The light dissipated.

A strange vacuum area appeared outside the city wall.

The countless world-breaking monsters that had existed had disappeared out of thin air, as if they had never appeared.

In the center of the open space, a silhouette slowly emerged.

His face was pale, his clothes were messy, his breath was weak, and he was breathing heavily, with beads of sweat dripping from his pale forehead.

It was Ji Chen who had just caused all this.

At this time, he was obviously exhausted and looked very weak.

"Quick! Get out of the city and pick up Lord Ji Chen!"

The city defense officer finally came back to his senses from the shock, and remembered the voice that sounded in his mind when Ji Chen patted his shoulder.......

Ice field outside the city.

A group of world-rifting monsters that were not swallowed by the golden light hundreds of meters away showed panic in their eyes and did not dare to get any closer.

At this moment.

An inexplicable breath spread from a very far distance.

The panic in the eyes of all the monsters disappeared in an instant, and they became violent and bloodthirsty again, continuing to roar and rush towards the city wall.

Ji Chen, who was half-kneeling between the city wall and the monsters, felt the ground shaking violently.

There was a hint of amusement on his drooping cheeks.

Almost at the same time.

The void in front shook, and a powerful guardian figure appeared out of thin air.

The scepter in his hand was raised high, and the dazzling lightning burst out, slamming towards him fiercely.

Ji Chen looked up, a panic expression on his face, and almost subconsciously raised his arms to block in front of him.


The thunder fell heavily on his body.

He vomited a large mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew backwards more than ten meters and fell heavily to the ground.

"Damn it! Concentrate your firepower and smash that monster for me!"

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