After answering for a while,

Pera maintained an absolutely rational"flow" state, waiting for the next question.

But when she saw Ji Chen's face gradually showing a smirk of success, she finally realized what happened.

Her face flushed. She immediately clenched her black silk legs.

She felt like there were ants crawling on them.

She gritted her teeth and glared at Ji Chen angrily, wishing she could kick him in the face.

"Hey, you are a meticulous intelligence officer who never changes color when facing a landslide. You should watch your face."

Ji Chen reminded with a smile.

Pera calmed down.

He adjusted his glasses and said calmly:"If the citizens of Beloberg knew that the Lord Ji Chen whom they admired like a god was actually a shameless and lustful person, what do you think they would think?"

"They won't believe it."

"Then they think that you, a small intelligence officer, are deliberately slandering Lord Ji Chen and must be thrown into a pig cage."

Looking at the playful smile on Ji Chen's face,

Pera opened her rosy little mouth and finally lowered her head in frustration.

She really couldn't beat Ji Chen.

The two of them were not���Even if something unspeakable really happened, she could only swallow it in silence.

"Let's talk business. The glasses I gave you contain a lot of wisdom and destiny."

"It will turn your brain into a super-precise quantum cosmic computer, which can control the entire resources and military power of Beloberg in the most global and detailed way."

"This will play an irreplaceable and huge role in the upcoming war."

Pera stroked the cold metal glasses and nodded seriously.

Then he asked with a little doubt:"Intellectual destiny? What is this?"

Ji Chen thought for a while:"Do you know Klipper?"

"It's Lord Amber King!"

Pella corrected strictly

"Ah, yes, yes, the path of wisdom and destiny was opened up by the Lord of Knowledge. He and Lord Amber King are both one of the eighteen star gods."

"It turned out to be the power of another star god, no wonder it is so incredible."

Pella murmured, and the doubts in her eyes disappeared.

Beloberg's technology has seriously regressed, but some historical books have been preserved intact.

She knows that there are many supreme beings like Lord Amber King in the world.

But she thought of something else.

Her eyes moved to Ji Chen,"How can you use the power of the star god?"

"Don't give it back to me."

Ji Chen raised his hand to take off his glasses.

Pera quickly covered her head with both hands, and lay on her thighs, protecting her glasses tightly.

A voice came from the gap:"There is no reason to take back something that has been given away!"

Ji Chen did not speak.

He picked up the curled up petite body and put it on his legs.

He continued to take off the glasses in a muffled voice.

I don't know how long it took.

Ji Chen suddenly felt that the air was a little stagnant.

He naturally put down Pera, whose little face was red and seemed to be broken.

And helped her tidy up her messy clothes:"That's it, when you go back, help me bring this pair of earrings to Bronya, and tell her to intensify her training, we don't have much time!"


Pera took the earrings from Ji Chen, lowered her face, and left the clinic with weak legs.

Seeing Pera's back disappear

, Ji Chen looked at the kitchen door as if he had just discovered something, and said embarrassedly:

"Nata, Xier, are you done so soon? I was going to help you, but I was discussing military affairs with Pera just now and accidentally forgot the time."

"Despicable and vulgar!"

Xier crossed her arms and looked at Ji Chen with disdain.

Natasha lifted her hair from her forehead,"Xier, it's getting late, you should go back and rest, right?"

"It's only five o'clock in the afternoon......"

Xier frowned and said halfway, suddenly saw Natasha smiling with an unquestionable look.

She nodded immediately and said,"No problem, I'll go back and rest now!"

Natasha, the boss of Dihuo and the owner of the clinic, usually looks approachable and has an innate affinity.

But the core members of Dihuo have never had any intention of disobeying her orders.

The reason is worth pondering.

After sending Xier away.

Natasha got up and closed the door of the clinic, took off her hairband and let all her soft hair down.

With her gentle and beautiful wife face, it was simply the ultimate in lust.

Ji Chen swallowed his saliva.

Smelling the smell of gunpowder before the war

"This morning I went to the upper class area to buy supplies, and by the way I visited the largest women's mall and bought a lot of beautiful underwear."

Natasha came to Ji Chen, leaned down, and said with red lips:"Now they are all in the bedroom, do you want them?......Help me choose one?"

Ji Chen's breathing suddenly became heavier.......

Five hours later, night fell.

The tightly closed door of the clinic opened a crack from the inside.

Ji Chen covered his waist and walked on the street with a grin.

His face looked like a victorious general. He was full of vigor and vigor.

However, when he thought of the big guardian who was crying for food, his spirit suddenly became weak.

He sighed and walked towards the upper area with a fearless attitude.......

Time passed day by day.

The one thousand badges made by Ji Chen were named the Iron Badge of the World by Cocolia with his consent.

It means to level the world of all domains.

And distributed to a thousand Iron Guard regiments, and carried out high-intensity training with the Iron Badge of the World as the core.

For a long time, the ice field cold wave has been the biggest reason for hindering the Iron Guards' footsteps besides monsters.

Every year when patrolling outside the city, several brothers will die due to the extreme cold weather.

But with the emergence of the Iron Badge of the World, everything is solved.

Those cold winds that can scrape the bones can no longer hurt the Iron Guards.

The physical strength has also been greatly enhanced with the blessing of the Iron Badge.

It is no longer inferior to those powerful world-breaking monsters.

Even if the ammunition is exhausted, you can pick up weapons and fight monsters in hand-to-hand combat. It greatly enhances the Silver Mane Iron Guards' belief in winning.

The name of Lord Ji Chen.

It is also completely imprinted in the hearts of these iron-blooded warriors, and no one can erase it.

Even to a certain extent, it exceeds the ruler of Beloberg, the guardian who represents the preservation of faith.......

At noon on the fourth day

, there was a burning atmosphere over the entire Beloberg.

Everyone knew that the Great Guardian was about to launch a glorious war of recovery against the monsters outside the city.

More than half of the adult residents had joined the Silver Mane Iron Guard Recruit Camp, learning combat and weapon skills day and night.

The rest of the people were also involved in various industries related to the war, such as logistics, food transportation, planting, and the processing and production of medical supplies.

Svarro's mecha corps had also been concentrated in the barracks.

Their core modules had long been instilled with high-end tactics about war.

No training was needed, and they could go out of the city to meet the enemy at any time.

In this tense atmosphere of national preparation for war,

Ji Chen had a rare moment of leisure.

After returning from the lower district, he moved out a recliner and lay in front of the bookstore, squinting his eyes and basking in the sun comfortably.

Continue to enjoy the life of playing badly that he loves most.

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