After breakfast, more and more people came into the restaurant, and from time to time someone would steal glances at Ji Chen.

With obvious curiosity.

In the eyes of the people of Beloberg, the Great Guardian Cocolia is no different from a high god.

Ji Chen, who had completed the wedding with the guardian, was naturally a"god's" man.

People can't help but want to explore what's so special about him.

He picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth.

Ji Chen stood up to pay the Winter City Shield, chatted casually with the boss, and then turned to leave the restaurant.

At this time, there were already many pedestrians on the street. It took Ji Chen ten minutes to return to his bookstore, which was neither big nor small.

Not far away, in the blocks outside the city, you can see some signs of damage to the Rift, and the Silver Mane Iron Guards are constantly patrolling.

"Mr. Ji Chen, you are back."

The patrolling Silver Mane Iron Guard officer spotted Ji Chen and immediately came forward.

Ji Chen smiled and nodded:"Nothing happened here, right?"

"Everything is stable now!"

The eyes of the Silver Mane Iron Guard officer were filled with undisguised admiration.

On the day when the Rift Realm invaded the vicinity, it was he who led the brothers to patrol here.

Seeing the surging Rift Realm monsters, they had to fight to the death.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, all the monsters, including the Rift Realm that the power of preservation could not eliminate, disappeared completely.

No trace was left.

In the entire area, apart from the Silver Mane Iron Guards who were defending the line of defense, there was only the shop owner Ji Chen who was lying in front of the door basking in the sun and was slightly unhappy because he was disturbed.

"Thank you for your hard work. If you are tired, come to my shop and sit for a while."

After patting the Iron Guard Chief on the shoulder,

Ji Chen smiled and turned to leave.

In the eyes of these Silver Mane Iron Guards, the slightly lazy back was filled with an unattainable sense of mystery.

"Don't just stand there, hurry up and patrol, don't let any monsters appear in the neighborhood!"


I returned to my bookstore.

I cleaned up first, then sat at the counter, took out a piece of paper, and started writing.......

‘Join me’

‘Day jumps into night’

‘Happiness will not hurt’

‘No one wants to refuse’

‘Three days and three nights at midnight’

‘Don't stop dancing’

‘Three days and three nights at midnight’

‘Floating only on music’

‘Three days and three nights at midnight’

‘Only sweat all over my body’......

"When you finish writing a song, your memory power +1"

"Pioneering power +1."

Putting down the pen, feeling the two enhanced powers of the Star God in his body,

Ji Chen could not help but nod with satisfaction.

The power of the Memory Star God is related to memory.

Even digging into the deepest memory of oneself.

Ji Chen discovered this accidentally.

As the power becomes stronger, the memory in his mind becomes clearer.

The content that he accidentally scanned in his previous life can be recalled completely at any time.

With this in mind, he opened this bookstore, selling various online articles, poems and songs that he saw in his previous life.

The sales are very hot.

In fact, he is also a celebrity of some size in Beloberg. He can get large dividends from more than five publishing houses every month.

This small bookstore is just for him to kill time when he feels bored.

""Big brother, I have saved up enough Winter City shields."

A delicate little head stood on tiptoe and emerged from the counter.

The pure and flawless big eyes looked at Ji Chen expectantly without blinking.

"So powerful?"

Ji Chen showed a surprised expression on his face. Under the proud gaze of the little girl, he took the ten Winter City shields from her little hand.

Then he took out a brand new book"Dragon Tribe" from the bookshelf.Ⅱ》

In fact, the price of this book is far more than ten Winterfell shields.

"Of course! I have saved my pocket money for a long time!"

The little girl took the book carefully, holding it in her arms and reluctant to let it go.

"By the way, I heard from mom that my elder brother and the guardian are married. Is this true?"

"That's right."

Ji Chen nodded.

In the eyes of a little girl of this age, marriage probably means that two people can be together every day.

"Then you must have seen the Great Guardian. Is she pretty?"

The little girl's eyes flickered, and she looked very curious.

"Of course she is beautiful."

Ji Chen pinched her little face and said,"When little Liz grows up, she will definitely be more beautiful than the big guardian."

"Hehe, goodbye, big brother."

Looking at the little girl jumping and disappearing in front of him.

Ji Chen moved his eyes to the corner of the street and coughed lightly:"How long are you going to eavesdrop?" As soon as the voice fell.

A pair of slender black stockings and high-heeled beautiful legs first appeared in the sight.

Then came the figure of a beautiful queen.

The person has golden hair, and at the end, it forms an unconventional blue gradient.

Cold eyes, unruly highlights, and asymmetrical clothing design show a unique personality. The cold and arrogant blue and white color scheme on the left half is in line with the noble status of the former guard.

The style of the right half suddenly changes, with exaggerated iron earrings and necklaces.

All of them show the fiery and unruly in his heart.

And half of the exposed white On the waist, there is a cleverly printed light red lightning pattern, which makes people want to reach out and touch it.

Coupled with that mature and beautiful face, it is constantly challenging the bottom line of the heart.

It is Shiluwa, who graduated from the same military academy, Cocolia's good friend, and the owner of the perpetual motion mechanical house.

After Shiluwa appeared.

There was a strange light in her eyes, staring at Ji Chen without blinking, as if she wanted to see something from him. After being stared at for a long time.

Ji Chen felt a little uncomfortable, and spread his hands helplessly:"What are you looking at, is there something on my face?"

He and Shiluwa are quite familiar with each other, and have provided songs and beats for her rock concerts more than once.

But today, this woman is obviously a little bit wrong

"Ji Chen."

Shiluwa gave him a thumbs up and said,"You are the toughest man I have ever seen.��!"

"He actually married that woman named Cocolia!"

"I wanted to see her this morning, but was turned away. This is the first time! Hahaha!"

Shiluwa couldn't help laughing, and the towering building in front of her trembled.

Needless to say, she definitely didn't have any good ideas when she went to see Cocolia.

As good friends since childhood, it is normal for them to love and hate each other.

Ji Chen glanced at her sideways.

"You don't have a husband and you've never had a boyfriend, so how do you know I'm the toughest?"

"And you haven't seen mine either, have you?"

"Go to hell!"

Xiluwa blushed, raised her black silk legs and kicked directly over.......

After a while of playing around,

Ji Chen took out the book he had just written,"Three Days and Three Nights", and handed it to Xiluwa.

"Here, the lyrics I promised you, the beat is at the end. With your level, you should be able to master it after two days of practice."

"Very good, very loyal, I will treat you to a big meal later!"

Xiluwa took the paper, folded it very solemnly, and hid it close to her body.

She had a lot of popular rock music of Beloberg, all provided by Ji Chen.

Ji Chen has made great contributions to her current achievements and fame.

This is not something that can be repaid with money.

The relationship between the two people has also deepened in this kind of"transaction".

Maybe Xiluwa herself has forgotten it.

After hearing about Ji Chen and Cocolia's wedding yesterday, she was alone and lost for a long time.

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