The Drifters' Camp, the entrance to the mine.

After a long wait, the members of the underground fire team and the mining team could no longer suppress their worries.

"We can't wait any longer."

Xier turned around, took some supplies, and was about to enter the deep cave.

"But, Mr. Ji Chen said......"

Antonina wanted to stop Xier, but was interrupted.

Xier snorted coldly:"That guy is never reliable. It's been so long. Maybe he is trapped in there with the big sister. If no one goes down, he can only wait for death."

""Xi'er, calm down. We all know Ji Chen's strength. If you just go down, Ji Chen will come out with the big sister. Wouldn't it be a waste of time to find you?"

Oleg also tried to dissuade him.

This mine has existed for hundreds of years. The situation inside is as complicated as a spider web, winding for more than thousands of meters.

If you go too deep, the communicator will fail, which is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

"We can't just wait here!"

Xier gritted her teeth.

Her eyes were filled with worry and unwillingness.

"I believe that Master Ji Chen will be able to bring Dr. Natasha out safely."

Antonina stepped forward and held Xier's shoulders to comfort her.

"Humph, what happens to that guy has nothing to do with me, but if anything happens to the big sister, I will......"

"So what?"

A curious voice came from behind the crowd.

Hearing this familiar voice, Oleg's eyes burst into disbelief and surprise.

He turned around and saw a smiling face.

"I'll chop you up and feed you to the mad rats!"

Xi'er's worried expression disappeared completely, and she glared at the person who came.

"Fortunately, Natasha is fine and has returned to the clinic to rest."

Ji Chen came to Xi'er, staring at her with a smile on his face. The best way to deal with such a stubborn woman is to soften her physically. Unfortunately, there was fire all around. He couldn't do anything unspeakable to her in public, so he could only hold it back.

""Master Ji Chen, weren't you and Dr. Natasha in the mine? How did you suddenly appear outside? Is there another exit?"

Antonina breathed a sigh of relief and asked everyone's question.

"There is an underground river deep in the mine. We swam along the river to the lake outside the city......."

Ji Chen briefly described what happened.

Oleg and the others were stunned.

An underground river?

An icy lake outside the city dozens of kilometers away?

Are they trying to kill themselves?

If it were them, they would have been swept to the bottom of the river by the rushing river in the dark underground, and even their bodies would not be found, right?

Antonia, the foreman of the mining team, looked at Ji Chen with admiration.

This is simply not something a human can do.

No wonder this lord was able to subdue the boss Svaro and connect the upper and lower areas.

It is said that the Silver Mane Iron Guards are stepping up their training and preparing supplies, preparing to go out of the city to fight the monsters to the death.

Perhaps in the near future, she can also go to the vast land that she has never set foot on, and even settle down there.

"By the way, where are those vagrants who surrendered?"Ji Chen asked everyone

"They are all locked up."Xier replied calmly

"It would be a waste to lock them up."

Ji Chen looked at Legge and Antonina:

"I'll have to work harder for you. Organize the people and have those wanderers go to the mechanical cemetery to dismantle and collect the usable mechanical parts."

"No problem!"

Oleg and Antonina followed the order and started a new action.

After everyone around them had gone away,

Xier noticed someone's dishonest gaze, stepped back and frowned:

"As for me, I am a core member of the Earth Fire Army. The war is imminent, I can't just do nothing, right?"


Ji Chen stroked his chin and looked her up and down.

Xi'er's individual combat power is extremely strong. She can also be invisible and teleport over short distances.

She is a good assassin.

But facing most of the rift monsters that have no independent consciousness, she can hardly play a big role.

"Stop hesitating. I'm going to the Mechanical Cemetery to watch over those dishonest wanderers."

Looking at Xi'er walking away with her slender legs,

Ji Chen smiled and didn't say much.

She was a straightforward person who didn't know how to turn corners.

Deliberately arranging something would erase her characteristics.

After everyone left,

Ji Chen also rushed towards Panyan Town.

It's not like I haven't eaten Natasha's food before.

But today has some special meaning.

For example, the change in their identities and relationship.......

Back to the clinic.

Because the upper and lower areas were opened these two days, and because of the clearance of vagrants.

There was no patient in the clinic, and it seemed very quiet.

In the small kitchen.

Ji Chen washed his hands, sat with Natasha, and ate the food she made by herself.

The ingredients are very simple.

But with Natasha's superb cooking skills, the food is very fragrant.

Ji Chen ate several large bowls in a row.

Then he stopped, touching his stomach with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Natasha gently held her cheek beside him.

After seeing him finish eating.

She smiled and was about to get up to clean up the dishes.

Ji Chen hugged Natasha's slender and soft waist from behind.

The two were close together.

His head rested on her white neck, smelling the faint fragrance.

He gently stroked the crystal earlobe, and it turned red in the blink of an eye.

"Let go."

Natasha blushed and scolded. She could clearly feel the changes in Ji Chen's body.

"I will take Swarovski to explore the relic of the old world at the bottom of the lake. I may not return to the lower area today."

Ji Chen put his hands from his slender waist to his front and began to undress Natasha.

"Got it."

Natasha responded, her face seemed to be even redder.

"Then don't waste time." Ji Chen kissed her pink neck.

The next second, her plump and hot body was picked up by the waist.

With a cry of surprise, he strode towards the bed.......

An hour later,

Ji Chen, who was dressed neatly, gently pulled up the quilt to cover Natasha's fair and delicate collarbone.

In her slightly tired and concerned eyes, she leaned over and kissed Natasha's sweaty forehead.

"Don't worry, I'm here, everyone in the lower area is doing well, it's time for you to put down your burdens and have a good rest."


Natasha nodded obediently,"You should be careful too."

"Of course."

Ji Chen smiled evilly, tasted her soft lips again, and then turned and left the bedroom.

Hearing the footsteps gradually fading away,

Natasha closed her eyes.

Her breathing soon became even, and she fell asleep on the bed.......

Natasha has lived in the clinic for more than ten years.

As the leader of the Earth Fire, she has established a sufficient network of relationships and prestige.

There is almost no need to worry about safety issues.

However, Ji Chen still hid two intelligent robots in the dark and granted them authority to Natasha.

They can automatically perform alert and defense tasks.

Even if the Rift Monster suddenly attacks Panyan Town, he can take Natasha away safely.

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