Deep in the dark mine tunnel, a graceful figure was moving with difficulty.

The wound on her foot accidentally touched the protruding rock, and she couldn't help but groan in pain.

""Huh, I don't know how everyone is doing."

Natasha leaned against the rock wall to rest for a while, panting.

When the cleanup was coming to an end, the leader of the wanderers made a desperate move and blew up the tunnel.

Several wanderers were killed on the spot by the rocks.

The members of the underground fire who were closer were also affected by the collapse caused by the explosion.

At the critical moment, Natasha rescued several companions.

However, she was swept by the rubble and fell into the tunnel network.

When she opened her eyes, she was already here. There was a deathly silence all around.

It was like a restricted area without any life.

The right foot kept sending piercing pain.

As a doctor, Natasha realized that if her foot was not treated in time, it might be disabled.......

But this place was so deep underground.

Not to mention medicine for healing, there was not even a clean bandage.

She could only tear off her already torn clothes and bandage her feet.

After a short rest,

Natasha gritted her teeth and continued to move forward.

In the dark environment, her only hope of survival was the faint sound of water flowing ahead.......

I don't know how long it took.

Natasha's whole body was soaked with sweat from the pain, and she finally came to the place where the sound of water came from.

But the rapid and turbulent water.

Even if you can't see it, you can feel the danger of death.

Fate played a joke on her.

In front of her, there was an underground river.

Even under normal circumstances, there was no possibility of survival if you fell into it, not to mention that you were injured now.

"No wonder there is air here, it turns out it is brought by the underground river"

"Follow the direction of the river and you should be able to return to the ground outlet."

"But the danger is not something I can bear."

Natasha turned around with difficulty, and her beautiful and delicate wife's face gradually calmed down.

The upper and lower areas have been completely released, and Swarovski is willing to lead the mecha corps to help people.

Xier, Hook, they should be able to live well on the ground in the future.

The underground fire is no longer necessary.

She, the big sister, can't help everyone.

Even if she dies here, it doesn't matter. Although she has let it go in her heart.

Natasha will not sit and wait for death, and is ready to try her luck in the potholes on the bend.

But behind her is a turbulent and wide underground river.

The surroundings are covered with slippery moss that only exist underground.

Natasha's injured right foot has nowhere to gain leverage, and her feet slipped, and she actually fell directly backwards.

After turning over a few rocks, she fell into the icy underground river with a splash.

The icy river water surrounded her from all directions.

The turbulent water instantly swept Natasha to the bottom of the river, completely suffocating, and her mind gradually blurred.


A familiar low voice suddenly sounded.

Natasha opened her heavy eyelids and saw a figure jumping into the dark river from the shore without hesitation, rushing towards her at the fastest speed.

"Ji Chen......"......

Natasha opened her eyes again and found herself lying on a broad back.

Her arms were hanging down in front of her eyes and were being held tightly by a big hand.

""Ji Chen, why are you here?"

Natasha's voice was weak.

Looking at Ji Chen who brought her to the shore, she was moved and felt a strong sense of security.

She subconsciously pressed herself tightly to him.

"What, don't you want to see me?"

Ji Chen said jokingly without looking back.

This underground river was too wide and the flow was too fast. He could no longer find the hole he had just jumped from. He could only swim along the river for a distance.

When he found an opportunity, he took Natasha to climb onto a relatively flat stone platform on the shore.

"I mean, this place is too dangerous, you shouldn't come here."

Natasha looked pale and let Ji Chen lay her on the wet rock.

"The environment here is humid, there is no dry place, just bear with it."After settling Natasha, Ji Chen raised his hand to wipe the river water off his face, and said with a smile:"If I hadn't come, you would have died." After that

, he moved down along the slender and round thigh,"Your foot seems to be injured, I will help you take a look, if it hurts, just scream."

This is an underground river of unknown meters, there is no light around, it is really pitch dark.

Ji Chen can only touch Natasha's injured foot to find the


Natasha hummed through her nose.

It sounded as if she was biting her lower lip to suppress something.


Ji Chen found Natasha's injured ankle.

He gently pressed his palm on it.

A strange power gradually seeped out.

Natasha had felt this power once before.

It was magical.

It could heal almost any injury.

It was definitely not something that humans could master.

So in her heart, Ji Chen had always been a mystery, and she had never really seen him clearly.

But as long as Ji Chen had no intention of hurting anyone, she was willing to treat him as a younger brother from the orphanage and take care of him sincerely.

It was at this time that Natasha suddenly remembered that yesterday Ji Chen took the boots she had just changed and


And now, her right foot was being gently held by Ji Chen.

In an instant,

Natasha's cheeks flushed. Her heartbeat quickened.

Her breathing became rapid.

Fortunately, there was no light here, so they couldn't see each other's facial expressions.

Otherwise, Natasha really didn't know how she should face Ji Chen.

""It's done."

After a moment, Ji Chen released the soft little feet.

Noticing that Natasha's temperature was rising, he asked with concern:"Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, no."

Natasha was like a little girl whose secret was exposed. She shook her head and denied it.

But soon she lowered her head and said,"No, I still have.........There are also several injuries."

When she fell into the underground river, she was hit hard by the protruding rocks.

According to the doctor's experience, at least two fractures occurred, which needed to be treated in time, otherwise the injury would become more and more serious.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it for you. Come hold my hand and tell me where the wound is."

Ji Chen put his hand on Natasha's calf.

Soon, a soft jade hand came up and hesitantly took his palm to a place.

Ji Chen felt it.

This place was near the waist and hips.

You can clearly feel an abnormal bulge, which is a mark of fracture, and it is quite serious.

But this is almost easy for the power of abundance.

Soon, the broken bones returned to their original position, and the red and swollen wounds disappeared, becoming white and smooth again.

"Where else?"

Hearing Ji Chen's question,

Natasha's eyes were full of shyness.

She stretched out her warm hand, trembling slightly, and placed Ji Chen's hand on the second wound.

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