"No, this seems to be a mental illness."

Natasha recalled the past when Ji Chen brought back various precious medicines from the upper area time and time again.

He also learned medical skills from her and treated the residents of Panyan Town for free.

Her beautiful eyes gradually became firm.

"I can't watch Ji Chen continue like this. I want to help him get rid of this habit and return to a normal life."

After making up her mind,

Natasha did not return to the bedroom to put away all the boots.

The psychological condition is the most complicated.

It cannot be cured in one size fits all. It must be done step by step, and it is possible to completely get rid of it by using gentleness.

The pair of boots that had just been replaced.......I'll leave it to Ji Chen for now.

She won't lock up her boots in the future, and will do it as usual, as if nothing has happened.

She sighed softly.

Natasha took the packed medicine box and left the clinic with worry, heading towards the core hub.......

Xier waited for a long time.

Ji Chen didn't come out.

Finally, she couldn't wait any longer and went to the bedroom to find him.

She was stunned after stepping over the threshold.

Ji Chen was standing in front of her with a smile on his face,"Let's go, I'll take you to the upper area."

She stared at him for a long time, until this guy's smile stiffened a little, then turned around and muttered,"You're sneaking around, you must be up to no good."

She rubbed her cheek.

Ji Chen stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door for Natasha.

Social death.

Once is enough.

When he heard Xier's footsteps just now, he hid the boots on his hands at the speed of light, then stood up and waited for her at the door.

At least he wasn't discovered.............

After walking up the spiral stone steps in the furnace core, the two finally arrived at the upper area.

Looking at the blue sky above her head, which was completely different from the blue sky below, Xier closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The cold and fresh air flowed into her lungs along her trachea, causing her to cough.

"Is this the upper area, the upper area of freedom and coldness?"

Xi'er's mouth gradually raised a mocking arc.

Ji Chen did not speak.

Even though Beloberg was surrounded by cold waves and rifts.

Compared with the lower area, it is indeed free.

After a moment.

Ji Chen asked softly:"Where do you want to go? I'll take you to see it."

Xi'er has adapted to the air and light here, and said coldly:

"Go to the Silver Mane Iron Guard camp. Didn't you say that Cocolia was determined to fight to the death with the world-breaking monster outside the city? I want to see if she has the courage."

"No problem."

Ji Chen nodded and walked forward first.

Xi'er immediately followed.

The two walked for a long time without saying anything.......

On the road

""Master Ji Chen."

A citizen of Beloberg took off his hat and bowed respectfully to him.

Ji Chen smiled and nodded.

"Lord Ji Chen, I am studying law and preparing to take the civil service exam next year. Thank you for everything you have brought to everyone."

"Lord Ji Chen, my family is going to have a grandson soon. Could you please help me choose a name for him?"

"Mr. Ji Chen......"......

Along the way, people kept greeting Ji Chen with respect from the bottom of their hearts.

Xier followed him.

A look of surprise gradually appeared in her eyes.

Thinking back to when she was in the clinic, Cocolia, the trusted intelligence officer, seemed to be following Ji Chen's orders.

What exactly is this guy's status in the upper district?

Passing by the Fountain Square, perhaps because it was too late, there were not many pedestrians on the road.

Ji Chen finally took some time out and looked at Xier who had been following him silently.

Pointing to the beverage shop not far away, he said,"Would you like a cold drink?"

Coming to the upper district from a stuffy environment, it is easy to get thirsty, and he has deep experience in this regard.


Xier nodded.

"Okay, wait for me here, don't get lost."

Ji Chen subconsciously raised his hand to touch Xier's head.

But under the cold gaze of the blue eyes, he just stopped in mid-air, smiled awkwardly and went to the beverage store not far away.

Seeing Ji Chen communicating with the clerk at the counter,

Xier finally couldn't hold back.

She found a passerby and asked the question that had troubled her for a long time.

"Lord Ji Chen, you don't know?"

The passerby was puzzled."Overthrowing the aristocratic capital, opening up the imperial examination and the promotion channel for common people, these are the changes made by Lord Ji Chen."

"Oh, yes, Lord Ji Chen is also the husband of the Great Guardian. It is his forward-thinking courage and vision that made the Great Guardian determined to eradicate those cancers."

The voices of the citizens were full of admiration and support from the bottom of their hearts.

"Varied......What?" There was nothing at the beginning, but when

Xier heard the latter part, she was stunned.............Ji Chen?

Seeing Xi'er's dazed look, the citizen shook his head and slowly walked away.......

A few minutes later,

Ji Chen came to Xi'er with two bottles of bread-flavored soda and handed her a bottle.

"Come on, it tastes pretty good. The salesperson wanted to give me a free meal, but it took a lot of effort to get her to accept the Winter City Shield. I guess I should try to buy less things in the city in the future."

Ji Chen finished speaking.

He found that Xi'er didn't move and had no intention of taking it.

He shook the bottle in confusion and said,"Don't you like bread-flavored soda? Then I'll go get you another bottle?"


Xier turned sideways to face him, a sneer on her face:"How dare I drink the drink bought by Master Ji Chen?"

‘The word"sir" was drawn out very long.

It was obviously malicious.

Ji Chen sensed the danger and asked tentatively:"Did you hear something?"

Xi'er continued to sneer:"Guess!"

Sighing, Ji Chen looked up at a 45-degree angle:

"I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but I didn't expect to be alienated by you. I won't pretend anymore. I am the publishing capitalist of Beloberg, and I'm going to reveal my cards!"

""Go to hell!"

Xi'er finally couldn't stand it anymore, and drew out her sickle and slashed at Ji Chen fiercely.

This shameless bastard! He turned out to be the husband of the Great Guardian Cocolia.

When he was underground, he even echoed her and scolded Cocolia.

And he pretended so well!


It's simply unforgivable!!!

Under the dim sunset.

In the streets of Beloberg, two figures were chasing and fleeing at an absurd speed.

The few citizens passing by only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and could only see two blurry backs.......

Ten minutes later.

On a deserted street corner, subtle sounds of humming continued to be heard.

Ji Chen rolled his tongue fiercely, and then let go of Xi'er, who was already limp and powerless in his arms.

Xi'er, with her mouth slightly open and her face full of peach blossoms, was panting rapidly after being released.

Her blue hair was scattered in front of her forehead, and her eyes were full of seductive confusion.

"mix......"Asshole, let me go."

Xi'er struggled weakly, trying to escape from Ji Chen's clutches.

At the same time, she was a little angry with herself.

Why did he kiss her again?

We agreed to draw a clear line in the future.

But then she thought again.

This guy's wife is Cocolia.

The only trace of guilt in her heart was completely gone.

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