The machine's calculations were very accurate.

Two minutes and thirty seconds later, the door to the mechanical settlement slowly opened, and a huge metal figure came into view.

It was the technological creation of the City Builders, the one who survived the Antimatter Legion War, the actual ruler of the underground world's automatic soldiers, the most powerful intelligent robot, Svarro.

"Ji Chen, the mechanical settlement has marked you as an absolutely dangerous target."

The handsome humanoid robot Swarlow, dressed in a suit, locked his red eye on Ji Chen.

"Leave immediately within thirty seconds, otherwise we will not guarantee to carry out a saturation attack on you!"

"Haha, Swarovski, don’t your calculations show that these attacks are useless to me?"

Ji Chen ignored the hostility of the surrounding Tooth Wolf and other mechas.

He strode to Swarovski.

His momentum did not show any weakness because of the opponent’s tall mechanical body.

The red light flashed.

Swarovski changed his words through calculations:"What is your request to come here?"

"Let the residents of the lower area go to the upper area on their own. Your mechanical army must not be hindered in any way."

"And in the subsequent all-out war, he joined the Beloberg army to fight against the world-shattering monsters together."

"As a city builder, isn't your mission to protect the people of this planet?"

"Calculation completed, conclusion: not to be executed."

Swarovski's mechanical voice was devoid of any emotion:

"The earth veins are only enough to sustain Beloberg for 231 days. The calculation results are very clear: staying in the lower layer is the best survival strategy."

Swarovski's mission is to [protect] the lower area.

No underground residents are allowed to approach the upper area.

They will not communicate with anyone. The trust of a few samples is redundant in the calculation. Human behavior always deviates from rational calculation.

Swarovski ordered the mechanical army to guard the core. Even if they use force, they will stubbornly guard it in their own way.

Looking at this mechanical head.

Ji Chen couldn't help but feel a headache, rubbing his temples and said:

"The calculation will have a huge error under the interference of variables, and I am that variable."

"The Silver Mane Iron Guards in the upper zone are preparing for war and are preparing to launch a crusade against the Rift on the ice field. You have no right to control the fate of the lower zone."

Svarro and his mecha corps are the most powerful force in the underground.

They can easily destroy the underground fire and all the mining teams.

If you don't deal with him, the full opening between the upper and lower zones will encounter strong obstacles.

"Humans who try to subvert the calculation results are the biggest threat to the survival strategy of the lower zone"

"The calculations were completed, and the conclusion was clear: using force to make the enemy obey was the most efficient solution.

A blinding red light shot out from Swarovski's single eye.

The densely packed mechanical corps around him received the order to attack at the same time.

"Damn it, a piece of rotten iron can't communicate properly."

Ji Chen cursed.

Looking at the mechanical claw that appeared out of thin air above his head and fell towards him, he raised his palm without hesitation. An illusory blue-purple arrow appeared out of thin air.

It instantly pierced the entire huge mechanical claw and turned into a piece of scrap metal and fell to the ground.

"The power of the hunting star god is detected, the danger level is infinitely increased, all weapon permissions are released, and the highest destruction order is executed!"

Hearing Swarovski's order.

Ji Chen grinned, and the whole person suddenly flashed in front of the mechanical body.

Before he could react, he clenched his right fist and slammed it down.


The dull loud noise shook the entire mechanical settlement.

Swarovski's huge body twisted rapidly from the fist hole as the center.

Then, like a kite with a broken string, it flew backwards for hundreds of meters and slammed heavily on the stone steps.

A huge deep pit with thick smoke was smashed out.

Swarovski's red eyes were dim and seriously damaged. He tried to get up several times, but failed.

When he came to the deep pit,

Ji Chen stared at Swarovski coldly.

"Relics of the old world, look into my eyes and do another calculation."

The mechanical corps behind him was rushing to support, and Ji Chen didn't want to destroy them.

If Shiwaro continued to be stubborn, then Ji Chen would have to do the same as the third-generation Great Guardian, defeat him, and then reset his system.

"No, don't! Please don't hurt Mr. Swarovski!!"

A little girl in red clothes and white hair, opened her weak arms and stood in front of Swarovski with tears in her eyes.

Facing Ji Chen, the"devil" who broke into her home, even though she was scared and about to cry, she stood in front of Swarovski without any retreat.


Ji Chen frowned slightly and gently put down his raised right hand.

"Mr. Swarlow can no longer fight. Please......Please don't hurt him again."

Clara put her hands on her chest, her voice was full of tears, and she looked at Ji Chen pitifully.

She knew this big brother.

He was obviously a very good person.

Why did he suddenly break into the house and hurt Mr. Swarovski?

Clara's heart was trembling.

She was picked up and raised by Swarovski since she was a child, and she already regarded Mr. Swarovski as her own family.

She couldn't accept that Swarovski was destroyed in front of her eyes.


Swarovski struggled to stand up, with thick smoke coming out of his body.

"Mr. Swarlow......Please stop being so stubborn. I have also heard the news that the upper and lower areas have been opened. This is obviously a good thing. Everyone can see the blue sky and breathe fresh air. Mr. Swarro, why can't you agree?"

Clara learned the purpose of Ji Chen's visit from the cluster network.

She looked at Swarro as if begging.


The sound of electricity came from Swarro's mechanical body.

She was silent and didn't say anything.

"Mr. Swarovski said that he is willing to fulfill every wish for me, right? Clara's biggest wish now is that everyone can unite and go outside to resist the extreme cold and monsters, just like......Just like family members."

Ji Chen watched this scene quietly.

He did not interrupt.

He believed that with himself as a variable and Clara's persuasion, the mechanical head should be able to turn around.

"Even though people know that the world outside the cage is not that beautiful, they still want to stick their heads out to take a look."

Machines are different from flesh and blood.

As long as the former has enough energy, they can stay in one place for decades or even hundreds of years.

But humans are different.

They hide in the dark underground all their lives without seeing any light.

Even if they can survive, most people will make other choices.

Clara, a human who has lived in a mechanical settlement since childhood, can understand the difference between humans and machines.

She expressed these to Swarovski in her own way.


After a moment of silence,

Swarovski ordered all the mechas in the rear to stand by.

The synthesized magnetic mechanical sound finally made the choice:

"Evaluation system restarting......Restart successful, converting variables......Variable conversion completed, top-secret data on the star core is being called up......Call success"

"The evaluation result shows that the outsider Ji Chen has a 60% chance of conquering the star core. The conclusion is that according to the will of the city builder of the old world, all permissions are released, and the recipient of the new permissions is: Ji Chen!"

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