
The guardian's wedding.

The solemn and solemn Klipperburg was decorated with festive decorations in accordance with the customs of Beloberg.

Late at night.

The guardian's bedroom.

On a soft big bed.

A body full of temptations lay.

It was the contemporary guardian of Beloberg, Cocolia Rand.

She had a majestic and arrogant beautiful face. But at this moment, she closed her eyes tightly, as if with a hint of nervousness.

Her white and crystal hands were covered with ice crystals, which had a strange beauty.

On her slender and plump legs, she wore black one-piece stockings as thin as cicada wings, reflecting a soft halo in the dim light.

The long boots had also been taken off and neatly placed beside the bed.

As if waiting for something. Looking at this scene.

Even though Ji Chen had a calm mind in his two lives, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

The cold and attractive guardian in front of him, after the complicated and tedious wedding ceremony during the day, was already his woman.

Whenever he thought of this, Ji Chen felt a sense of laughter and tears.

He accidentally traveled to this world.

He lived in an orphanage until he was six years old, and was then adopted by a kind old couple.

Ji Chen, who knew the situation in Beloberg well, understood that the problem could not be solved by itself.

So he began to play rotten, waiting for the arrival of the train set.

Over the past ten years, he sent away the old couple who were enjoying their old age one after another, and used the inheritance to open a bookstore in the city.

As a result, he accidentally embarked on the nihilistic fate of the Black Marshal.

After accumulating for two and a half years, he used all the power of his destiny to isolate the star core from the bewitching erosion of Cocolia.

After all, he still has to live here.

A crazy great guardian can't let him continue to play rotten in comfort.

As the last gathering city on a planet of life, Beloberg is actually very large.

It has various modern buildings, and the civilization system of industry, agriculture, commerce, education, etc. is very sound.

Literary copyright is also protected.

Relying on the online articles, poems and songs in his previous life memory, Ji Chen is also well-known in Beloberg, and his life is very comfortable.

These are all achieved under the rule of successive great guardians.

Thinking of this, Ji Chen couldn't help but look at Cocolia lying on the bed.


Ji Chen actually didn't have much bad feelings towards her.

The situation of Yalilo-VI was not created by her alone.

Seven hundred years ago, the star core landed on this planet, and then attracted the invasion of the antimatter army that destroyed the star god.

The city builders organized the military and civilians and fought desperately for several centuries.

Although there were heavy casualties, they were eventually defeated by the antimatter army.

The entire civilization was like a candle in the wind, in danger.

The first great guardian, Alisa Rand, realized that the demise of civilization was only a matter of time. In despair and coincidence, she made a wish to the star core to destroy the antimatter army. The star core responded to her, and a blizzard cold wave came, freezing the invading antimatter army.

But it also brought the rift monsters and unbearable cold.

As the rift and severe cold expanded, the once prosperous planet was left with only the city of Beloberg.

It has persisted for hundreds of years.

Until now, the rift has become larger and larger, and has eroded the city center, and the living space is getting smaller and smaller.

The earth marrow that resists the extreme cold is also about to be exhausted. According to Svaro's calculations, it will only last for another two hundred days.

The indifferent Star God of Preservation can only build walls. He doesn't care about human faith, and he won't be disappointed.

Beloberg is facing an unsolvable dead end.

Is he frozen to death in the cold wave, swallowed by the creatures of the Rift, or making a wish and then being killed by a new wave of disasters brought by the Star Core.

Since taking over as the Great Guardian, Cocolia, who has been constantly bewitched by whispers, finally chose the Star Core.

At least the Star Core once saved Yalilo-VI, and openly promised a broken and then rebuilt ending.

But no matter what Cocolia does.

She will be the last Great Guardian, and Yalilo-VI will be destroyed in a few years.

The arrival of the train set is an accident, but also an opportunity.

Unfortunately, it is too late, Cocolia has been completely eroded by the Star Core.

It is impossible to cooperate with the train to conquer the Star Core.

However, everything has changed now.

Ji Chen has already used the power of the void destiny to isolate the Star Core from the day-to-day bewitching of Cocolia.

She still upholds the miraculous power inherited from the guardians of the past, and is the unquestionable ruler of the Everlasting City Beloberg.

Converge your thoughts.

Ji Chen looked at the perfect and hot body on the bed.

His heart couldn't help but feel warm.

He slowly approached.

Looking down at Cocolia from a close distance.

While feeling her temperature, a strange and subtle fragrance kept coming into his nose, making people unable to help but take a few more breaths.

The highest ruler of Beloberg was like a little white rabbit at this time, waiting for him to taste it carefully.

He gently raised his right hand and took off the guardian medal on his chest.

There was a soft touch on his fingertips.

Cocolia's body suddenly stiffened, and her breathing began to quicken.

On her cold, arrogant and beautiful face, a seductive blush appeared visibly.

Even the great guardian who had been in a high position for a long time could not remain calm when facing such a thing for the first time.

Ji Chen chuckled, with heat in his eyes, and leaned over and pounced on her.......

The next morning,

Ji Chen opened his eyes to a sweet smell, feeling extremely energetic. He had never felt as refreshed as he did today.

He took a deep breath of the fragrance between the quilts.

Ji Chen was about to get up, but he saw Cocolia had already put on her clothes, standing by the bed and staring at him closely.

Her straight, round, slender legs looked extremely beautiful under the sunlight from the window.

"Good morning, Cocolia.

Ji Chen smiled and greeted, then he lifted the quilt and got dressed.

Cocolia looked away subconsciously, with an unnatural look in her eyes.

This bastard, didn't he avoid her at all!

After getting dressed, Ji Chen didn't plan to stay. He touched his stomach and went to the block to have breakfast.

���Kolia watched Ji Chen pass by her.

She clenched her fists and said,"Stop right there!"

""What's wrong?"

Ji Chen turned around in confusion.

Seeing his innocent look, Cocolia was even more furious.

She wanted to summon the Iron Guards to stab this bastard to death!

"Oh, you mean saving Beloberg?"

Ji Chen finally"thought" of something.

He slapped his head with sudden realization.

"Humph! You better come up with a solution to the rift and the cold wave, otherwise......"

Cocolia snorted coldly. She exuded the majesty of a superior.

She devoted herself to Ji Chen in order to save Beloberg, who was about to perish.

The cracked world and the cold wave eroded the earth's marrow, which was about to be exhausted, like a sword hanging over the heads of all the people. Ji Chen, who could resist the bewitching power of the star core for her, was the last straw for the drowning people.

So Cocolia had to hold on to this hope even if she had to sacrifice herself.

"I know you are anxious, but please don't be anxious yet."

Ji Chen raised his hand to touch Cocolia's soft waist, but was dodged.

He didn't care. After all, he had experienced every inch of her last night.

"The rift and the cold wave are both caused by the star core. As long as the star core is eliminated, the crisis of Beloberg can be resolved."

"But it is suspected to be a creation of the Star God of Destruction, and it is not so easy to deal with. You need to be fully prepared in advance."

"Whatever preparations are needed, I will do it immediately!"

Cocolia looked solemn.

The coldness on her body seemed to have faded a little.

"The first step."

Ji Chen yawned and looked at the guardian who was already dressed in front of him:

"Take a nap first......"

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