Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 306 Strong Suppression


Han Jia rushed into Su Mo's arms, hugged his waist tightly with her hands, her delicate body trembled slightly, and murmured:

"I'm not dreaming~"

Su Mo gently touched Han Jia's head and said softly:

"Jiajia, thank you for your hard work during this time."

This sentence was like an introduction, causing Han Jia's strong and cold shell to collapse in an instant. Tears fell down her face. Han Jia buried her head in Su Mo's chest and burst into tears.

In the past year and a half, her life had been too bitter and tiring. Only by recalling the sweet moments between herself and Su Mo at night could her tired heart be temporarily comforted.

Fortunately, everything is worth it.

She finally waited for Su Mo to return.

Next to them, the commander-level cadres watched this scene with strange eyes. Could it be that this girl is the real girlfriend of the legion commander on his home planet, Princess Angela...

Ahem, in fact, with the identity and status of our legion commander, having two women is not a big deal.

However, one is a childhood sweetheart and the other is the daughter of the Lion King. The days ahead for the legion commander may not be easy~

The cadres present couldn't help but secretly chuckle when they thought of the future situation in which the legion commander would be caught between two women, in a dilemma.

Since the Legion Commander debuted, it seems that things have been going smoothly. He is usually calm and calm, and he has no plans left. But the more this happens, the more everyone wants to see the Legion Commander falter in some small things.

The melon-eating soul was burning fiercely at this moment.

"Commander level, all are commander level!"

Macron was horrified. He discovered that these hundreds of people were all commander-level masters, and there were even some whose strength he couldn't see through at all, such as the man standing at the front.

Judging from the behavior of Amethyst and Han Jia, this man must be someone they know well.

However, how could the little Tian Yuanxing get to know such a person?

Su Mo hugged Han Jia's slender waist, looked at Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang, and asked: "Uncle Jiang, Uncle Luo, what is going on?"

Amethyst Supreme calmed down the shock and ecstasy in his heart, paused, and said:

"They are the Sabo Stars, a second-level civilization affiliated to the Silver Blue Empire. They invaded Tianyuan Planet three months ago and want to turn us into slaves of the Sabo Stars. Currently, wildfires and federal cities have been destroyed by them, and tens of millions of people have been destroyed. Captured.”

Hearing this, Su Mo's eyes flashed with coldness.

He had just seen that if he was one step later, Han Jia and others would be shattered to pieces under the bombardment of ship-borne guns.

Not only that, this group of people also committed such crimes in their hometown.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel fear and... endless killing intent.

Su Mo patted Han Jia's back gently, then turned around and stared at Macron coldly.

For a moment, Macron felt like he was in a cold pool. His body was stiff, and it seemed that even twitching his fingers was a luxury. He asked with trembling lips:

"You...who are you?"

Su Mo said lightly:

"Tian Yuan Star, Wildfire Executive Officer, Su Mo!"

Su Mo, why is this name so familiar?

Su Mo


Suddenly, Macron's heart was shaken, and his face instantly turned pale. He finally thought of something.

In the concentration camp, the group of imprisoned slaves would always mention a name, and that name was Su Mo. Later, his subordinates fed this information back to him and told him about Su Mo's deeds in detail.

Su Mo, the legendary hero of Tianyuan Star, defeated a strong alien in a survival game, but was later taken away by an alien fleet and has been missing since.

In fact, it was from that survival game that Star Sabo obtained information about Star Tianyuan and learned the approximate coordinates of the planet through certain means, thus arriving here.

He had seen the name "Su Mo" in the information prepared by the military department, but after learning that Su Mo had disappeared, he didn't pay attention to it anymore.

However, now, the missing person, Su Mo, was standing in front of him, and it seemed that he was still the leader of this terrifying fleet.

It's over, it's really over!

Macron's whole body was cold. The hundreds of commander-level masters in front of him could easily kill all the Sabo people on Tianyuan Star. What's more, they also have such a terrifying fleet.

Now it is no longer a question of the safety of the Sabo expeditionary force, but even the entire Sabo planet is facing the crisis of racial annihilation.

"Wutao, break his hands and feet and throw them at my feet."

"Okay, brother Su Mo!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a "bang" in his ears.


Macarron bowed like a shrimp, his eyes were bulging, and his green skin was about to turn purple.

Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang looked at the petite figure in front of Macron, their pupils couldn't help but shrink, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

They didn't see clearly how Walnut moved in front of Macron.

Is this a space power?

Or the speed is too fast and far exceeds their dynamic vision.

Moreover, Macron, who was at the top of his command, was punched and was knocked out of combat. Could it be that that little girl was a natural disaster expert?

Yes, it must be a natural disaster expert! !

Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

Su Mo's men are all natural disaster experts, so how terrible should he be?


Accompanied by a series of bone shattering sounds, Macron's hands and feet were all twisted into twists by walnuts, and the battlefield echoed with shrill and painful screams.


Looking at Macron's extremely twisted body, Han Jia felt happy and wished she could do it herself and twist Macron's arm eighteen more times.

During these three months, too many people in Tianyuan Star were tortured and killed.

Even if Macron's pain was ten thousand times worse, it would not make up for the heinous crime he committed.


Macron was thrown to Su Mo's feet. Except for his head, the rest of his body was twisted out of shape.

Su Mo took a shot from the air and inserted the runes of the light sealing technique into Macron's body, sealing all his abilities.

After everything was done, he shouted to his men:


"Dear legion commander, here I come!"

A creature with green light all over his body jumped to Su Mo. From the appearance, he was not a cosmic human being, but a soul energy body. He was holding a sickle in his hand and had a gloomy air.

His name is Ceresi, he comes from a place called Dark Soul Island, and he leads the peak telekinesis masters.

Seresi's most outstanding ability is that he can invade a person's memory and turn the memory into a soul ball. After other people take the soul ball, they can obtain this memory.

After learning about Seresi's ability, Su Mo decisively transferred him to the dark department to cooperate with Shadow Feng in doing some intelligence work. However, Seresi was stronger than Shadow Feng, and sometimes the two would be a bit difficult to deal with, so this The first time he took Selesi with him to do some ideological work.


Su Mo was about to say something, but then he noticed Han Jia looking at Macron with eyes full of hatred and murderous intent. He paused and said with a smile:

"Jiajia, why don't you vent your bad anger on him first?"

Hearing this, Han Jia was stunned. Although she wanted to twist Macron's hands and feet another 108 times, seeing that this guy was already half-dead, she was worried that she would kill him directly if she struck too hard. Delaying Su Mo's plan.

"Forget it, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it back."

Han Jia shook her head.

Su Mo laughed: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, he won't die no matter how hard you attack."

After saying that, he cast a healing light on Macron.

As the golden light fell, Macron's body made a series of crackling sounds. The twisted bones quickly returned to their positions. The warm breath also made Macron's head, which was about to faint from pain, gradually wake up and open his eyes.

However, what caught his eye was a beautiful and indifferent face, walking towards him with heavy steps.

He tried to mobilize his magic power to resist, but found that a golden net appeared in his body at some point, blocking all his power.

Macron was horrified, looking at the woman getting closer and closer, and said in a trembling voice:

"Don't come over!!!"


Han Jia grabbed Macron's arm, twisted it with her backhand, and twisted it into a twist again. In the process, her eyes did not waver, like a bottomless cold pool.

Seeing this, the legions on the side couldn't help but look at each other.

It seems that this boss lady is a cruel person~


Macron once again screamed in pain, his head was about to explode, and he shouted sternly: "Fire, kill them!!!"

He didn't care whether he would be blown to pieces in the gunfire. He only had one thought in his mind now, which was to end the pain as soon as possible and kill these people.

After hearing Macron's order, the group of frightened Saab stars woke up from their dreams and quickly controlled the battleship's weapon system.

Buzz! ! !

The ferocious cannon barrels glowed with light, aiming at Su Mo, Han Jia and all the legion cadres.

Seeing this scene, the cadres of the Holy Light Legion did not panic at all, but showed expressions of watching a good show. However, Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang still remembered that the battleship above them was produced by a galaxy-level civilization, and it must be very powerful. If it is allowed to Launching a bombardment, even if he and others can survive under Su Mo's protection, the shelter below will suffer.

"Su Mo, there is a shelter under your feet, and the people below are moving." Amethyst Supreme reminded quickly.

"I see!"

Su Mo nodded calmly. In fact, he had many ways to prevent the warships from shooting. The simplest one was to have Pooh invade the internal systems of the warships and these airships and make them cease fire. By the way, he could also pick up a warship and thousands of airships for nothing.

However, it took a lot of effort to stage a drama about the return of the king, and this time we had to do something cool.

Brother’s pretentious spirit can no longer be restrained!


Golden light fell from the sky and hit everyone's body accurately. Suddenly, a thick shield of holy light appeared on everyone's body.

Immediately afterwards, golden light spots appeared in the sky, and the light spots condensed rapidly, forming a golden light barrier.

The barrier is like a huge square box, covering several kilometers in radius. You can see the golden holy light barrier in the sky, on the ground, and all around, with mysterious runes wandering on it.

With their bodies inside the barrier, Han Jia, Amethyst Supreme and the other cadres felt extremely comfortable. Their force and mental power soared, and their bodies were full of strength. However, Macron and the Sabo people in the battleship and airship seemed to be trapped. The flames burned like fire, and he let out a scream of pain.

[Holy Blessing Barrier] Generates a barrier. If teammates enter the barrier, they will continue to recover; enemies entering the barrier will receive periodic damage.

Usually Su Mo rarely has the opportunity to use this skill, but now is the time.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Battleships and airships launched bombardments, and dense beams of light fell like a storm.

However, these beams of light cannot penetrate the light shield and barrier at all, and at most they cause some ripples.

"Sending you home early!"

Su Mo raised his hand, his eyes shining with golden light.


boom! ! !

A ball of light suddenly rose from the ground. During the rise, the ball of light expanded rapidly, and in an instant it turned into a huge golden ball of light with a diameter of more than two hundred meters. It was like a blazing sun hanging high in the sky, emitting a blazing temperature.

Soon, the golden sun suddenly turned and turned into a pitch-black and evil dark sphere with purple light lingering in the outer circle.

"it's over!"

Following Su Mo's murmur, the next moment, the Pearl of Darkness exploded and shot out countless dark purple rays, landing on thousands of airships and battleships.

Boom boom boom! !

The power of the purple ray is extremely terrifying. In front of it, the protective shields of airships and battleships are like paper. They are riddled with holes in an instant and then explode suddenly.

Explosions continued one after another, and gorgeous fireworks bloomed overhead.

"Wow, what a cool move."

"Anyone want to try and get a shot?"

"Haha, if you miss, you can try it."

The cadres of the Holy Light Legion were busy discussing. They had a deep understanding of the power of the legion commander, so they were not too surprised.

However, when Amethyst Supreme, God of War Luo Tang and Han Jia looked up and saw this scene, their bodies stiffened instantly, as if a Category 10 hurricane was blowing up in their hearts, and they were extremely shocked.

Is this Su Mo's true strength?

It's like a god on earth.

The Thousand-faced Man pretending to be Xiao Chongyuan sat down on the ground, his mouth opened wide, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

Su Mo glanced at the Thousand-Faced Man. He didn't pay attention at first, but after investigating with the Eye of Insight, he discovered that the person in front of him was not Xiao Chongyuan, but someone pretending to be him through supernatural powers.

He even vaguely guessed the identity of this person.

After all, it was the first time in his life that he had been in jail, and he was always impressed by the culprits.

But for him, the small grudges in the past were long gone. Although this guy had framed him, this time he was willing to stand up and replace Xiao Chongyuan, which could be regarded as making up for his past mistakes.

After returning, you can throw him into the ANBU and give full play to his "Thousand Faces" ability.

The fireworks dissipated, the air was filled with hot breath, and the metal debris fell.

Macron's eyes were dull and he murmured:

"Devil, you are the devil."

I'm the devil's father!

Su Mo kicked him unconscious, then waved his hand and said: "Serexi, let's work."

"Okay, my dear Legion Commander."

Seresi's voice is hoarse and low, like a demon in the abyss, but the words he speaks are very disgusting. Don't look at this guy as ghostly, but he is actually a good flatterer. After absorbing the memories of tens of thousands of people, Ceresi knows very well how to make leaders feel comfortable and enjoyable.

After dealing with the Sabo people in front of him, Su Mo turned to look at Han Jia and Amethyst Supreme, and smiled slightly:


Amethyst Supreme took a deep breath, calmed down the shock in his heart, and asked:

"Su Mo, are you already at the natural disaster level?"

"That's right!"

Su Mo nodded: "The first level of natural disaster, but there are not many people who can defeat me in natural disaster."

Hearing this, Amethyst Supreme, Luo Tang and Han Jia were shocked again.

Su Mo had only been away for a year and a half, and he was already so strong.

His talent is as disappointing as ever~

"Uncle Jiang, Jiajia, please call Xiaofan and Caroline up."

There was a trace of nostalgia in Su Mo's eyes: "I haven't seen you for a long time, and I don't know if everyone has changed much."

In addition to missing his friends, he also wanted to see what his friends would look like when they saw him.

Will you be stunned by the large warship above your head?

Hey, unknowingly, I still embarked on the road of no return of pretending to be cool~


Han Jia nodded and decisively dialed Lu Fan's number.

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