Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 302: Amazing skills, divine blade jade

"What...what is this!"

"Transform into each other?"

"Why does it feel like Su Mo's momentum is stronger?"

Many people in the audience looked shocked and excited. It turned out that both Thain and Su Mo had the ability to explode on the spot. This duel was becoming more and more interesting.

"Wow, it turns out that Mr. Liu still has this secret."

"Haha, it's too early for us to worry!"

"This momentum can kill me dozens of times in an instant."

The cadres of the Lion Palace discussed excitedly. Originally, everyone called Su Mo the Sixth Master for the sake of making everyone rich, but now they were convinced by the call of the Sixth Master.

Strength is always the best pass for the strong in the world.

"Hey, this guy is awesome~"

The Sword Emperor said in surprise: "The strength has increased by at least two or three times. Lion King, is this your move of the Ultimate True Jie Flow?"


The Lion King shook his head and looked at Su Mo with admiration in his eyes:

"My Ji Dao True Jie Style is only suitable for martial arts masters, and Su Mo's move was created based on his own abilities."

"That's it..."

The Sword King's eyes narrowed, he gently stroked the long sword in his hand, and said with a smile: "It looks like I'm going to lose a piece of sword jade today."

The Skeleton King looked at the golden figure below, and the holy and fiery aura made him feel very uncomfortable.

As the God King, he could tell at a glance that Su Mo was in a stronger state than Thain at this time. If they really fought against each other, Thain would definitely be at a disadvantage.

However, this does not mean that Thain will lose this game.

Any sudden attack method has to pay a price. The stronger the improvement, the higher the price.

Thane is burning the essence, blood and energy he has accumulated from fighting for many years, which is essentially consuming external energy.

And what about Su Mo?

He is using his own abilities to stimulate cells to improve his combat effectiveness, but this improvement will not last long, otherwise it will cause irreparable damage to the body.

Therefore, as long as Thain can withstand the first wave of Su Mo's fiercest offensive, the winner will still be Thain.

And being able to withstand beatings is Thain's biggest advantage.


"Bleeding! Death!"

Thain raised his battle ax high and let out a hoarse and fierce roar from his chest. In a flash of blood, he rushed toward Su Mo like a bloody meteor.

"I'm going to get serious with you!"

Su Mo raised the corners of his mouth slightly, took half a step back with his right leg, bent his knees slightly, and then kicked forward violently.


Su Mo instantly turned into golden light, making it difficult for even the natural disaster experts to capture his figure.

The next moment~

Only a bang was heard, and Thain, who was more than seven meters tall and looked like a city wall, flew dozens of meters into the air, losing his balance in mid-air.

【Flash Raid】


In a burst of exclamations, Su Mo appeared above Thain's head like a flash, holding a knife in his right hand and a hammer in his left hand. He used both hands to hit Thain's head hard.


The sword easily cut a hole in Thane's head, and one could clearly see the cold white bones and the turbulent liquid. The Holy Spirit Hammer directly made a big hole in the brain, accompanied by a heart-breaking sound of bone shattering. crack.

The over-limit burst nearly quadruples Su Mo's abilities in all aspects, including strength, speed, mental strength, energy, etc. In addition, the stronger he is, the stronger the increase the power gem will bring to him.

Nowadays, his overall combat power must steadily suppress Thain, especially his strength, which is almost crushing.

boom! ! !

Thain hit the metal floor hard. The floor was dented and dozens of cracks opened around it. Before he could get up, Su Mo's attack followed closely.

"Fist of Heaven!"

In the clear voice, a blazing beam of light descended, with a diameter of more than ten meters, completely engulfing Thain's huge body.


Within the light pillar, there was a frightening sound of corrosion, as well as bursts of painful roars.

For undead creatures like Thane, he is not afraid of swords or artillery, but the power of holy light is the most unbearable substance for them, no less than concentrated sulfuric acid.

"This is my true strength~"

Su Mo was suspended in mid-air, with golden hair flying and angel wings spread out on his back. His eyes were indifferent, like a superior god scorning all living beings.

He has never relied on his sword skills to make a living. System skills are his foundation.


A beast-like roar came from below, and the next moment, blood suddenly appeared and shot up into the sky.

Thain swung his ax to split the beam of light. His whole body was pitted and charred, but his aura was even more dangerous, like a wild beast that was about to fight for its life.

boom! ! !

Thain kicked off the ground, like a bloody cannonball, holding the handle of the ax with both hands, and the power of the undead converged towards the giant ax like a majestic rushing river.


Suddenly, Thane opened his mouth and let out a violent howl. The sound pierced the sky and carried frightening spiritual energy.

Although the protective shield isolated most of the energy fluctuations, any audience who heard the sound could not help but feel a deep fear deep in their hearts, and their bodies could not stop trembling, as if they had heard the most terrifying sound in the world.

[Roar of the God of War]

One of Thane's ultimate trump cards, this move combines his century-old murderous intent and intimidation with added spiritual energy, which can make anyone who hears the sound feel uneasy and fearful.

As the main party affected, Su Mo was inevitably affected.

However, he blessed himself with [Soul Healing Wind] before the battle, which minimized the impact on his mental moves.

After releasing [Purification] and another [Soul Healing Wind] on myself in time, Thain's sudden attack was perfectly resolved.

Seeing the terrifying figure approaching quickly, Su Mo shook his wings and quickly rose hundreds of meters into the air, a gleam flashing in his eyes.

You're so stupid and heavy, how dare you jump up?

This is asking for death!


A golden eye appeared above Su Mo's head, and the eye glowed with golden light. Invisible waves locked on Thain's body, and immediately imprisoned him in mid-air, unable to move.

"It was this move that finally appeared."

As a former victim, when Alonso saw those golden eyes, he stood up immediately.

He still clearly remembered that when he first saw this golden eye, he felt as if he was controlled by the gods. Only his thoughts could still function, but all parts of his body were completely out of control, as if he was in a vegetative state.

In a natural disaster-level battle, even a moment of loss of control can be fatal.

What's more, that state is not as short-lived as a moment!

Alonso's body tensed, his eyes full of anticipation.


"Let's end it with this move."

Su Mo whispered softly, and the power of the holy light passed like a flood. The next moment, four golden dragons with their heads raised and roaring appeared around him, circling and lingering like guardian beasts.

"hold head high!!!"

The four golden dragons simultaneously let out a thundering roar, piercing through the gold and cracking the stone, causing ripples on the protective shield. Then, the four dragons gathered above Su Mo's head, spinning end to end at high speed, like a golden windmill, blowing a level 20 hurricane.

"Holy Dragon...Chasing the Sun!!!"

Following Su Mo's clear whistle, a hundred-meter-long holy dragon emerged from the center of the windmill. The dragon's scales shone with golden light, and its cold and ruthless pupils stared down, exuding a majestic, terrifying, and domineering aura.

"Oh my god~"

In an instant, the audience was stunned by this domineering and cool scene, and the powerful extraordinary person could even feel how terrifying this golden dragon was.

"Su Mo~"

Wood looked up and stared with complicated eyes. Even though he still didn't accept Su Mo in his heart, he had to admit that this guy was indeed a fighting genius comparable to his father.

Less than a year after breaking through the natural disaster, it already possesses such terrifying combat effectiveness.

I believe that after this battle, Su Mo will definitely be crowned the seed of the God King.

And this title is the supreme honor that he has always dreamed of but has always been unable to reach.

"Hey, Olivi, your ugly men are going to lose~"

The Succubus Queen's originally gloomy mood due to the defeat of her subordinates suddenly became clear at this moment, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, like a coquettish and deadly red rose, so beautiful.

Her men lost the competition at the same level.

But Olevi's people were defeated by their opponents across two levels, which was much more embarrassing than hers.

This kind of mentality of comparing misery cannot be avoided even if you are a god king.

The Skeleton King looked down calmly. He was an undead. In the world of the undead, there was no concept of shame. Only strength, life and death, and interests were eternal.

If his men are defeated, they are defeated.

Even if he died in battle, it would not make him feel the least bit sad.

This is the Skeleton King Olivi, a cold and ruthless undead king who treats any living thing as nothing.

Seeing that the Skeleton King had no reaction, the Succubus Queen suddenly felt bored, rolled her eyes, and continued to watch this battle that was beyond her expectations.


"hold head high!!"

The holy dragon swung its tail, dived downwards at a high speed, and collided with Thain fiercely under everyone's gaze.

boom! ! ! !

The holy dragon knocked Thain to the ground with one head. In an instant, the explosion was deafening, and the arena was completely turned into a white mass, which was so piercing that people could not open their eyes.

After a long time, the white light gradually dissipated.

The audience rubbed their eyes and looked at the stage. The next moment, a uniform gasp of cold air rang out in the huge arena.

I saw a huge pit in the center of the ring, with cracks extending for hundreds of meters. Thain was lying in the pit, the blood furnace in his abdomen was completely extinguished, and his body was twitching, almost turning into a piece of black coal. , was extremely seriously corroded by the power of Holy Light.

"Oh my god, I defeated Thane in one move."

"This move is too powerful, what's its name?"

"Holy Dragon Chases the Sun!"

"Yes, yes, Holy Dragon Zhuri, the name sounds domineering."

"It's too strong. Who would have thought that Su Mo could be so strong? Didn't he break through to the natural disaster level more than half a year ago?"

"This is genius. I finally know why the Lion King broke hundreds of years of tradition and adopted him as his adopted son. It's not the bullshit gossip spread by the outside world at all. It's talent. Su Mo used his talent to get the Lion King himself. favor."

"You are so excited. Are you suppressing Su Mo?"

"..., holy shit!!!"

The battle was over, and the scene was like a pot exploding. Some people were cheering, some were discussing, and some were regretting.

"Win, win!!"

Everyone in the Lion Palace raised their arms and cheered, while Angela clapped excitedly, her face flushed, and her eyes sparkling.

Anya people admire the strong, even she is no exception.

In the past, she might have been curious and fond of Su Mo because of the life-saving grace, but now, she felt even more admiration for Su Mo's peerless grace.

The primary level natural disaster defeated the high level natural disaster. In her knowledge, only her father could do this.

However, back then, his father had to defeat his opponent with great difficulty through a bloody battle and at the cost of serious injuries, but Su Mo won so easily and contentedly.

This reflects from the side that maybe Su Mo is a more talented fighting genius than his father.


On the throne, the Lion King's laughter was loud and hearty, like rolling thunder, but this sound was blocked by the magic shield near the throne.

“Not bad~”

The Sword King clapped his hands and applauded, and said with a smile: "Lion King, your adopted son is a standard god-king seed!"

"This kid is really talented."

The Lion King smiled and nodded, feeling quite comfortable when he heard others praise his child.

"Kazan, it's time to hand over your sword."

"If I had known you were targeting my sword, I wouldn't have come to this meeting."

The Sword Emperor shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, since I promised, I won't regret it. This boy's performance is worth a piece of sword jade."


it's over

Su Mo turned his head and looked at Thain who was motionless next to him.

Thain was seriously injured, but he was not dead. As an undead, his vitality was still quite strong.

Su Mo didn't want to make a final blow. He consulted other people in the Lion Palace and found that there seemed to be no killing of opponents in the previous Four Emperors meeting.

Maybe it's also to give other forces some face and not to do anything wrong.

In this case, he should leave Thain alive, so as not to intensify the conflict between the Lion Palace and the Kingdom of Death.

After all, in a sense, the two are still allies and comrades-in-arms.

"Su Mo, continue!"

Suddenly, a strange voice came from above. Su Mo raised his head and held a falling object in his hand.

This is a palm-sized scimitar-shaped warm jade with a sharp edge that can be used as a knife. When you hold it in your hand, you feel a tingling sensation on your skin, as if there are thousands of sword energy trapped in the jade, trying to break free. .

When the people in the Endless Sword Realm saw the sword jade in Su Mo's hand, their pupils shrank, and they all showed shock and deep envy.

Divine Blade Jade, this is the top-level Divine Blade Jade!

Su Mo, an outsider, actually obtained the Divine Blade Jade.

I... have pink eye! ! !

"Su Mo, this is the divine blade jade given to you by Kazan, sink your thoughts into it."

The powerful and majestic voice of the Lion King came to his ears. Su Mo quickly followed the instructions and poured his mental power into the sword jade.

boom! ! !

In an instant, he seemed to see countless daggers shooting towards him. He couldn't help but take a half step back, feeling nervous in his heart.

But when he obtained the information in the sword, the nervousness disappeared and was replaced by strong excitement and ecstasy.

Damn it, this is a gold ingot falling from the sky! ! !

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