Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 300 Amazing Sword Skills

Two days later, the much-anticipated showdown was finally about to begin.

The arena, which can accommodate millions of people, is packed with seats, and the scene is extremely shocking.

The fighting field is wide, with an area equivalent to a medium-sized island. The ground is a newly paved special metal floor. You can see magic lines engraved on it to increase the hardness of the floor. At the same time, hundreds of magic columns are erected at the edge of the field. .

When the battle begins, these magic columns will echo each other and build a protective film with amazing defensive power to protect the safety of the spectators.

Above the venue, four luxurious and majestic thrones are suspended smoothly, but they are currently empty.

"How are you? Are you nervous?"

Angela stood beside Su Mo and looked at him with concern.

"I feel like you are more nervous than me. Don't worry, I will definitely be able to defeat him."

Su Mo smiled slightly and glanced at his opponent from a distance.

The name of the Undead God of War - Thane really brought back his memories.

Moreover, the Thain in front of him is 80% similar to the Thain in the game.

It was a terrifying monster over 5 meters tall. It held a huge battle ax in its hand. Its skin was as pale as a dead man, its head was bald, and there seemed to be a crown-like barb embedded in its chin. There was a huge in the center of its abdomen. The hollow, bloody light overflowed from it, exuding a bloody, evil, and violent aura.

Sion in the game is one of the toughest heroes in the later stage, and the Sion in front of him seems to be quite durable.

"Come on Master Liu."

"Sixth Master, give him a good look."

The officials of the Lion Palace on the side cheered for Su Mo.

At this point, everyone can only believe in Su Mo and hope that just like what he said, he can defeat this famous undead war god and show the power of the Lion Palace.

In the auditorium, strange races gathered together, whispering to each other, and discussing this much-anticipated showdown.

"Why haven't you started yet?"

"Who dares to start before the Four Emperors arrive?"

"These two matchups are definitely going to be exciting."

"What's exciting? Shumpert and Uvantes are evenly matched, but Su Mo is definitely being abused unilaterally. The gap between him and Thain is really too big. I don't know why the Lion Palace sent him to fight. It's not just a shame. !"

"Have you not heard that there is a rumor from the outside that the relationship between the Lion King and Su Mo is not good, and he only adopted him as his adopted son because of Princess Angela. This time he made a fool of himself in public."

"No way, if Su Mo makes a fool of himself, he is also degrading the Lion King~"

"This is the great thing about being a father. He would rather lose face than let his daughter see the true face of other men."

"I don't think this statement makes sense."

"I also think there is something unreasonable, but it is rumored that there are noses and eyes. Who knows the truth? Hey, we are just watching the fun anyway."

"Well, that's right!"

In a venue with millions of people, if everyone is whispering to each other, you can imagine the noise.

Thain in the ring was disturbed by the noisy sound. His eyes were scarlet and he let out low roars from time to time. He looked at the audience with a look that was almost killing people. He wanted to rush forward and cut all the noisy people into pieces. Crush.

At this moment, four terrifying auras suddenly descended.

Lion King, Sword King, Skeleton King, Succubus Queen

The four powerful God Kings appeared in everyone's sight like a flash, and then slowly sat on the throne.

In an instant, the scene was completely silent, and everyone was shocked by the appearance of the four emperors at the same time.

"Let's get started~"

The Lion King's calm voice echoed throughout the world.

"Shumbert, Urwantes, you two go first."

As the host, the Succubus Queen spoke. Her voice was charming and sweet. Just listening to her voice could make male creatures so horny that they wished they could hit the Queen right there.

Of course, no one dares to do such crazy things. The male creatures can only suppress the desire in their hearts and prepare to release it through local special industries after the battle is over.


Shumpert and Urwantes bowed deeply to the throne above their heads, and then they both entered the ring at the same time.

Shumpert is a cosmic human, with light red skin, a tall and strong figure, holding a slender sword, and sharp eyes.

Ulvantes is a blade demon, with blade-like blades on his arms and calves, and a sharp blade embedded in the back of his head. He is a bit larger than Shumpert, and his face is hideous and ugly, full of oppression.

When the two came on stage, the scene suddenly erupted into cheers and shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

One is a ferocious and violent blade demon

The other one is a martial artist with amazing sword skills

This is bound to be an exciting battle between tit-for-tat and Maimang.

boom! ! !

There was no nonsense, Shumpert and Urwantes burst into momentum at the same time.

The dark and profound demonic power flowed through Uwantes' body, and his body suddenly expanded in a circle, entering a state of demonic liberation as soon as he came up.

Shumpert held the sword in one hand, and the dark red martial arts flames clung to the blade like blood. The sword's intention soared to the sky, making the audience feel a tingling sensation on their skin.


The magic pillar at the edge of the field trembled slightly, and the power of the elements poured out, intertwined and fused together to form a huge inverted bowl-shaped transparent protective shield.


The black light and the red light rushed forward at the same time, drawing straight light marks on the ring, and finally collided with each other.

boom! ! !

Accompanied by a shocking loud noise, terrifying power fluctuations spread outward from the center of the battle, whipping up strong winds visible to the naked eye.

The Blade Demon crossed his arms and pressed against the long dark red knife. The blades collided with each other at an extremely fast vibration frequency, making a series of rapid dinging sounds.

Shumpert drew out his long knife, and spun his body behind his opponent like a top. He held the knife in both hands and aimed it at the neck, slashing downwards diagonally.

Kill with a domineering sword!

The combination of the unparalleled sharp sword intention and the powerful martial arts flames condensed into a half-tooth-shaped dark red sword light. This sword was enough to split mountains and seas, and the fierce aura cut small cracks in the surrounding space.

"Oh, awesome!"

Su Mo's eyes were filled with wonder.

He himself also uses a sword, but his sword is just a weapon. He is the most comfortable to use it, but he cannot integrate it with the sword like Shumpert and develop such a sharp sword intention.

The same knife in his hand and in Shumpert's hand were completely different concepts.

I should also improve my sword skills!

Su Mo secretly made up his mind that with the God-killing sword in hand, it would be impossible for him to change his weapon. This sword would accompany him until he reached the peak of the God King.

His sword skills were trained in wildfires, and he could be regarded as skilled, but in front of real swordsmen, it was a bit crude.


The sword struck the blade demon's neck, but it made a crisp metallic sound.

I saw that densely packed serrated blades had grown out of nowhere on the back of my neck, like a layer of scales, blocking Shumpert's powerful blow.


Urwantes roared angrily, turned around and swung his arm across Shumpert's chest.

Shumpert held the sword upright in front of his chest and blocked the cross slash. Then he turned into a ghost and nimbly dodged to the side of the blade demon. The sword swept across his shoulder and left a blood mark that was deep enough to see the bones.

The Blade Demon roared angrily, black energy exploded, his speed suddenly increased, and he fought with Shumpert at close range.




Two figures flickered on the ring, as if teleporting in front of the audience, appearing here all of a sudden, and then appearing elsewhere after a duel.

The afterimages of the fight were left on the ring. For the weaker audiences, this scene was too shocking.

Many people know that natural disaster-level destructive power is extremely powerful. Just like its name, it is as powerful as a human-shaped natural disaster and can easily destroy a city.

However, when the two natural disasters gathered their strength, although the scene was not as grand and destructive as expected, the danger involved made everyone even more frightened.

"This sword technique is really powerful."

Su Mo watched the details of the battle in the ring without blinking. The Blade Demon was obviously stronger than Shumpert in terms of physical fitness, but Shumpert's body skills were ghostly, his sword skills were like an antelope's horns, and he had a wonderful grasp of the timing of the battle. To the top, so Shumpert occupies the top instead.

The blade demon's chest, forehead, and back were all covered with cuts, and blood was flowing out. It was like an injured, incompetent and furious beast, being tricked around in front of a highly skilled martial artist.

This was the first time Su Mo felt the importance of skills.

In the past, most of the battles he had experienced or seen were competitions of strength, energy confrontation, and exquisite tactical arrangements, but skills did not seem to have much value in natural disaster-level battles.

However, looking at it now, it is not that the skills are not good, it is just that the skills of most people cannot make up for the gap in physical fitness and other aspects.

A true master of skills, such as Shumpert in the ring, can perfectly suppress the ferocious blade demon with his extremely sharp sword intent and master-level sword skills.

Of course, Shumpert's sword skills must be related to his environment. After all, his boss is the Sword King Kazan, who is considered the top sword master in the universe.

Although the Sword Emperor is a person with super powers, he has achieved the same goal through different methods of practicing sword skills.

Under the guidance of the Sword Emperor, it is not surprising that Shumpert can master the master-level sword skills.

Bang bang bang!

The battle is still going on. Although Dao Uwantis is at the bottom, the demon's vitality is so terrifying that it cannot be solved in a short while.

The battle lasted for more than two hours. Although the time was quite long, no one would feel bored. On the contrary, even ordinary viewers could sense that the battle was about to come to a critical moment to determine the winner. They couldn't help but get excited. He started to tremble, and he was so focused that he didn't even dare to blink.

"Lilith, the one who looks stupid is going to lose~"

The Sword Emperor crossed his legs, with a hint of ridicule in his voice.

The Succubus Queen did not say a word, but there was a cold light in her charming pink eyes, obviously very dissatisfied with the performance of the Blade Demon.

In the ring, Urwantes suddenly shivered and felt a cold breath falling on him.

He knew exactly who the owner of this aura was.

When he thought about the terrible punishment he would suffer if he lost the battle, Urwantes suddenly felt a strong fear in his heart.

However, when fear accumulates to a certain level, fear turns into great courage and determination.


Urwantis opened his arms, and the demon's blood boiled in his body. He burned his own essence and blood to win this battle at the cost of losing strength.

"Yes, he is a respectable opponent."

Shumpert nodded in approval with a solemn expression. He slowly rubbed one hand over the blade surface, coating it with a crystal-like dark red film.

boom! ! !

A 100-meter-tall demon king's shadow appeared behind Uwantes, his eyes were burning with hellfire, only the upper half of his body was exposed, his mouth opened and closed, his thick fingers were raised, and then he pointed toward Shampoo like a pillar that tilted the sky. Special pressure to go.

"Well done!"

Shumpert's eyes burst with light, and his sword intent soared into the sky. He held the sword in both hands and slashed forward. His movements seemed sluggish and slow, as if in slow motion, but only a truly strong man could see what was behind this sword. What terrifying energy it contains.

"Shen Feng·Ten thousand currents return to the sea."

Swish swish swish~~~

In an instant, thousands of sword lights burst out from the sword, converging into a majestic torrent of sword lights, rolling back and rushing towards the Demon King's Finger above his head.


The two collided, and the torrent of sword light cut the Demon King's finger into pieces unstoppably. Then the torrent fell like a celestial river, drowning it under the horrified eyes of Uwantis.

Puff puff puff~~~

The sound of tearing flesh and blood and the roar of pain could be clearly heard on the sidelines, making people's scalp numb.

Shumpert looked forward calmly and gently inserted the sword into the scabbard. He knew that the duel was over.

Soon after, the dark red sword light dissipated, and a rickety figure took a few steps forward tremblingly, and then fell to the ground. His body was beyond recognition, not an inch of intact skin could be seen, and blood flowed out like a fountain. It flows and looks extremely miserable.


Seeing this scene, the audience immediately boiled, and the entire venue seemed to explode, filled with all kinds of cheers and discussions.

"Wow, Shumpert is so strong."

"Both Scourges are very strong, but Shumpert is even better."

"Is this the swordsmanship of the Endless Sword Realm!" A sword-wielding martial artist was so excited that he murmured, "I also want to join the Endless Sword Realm and climb to the peak of the sword art."

"Lilith, remember to ask your people to withdraw from the Glenn Star District~"

On the throne, the Sword King smiled at the Succubus Queen.

The Succubus Queen snorted coldly and said, "I know."

After saying that, the Succubus Queen made a false grab with one hand, and Urvantes, who was unconscious and fell to the ground in the ring, was thrown off the stage like a rag bag.


The Queen's voice was majestic, but there was no trace of the original alluring sweetness.

"It's my turn~"

Su Mo held the god-killing sword in his hand, moved his neck, and showed a smile on his face.

This smile made Angela and the other cadres feel Su Mo's strong inner confidence, and suddenly they were no longer so worried and panicked.

"come on!"

Angela made a cute cheering gesture.

"Sixth Master, kill him."

"Sixth Master, kill that guy."

The other cadres also spoke up to cheer for Su Mo.

Wood didn't say anything. He still didn't believe that Su Mo could defeat Thain, but at this time, he wouldn't say anything depressing, so he simply kept silent.

"Thank you everyone, I'm going up."

Su Mo waved his hand coolly, jumped onto the ring with a slight jump, and looked at Thain from a distance as he stepped onto the ring.

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