Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 283 Fox Girl Angela Soul Emperor

This was the first time that the Lion King saw Su Mo in a real sense.

But in fact, as early as a hundred years ago, the prophet Saladin described Su Mo's "face" to him. After Bobo's accurate profile, it was almost exactly the same as Su Mo's true face today.

It can be said that Su Mo is the person he has been waiting for for a hundred years. When they first met, his mood was quite complicated.

A problem that even the God King cannot solve, can this child really do it?

If even Su Mo couldn't do it, who should he look for?

Although he still had concerns, in his heart, he was still willing to believe in Su Mo, not only because of Saladin's prophecy, but also because of the various miracles Su Mo had created this year.

At the beginning, he and Bobo watched the battle between Su Mo and Mondo on Tianyuan Star. At that time, Su Mo was just an elite-level rookie. He could barely reach the commander-level combat power with his extraordinary physique.

Then, under the guidance of Bobo, Su Mo came to Zatanwei and founded his own mercenary group, the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

Next, in just half a year, Su Mo developed the Holy Light Mercenary Group into the top corps of Zatanvi Star. He broke through the natural disasters and had three natural disaster-level subordinates. This kind of development speed even made him feel Extraordinarily stunning.

You know, it took him 30 years to develop the Lion King Group to the height of having four natural disasters, while Su Mo only took less than half a year.

In addition, what impressed him most was the various magical abilities Su Mo displayed.

The Holy Light Potion, the Holy Flame Spirit Seed, the ability to cure natural disasters in a short time, and the Holy Baptism that Bobo told him about before.

These abilities are all kinds of strange, but they all have incredible effects.

This made him even more convinced that Saladin's prediction was correct, and Su Mo was the one who could help him revive his daughter and break free from the shackles.

"Dad, I brought Su Mo."

Bobo floated in front of the Lion King and said in a childish voice.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Bobo."

The Lion King nodded, then lowered his head and looked down at Su Mo.

When the Lion King's eyes fell on him, Su Mo felt as if a mountain was pressing down on him, and his breathing was a little short.

Hiss, so scary~

Su Mo was horrified in his heart. Just a dull look in his eyes, without even a trace of momentum, almost made him unable to control himself.

If the Lion King really wanted to kill him, he probably wouldn't even have to do anything, just a "domineering sideshow" would shock him to death.

God kings and natural disasters are indeed the difference between heaven and earth.

"Su Mo, do you know what you want to do?"

Lion King asked calmly.

"Bobo told me that I need to unlock someone's God-King-level mind poison." Su Mo replied, raising his neck.

The Lion King is too tall, nearly 5 meters.

When he stood in front of the Lion King, he was not even close to someone's thigh, and he had to raise his head hard to see the Lion King's breath.

"Are you sure?"

The Lion King looked down at Su Mo with a serious voice.

Su Mo thought for a while and gave a relatively clear reply: "I can't say I'm 100% sure, but I'm still 80% certain."


The Lion King said solemnly, and a hint of obvious excitement could be heard in his voice.

"If you can complete it successfully, you will be free to run amok in the Chaotic Star Territory from now on."

Wow, so cool!

Su Mo was overjoyed. If someone else said this, it would definitely be pretentious, but if this sentence came from the Lion King's mouth, it would no longer be a child's play.

"follow me!"

The Lion King turned around and walked towards the back of the hall, followed closely by Su Mo and Bobo.

When the three of them walked to the back door of the hall, a silvery white light suddenly appeared on the ground, and the light shrouded them, and the three of them disappeared in the blink of an eye.



With his feet on the ground, Su Mo quickly glanced around.

This is a secret room. There is a crystal coffin in the middle of the secret room. Under the crystal coffin are complicated and mysterious formation patterns. It seems to be an energy-gathering formation. The spiritual energy in the secret room is so rich and frightening that it can almost liquefy into drops.

The Lion King approached the crystal coffin with heavy steps, and Su Mo and Bobo followed.

When Su Mo stood next to the crystal coffin and saw the person lying in the coffin, his heart shook violently.

It was a sleeping fox girl, with skin like snow and pretty appearance, perfectly blending purity and charm. Her waterfall-like long hair lay flat in the crystal coffin, and nine white tails bloomed like flowers under her body. She is like the sleeping beauty in the fairy tale, with no flaws at all.


Su Mo couldn't help but admire that this fox girl was definitely the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

who is she?

What does it have to do with the Lion King?

The Lion King stood next to the crystal coffin, looking at the sleeping sweet girl in the coffin, with a flash of love, pity, and deep-hidden anger in his eyes.

"He is my daughter, Fox Angela." The Lion King said.

Nani? ? ?

Su Mo's eyes widened.

Looking at the Lion King's rough and majestic face, and then looking at Angela's flawless face, he really couldn't think of these two people as father and daughter.

At this time, Bobo explained from the side:

"The Anya people can intermarry at will, and their children will only inherit the blood of one parent. Angela inherited the blood of the fox clan from her mother, so she has no similarities with her father."

So that's it.

Su Mo was stunned.

The way the Anya people continue their bloodline is truly miraculous, completely different from the people on Earth or Tianyuan Star.

Fortunately, Angela inherited the bloodline of the Fox clan. If she inherited the bloodline of the Lion King...


Su Mo took a deep breath, that scene was really terrifying~

Afterwards, Su Mo moved slightly closer to the crystal coffin and activated the [Eye of Insight] to check the internal situation of Angela's body.

This sight shocked him again.

Angela's physical condition cannot even be described as bad.

There is a large black mist entrenched in the soul sea. In the middle of the mist is a strange rune, which looks like a ghost or a demon. With this rune as the center, long chains like blood vessels extend out, penetrating Angela's body. All parts were like a big net, tightly locking her body.

This should be the god-king level telepathy poison that Bobo mentioned.

However, based on his visual inspection, the telepathic poison did not kill Angela, but blocked her consciousness for a long time, almost equivalent to a vegetative state.

Moreover, the structure of this kind of mental toxin is very delicate, and it can affect the whole body at a moment's notice. As long as one place is destroyed, it may even cause a collapse chain reaction, with disastrous consequences.

"How's it going? Are you sure?"

Bobo approached Su Mo and asked in a low voice.


Su Mo noticed the majestic look the Lion King looked at him and immediately changed his words: "No problem!"


Hearing Su Mo's assurance, the Lion King couldn't help but feel excitement and expectation in his eyes.

"The rest is up to you."

The Lion King took two steps back and gave up his position to Su Mo.

Su Mo stepped forward and took a deep breath.

Before coming to Anya Star, he specially verified the combination of [Hegemony] + [Injury Transfer].

He used [Light Sealing Technique] to seal the power in Hutao's body, and later used [Injury Transfer] to transfer the sealing effect to himself. The result was very successful, confirming that this combination of techniques was fine.

Now, the only uncertain factor is whether the god-king level power can surpass the absolute effect of the system.

System dad, you must hold on tight for me at this time!

let's start!


A layer of pale golden light film appeared on Su Mo's body, like amber, wrapping his body inside.


The Lion King's eyes moved slightly, and his god-king level perception was so sharp. He could detect that the light film on Su Mo's body was extraordinary and seemed to contain some kind of regular power.

Changing the rules is not impossible for the powerful God King.

Some god-king level magicians can change the physical rules of the secondary dimension, such as gravity is upward, objects can never be hit, etc., but this kind of rule change can only be realized in the weak secondary dimension. In the main world, Even the strongest God King cannot change the rules of the main universe.

And Su Mo was able to use the ability that contained the power of rules, which was simply unbelievable.

Five seconds was a short time. After Su Mo used [Hegemony], he decisively pointed his hand at Angela in the crystal coffin and shouted secretly - the injury was transferred.


The thick black mist flew out of Angela's body, as if it had been forcibly stripped away. A strange rune could be seen in the black mist, spreading its teeth and claws, releasing eerie and terrifying fluctuations in telekinesis.

The runes and black mist rushed toward Su Mo, but the moment they came into contact with the light film, they quickly disappeared like snow meeting the blazing sun.

Seeing this scene, Lion King and Bobo could not help but show shock and disbelief in their eyes.

This... is it over?

The mind-power poison that even the God King cannot solve can be solved directly with just a hand?

boom! ! !

At this moment, a powerful wave of thought power erupted in the crystal coffin, sweeping through the entire chamber like a hurricane.

Su Mo was shocked and took two steps back. Then, he saw Angela slowly opening her eyes in the crystal coffin.

They were a pair of eyes as clear and pure as spring water, shaped like peach petals, with a bit of confusion, like an ignorant girl who had just woken up from sleep. When these eyes were opened, they seemed to add the last piece of the puzzle to the girl's temperament. Smart, playful and charming.


The Lion King excitedly walked to the crystal coffin, his generous hands that could explode the planet were trembling slightly at this moment.


Angela's lips moved slightly, and her voice was as gurgling as a stream. At this moment, she seemed not to be fully awake yet, and she looked cute and cute.

The lion king, who was domineering and majestic in front of outsiders and would not be moved even if the sky fell, had his eyes turn red instantly after hearing the word 'father' in this life, and there was a tremor in his voice.

He had been waiting for this "Dad" for a hundred years, which was too long.

"Dad, you seem old!"

Angela blinked. Compared with the father in her memory, the father in front of her had a few more wrinkles on his face, and his temperament was obviously different from before.

"Yes, Angela, dad is really old."

The Lion King said kindly, his voice much gentler than before.


Angela wanted to prop up her body, but found that her hands and feet were horribly stiff, as if they were frozen. She had no choice but to use her telekinesis to slowly float her body up and sit upright, and asked: "Dad, How long have I slept?"

She still remembered the scene before she fell asleep.

The terrifying man, whose whole body was filled with gloomy black energy, shot a strange black rune at her. After that, her vision went dark and she lost consciousness.

"My child, you have been sleeping for 105 years." The Lion King gently held Angela's hand and used his strength to activate her meridians and blood.

"105 years?"

Angela's eyes widened slightly. Oh my God, how could she suddenly become a hundred-year-old old woman.

At this time, Angela caught an acquaintance in her peripheral vision.

"Bobo, you are here too!"

Angela shouted in surprise.

Bobo floated over slowly, with a cute smile on his face: "Angela, long time no see."

"Wow, Bobo, why haven't you changed at all?"

Angela stretched out her hand to pull Bobo over, kneading his smooth and round face, with envy on her face: "It's been a hundred years, and you haven't aged at all. It's not fair."


Bobo's face was kneaded like dough, and he murmured vaguely. At this moment, he recalled the shadow of a hundred years ago.

At that time, he was already a well-known strong man in the chaotic star field, but he was always dressed up as a cute young lady by Angela, wearing all kinds of cute clothes, so there was no need to be too ashamed.

The Lion King looked at the scene in front of him and his smile became more kind.

At this moment, he was no longer the mighty Lion King in the Star Territory, but just a father enjoying being surrounded by his children.

After the fun, Angela saw Su Mo standing behind the Lion King.

"Dad, is he...?"

The Lion King introduced: "His name is Su Mo. He is the one who solved the mental toxin in your body."

Hearing this, Angela's eyes instantly burst into a strange look.

Did he save me?

Even after she woke up, she acted as playful and agile as before, as if she had just slept for a long time.

But this was just because she didn't want to make her father sad.

What she experienced was torture more terrifying than hell.

Do you know how desperate it feels to be trapped in a black house with no voice, no communication, and all shouts, efforts, and struggles in vain?

She wanted to annihilate her soul countless times, but found that she couldn't do it. Even she didn't know how long this state would last. It might be one year, two years, a hundred years or even no time limit.

And when someone pulls her out of hell, that person will leave an indelible mark on her heart.

"Su Mo~"

Angela smiled brightly, as brightly as the cherry blossoms blooming in the morning sun, as beautiful as a dream.

"Thank you~"

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, then showed a gentle smile: "You're welcome."


Top floor of Ten Thousand Souls Tower~

A man whose whole body was filled with black mist suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, a terrifying storm of mental power rolled up, shaking the entire Ten Thousand Souls Tower.

"Who broke my God-locking curse?"

The Soul Emperor's voice was low, with a touch of anger and doubt.

He has issued a warning to all the god king telekinesis masters in the universe who can be named. Anyone who dares to help the old lion will be an enemy of his soul emperor and the entire soul clan.

But now, the God Locking Curse has been broken.

Who did it?

After a moment of silence, the Soul Emperor sent a message to several people. Soon after, several projections appeared in the Ten Thousand Souls Tower.

"Soul Emperor, why did you summon us?"

A burly man asked in a muffled voice.

The Soul Emperor looked around at everyone and said in a solemn voice:

"The God-locking curse on Reingut's daughter has been broken!"


After hearing this, everyone suddenly changed their expressions.

The breaking of the God-locking Curse means that most of the shackles on the Lion King have been removed.

In other words, the old lion who once shocked the universe may be coming back.

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