Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 275 Pearl of Apocalypse


The holy dragon swooped down and let out a dragon roar that shook the earth.

At this moment, everyone on the battlefield was attracted by this terrifying vision, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Oh, so awesome!"

Isaac's eyes widened, Su Mo's fighting performance far exceeded his expectations.

It looked like his opponent was going to suffer.

"How can this be!"

Barbota's body trembled and she looked ahead in disbelief.

Is this the Holy Light Sumo whom Ursula calls a "rookie"?

what is going on?

Why is everyone suddenly so much stronger?

"How dare you get distracted?"

A cold voice sounded in his ears, and red pillars of fire erupted from the soles of his feet, immediately melting the protective aura.

Barbota flashed out of the range of the pillar of fire. At this moment, he was in a very embarrassed state. His armor was in pieces, his whole body was covered with burn marks, the bones on his palms were exposed, and half of his face was almost disfigured.

After Isaac's strength greatly improved, he easily suppressed the joint efforts of Barbota and Vilu. His flames were fierce and blazing, and his aggressiveness was full. If the two were not thick-skinned martial artists, they would have been burned to death by now. Ashes.

Watching the Holy Dragon fall to the ground, Barbota suddenly felt a sense of regret in his heart.

Chasing Isaac may have been the worst decision he ever made in his life.

Boom! ! ! !

The deafening explosion resounded throughout the world.

The violent wind swept around, and a huge golden ball rose from the ground. The ball continued to expand, and when it reached a certain level, it exploded. The vision suddenly turned into a vast white, and nothing could be seen.


The surrounding mechanical warriors fell over like wheat, and those dark monsters, after being exposed to the golden light, felt as if they had been poured sulfuric acid. Their bodies began to corrode and melt rapidly, and they let out painful and shrill screams, which disappeared under the golden light.

"So strong!"

Qian Liuyu looked down, his eyes filled with wonder.

Such a powerful and domineering move would be very difficult for him to resist.

"The leader's growth rate is too exaggerated." Qian Liuyu sighed deeply.

When we first met, Su Mo was just a commander-level assistant. He was very good at healing illnesses, but his combat effectiveness was only mediocre.

But after the Sacred Tree Star and his party ended, Su Mo had a combat power comparable to the natural disaster level.

At that time, he still focused on auxiliary treatment. He relied on his strong physique and recovery ability to fight against the primary level of natural disasters. If he faced higher-level enemies, he could only be beaten passively.

But now, only a few months have passed, and Su Mo has become a leader in natural disasters.

It's almost like it's been turned off.


When Walnut's opponent, the red-haired man, saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed, and he burst out with arrogance and rushed towards the energy center.

At this moment, a small figure broke through the space and knocked him back with a hammer.

"No one can disturb Brother Su Mo."

Hu Tao holds a war hammer, and the power of the stars shines behind her, forming a beautiful and vast starry sky, but her two eyes are like two black holes, so dark and deep that they seem to be able to suck away people's souls.

"you wanna die!"

The red-haired man's eyes were bloodshot, he clenched his sword and slashed hard at the walnut.


A sinkhole was blasted out of the ground, with a depth of 100 meters and a diameter of more than several kilometers.

Ursula stood at the bottom of the sinkhole, with her decapitating sword held diagonally above her head. Her feet were deeply embedded in the ground. Her armor was shattered into pieces, and her protective aura was as thin as a layer of paper. It was almost invisible. .

At the critical moment, when the confinement time was over, Ursula hurriedly gathered her strength to resist this move [Holy Dragon Chasing the Sun].


Ursula's face turned green and red, and finally she couldn't help but spurt out a large mouthful of blood. The energy in her body shook violently, causing twitching pain.

"It's not over yet~"

A faint laugh sounded from his ears.

Before Ursula could react, she heard a simple word "explosion".


The sacred mark was instantly detonated.

Ursula's body was shaken, and she almost lost her hand with the decapitating knife. Another large mouthful of blood spurted out, and her aura declined at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sacred mark is a surefire move when dealing with enemies whose health is about to bottom out.

Swish swish swish~~

Two golden figures split from Su Mo's body and instantly condensed into two identical clones of light.

In appearance, the clones are almost 100% similar to Su Mo, but their eyes are still a little dull, and people who are familiar with Su Mo will definitely be able to see it at a glance.

Splitting the clones consumes a lot of force power. If the two clones go down, plus the consumption from the previous battle, Su Mo's force power will be reduced by half.

However, the power of skills that consume a lot of money is naturally not bad.

The clones each transformed a Holy Spirit Hammer and hit Ursula's head one left and one right.

At the critical moment, Ursula showed the strong willpower of a high-level natural disaster expert. She burst out with arrogance and blocked the head with a decapitating sword, rising into the sky like a cannonball.

However, her reaction was what Su Mo had expected.


Su Mo appeared behind Ursula like a ghost, his fist glowed with golden light, and he struck out with a [Holy Blow], hitting the back of Ursula's head.

Ursula's head was hit so hard that stars seemed to light up in front of her eyes.


The two clones used the skill [Angel Wings], their wings shook, and they rushed to Ursula's side, and the war hammer hit her head hard.


Ursula raised her head, and a stream of blood flowed down her forehead.

Dong dong dong~~

Su Mo was hammering wildly from behind, and the two clones also cooperated to deal a blow, which made Ursula tremble all over.

However, the high-level natural disaster martial artist really resisted the beating. After being beaten for such a long time, Ursula was still conscious, and she swiped the decapitation sword and cut the two clones in half.

After all, the clone is a clone, and there is still a big gap between it and the main body.

In addition, Su Mo was not very skilled in the coordination and control of clones, so the two clones that consumed a lot of force power were just gone.

When the good news came, after the clone was cut open, the upper and lower halves of the body suddenly turned into strips of light and poured into Su Mo's body.

80% energy recovery

It’s not too bad~


The Holy Spirit Hammer struck from behind, causing strong winds and moving as fast as lightning.

Ulasu was unable to dodge and was hit on the back of the head by the war hammer again.

This time Ursula really couldn't bear it anymore and fell into a dizzy state. Her head was buzzing and her vision went dark and she couldn't see anything.

"good chance!"

Su Mo's eyes lit up, and the war hammer swung out phantoms one after another, hitting Ursula's body with all his heart. In the dull impact sound, the sound of broken bones could be clearly heard.


With another powerful and heavy hammer, Ursula's body softened and she fell straight to the ground.

Su Mo grabbed Ursula's neck, and pieces of sacred runes penetrated into her body like flowing water.

[Light Seal Technique]

When the target was unconscious, Ursula's power was quickly sealed even though her level was higher than Su Mo's.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the Lovac civilization was shocked and angry.

Who would have thought that Ursula, who was originally thought to be the easiest to deal with her opponent, would now be knocked unconscious first and become a prisoner.

They tried to save Ursula but were unable to do so.

There is no way, the fighting power of Isaac, Qian Liuyu and Hutao is too strong, especially Isaac and Qian Liuyu.

If one of them dares to go out to save Ursula now, he will definitely die quickly if he is left alone.

In desperation, Barbota could only shout:

"Raylins, if you rescue my people, my commission will be doubled!"

Hearing this, Raylins' lips, half white and half black, slowly curved into a strange arc.

"Such a pure power of light, I believe Lord Doram will definitely like it."

Leylins looked directly at Su Mo with fiery eyes, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.


Lelins opened his arms, and the rich dark power formed a tsunami-like energy sky behind him.

The speed of the dark monsters pouring out of the cracks suddenly increased. Some of them dealt with the mechanical soldiers, while others rushed to Su Mo. The first wave numbered at least hundreds of thousands.

"Su Mo, let me help you!" Bobo's voice came from the earphones.

"No need, Bobo~"

Su Mo pinched Ursula with one hand, and sharp spikes appeared on the fingertips, piercing into her body, drawing out the life force continuously and improving the proficiency of strange powers.

The other hand slowly raised, his voice was calm, and there was a hint of expectation.

"I can deal with them"

Bloom, Pearl of Apocalypse!



A ball of light suddenly rose from the ground. During the rise, the ball of light expanded rapidly, and in an instant it turned into a huge golden ball of light with a diameter of more than two hundred meters, like a sun hanging high in the sky.

At the same time, an extremely large circular aperture appeared on the ground, the boundary of which was almost invisible to the naked eye. Only from an altitude of several hundred meters could one judge that its diameter was definitely more than ten kilometers, covering most of the battlefield.

The dazzling golden light shines on the earth, shining on everyone and everything.

As teammates, Isaac, Bobo, Hutao, and Qian Liuyu immediately felt that their body functions had improved, their consumed energy quickly recovered, and their strength increased a little.

Barbota, Vilu and others only felt that the sun was particularly dazzling and had no other feelings.

But those dark monsters were like snow meeting the blazing sun, their bodies were smoking, some even started to melt, and they screamed in terror and pain.

[Pearl of Apocalypse]: Cast a pearl of light containing divine power. The attributes of the team members will increase during the existence of the pearl of light. After a certain period of time, the Pearl of Light turns into a Pearl of Darkness, and then emits powerful light to cause great damage to the enemy.

Under Su Mo's control, the Pearl of Light only existed for a short time, and then turned into the Pearl of Darkness.


The dazzling golden sun suddenly turned and turned into a pitch-black and evil dark sphere with purple light lingering around the outer circle.

Compared to the warmth and blazing warmth of the Pearl of Light, the Pearl of Darkness feels like destruction.

When it hangs high in the sky, a series of words such as disaster, death, and doomsday will come to mind.

"Destroy it!"

Following Su Mo's murmur, the next moment, the Pearl of Darkness erupted with countless dark purple rays, bombarding Barbota, Vilu and others as well as all dark monsters within the circle of light.

Boom boom boom~~~

The power of the dark purple ray is comparable to that of a nether energy cannon, and one shot can create a large hole dozens of meters deep in the ground.

At this moment, the world was enveloped in purple light.

Barbota and others held up their shields and struggled to withstand the bombing of the destruction ray.

As high-level natural disasters and peak natural disaster experts, they are still capable of protecting themselves.

But those dark monsters suffered.

Their strength varies, but more than 99% of them are not caused by natural disasters.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Dark Pearl, the dark monster had no room to resist and was directly blown to pieces.

After a while, the dark sun suddenly dissipated, and the world returned to clarity.

The crowded battlefield became empty, and the huge space crack was still in the air, but only about 10% of the dark monsters were left. These monsters were not affected because they were just outside the circle of light.

A thick layer of ground was cut off over a dozen kilometers in radius, and dust and sand were flying in the air.

At this moment, the battlefield was extremely quiet.

"How can this be!"

Barbota's pupils shrank, and there was a huge earthquake in his heart. He really couldn't understand why Su Mo could use such a terrifying move. It was clear that the energy of the purple light ball was completely inconsistent with his usual strength attributes.

Can supernatural powers really be developed to this extent?


Qian Liuyu was amazed. This move was the best among natural disasters in terms of power and coverage. It was really hard to imagine how the leader developed such a powerful move when he had just broken through the natural disasters. moves.

Is this the creativity of genius?

The Pearl of Apocalypse consumed a lot of energy, and one move reduced Su Mo's force power by nearly a quarter.

However, what surprised Su Mo was that while the force was being consumed, it was also rapidly recovering and rising.

This increase comes from the feedback from [Pure Dark Holy Flame].

In other words, after the undead, he discovered a new leek fertilizer.

Secondary dimension, dark monsters

"Winnie, what you mean is that the power of the summoner in front of you comes from the secondary dimension demon Doram." Su Mo stared at Relins's colorful face and asked secretly.

"Yes, Doram is known as the Dark Demon. After many mages have no hope of breaking through, they will choose to turn to Doram to obtain the power of darkness and break through to a higher realm."

"But the price of this choice is also very heavy. Not only will their consciousness sink into darkness and their personalities will change drastically, but they will also be controlled by Doram for life, making it difficult to have freedom."


Su Mo's eyes flashed, and he remembered an interstellar news he saw some time ago.

The Federation of Radiance dispatched an army into the secondary dimension, but was attacked head-on by the dimension demon Doram, causing heavy casualties among the soldiers.

It can cause the hegemon of the universe, the Radiant Federation of the three major civilizations, to suffer a big loss. One can imagine how terrifying Doram's strength is.

He is definitely the king who stands at the top of the universe.

However, such powerful men are still too far away from him.

After the bombing of the Pearl of Apocalypse ended, the battle continued.

Judging from the situation, Lelins lost most of his monsters and was immediately suppressed and beaten by Bobo's mechanical soldiers. At the same time, Hu Tao, Qian Liuyu, and Isaac were also in a good situation.

Now, there is every chance to take them all down.

Su Mo let go of his hand and Ursula in his hand fell heavily to the ground.

The life plunder has drained Ursula's life force away. Now she has only one breath left and may die at any time.

"Draining" the natural disaster high-level martial arts master increased the proficiency of monster power by more than a hundred points, reaching LV6 - 672/3000.

Powerful Qi and blood surged in his chest, and heat waves billowed, as if a furnace was burning.

Su Mo glanced around, and the corners of his mouth curved.

"I want to see who is the next lucky guy."

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