Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 265 Rapid Development Bobo Calls

Originally, this banquet was held by Su Mo to thank many allies for their great help. However, due to the six major legions, the natural disaster-level mercenary group, the Megan family, and Alonso of the Star Stone Civilization, many top forces or top civilizations Important figures were present, and many large mercenary groups, large consortiums, and chambers of commerce that had not cooperated with the Holy Light Mercenary Group also wanted to join in shamelessly.

Su Mo thought for a while but did not refuse, and simply expanded the thank you banquet into an exchange and cooperation conference for the top forces of Zatanvi.

During the banquet, Su Mo reached in-depth cooperation with various forces.

First of all, with the unanimous consent of the six legions, the Holy Light Mercenary Corps officially became the seventh legion of Zatanvi, the Holy Light Legion, and was eligible to build its own armed satellite fortress on the outer layer of Zatanvi in ​​return. , the Holy Light Legion will increase the supply of Holy Light potions and weapons to the six legions and provide the lowest discounts.

In addition, Su Mo also used [Weapon Blessing] to permanently strengthen the weapons of all the captains and deputy captains of the six legions. After the on-site experiment, these natural disaster experts were ecstatic and looked at Su Mo more than their own. The daughter-in-law returned the kiss.

After the other strong men and many forces saw this, they also came to ask for Su Mo's strengthened weapons at a high price.

Since then, the weapon enhancement business of the Holy Light Legion has been officially launched on the market, and the response has been enthusiastic.

Secondly, after rescuing Alonso and other seven natural disasters, the civilization behind them, in order to express their gratitude, promised to give the Legion of Light millions to tens of millions in cash rewards.

Because the distance is too far, Green Light Civilization and Yuling Civilization are unable to reach resource development, armed escort and other related business cooperation with the Holy Light Legion. However, Xue Po, Lan Jue and others have stated that after returning to China, they will report to the military , internal armed forces and many financial groups recommend Holy Light Potion, and their own families will also order it for a long time.

In this way, the Holy Light Potion will directly open up sales in several civilizations, and the future profits will be unimaginable.

In addition to Alonso and others, the local consortiums and chambers of commerce in Zatanweixing are more active. They know well the commercial value contained in the Holy Light Potion. As long as they buy it, they will not worry about sales. Therefore, they have sent orders to Su Mo. The total transaction volume Reaching a terrifying 2 billion, this number made the six legions and the major natural disaster mercenary groups jealous.

They worked hard and had to pay the price of sacrifice of members and damage to the fleet in order to earn so much money. Now the Holy Light Legion does not have to do anything. It only needs to sell a medicine and it can make billions.

Ah, ah, envy, jealousy and hatred!

Not only medicines, but various weapons and equipment produced by the Holy Light Legion have also opened up sales. Compared with those old arms companies, the weapons and equipment produced by the Holy Light Legion are cheaper and have better performance. At the same time, there is no need to worry about transportation time and transportation safety. The problem has gradually become the first choice for all major forces to consider.

The six major legions, natural disaster-level mercenary groups, consortiums, and chambers of commerce have all ordered a large number of weapons and equipment, which has allowed the machinery factory, which has always been a big money-eater, to gradually turn from a loss to a profit.

In addition, many consortia and chambers of commerce will also increase investment and construction in the Holy Light Base. They will open a series of living and entertainment venues such as bars, restaurants, commercial streets, theaters, and arenas, and strive to build the Holy Light Base within two years. It has become a super-large city no less than the main city of the six legions.

After the banquet, basically everyone left with a smile on their face.

This banquet brought together many big names who would not normally appear on the same stage. Everyone broadened their contacts, developed business, and reached exchanges and cooperation with more forces, saving a lot of time and costs.

This banquet also proved Su Mo’s special status on Zatanvi.

You must know that although the six major legions are often consistent externally, there are constant conflicts and disputes internally.

After all, the core businesses of the mercenary group are only a few, including colonization, armed escort, and war employment... In order to grab big orders, the six major corps often used secret tricks and even fought. The relationship between them is also quite complicated. Stiff.

Unless something big happens, it is almost impossible for the core senior leaders of these six legions to attend on the same stage.

But this time, the six legions all participated in the banquet to save face, and did not mind Su Mo's increasingly powerful voice, organization and leadership. Of course, there were many objective factors involved in this.

First of all, the Holy Light Mercenary Group does not have any business conflict with the six major legions. On the contrary, they are quite complementary. Whether it is Holy Light potions, arms business, or weapon enhancement, they can all help their legions improve their combat effectiveness. They are The perfect partner.

Secondly, Su Mo himself has super healing ability and can cure serious injuries of natural disaster experts in a short time. In the future, whether any accidents happen to him or other legion cadres, they will definitely be blamed on Su Mo, so the two sides are friendly. Relationships need to be established in advance.

Finally, Su Mo not only has a close relationship with Lord Bobo, the lord of Zatanvi, but also has a life-saving grace for Alonso, the senior worshiper of the regional overlord Star Stone Civilization. Judging from the background alone, Su Mo is better than the six armies. More tough.

The combination of various factors gave Su Mo a stronger appeal than the commanders of the six armies.

After suggestions from various forces, Su Mo decided to hold a similar exchange conference every two years in the future to build a platform for all forces and deepen cooperation.

This decision has received strong support from many forces.

Although the six legions saw that Su Mo seemed to want to become the "leader of the martial arts alliance", they did not stop him. Instead, they promised to actively participate.

After all, this kind of exchange conference can only be held by the Holy Light.

After introducing various forces, deepening cooperation, and making the cake bigger, as the leaders in the mercenary industry, they can naturally get the biggest share of the pie.

As for whether Su Mo can secure his position as alliance leader, it depends on his ability.


In the next period of time, Su Mo was very busy, very busy.

There are too many orders for Holy Light Potion, from consortiums, major mercenary groups, and large orders from Alonso and other seven natural disasters after they returned to their respective civilizations.

In addition, he also has to make Holy Flame Spirit Seeds and deal with the weapon enhancement business requested by many allies.

It can be said that he had almost no rest during this period. He was either making Holy Light Potion in the factory or working in the office to deal with the tasks in the legion that he had to do personally.

The amount of the legion account was rising rapidly every day at an exaggerated rate. Later, Su Mo was completely numb. He finally understood the Versailles words of a certain boss——

I'm not interested in money!

The money piled up in the account is just a string of numbers, and it can only have real effect when it is spent.

The Holy Light Legion purchased a large amount of training resources, high-precision equipment required by machinery factories, battleships, advanced armor, and many composite high-tech products.

The members of the legion have enjoyed the benefits of this wave of development, and have exchanged many rare treasures at low prices. Their strength has been rising steadily, and their sense of belonging to the legion has increased day by day, almost to the point of overflowing.

In addition, Winnie has increased its computing power by replicating a large number of machines.

During this period, Su Mo did not forget to pay attention to the puppet master's movements.

Currently, headed by several major star cluster-level civilizations, more than a dozen galaxy-level civilizations are actively participating, jointly putting pressure on many civilizations in the Protoss Sea, asking them to focus on cracking down on the underground black market business of the Puppet Master.

In addition, after Alonso and others provided effective information, the Civilized United Forces quickly removed many of the Puppet Master's strongholds outside the Celestial Sea.

Behind this, there is also the push from the Iron Blood Empire and the Federation of Radiance.

After several attacks, the Puppet Master suffered heavy losses, but this guy was really stubborn and refused to hand over the captured natural disaster master. It was also impossible for many civilizations to send large armies into the Star Spirit Sea, so this matter could only be temporary. Deadlocked.

In addition to the Puppet Master incident, a lot of big news has happened in the universe recently.

The Zerg natural disaster broke out in the Star Sea Corridor. A large number of planets were occupied by the Zerg, and more than 100 billion interstellar citizens were massacred. This incident aroused strong concern from all civilizations.

The Star Sea Corridor Civilization Council has spoken out that it will unite all civilizations in the star field to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against the Zerg, and this disaster must be quickly quelled.

But as soon as this statement was issued, the notorious Zerg Queen Irina in the universe gave a warning. She claimed that if the United Army dared to massacre the Zerg, she would personally lead the Zerg army to the Star Sea Corridor to recover the Zerg. justice.

Human life is life, and the life of Zerg is also life!

Considering the powerful status of Queen Irina as the God-King, as well as the terrifying interstellar combat power of the Zerg army directly under her, the Star Sea Corridor Civilization Council had to reconvene to try to discuss a peaceful solution.

The Federation of Radiance dispatched an army into the secondary dimension, but was attacked head-on by the dimension demon Doram, causing heavy casualties among the soldiers.

An intelligence crisis broke out in the ancient star desert. Countless AI beings carried viruses and swept across the entire star field. In just one month, the network of most of the star field was paralyzed, and hundreds of thousands of planets were occupied by AI creatures.

Many civilizations in the ancient star desert had to ask for help from the overlord country, the Federation of Light. Then the Federation of Light sent the pillar of the country and the strongest mechanic in the universe - the Black Emperor, Ablo Zeke.

Under the Black Emperor's ruthless suppression, the AI ​​virus rebellion was quickly quelled. This battle also made the Black Emperor's name resound throughout the universe.

In addition to these big news in the universe, Su Mo is also always paying attention to important news around the chaotic star field.

The 50-year meeting of the Four Emperors is about to begin.

This meeting of the four emperors will be held on the Pink Star of the Succubus Queen. In order to obtain first-hand information about the meeting of the four emperors, many forces or media organizations sent their subordinates to the pink star in advance to open up internal intelligence relations, and travel at public expense to experience the meeting. Give the succubus a taste.

The war between the Star Stone Civilization and the Demonic Civilization, the two star cluster-level civilizations, has been going on for three years. Half a month ago, the Star Stone Civilization’s senior worshipper, the peak natural disaster martial artist Alonso, returned and powerfully killed two of them in the first battle. Natural disasters caused the Star Stone Civilization to win a complete victory in local battles.

The Colt Civilization established a total of 20 star gates in the northeastern part of the territory, breaking the long-term blockade of the Black Crow Civilization and officially connecting with the Rainbow Trade Road of the Star Stone Civilization. The weak northeastern economy has regained its vitality. Major chambers of commerce and consortiums are welcome to come forward. Come invest.

Lovac Civilization defeated the conspiracy of the anti-government armed forces, killed an important cadre of the armed force, and seriously injured its leader. Currently, Lovac Civilization is offering a reward to the outside world, and those who provide the leadership position will receive a direct reward of 30 million Inar.


In the office, Secretary Kurosawa Bei stood next to Su Mo, reporting on the recent personnel changes of the Holy Light Legion.

"Legion Commander, the legion has completed the second batch of recruitment plans. The total number of recruits is 153,200, including 540 commander-level cadres and 8,900 elite-level backbones. The new members are receiving training from instructor Jin Zhan. , it is expected that more than 90% of the members will complete the assessment and officially join the legion in one month."

"Well, not bad!" Su Mo smiled and nodded.

After the Holy Light Mercenary Group evolved into the Holy Light Legion, the external recruitment plan was once again launched. Responders gathered, and more than millions of mercenaries almost broke the legion's threshold.

Now who doesn’t know that the Holy Light Legion has high benefits, good treatment, and a profound background, and its future development potential is even brighter than that of the six major legions. Those mercenaries who just joined the Holy Light Legion not long ago are now improving rapidly one by one. Everywhere is an object of envy.

Therefore, many mercenary group leaders would rather disband the team than compete to join the Holy Light Legion.

Rather than staying as small bosses in the county, they would rather join the Fortune 500 as backbones.

There are some resources that a small mercenary group will never have access to in their lifetime.

After 150,000 new members joined, the total number of the Holy Light Legion is close to 200,000. Although it cannot be compared with the six legions with tens of millions of members, it is even less numerous than Elephant Rohan's Giant Elephant Mercenary Group. But Su Mo was already quite satisfied.

The development of the legion cannot be rapid, but must be gradual and orderly, so that members can have a sense of identity and pride in the legion, consciously safeguard the interests of the legion, and then use the old to lead the new to expand the number of legion members.

Only in this way can the centripetal force and cohesion of the army be maintained at all times, instead of being scattered.

Also, although the Holy Light Legion has a small number of people, the ratio of leaders to elites is quite high. For example, the Mammoth Mercenary Legion has one million members, but there are only more than 600 leading cadres and less than 8,000 elite backbones, which is not as good as the current Holy Light. Legion.

"Kurosawa, keep going~"


Kurosawa continued: "According to your request, the legion sent two teams to the Divine Star and the Divine Tree Star. The leader of the Divine Star was Gefus. He led the sixth and seventh brigades, and the Thousands of technical experts and a large amount of materials are expected to help the Shenyao Empire unify the planet within five months, and simultaneously build a star network, open a science and technology academy, and a training and selection base for the Holy Light Legion."

"The leader of the Sacred Tree Star team is Master Andolf, followed by the 10th and 13th brigades. Master Andolf brought ten units of earth core emulsion and enough living supplies. He promised to develop the local area within half a year. Behemoth resources create a mature trial base for newcomers for the legion.”

"Yeah, not bad." Su Mo nodded with satisfaction.

Geforth and Andolfo were his confidants, so he handed over the two important bases of Divine Star and Divine Tree Star to them.

In the future, Shenyao Star will serve as the source of troops for the Holy Light Legion and provide talents for the legion.

On the other hand, after the reunification of the Shenyao Empire, the accumulation of the power of faith in the Divine Gathering Stone will be greatly accelerated, which can help him break through certain bottlenecks at critical moments.

The Divine Tree Star is rich in resources and will serve as an important trial site for the Holy Light Legion in the future. It will be used to train new recruits, select talents, and at the same time continuously produce eight kinds of fruits for the legion.

"Captain, the personnel arrangement report has been completed." Kurosawa Kita closed the folder and said respectfully.

"Okay, that's it!"

Su Mo stood up, patted Kurosawa Bei's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Kurosawa, you have worked hard during this period, but while taking care of the legion's affairs, don't forget to practice yourself."

Kurosawa Kita quickly said: "Captain, don't worry, I will discuss and communicate with other masters every day. Coupled with the tilt of the legion's resources, Kurosawa is confident that he can break through the commander level within a year."

"Ah That's good!"

Su Mo nodded with satisfaction.

Kurosawa Kita is a rare A-level supernatural genius, and he is bound to become an important pillar of the legion in the future. He does not want to see Kurosawa being overwhelmed by the heavy legion affairs, or being immersed in power and delaying his personal cultivation.

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, go ahead and do your work."

"It's the leader!"

Kurosawa Kita exited the office and closed the door gently.

After Kurosawa left, Su Mo stood by the window, overlooking the crowded and bustling base below, and a trance suddenly flashed in his eyes.

In just half a year, he grew from the poor aboriginal boy to the leader of the Holy Light Legion with great success. He is in charge of about 200,000 extraordinary people, sits on a large-scale Holy Light base, and has total assets of more than 4 billion inal.

This achievement came so quickly that it made him feel unreal.

Now, no matter where he goes, he will always get respect, admiration or flattery. He will be very proud at first, but as time goes by, a deep feeling of loneliness will inevitably arise in his heart.

Compared to his current state of aloof and busy life, he prefers to drink, chat, and share interesting stories with his friends.

However, there are too few people who can be called his friends.

Hyde and the others were one step away, but now that Hyde and the others have embarked on their adventure again, they don’t know when they will see each other again.

Hu Tao, Meng Duo, Ming, and Qian Liuyu are close to him, but these people always have the status of subordinates, and many times they cannot completely let go.

After much deliberation, the friends who could make him let go of all his identity and guarding the most were Tianyuan Star Lu Fan, Jamie, the five members of the Hellfire Team, and of course his woman Han Jia.

"Hey, it's time to bring everyone back!" Su Mo murmured.

In fact, he has had this plan for a long time, but due to the threat of the puppet master, he is now hesitant to bring these closest friends into a dangerous whirlpool.

But in any case, it was a matter of time to pick everyone up. He had already asked Colin to pay attention to the resource planets near Zatanvi. The environmental climate and gravity values ​​were as close as possible to Tianyuan Star.

When he returns to Tianyuan Star, not only Lu Fan, Han Jia and others, but also all the humans on Tianyuan Star will be packed away.

The environment of Tianyuan Planet is too harsh. If it continues on that resource-scarce planet, Tianyuan Civilization will never be able to make its mark.

Therefore, he wants to take away all the more than 100 million people on Tianyuan Star and settle them on a planet that is close to the base camp and rich in resources. On the one hand, it can ensure the safety of the people on Tianyuan Star, and on the other hand, it can more conveniently transport resources to help Civilization grows.

No matter how high the Holy Light Legion stands or how many subordinate members it has, he will never forget that Tianyuan Star is his root, and these more than 100 million people are compatriots with the same blood as him.

Under the impact of all races in the universe, race is the strongest backing for all powerful people.

After all, any subordinate may betray, but the entire pack will never betray their forerunners.

Currently, Colin is still looking for a suitable planet, but it must be close to Zatanvi and have an environment similar to Tianyuan in all aspects. There are very few planets that can meet the conditions.

If that doesn't work, we can only find a planet that is a little further away and use the star gate to solve the distance problem.

In addition, the local indigenous people of the planet must be properly dealt with.

He didn't want to be that kind of ruthless person who occupied people's land and massacred the locals.


Just as Su Mo was thinking about when to return to Tianyuan Star, the intelligent optical brain suddenly issued a reminder that someone had called.

"Hey, it's Bobo~"

Su Mo was a little surprised when he looked at the name displayed on the computer, and then answered the phone.

"Su Mo~"

A cute little bald face appeared on the screen.

Before Su Mo could say hello, he saw Bobo say in an eager tone:

"I need your help now."

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