Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 261 Immortal Holy Light Identity Exposed

"Oh my God, seven against three, and one of them was knocked down!"

"Walnut is awesome!"

"Wow, these three are more powerful than the other!"

When they saw Hu Tao showing off his power and Xue Po's sad exit, the mercenary circle once again fell into cheers and excitement.

Qian Liuyu resisted the explosion and did not die.

Holy light healing works miracles.

Walnut defeats the powerful enemy with one hammer.

The performances of these three people hit everyone's nerves time and time again, bringing countless reversals and shocks.

They told the world that this was the powerful and united Holy Light Mercenary Group. As long as they could survive this crisis, the Holy Light Mercenary Group would soar into the sky and ascend to the throne of the Seventh Legion.

"Captain, Lord Walnut, Lord Qian Liuyu, come on!"

The members of the Holy Light Corps stared at the screen intently. At this moment, all the tension and despair in their eyes dissipated, replaced by full of pride and confidence.

"Dad, master, sister Hutao."

Yu Zhiguang clasped his hands together and said with bright eyes: "Please, we must defeat them and return safely."


"Do it!"

Black Mask gave the order, and many masked men acted quickly.

The ghost-faced man's feet burst with arrogance, like a meteor rushing towards Hu Tao.

The mid-level natural disaster blood souls were easily eliminated by Hu Tao. Among the remaining people, only he, Black Mask and Lan Jue were fighting in close combat.

Lan Jue is a fragile psychic, and facing Hu Tao alone is undoubtedly courting death.

And Black Mask wants to take down the Holy Light quickly.

The remaining telekinesis masters, magicians and gunnery masters must focus on dealing with the strongest Qian Liuyu.

Therefore, the task of single-handedly challenging Hu Tao naturally fell on him, a high-level natural disaster martial artist.


The power of shock erupted, and a strong repulsive force suddenly rose between Su Mo and Qian Liuyu, keeping them far apart.

Black Mask charged forward at full speed, drew a large arc in the air, bypassed Qian Liuyu and headed straight for Su Mo.

How could Qian Liuyu dare to let a natural disaster peak martial artist approach Su Mo? He fluttered his wings and quickly went up to intercept him.

But at this moment, telekinesis masters, magicians, and gunners in the distance all launched an attack. Blazing white light cannons, tens of thousands of telekinesis thorns, and ice crystal barriers descended on him, making him unable to move.

Seeing this, Qian Liuyu's expression changed, he controlled Qingyan to resist numerous attacks, and reminded loudly:

"Captain, hold on, I'll be there right away."

"No need, Brother Xiaoyu, I'll deal with him!"

Su Mo's voice was calm and he was not too panicked.

If you encounter a natural disaster peak martial arts master in a life and death battle, he will definitely die and will be killed in a short time.

But now, the opponent's goal is to capture him alive, so he will deliberately hold back to avoid beating him to death directly.

And this is exactly what he wants.

Su Mo quickly informed Qian Liuyu of his judgment. Qian Liuyu thought about it and felt that it was indeed reasonable, so he said in a deep voice:

"Okay, leader, I will quickly deal with the others and then help you."

The peak natural disaster black mask and the high-level natural disaster ghost-faced man, the two strongest opponents, turned to deal with the group leader and Hu Tao.

Although he himself is still suffering from the four major natural disasters, mechanics, magicians, telekinesis masters, and superpowers, all of which are bombarded by the exquisite cooperation of various abilities, the pressure is no longer the same.

"Let's deal with you first!"

Qian Liuyu looked straight at Lan Jue, with green and yellow flames in his pupils.

Lan Jue's back suddenly felt cold, and a chill rose in his heart.


The dark red meteor flew over, and its powerful punch directly destroyed the Holy Light Shield, leaving a heavy mark on Su Mo's chest.


Su Mo groaned, the energy and blood in his body surged, as if a tsunami had set off, the blood surged up, and an abnormal flush appeared on his face.

"So strong!!!"

Su Mo looked horrified. Only after the real fight did he realize how terrifying the power of the peak natural disaster martial artist was.

One punch almost knocked him out of breath.

Compared with his half-expert natural disaster master, there is still a huge gap between him and the real peak natural disaster expert.

"Huh, I'm quite able to resist!"

Black Mask sneered. He had a mission, so he really didn't dare to kill Su Mo directly, but he could still return to work after being beaten to a disability.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The fists with majestic momentum hit Su Mo one after another like raindrops, making his body tremble and blood spurt out wildly.

In front of the peak natural disaster martial artist, he had no power to fight back.

This scene was also seen by countless viewers, who couldn't help but worry about Su Mo.

"The tactics are wrong, Qian Liuyu should still be allowed to deal with this person. Holy Light has just broken through the natural disaster, so how can he be the opponent of the peak natural disaster expert."

"Qian Liuyu, hurry up and come back for support, otherwise Captain Holy Light will be beaten to death!"

The mercenaries shouted loudly across the screen, as if they wanted to reach Qianliu Yu's ears thousands of miles away.

"Dad, go and save the master!"

Looking at Su Mo who had received countless punches on the screen, Yu Zhiguang stamped his feet anxiously. He didn't understand why the master was asked to deal with this most terrifying guy.

However, there are some people with delicate minds who have seen some clues.

"Holy Light is taking a risk!"

Maxi, the Burning Legion's think tank, calmly analyzed: "He relied on the opponent to not dare to kill him directly, so he deliberately lured away the strongest person to reduce the pressure on Qian Liuyu and Hu Tao and create opportunities for victory."

"However, as long as he fails to withstand the heavy pressure and is captured alive by the opponent, Qian Liuyu and Hu Tao will definitely be defeated without his assistance."

Archimonde shook his head and said, "It's indeed too risky."

He is a martial artist at the peak of natural disasters, so he knows very well how easily a strong man at this level can handle a newcomer who has just broken through the natural disasters.

The Holy Light's healing ability is indeed strong, but how useful is this healing ability when faced with a peak natural disaster expert?

Alas, the Holy in danger!

boom! ! !

The dark red fist hit Su Mo's chest hard, sending him flying several kilometers away.

But at this moment, Black Mask did not catch up, but suppressed the chaotic and manic energy and blood in his body. His face turned blue and white, and his bones ached.

What the hell kind of ability is this?

Every time he hit the Holy Light hard, he would feel inexplicable pain. The greater the force, the stronger the pain. It made him feel trapped even if he exerted no effort, and it didn't matter if he didn't.


Su Mo spit out a mouthful of reverse blood into space, raised his hand and pushed the blood far away. Rays of golden light fell, and the sunken sternum and half-torn arm quickly returned to their original shape.

"Fortunately, the opponent stayed strong. Besides, Thorns Anti-Armor and Living Body are really useful." Su Mo wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth and secretly rejoiced.

The Thorns Anti-Armor is very capable of restraining such a reckless man in close combat, and the triple self-healing ability provided by the Living Body also ensures that his body is always on a reasonable line of survival.

Hehe, you don’t dare to really kill me!

Hitting me is equivalent to hitting yourself. What should you do next?

Su Mo moved his body and showed a sly and sarcastic smile towards the black mask.

The camera zoomed in, and this provocative smiling face immediately shocked the hearts of countless mercenaries.

"My God, the Holy Light is so powerful, it can actually withstand the attack of the peak natural disaster expert."

"Look, he actually dares to provoke, he is really... my idol!"

"Tsk, tsk, it can not only save teammates and keep people alive, but its own resilience is so terrifying that even the peak of natural disasters can't help it. I think the name Holy Light is still too weak. It should be called 'Immortal Holy Light'!"

"Hey, your name is reasonable!"

In a short period of time, the new name "Immortal Holy Light" began to spread wildly in the mercenary world, attracting the recognition of countless people.


"Dare to challenge me!"

Black Mask was furious, and his momentum erupted like a volcano.

I want to see how long your body can resist!


Dark red flames erupted from the soles of his feet. Black Mask sprinted forward, accumulating power in his right fist. His momentum continued to rise, like a beast escaping from its cage, unstoppable.

Seeing his opponent approaching fiercely, Su Mo did not choose to dodge. Instead, when the black mask was about to approach, he grabbed it with one hand and uttered softly on his lips:


boom! ! !

The sacred mark hidden in Black Mask's body was instantly detonated. The maximum percentage of real damage caused Black Mask's body to suffer severe pain, his energy and blood were shaking, and a mouthful of blood could not help but spurt out.

"What the hell kind of ability is this?"

Black Mask was shocked and angry. He had been defeated frequently by Sheng Guang and was even more injured than when he fought Qian Liuyu just now.

"Wow, the Holy Light actually beat the peak natural disaster expert to the point of vomiting blood!"

When many mercenaries saw Black Mask vomiting blood, it was as if they were seeing a rooster laying eggs, and they couldn't believe it.

After all, the gap between the two sides is too big. Although they are both caused by natural disasters, one is a martial arts master at the peak of natural disasters, and the other is a newbie who has just broken through natural disasters.

This is like a sixth-grade elementary school student playing against a first-year elementary school student. They can play the jijiji or spank them as much as they want without getting hurt.

However, the Holy Light once again proved to the world——

Why is a legend a legend?

That's because they can always do things that others think are impossible.

"How can this be!"

Archimonde was shocked in his heart. He really couldn't figure out how a superpower who had just broken through the natural disaster and was still a auxiliary could beat a martial artist at the peak of the natural disaster to vomit blood.

On the side, Maxi exclaimed:

"Legion Commander, it seems that all of us have underestimated the combat capabilities of Holy Light."


"Holy Light!!"

Under the black mask, a pair of eyes glowed with blood, like the devil's eyes from hell, and his voice was cold and bone-chilling, carrying an indelible murderous intent.

"you wanna die!"


Dark red flames exploded, and the black mask transformed into a bloody meteor, rushing towards Su Mo with extremely brutal force. His fists, feet, knees, elbows... his whole body turned into weapons. Compared with before, his strength increased by another 20%. .

The offensive, which could destroy mountains, destroy cities, and explode the surface of the earth, hit him hard, causing Su Mo's bones and muscles to break and shatter again and again. He struggled to recover due to super self-healing, and the pain invaded his nerves like a tide. If it were someone with a little less willpower, they would have been tortured by pain and gone crazy, and could not help but kill themselves.

But Su Mo was still able to hold back the pain, block with all his strength, and try his best to stay alive. He knew that under this stormy offensive, he really couldn't relax as he had just now, and the injuries were accumulating, but at the same time, Black Mask is also suffering the damage rebound from [Thorns Anti-Armor], which is definitely not a good thing.

Now, it’s time to see who has the stronger will and who is more durable.

"Ahhh, why doesn't he fall down!!!"

Black Mask swung his fists wildly, his eyes were blood red, and he was roaring like a roar in his heart.

After fighting for so long, even a high-level natural disaster martial artist would lose at least half his life, but Holy Light could still persevere, like a sponge, able to recover quickly no matter how injured he was, and even knocked him back. My body ached, and it felt like my bones were about to break.

Now, the best way to deal with Holy Light is to use all your strength, just like how you just dealt with Qian Liuyu, directly amplify your moves and use extreme power to break through Holy Light's defense threshold.

He believes that he definitely has such strength.

But, does he dare to do this?

He doesn't dare!

The Holy Light is the key target of the Master's mark.

If he accidentally beat Holy Light to death, he would shudder when he thought about the consequences.

So, he was once again forced into a dilemma.

Simple heavy blows with fists and kicks could not defeat Holy Light at all. Instead, they made him extremely uncomfortable.

But if you don't exert your strength, you can only continue to waste it like this, and it will also put Lan Jue, Bai Niao and others next to you in danger.


So damn frustrating!

"Hey, he was stunned!"

Feeling that Black Mask's attack had slowed down slightly, Su Mo without thinking directly summoned the Holy Spirit Hammer and hit Black Mask's head hard.


Black Mask snorted and raised his arms to block.

The moment his arm collided with the hammer head, Black Mask suddenly stiffened and his aura dispersed.

"Damn it, I fell in love!"

Su Mo was overjoyed. Since he awakened the skill of Holy Spirit Hammer, he had been stunned only a handful of times. Unexpectedly, today, at such a critical moment, the goddess of luck would favor him again.

Without hesitation, Su Mo mercilessly hit the black mask on the face.

This hammer is so powerful that it can directly crush a mountain to the ground.

The dark mask deformed visibly to the naked eye, cracked, and then shattered.

The moment the mask shattered, a rugged face like a lion appeared in front of Su Mo, with thick eyebrows, thick lips, a messy beard, and a weird black mark between the eyebrows.

"Hey, he's not..."

When he saw that face, Archimonde's eyes suddenly widened: "Alonso, the high-ranking priest of the Star Stone Civilization who disappeared decades ago!"

The Star Stone Civilization is a star cluster-level civilization and the superior civilization of the Colt Civilization. It is located in the Chaos Star Territory and has had many cooperations with the Burning Legion.

He had met Alonso in a certain mission before and learned that he was a peak natural disaster martial artist of the same level as him, so he was deeply impressed.

"The missing high-level worshiper of the Star Stone Civilization!"

Maxi was surprised: "Why did he attack the Holy Light? Is this the idea of ​​the Star Stone Civilization?"


Archimonde shook his head. He looked at the black mark between Alonso's eyebrows and said solemnly: "Things are not as simple as you think. Alonso must be controlled by someone."


Maxi was horrified and took control of a natural disaster peak martial artist.

Could it be...


"Hey, what is that?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows.

The black mask just now had some magical ability. It was like a layer of fog that not only blocked his mental exploration, but also blocked the [Eye of Insight] from seeing into his brain.

And when the mask shattered and the fog dissipated, he discovered something strange.

It was a humanoid puppet that grew up in Alonso's mind. It had no nose or mouth. Its six arms were wrapped with many silk threads, and the ends of the threads were deeply pierced into the spiritual sea.

Is this...mind control?

Su Mo narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of a way to break the situation.

Don't know if it's possible, but it's worth a try.

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