Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 253: Inherited Secret Technique Shattering the Sky

Chapter 253 Inherited Secret Technique—Shattered Sky


Qian Liuyu took the lead, transformed into a stream of cyan light, and directly approached the most powerful tree-killing user.

"Deal with him together!"

Zhi Shu said in a deep voice.

The tree-slaying envoy and the dragon tree envoy are equally powerful. He alone may not be the opponent of this outsider.

The tree-killer didn't respond. He held the sword in both hands and stepped forward to slash, and a bloody crescent flame exploded towards Qian Liuyu.


Qian Liuyu deflected his body, narrowly avoiding the bloody sword energy. His wings vibrated, and dozens of green flame fireballs hit the Tree Killer and the Zhi Shu user next to him like meteors.

"give it to me."

The wisdom tree envoy raised his hands, and suddenly, thick tree roots broke out of the ground like an earth dragon, merging into a thick wooden wall, blocking the fireball.

Bang bang bang~

The fireball hit the wooden wall, sending sparks flying and leaving behind scorched black marks, but it failed to penetrate the wooden wall.


Zhishu turned his wrist, and more thick tree roots came out of the ground, like dancing pythons, biting Qianliu Yu.

The dense and thick tree roots form a large net, and Qian Liuyu is the prey in it.

However, this prey is too flexible and can always shuttle between the gaps in the big net, allowing tree roots to repeatedly miss it.

"Leave it to me."

The Tree Killer's eyes turned cold, he stepped on the roots of the tree and ran straight towards Qianliu Yu, his speed was extremely fast, like a streak of bloody lightning.

On the other side, Hu Tao and Su Mo each found their opponents.


Hutao kicked off the ground, like a cannonball, and arrived in front of the poisonous tree user in an instant. The war hammer was raised high, the bright stars bloomed, and it hit the poisonous tree user's knees hard.

There was no way, even though Hutao had grown a lot taller, there was still a big gap between him and the slender Poison Tree user.

He was about to be hit by a walnut on his knee, but at this moment, the poisonous tree user suddenly dispersed and his lower body turned into purple liquid.


The heavy hammer hit, and the venom exploded, splashing onto the ground and Hu Tao's body.

Seeing this, Hutao quickly held up a starlight shield.


The starlight shield was corroded and made strange noises. The surface was pitted and almost pierced.


The poisonous tree user released a wave of poison, and the surging poison rushed towards the walnut like a tsunami. The ground was corroded by the poison for nearly one meter, and the air was filled with a weird and unspeakable smell.

Hutao kicked his feet and jumped up, dodging the first wave of poisonous attacks.

But then, the poisonous tide changed its shape and condensed into two purple poisonous dragons. It opened its mouth and spit out venom like a water column.


Hutao wrinkled her little nose, and with a wave of one hand, the black hole suddenly took shape, expanded rapidly, and swallowed all the venom inside.

Feeling the deep darkness of the black hole, which seemed to be able to swallow everything, Poison Tree made a look of fear and solemnity appear in his eyes. He held it with one hand and said softly:

"Poisonous explosion!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds

There was no response.

"How can this be!"

The poisonous tree freezes the expression.

Before the war began, he released a colorless, odorless gas toxin into the air.

This toxin does not need to be absorbed through breathing. As long as it comes into contact with the surface of an organism, it will be automatically integrated into its body.

When he detonates the toxin, the poisoned person will suffer unimaginable harm.

However, just now he clearly saw the poison contaminating the bodies of these outsiders, but when he triggered the poison explosion, no one reacted.

Could it be that I was dazzled before?

What the Poison Tree user doesn't know is that under the [Eye of Insight], all poisons are invisible.

When Su Mo applied the BUFF before the war, he used [Purification] to remove all the toxins from everyone.

"Yeah, give me a hammer!!!"

Walnuts fell from the sky, and the terrifying thoughts locked on the poisonous tree user. The starlight condensed into the shadow of the war hammer, which was mysterious and gorgeous, but its momentum was like a landslide and tsunami, especially violent.

Bang bang bang~~~

At this moment, thick tree roots burst out of the ground in front of the poisonous tree user, spiraling and twisting towards Hu Tao.

Tomoki took action.

As the brain among the Tree Messengers, the Wisdom Tree Messenger is not the strongest, but he can communicate with the Divine Tree and use the power of the Divine Tree to turn the roots of the Divine Tree underground throughout the planet for his own use.

In battle, he is a well-deserved master controller and can support other tree users at any time.


The thick tree roots were broken by the violent blows of the war hammer, and sawdust flew wildly, but at the same time, it also effectively hindered Hu Tao's full power explosion.


Hutao sharpened her little tiger teeth, and she quickly browsed through the inheritance palace in her mind to see if she could find a secret technique suitable for the current battle situation.

Since the day she was born, there has been a palace of inheritance in her mind, which contains many secret techniques.

These secret techniques were created by generations of Star Swallowing Beasts, and were imprinted into the bloodline before death for future generations to learn.

Her transformation from the original beast form to the human form came from a secret technique called "Transformation".

After using this secret, the appearance will change and cannot be switched back to the original form before the God King.

The disadvantage of "Apparition" is that due to the change in physical form, Galactus will not be able to adapt to it for a long time. After all, it has changed from claws to arms. It is a ghost if it can adapt.

But the benefits are also obvious. After transforming into other common races, the Star Swallowing Beast will not be easily recognized.

This is very critical.

In the eyes of many people, the young Star Swallowing Beast is a hot commodity with the potential of a god king, and it will definitely cause a bloody battle.

After obtaining the Star-Eating Beast, you can either enslave it or seize its body directly.

Therefore, after a certain Star Devourer experienced a painful lesson, he spent countless efforts to create this secret technique, which greatly reduced the risk of his descendants being enslaved and having their bodies taken away from them.

As the strength increases, there will be more and more secret techniques in the inheritance palace. However, the secret techniques before the natural disaster were relatively low-level and did not have a strong effect on increasing combat effectiveness.

But after the natural disaster, there were more middle and high-level secret arts, and each one was more powerful than the last.

There is the original secret technique "Swallowing Black Holes"

The Secret Technique of Speed ​​"Absolute Explosion"

Space Secret Technique "Flickering Space"

The Secret Technique of Power "Godly Power"

However, the stronger the secret technique, the harder it is to control it, at least in a short period of time, so Hutao went through it briefly and finally selected a medium secretary "Sky Shattering Technique" that was not too difficult - to swallow it. The power is concentrated on body parts or weapons, and the power of devouring is used to crush previously unbreakable targets.

"It's you~"

Walnut quickly learned the "Sky Shattering Technique" while avoiding the attacks of the Poison Tree User and the Wisdom Tree User.

This posture is quite successful and wrong.


Qian Liuyu and Hu Tao faced off against the Tree Killer, the Poison Tree and the Wisdom Tree.

The last Heart Tree user will naturally be dealt with by Su Mo.

After Su Mo protected Haide and others from the battlefield safely and ensured that no other Tree Envoys appeared, he started a fierce battle with the Heart Tree Envoys.

The attack method of the heart tree user is exactly the same as that of the telekinesis master, both of which use the power of the soul to fight.

He has many attack methods, including direct attacks on the soul through telekinesis, and also condenses invisible telekinesis into drills, thin needles, and sharp blades to pierce vital parts of the body.

Natural disaster level telekinesis masters only need one telekinesis impact to deal with natural disasters and below.

However, now that Su Mo has already stepped into the natural disaster with more than half of his feet, his body is a bit stronger than the first-level martial arts master of the natural disaster. Physical telepathy attacks cannot hurt him at all. Only telepathy methods targeting the soul can bring him harm. Come to trouble.

After several tests, the Heart Tree Envoy realized how powerful Su Mo's physical body was, so he decisively changed his fighting style and blasted him with all kinds of telekinesis storms, soul-piercing needles, and other moves.

As a half-step natural disaster user, Su Mo's mental power is quite strong. In addition, [Soul Healing Wind] can not only heal soul injuries, but also hold up soul barrier protection, so he can withstand the violent bombardment of the Heart Tree user. Indiscriminate bombing and counterattack.

Rich golden light condensed on his right fist, like a sun, exuding a blazing and domineering terrifying aura. Su Mo took half a step forward, swung his right fist forward, and shouted:

"Fist of Heaven~!"


A thick golden beam of light burst out, right in the center of the tree user's telekinetic barrier.

As your physique improves, the power of your skills also increases.

This heavenly fist pushed the heart tree back continuously, and its feet plowed a hundred-meter-long deep mark on the ground.


Su Mo stepped forward and rushed in front of the Heart Tree Envoy in an instant. He held a holy and mighty bright war hammer in his hand and raised it hard towards his chest.


The war hammer hit the telepathy barrier. Although it failed to break it, the knock-up effect of [Flash Assault] sent the Heart Tree user flying more than ten meters high.


Spreading a pair of angel wings behind his back, Su Mo jumped up and flew towards the Heart Tree Envoy. After getting close, he hit the Heart Tree Envoy again and again with heavy punches, whip kicks, knees, war hammers... various melee moves.

In terms of close combat ability, he is definitely not inferior to the natural disaster-level martial arts masters. Of course, he must use his strengths as much as possible against the crispy telekinesis master.

Bang bang bang~~

The fighting was fierce and there were constant clashes.

In close combat, the Heart Tree Envoy was naturally no match for Su Mo, and was beaten in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

However, Su Mo himself felt uncomfortable.

Psychological attacks are silent and impossible to guard against.

While defending, the Heart Tree Envoy never stopped attacking Su Mo's soul. This forced Su Mo to distract himself and resist, and his offensive force became weaker.

According to this posture, in a short period of time, neither of them can do anything to the other.

boom! boom!

The aftermath of a natural disaster-level battle can form a Category 10 hurricane, spreading and raging around, tearing the earth apart, with deep ravines extending for dozens of miles, and a certain mountainous area being razed to the ground, just like the name of the natural disaster.

Just when the natural disaster battle was in full swing, the four members of Lucky Team and Mondo were not idle. They originally wanted to get close to the sacred tree to see if they could do something.

However, several tree envoys were prepared and left dozens of fierce and powerful beasts to protect the sacred tree.

These giant beasts are controlled by the mind power of the Heart Tree.

Although the Heart Tree User cannot command the giant beasts like an arm and strengthen them like the Beast Tree User.

But as long as the mark of telepathy is left in the soul, it can at least ensure that the giant beast is very obedient and will do things according to the instructions given.

In this way, Hyde and Mundo fought with more than a dozen leader-level behemoths.

Judging from paper strength, they do not have an advantage.

Among the giant beasts, several are at the peak of leadership, while the rest are at the lowest level at the mid-level.

However, everyone wears general-level armor. With the armor's various weapons, defense systems, flying devices and many other modules, they can protect themselves safely and give the giant beasts a hard time from time to time.


Half an hour passed

The battle between the natural disasters was still fierce, from the side of the sacred tree to the valley dozens of kilometers away.

The natural disaster experts can definitely fight for three days and three nights if there is not much difference in strength.

Now we are just entering the state.


The Phoenix cried loudly, and blazing flames continued to fall, and fire rain fell from the sky, reflecting the sky into a blue color.

The tree-killing user slashed with his sword, and the blood-colored air blade burst out, splitting the flames in half. Sparks scattered all over the ground, burning into a sea of ​​fire.

But soon, a magical energy came from the ground, extinguishing all the flames.

Unlike the dragon tree warrior who has great strength, thick blood and strong defense, the tree warrior has slightly poorer defense, but is more agile and has more powerful moves. His superb sword skills pose a great threat to Qian Liuyu.

"Phoenix·Phoenix Seal"

Qian Liuyu stood up and swooped down, and a huge green flame phoenix claw condensed on his right foot, like a sharp blade falling from the sky, it penetrated directly into the top of the tree-killer's head.


The Tree Killer roared, holding the knife in both hands to block, and the blood bloomed, like a bright red rose in full bloom.

boom! ! ! !

The sound of the collision was like the anger of the gods, and the gravel on the ground rolled up, forming a sandstorm, blocking the view.

The ground suddenly sank downwards, and a circular pit with a diameter of more than a hundred meters appeared.

The heavy stones were scattered in all directions by the strong wind and hit the rock wall, causing the mountain to shake slightly.

Bang bang bang~~

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, the sound of fierce fighting resounded inside.

At this time, Zhi Shuji also joined the battle from a distance.

Dozens of tree roots burst out of the ground, like wild hair dancing wildly, entangling Qian Liuyu relentlessly.

At the same time, the Wisdom Tree Envoy is also supporting the Poison Tree Envoy not far away, using the defensive power and renewable ability of the tree roots to resist Walnut's increasingly powerful attack.

"Come again!!"

Walnuts fell from the sky, the warhammer was raised high above her head, the power of the stars wrapped the outer layer, and the inner layer was a circle of dark halo, which was her devouring power.

After half an hour of running-in and experimentation, Hutao gradually mastered the key points of "Sky Shattering Technique", and his attack power became more powerful and weird, making it increasingly difficult for the Poison Tree User to deal with it.

Because of this, the Wisdom Tree Master focused most of his energy on this battle to prevent the Poison Tree Master from encountering any unexpected events.

boom! ! !

The starlight destroyed the thick tree roots, and the black light swallowed up all the fragments and sawdust.

Although this hammer still failed to bear fruit, Hu Tao was already confident of victory.

She finally learned "Sky Shatter".

It takes half an hour to learn a medium secret skill, which is quite fast.

Of course, this is also because all the inherited secret techniques were created by the Star-Eating Beasts of the past generations, and are most suitable for the baby's physique of the Star-Eating Beasts.

"Brother Su Mo, have you dealt with your opponent over there?"

Walnut asked into the armor's communicator.

"Not yet. The opponent's telekinesis attack is very troublesome."

Su Mo's slightly rapid breathing came from the earphones.

"Then just wait for me!"

Hutao stared at the poisonous tree user's body and narrowed his eyes, as if looking at a prey that was about to die.

"I'll be able to kill him soon."

Under Hu Tao's hot and excited gaze, the poisonous tree user couldn't help but shudder.

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