Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 251 Dragon Fruit Fruit of the Beast

“So amazing~”

Su Mo placed the huge ginseng fruit flat in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully.

The fruit is narrow at the top and fat at the bottom, similar to the body shape of a tree bearer. The rich vitality exudes, making people feel extremely comfortable. All organs and cells in the body send out hunger and thirst signals, urging him to swallow the fruit quickly.

However, Su Mo still suppressed his inner desire and put the fruit of life into the space equipment.

Now is not the time to eat Guoguo, he wants to support Qian Liuyu and deal with the other two guys.

"Wutao, let's go!"


"Ten kills of Qingyan!"


Ten green and yellow thin lines shot straight out, deflected and curved in the air, drew beautiful arcs, and shot towards the dragon tree user and the beast tree user on his back from different directions.

Nagarjuna spread his mental power and felt the rays coming rapidly from behind, and his heart sank.

The opponent's speed is too fast.

Even if he activated his original power and burst out at the fastest speed, he could not get rid of the opponent.

"Nagarjuna, the outsider just left."

The beast tree messenger issued a reminder.

"Ok, I know."

The dragon tree user concentrated his energy, blocked the cyan ray, and said in a low voice:

"The Tree dead."

Hearing this, Beast Tree was silent for a while.

Yes, the strong man just now can kill the enhanced black eagle with one move, and he can also easily kill the tree user.

Gua~ Gua~ Gua~

At this moment, a noisy and sharp scream came from the distance.

Thousands of big birds of different races flew from all directions. These were reinforcements called by the Beast Tree Messenger.

They have only one function, and that is to stop Qian Liuyu and create opportunities for him and Dragon Tree to escape.

However, in front of the high-level natural disaster experts, these cannon fodder-level birds are of no use at all.

Boo hoo hoo~~~

Countless green light spots burst out all over the sky, as dense as rain, and shot these big birds into a sieve.

"It's useless~"

Qian Liuyu smiled faintly, there was a gap between heaven and earth between natural disasters and those below.

It is simply a fantasy to rely on numbers to hold back the natural disaster experts.

To be honest, his killing efficiency is not too high.

It is said that there is a natural disaster criminal named "Ash". His ability is [Carbon Element Control], which can disintegrate the body structure of carbon-based creatures in an instant. He can kill hundreds of thousands or even millions of creatures with a snap of his fingers.

That kind of person is the real weapon to kill cities and destroy stars.


With his wings fluttering, Qian Liuyu dived and accelerated again. Green phoenix claws condensed on his right foot, and green flames burned all over his body. It was like a steel spear inserted diagonally towards the beast tree user on Qinglong's back.


The dragon tree roared angrily and swung its dragon tail to hit Qian Liuyu.

Qian Liuyu nimbly dodged the dragon's tail swing, and after stabilizing his body, green-yellow flames burned on his right fist, and he punched the beast tree user.

boom! ! !

The huge flame fist came out of the body, like a cannonball, burning hot and exploding.

"Damn it!"

The dragon tree master clenched his fists, and he felt extremely aggrieved as he watched the dragon tree master once again use his body to block the attack for him.

Without the black hawk, he was like a bird with its wings cut off, and could only become a burden to Nagarjuna.

Bang bang bang~~~

The sound of force collision continued.

Under Qian Liuyu's focus, Dragon Tree had to devote most of his energy to protecting Beast Tree. His speed dropped sharply, and he could only fight Qian Liuyu here.

Nagarjuna was anxious in his heart, and he tried every means to force Qian Liuyu back, but Qian Liuyu was like a piece of brown candy and couldn't be shaken off no matter how hard he tried.

A moment later, a powerful aura rushed over, causing the expressions of the two tree-wizards to change drastically.

"I'm coming!!!"

Hutao was holding the war hammer, and his whole body was blooming with starlight. It was dazzling, like a shooting star, and appeared in Qian Liuyu's sight in the blink of an eye.

"It's so fast~"

The corner of Qian Liuyu's mouth curled up, and he raised his hand to send a spiral of flames, forcing the Dragon Tree user back.

"Hit me!"

Hu Tao raised the war hammer high, activated the brute force technique, and the armor entered an overload state. Qi and blood roared, and the whole body's energy was concentrated on one hammer.

At this moment, the color of heaven and earth changed.

Starlight shone in the sky, and a violent tornado blew up with the hammer head as the center. An invisible energy locked on the two tree envoys, making the two of them terrified, as if they were being stared at by a wild beast.

"hold head high!!!"

A flash of determination and unyielding flashed in the dragon's eyes, and green energy bloomed violently on the dragon's claws. Suddenly, the dragon's claws became a little larger, and it raised its claws to face the terrifying heavy hammer.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, as if tens of thousands of bombs had exploded.

The power of the stars and the green energy annihilated each other, and ripples of power spread outward.

Near the location where the dragon's claw collided with the war hammer, dozens of deep space cracks could be seen that sometimes appeared and sometimes disappeared silently.

A full set of BUFFs, brute force, star power, armor support...

With the blessing of multiple abilities, Hutao's power has reached an incredible level.

A newbie who has just broken through the natural disaster can actually compete with the high-level natural disaster user Nagarjuna who is good at strength.

Although there was external assistance, the most important thing was that Hu Tao was extremely talented. The blood of the Star Swallowing Beast was highly awakened, giving her a powerful physique far beyond the same level.

"What a terrifying power~"

Even though he had just seen Hutao explode with all his strength, Qian Liuyu couldn't help but sigh after seeing it again.

After being promoted to a natural disaster, Hutao became even more terrifying than before.

Not only did her power increase dramatically, but she also mastered a star-like energy, making her every move more destructive.

What kind of race could give birth to such a little monster~

"Brother Xiaoyu, these two tree messengers will be left to you and Hutao. Let me know when the battle is over."

Su Mo hid far away and sent a message to Qian Liuyu.

The Dragon Tree user is not the tree-generating user. This guy is a high-level natural disaster expert. It would be easier to crush him to death than to crush an ant to death.

Therefore, he would not join in such a high-end game, lest it become a breakthrough point.

This is the realization of being a veteran support. As soon as you enter the map, you hide behind, add buffs, and leave the rest to your teammates.

Hutao plus Qianliuyu are enough to deal with the dragon tree user and the "half-broken" beast tree user.

Dong dong dong~~

Hutao held the war hammer and struck at Dragon Tree's vitals with every move, while Qian Liuyu acted as an assassin, specifically targeting the Beast Tree.

The dragon tree user had to deal with the heavy blow from the walnut, but also had to be distracted to protect the beast tree user. It was really too much to do both.

Soon, Qian Liuyu found an opportunity, and while the dragon tree user was fighting with Hutao, he stood in front of the beast tree user. Green flames appeared on his five fingers, and he pinched the beast tree user's neck and jumped up.

"not good!"

The Dragon Tree Master sensed that the Beast Tree Master was in trouble and wanted to step forward to rescue him, but how could Hutao let him go? The warhammer stars shone brightly, condensing into a larger shadow of the war hammer, and crashed into the Dragon Tree Master's eyes.

For the sake of his own safety, the dragon tree user had no choice but to give up the plan of rescuing the beast tree user and raised his dragon claw to block Hu Tao's violent blow.


The beast tree user was pinched by Qian Liuyu's neck, and he struggled to break free, but it was always difficult to achieve success.

Originally, he was only at the elementary level of natural disaster, two levels short of Qian Liuyu.

In addition, his abilities are extremely dependent on external objects. Without his mount, his combat effectiveness is even worse than that of the auxiliary tree user.


Qian Liuyu's eyes turned cold.

He often heard Su Mo teach his son Yu Zhiguang a principle, that is, villains die because they talk too much and when they can kill the enemy directly, they must not do too much.

A few more words may cost you your life.

Without any nonsense, Qian Liuyu gathered the green flames in his palm, and then suddenly exerted force.

boom! ! !

The beast tree user's neck was crushed to pieces.

The next moment, the remaining body glowed with dazzling light, shrinking and transforming rapidly.

Soon, a bright yellow fruit with complex lines appeared in front of Qian Liuyu.

"What an amazing race."

Qian Liuyu was amazed that a fruit could transform into such a powerful natural disaster-level creature.

Sure enough, anything can exist in the vast universe.

Putting the Beast Fruit into the space equipment, Qian Liuyu swooped down and dealt with the last Dragon Tree user together with Hu Tao.

Seeing that the beast tree envoy also encountered a poisonous hand, the dragon tree envoy completely fell into madness.

He completely gave up defense and only focused on offense, trying his best to take away one of Qian Liuyu and Hu Tao.

But at this time, Hu Tao and Qian Liuyu would not fight him desperately.

The two are each other's horns and support each other.

One is strong and the other is fast.

It always makes Nagarjuna ignore his head and tail, screaming in frustration and losing his energy bit by bit.

Finally, after half an hour.

This dragon tree user with high attack and defense, high health, was finally beaten to death by two people, and turned into a green fruit with circles of threads.

"Phew, Captain, we've got him."

Qian Liuyu gasped slightly and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Okay, I'll be there soon!" Su Mo's slightly excited voice came from the earphones.

Soon, Su Mo flew to the two of them, raised his hand and buffed them a few times to restore their strength, physical strength, and mental strength.

"Captain, this is the beast tree envoy, this is the dragon tree envoy."

Qian Liuyu held the fruit in his left and right hands and brought it to Su Mo.

Su Mo took the fruit, and his mental power penetrated deep into the fruit. After exploring it, he slowly said:

"Brother Xiaoyu, the fruit of life, and these two fruits, are you interested in any of them?"

From the battle against the powerful tree user at the beginning, to the victory over the three major tree users just now.

Qian Liuyu is definitely the well-deserved MVP, the main C thigh.

However, the fruit that Lishu used was taken away by Hu Tao "unexpectedly", so this time, Qian Liuyu must be the first to choose the fruit he likes.

There are walnuts, pearls and jade in front, indicating that these fruits are not only edible, but also have great benefits for people after eating them.

Qian Liuyu smiled and said:

"Captain, if I really have to choose, I will choose this one."

Qian Liuyu pointed at the beast tree to use the fruit.

The Dragon Fruit does not match his own attributes and is not of interest to him.

The fruit of life is good, it can increase cell activity, strengthen one's own recovery, and even increase life span.

However, Hu Tao and the group leader killed the tree-bearing fruit together, and this fruit was obviously more suitable for the group leader, so he was no longer loved.

As for the final Beast Fruit, it’s actually quite interesting.

Not only can it communicate and control the beast, but it can also strengthen the beast.

If taking this fruit can give him the same ability, the benefits will be no less than taking the Fruit of Life.

Communicating and controlling beasts can allow him to make achievements in intelligence investigation.

The strengthening of the beast gives him a brand new combat system.

For example, like a beast tree user, if he controls and strengthens a beast that is close to a natural disaster, or even a natural disaster level beast, then he will have a powerful thug.

Combined with his own excellent fighting power, he is confident that he can fight against the peak natural disaster experts.

After considering everything, he decided to keep the Beast Fruit.

"no problem!"

Su Mo returned the Beast Fruit to Qian Liuyu, and he had made arrangements for the other two fruits.

Needless to say, the Dragon Fruit belongs to Hyde.

This fruit is a perfect match for his power [Blue Dragon Transformation].

However, the Dragon Fruit is transformed by the natural disaster high-level dragon tree, and the energy it carries is extremely huge. With the strength of Hyde's current command of high-level people, it may not be able to digest it.

Therefore, it is best to take it when Hyde is attacked by natural disasters to ensure his safety.

As for the fruits of life, they must be left to himself.

The fruit of life contains abundant and majestic life energy. After taking it, it can not only increase cell activity, but also give him the opportunity to attack the strange power LV6.

Currently, his strange power has reached LV5 - 939/1000, and he is almost promoted to LV6.

The LV6 strange power is a natural disaster level physical strength.

Even if his force power is not up to standard by then, he will still dare to fight against the powerful natural disasters with full confidence.

In addition, once his physical strength reaches the natural disaster level, it is equivalent to lighting a bright light on his path to natural disaster. It is not far away from truly breaking through the natural disaster and acquiring new skills.

"Let's go back!"



"Brother Mo, Hutao and the others are back!"

Seeing the rapidly enlarging figures above their heads, everyone waved upward excitedly.


Su Mo stepped on the ground with both feet and his armor automatically retracted.

"Brother Mo, where are those tree envoys?"

Frank asked, eyes wide.

Su Mo smiled slightly, turned his left and right hands over, and held the two fruits in his hands.

"One is the Dragon Tree Envoy, the other is the Tree Envoy, and the last Beast Tree Envoy is at Qian Liuyu's place."

All hung up!

Everyone was a little surprised. Logically speaking, if a natural disaster level expert wanted to run away, it would not be easy for him to be caught by opponents of the same level.

The death of the beast tree user and the living tree user is not too surprising.

But the strongest Nagarjuna user also died, which was indeed unexpected by everyone.

"Hyde, I'll leave this Dragon Fruit to you. I hope it can take your powers to the next level."

Su Mo put the Dragon Fruit into Haider's hand and said with a smile.

"Brother Mo, thank you!"

Hyde scratched his head, showing two rows of big white teeth, and thanked him.

He has a rough character, he doesn't like to say so many polite words, and it's boring to push people around.

What's more, as the saying goes, if there are too many lice, you don't have to worry about biting them.

He owed Brother Mo too much, and he would have to pay for it with his life in the future, and this was not the least of them.

"I will keep this fruit of life for myself."

Su Mo gently pinched the Fruit of Life and said, "If there's nothing else, let's just return home. I'll take you to visit the new Holy Light Mercenary Group. I'll definitely let you..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, the ground began to tremble violently.

A bright green light glowed in the sky, and soon a green glass-like barrier formed, as if completely isolating the whole world.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo frowned.

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