Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 234 Phoenix suppresses forcefully

Hongmaple Ridge, Holy Light Base

The Holy Light Base is now extremely lively, with airships parked on the apron.

There was not enough space, so Colin had to order someone to cut down a large area of ​​red maple trees and level the land as a temporary landing pad.

Chambers of commerce, financial groups, and many mercenary groups came to the door with gifts. The entire office building was full of people, a mess, communicating with each other and discussing matters about the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

"Brother, which force are you from?"

"Pecoro Chamber of Commerce, what about you?"

"Kamikaze Mercenary Group."

"Kamikaze mercenary group? I have cooperated with your group. I remember that your group seems to be... nearby~"

"Oh, that's right. That's why our leader is worried. He sent me to check on him."

"Tsk tsk, I wish you good luck~"

A total of more than 20 rooms on the seventh floor of the office building are all used for reception, but even so, there are queues at the door of each room.

The queue was very long, and people at the back might have to wait several hours to be received, but despite this, no one left, and there was no trace of impatience or complaint on their faces.

When Qian Liuyu and his wife and children saw such a lively and crowded scene, they couldn't help but be stunned, and then showed a wry smile.

"There are so many people, it seems that it is not easy to meet the leader of the Holy Light Mercenary Group~"

Xianglin wrinkled her nose and said:

"Pick up any member of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, reveal your identity as a natural disaster expert, and ask to see their leader."

Xianglin was eager to save her son and didn't want to waste time waiting in line like everyone else.

Qian Liuyu nodded and said:

"Yeah, that's fine too."

Although doing this might seem like queue-jumping, as a natural disaster expert, he is always a guest wherever he goes, so he deserves some privileges.

"Xianglin, take your child and find a place to rest. I..."

Before he finished speaking, Qian Liuyu suddenly turned his head, seeming to sense something, and frowned slightly.

"What's the matter?"

Xianglin asked curiously while holding Yu Zhiguang.

Qian Liuyu looked at the man with a strange temperament in the distance and said seriously:

"I found another Scourge."

"There is still one?"

Xiang Lin was surprised. You know that strong natural disasters are rare no matter where they are. In a small Hongfeng Ridge, two natural disasters actually gathered together.

My husband is here because of the children.

What about this man?

Xianglin followed Qian Liuyu's gaze, and then her pupils shrank suddenly.


"Sir, what are you here for?"

ANBU member Ying Ke was patrolling to maintain order when he discovered a suspicious man.

The man was tall and burly, with a pair of ice-blue eyes that kept flickering, and a smile that seemed to have a hint of malicious intent.

As an ANBU member and an elite member of the Shadow Clan, Shadow Ke has very keen judgment.

This man, at first glance, is not a good person.

That's why he took the initiative to ask, with seriousness and vigilance on his face.

"Ice Fiend" Lotav looked away and looked at Yingke in front of him, with a strange arc at the corner of his mouth.

"What to do? Hehe, it's very simple. I was hired by someone to kill everyone in the Holy Light Base."

Upon hearing this, Yingke's expression changed drastically, and he opened his mouth to shout, but a pair of big hands strangled his neck like lightning, and with a little force, his head fell to the side.


Shadowk's body was casually thrown on the ground. This scene was seen by the guards and ANBU patrolling nearby, and they immediately pressed the alarm on their waists.

Woo woo woo~~

Inside the base, a piercing alarm sounded.

After hearing the alarm, all members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group immediately stopped what they were doing, the combatants gathered with weapons, and the non-combatants went straight to the safe area.

Judging from the members’ reactions, this emergency mechanism must have been simulated many times.

"what's the situation?"

"What happened?"

The expressions of everyone in the office building changed slightly and they all started shouting.

At this time, a broadcast sounded in the building:

"Everyone, please note that our regiment is being attacked by foreign enemies. Now please everyone to leave the building as soon as possible and evacuate toward the northeast. We will have a dedicated person to take everyone to a safe location."

What! ! !

Hearing this, everyone at the scene was stunned.

How dare someone attack the Holy Light Mercenary Group base?

Doesn't he know that the Holy Light Mercenary Group is already a natural disaster-level force?



Everyone swarmed towards the stairs, and those who were strong jumped out of the window.

Seven stories is not too high, and any extraordinary person with a little bit of strength can withstand the impact of falling to the ground.


Merced went out, and as the only remaining leaders in the regiment, Master Andolf and Instructor Jin Zhan responded the fastest.

The moment they heard the siren, the two quickly left the room. One used the levitation technique to fly into the air, and the other ran all the way to the scene of the accident.

Looking at the Holy Light Base that was activated like a war machine, Lotav raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Hey, he looks quite well-trained~"


Master Andolfo came one step ahead, slowly descended from the sky, looked directly at Lotav, and asked in a deep voice:

"Who are you and why did you attack our Holy Light Mercenary Group?"

Looking at that strange and careless face, Andolfo's hair stood on end, as if he was standing in front of a wild beast.

This feeling only appeared when he faced a certain magician during his period as a magic apprentice.

Could it be...

Andolfo's pupils shrank suddenly, and an indescribable coldness suddenly appeared in his heart, which almost froze his soul.

"My name is Lotav, codename is Ice Fiend!"

Lotav chuckled and said: "I was commissioned to destroy the Holy Light Base today."

"By the way, let me remind you."

Lotav raised his right hand, and the ice-blue martial arts flames were placed in the palm of his hand. It expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a wave ball with a diameter of more than 50 meters.

"I am - a natural disaster level martial artist."

Natural disaster level martial artist!

In an instant, all the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group seemed to have been enchanted, their eyes were dull, and their bodies were shaking uncontrollably.

A natural disaster level expert can wipe out an entire base with one move.

Now that Master Ming is not around, who can stop him?

It’s over!

All of us are going to die!

"Everyone is here, let me send you to hell!"

The ice-blue wave ball flew out of Lotav's hand, drew an arc in the air, rose high, and then crashed down like a meteorite.

Terrifying energy fluctuations came. Everyone, including Andolf and Jin Zhan, were frozen by the extreme chill contained in the fluctuation ball. Their bodies were out of control and they could only wait for death with despair.

In front of the powerful natural disasters, even Andolfo, the most commanding magician, had no resistance at all.

However, just when everyone thought they were dead, and many people even closed their eyes, a loud phoenix cry suddenly sounded in their ears.


A stream of cyan light flew from a distance and appeared directly under the wave ball almost teleportingly.

The blue flames exploded and condensed into a huge rotating disk with a little gold mixed in. It looked like a city wall or a cover, colliding with the wave ball.

boom! ! !

At this moment, the sky and the earth turned into a vast white, the explosion was deafening, countless cracks opened on the ground, many buildings collapsed directly, hurricane-like air waves spread around, blowing down a large number of red maple trees.

When Andolf and others returned their gaze, they saw such a figure from behind.

He has a tall and straight figure, with fine blond hair shining in the sun. A pair of tens of meters long cyan energy wings spread out on his back, with three golden tails trailing behind him. The cyan energy wraps around his feet and condenses into chicken claws, which are sharp. And domineering, just a back view gives people a noble and inviolable awe-inspiring temperament.

Natural disaster!

Definitely a natural disaster expert!

who is he?

"Who are you?"

Lotav looked solemnly at the man in front of him, his voice low.

He didn't expect that there would be another natural disaster expert in the Holy Light Base.

This is seriously inconsistent with the data.

If he had known that there was a natural disaster here, how could he have accepted this task for only 2 million.

Qian Liuyu looked down at Lotaf calmly and said calmly:

"I'm just a guest."

Hearing this, Andolfo, Jin Zhan and many members of the Holy Light were filled with doubts.


Could it be that the leader had long expected that someone would come to cause trouble, so he specially found a strong natural disaster expert to stay for a period of time.

Yes, it must be so!

You are worthy of being the leader of the group. He plans ahead and strategizes. He is truly a man of God!

For Andolf and others, this is the only explanation for Qian Liuyu's appearance.

They never imagined that Qian Liuyu came here specifically for his child and happened to bump into Lotaf who had taken over the mission.

It can only be said that fate is so wonderful sometimes.

The appearance of Qian Liuyu completely disrupted Lotav's plan, but as a member of the Blood Demon Society, since he has accepted the task, he must complete it as much as possible, even if there is an accident in the middle.

His mission is to destroy the Holy Light Base and kill everyone inside.

Therefore, he didn't need to fight too much with this man, just continue to cause destruction.

Not to mention whether the opponent can block all his attacks, the aftermath of the natural disaster battle alone can burn this place to the ground.

Thinking of this, Lotav's eyes turned cold, ice blue flames exploded, and he threw dozens of wave balls towards the sky.

These fluctuating balls drew various arcs in the air and then crashed towards the ground.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

Explosions continued, the earth shattered, buildings collapsed, and the originally prosperous Holy Light Base was turned into ruins in one move.

Seeing this scene, many members were so distressed that they could hardly breathe, with deep humiliation and anger in their eyes.

In mid-air, Qian Liuyu shook his head slightly.

He didn't stop these fluctuating balls because he knew clearly that as long as he fought with Lotav, no matter what the outcome, the Holy Light Base would be destroyed.

"Oh, why don't you stop me?"

Lotav raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by Qian Liuyu's indifference.

Qian Liuyu said calmly:

"no need."

"Hahaha, you are such an interesting guy."

Lotaf laughed loudly and said: "My mission also includes killing everyone in the Holy Light Mercenary Group. Do you want to stop me this time?"

Qian Liuyu raised his eyes slightly, and a mixture of green and yellow flames burned in his pupils.

"Let's try it!"

Phew! ! !

Accompanied by a loud cry, Qianliyu turned into a stream of light and swooped down. The green phoenix claws shined brightly, like a javelin thrust diagonally, pointing directly at Lotav.

"Phoenix·Phoenix Seal!"

Lotav took half a step back, the ice-blue martial arts flames condensed on his right fist, turned his waist and twisted his hips, and punched boldly at the phoenix claw coming from above his head.

boom! ! !

The hurricane-like airwaves directly lifted Andolf and others away, and the weak people's blood boiled, and they spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Andolf stuck his staff into the ground and plowed back more than ten meters. After he stabilized his body, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

"So strong!!!"

Is this the power of natural disasters!

The aftermath of the battle alone was unbearable for him, an extraordinary person at the pinnacle of command.

At this moment, Andolfo's longing and desire for natural disasters reached their peak.

"Retreat, all retreat!"

Jin Zhan shouted loudly that they were not allowed to interfere in the natural disaster battle. If they stayed for a while, the lives of ordinary members would be lost!

After receiving the order, everyone evacuated immediately.

However, Andolf and Jin Zhan hid in a relatively safe position in the distance to observe the battle.

High in the sky, Xiang Lin was wearing a high-grade armor, holding Yu Zhiguang in her arms, looking down.

"Mom, who is more powerful, dad or that guy?"

Yu Zhiguang asked with his eyes wide open.

"Of course it's your dad!"

Xianglin touched Yu Zhiguang's head and looked at the cyan figure standing proudly below, her beautiful eyes full of confidence and love.

"Xiaoguang, remember, dad is the most powerful."



Strong winds dispersed the smoke.

I saw a huge circular pit centered at Lotav's feet.

Lotav's forearm was broken all the way down and was dripping with blood. His body was half-kneeling on the ground. He raised his head and looked at the man with wings spread in the air. He was extremely horrified:

"Who are you? Who are you?"

With one move, he, a martial artist at the beginning level of natural disaster, was seriously injured. This could only be achieved by high level natural disaster and above.

High-level natural disaster, why would such a person come to the Holy Light Mercenary Group?

Qian Liuyu raised his hand, green flames rose between his fingers, mixed with a little golden color, and his plain voice spread in all directions.

"My name is Phoenix - Qian Liuyu."

Phoenix Qianliuyu!

Lotav, Andolfo, Jin Zhan and even everyone hiding in the safe area all heard this name.

"Wow, Xiaoguang, isn't daddy so handsome!!!"

Xianglin shook her son vigorously in her arms, with stars in her eyes, looking like a girl obsessed with him.

No matter how long she has been married to Qian Liuyu, every time she sees that handsome face and that noble and elegant fighting style, she will be stunned and her heart will bubble with beauty.

He's handsome, he's awesome, hey, my man!

Yu Zhiguang was almost out of breath being hugged by Xiang Lin, and said with difficulty:

"Mom, dad is super handsome, and you almost broke my arm."

"Ah, I'm sorry, son, mom is patronizing dad."


"Ice Shalotav!"

Qian Liuyu pointed his fingertips downward and smiled:

"Let me use you as my meeting gift to Captain Holy Light!"

As soon as he finished speaking, green flames burst out from his fingers, like a waterfall of flames falling straight down, drowning Lotaf in it.

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