Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 231 Shocking appearance of all living beings


On the vast battlefield, hundreds of thousands of mercenaries and the army of death were still fighting desperately.

The roars, screams, and explosions were endless.

Looking at the overall situation, the mercenaries are gradually showing signs of victory.

On the one hand, those who have been able to persist until now have two skills, either their personal strength is online, or they know how to survive on the battlefield.

Commonly known as being able to survive.

On the other hand, more than 70% of the mercenaries have planted the Holy Flame Spirit Seed. As the number of undead killed continues to increase, the Holy Flame continues to strengthen.

This made the mercenaries more comfortable in fighting, and even had the urge to fight for three days and three nights.

Of course, there are still millions of undead, and the situation is similar to that of mercenaries. Basically all the cannon fodder is dead, and the rest are capable elites. The mercenaries do not dare to relax.



Hutao opened his hand, and a blazing golden flame erupted from his palm, like a huge undulating wave, with violent momentum, swallowing up all the undead within a hundred meters in front of him.

"Hey, it's fun!"

Hutao's eyes were bright, as if he had found an interesting toy. His left and right hands simultaneously sprayed out golden holy flames. He threw them here and smashed them, sometimes condensing into a fire whip, and sometimes transforming into a fire dragon. He was having a great time playing.

After killing a large number of undead, her Holy Flame Spirit Seed has grown to a very impressive level.

Even those at the top of the elite level, or even those who command the primary level of fire-type superpowers, may not be able to beat Hu Tao in terms of fire.

From the beginning, you could only attach flames to weapons, or just release a few small fireballs, but now you can control the form of flames as you like.

The growth of the Holy Flame brought Hutao a very novel and pleasant experience.

Before, she used fists, kicks or a war hammer to hit people. Although violent, she was always straightforward and a bit boring.

Now, she can control flames and show off various fancy operations like a magician or a psychic. This is really fun for her who loves to play.

"Hey, you still want to carry out a sneak attack?"

At this time, Hu Tao suddenly turned his head and raised his eyebrows.

In her perception, there was an undead with moderate strength who quietly touched near the combat area of ​​the Holy Light Mercenary Group, hiding in the shadows under her feet, and getting closer to Gefus.

It seemed that they were preparing to attack the gunnery division of the "Central Battery".

This undead has extremely strong concealment capabilities and is most likely a shadow assassin at the top level. In such a chaotic battlefield, almost no one can detect its traces.

It's a pity that Hutao is not a "person", she is a strange beast in the starry sky - the Star Swallowing Beast.

Since the day she was born, she has possessed a terrifying perception that ordinary people cannot imagine. It is a kind of beast intuition that has been strengthened a hundred times, which has repeatedly helped her smell danger and avoid it in advance.

Therefore, this undead spirit can hide it from others, but it cannot hide it from her at all.


As his footsteps hit the ground, a golden flame was like a swimming fire snake. After passing through the chaotic battlefield, it finally stopped on the shadow behind a certain hatred.


Suddenly, a black figure jumped out from the shadows, covered with golden flames. Black energy lingered around the body, but it could not dispel the flames, and it looked quite embarrassed.

"Hey, I caught you!"

Hutao stepped forward and appeared in front of the shadow almost like a flash. He smashed his flaming fist hard and directly blasted the shadow assassin.

At this time, Geforth also noticed the movements here.

He saw that this shadow assassin was probably coming towards him, so he couldn't help shouting loudly:

"Thanks, Hutao!"

Hutao turned to look at Gefus, and was about to reply, but at this moment, her little face suddenly became extremely solemn.

"These breaths..."

Hutao raised his head and looked into the distance, feeling three terrifying auras approaching rapidly.

Natural disaster level!

All three are natural disaster grade!

But why is one of the familiar?

The next second, Hu Tao's eyes suddenly widened, and she finally thought of who this aura represented.

Swish swish swish~

Three meteors flew past from a distance, attracting the attention of many people.

"What a terrifying momentum!"

"This is - natural disaster level!"

"Natural disaster, are they...?"

Everyone looked up in anticipation and anxiety. When the three meteors stopped over the battlefield and revealed their true bodies, they instantly triggered excited shouts like a flash flood and tsunami.

"It's General Railton, Captain Elephant Rohan is back."

"Very good!"

"We are going to win!!!"

Everyone knows that when Railton and Elifan Roang return together, it means that the two have defeated the two natural disaster-level powerhouses of the Black Crow Civilization.

"Hey, that man next to General Railton looks familiar."

"I know him. He is Ming of the Holy Light Mercenary Group and leads the peak telekinesis master."

"Leading the pinnacle? How do I feel..."

In the sky, Railton smiled and said to Ming:

"Ming, why don't you come and show your skills to everyone?"

Ming nodded and replied with only one word:


As soon as he finished speaking, a powerful wave of mental power erupted from Ming's body, sweeping across the battlefield like a hurricane.

Bang bang bang~~~

I saw that the undead within a radius of more than ten kilometers seemed to have been beaten with a sap, or their bodies were stiff, or they fell limply to the ground.

If you look carefully, you can find that these undead souls have completely lost their soul fluctuations.

However, none of the mercenaries who fought with the undead were injured.

One move can kill hundreds of thousands of undead instantly.


The mercenaries' eyes were dull and they couldn't believe what they saw before them.

This kind of destructive power, this kind of control, this kind of mental coercion

Absolutely - natural disaster level!

boom! ! !

In an instant, it was like a psychic bomb dropped.

Hundreds of thousands of mercenaries showed expressions of shock, surprise, astonishment, and disbelief.

Holy Light Mercenary Group——

"Hahaha, Master Ming has reached the level of natural disaster!"

"Holy shit, shit, shit!"

"Oh my God! Our Holy Light Mercenary Group also has natural disaster-level masters!"

Whether it was the Dark Moon tribesmen or other members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, they all showed expressions of ecstasy, excitement, and excitement.

Everyone knows what it means to be a natural disaster level expert.

On land, they can destroy the surface ecology of a planet.

In space, one person can fight against a fleet.

This is the natural disaster expert.

In the universe, the strongest combat power below the God King.

In the mercenary world, as long as there is one natural disaster expert in a group, no matter how many other members there are, the group is enough to firmly enter the ranks of the top mercenary groups.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group is about to take off! ! !

"Damn it, this is a natural disaster!"

Anderson's eyes widened, and he was extremely shocked.

He never imagined that not long after he joined the Holy Light Mercenary Group, a strong natural disaster man would come out of the group.

This is like joining a start-up company and within two days of working, the company directly became a Fortune 500 company.

Are you so lucky?

"Natural disaster level~"

Geforth raised his head and looked at the indifferent and indifferent figure in the sky like a god, with complicated eyes.

Ming broke through the natural disaster.

Will he still be willing to stay with the leader?

"Huh, Brother Ming is ahead."

Hutao pouted her little mouth and muttered.

She and Mingdu were bought by Su Mo from a slave trader. They were also the first veterans of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, and their relationship was extraordinary.

Don't look at Ming Ming, who always has a cold attitude towards others and keeps strangers away.

But in front of her, he is like a considerate brother. Although he doesn't talk much, he will leave delicious and fun things to her.

Therefore, she would not be jealous of Ming's breakthrough. She just felt that she was the stronger one in the past, but now she was overtaken by Ming, which made her a little depressed.


"Natural disaster level!"

The wild beast clenched its weapon, with a deeply complicated look in its eyes.

In his eyes before, Ming was at most an excellent telekinesis master.

The strength and talent are good, but not enough to compare with him.

In the entire Gru Star, only Hu Tao and Sheng Guang were truly recognized by him.

Hu Tao crushed him with force and made him convinced that he had lost.

As for Holy Light, he was convinced by his charisma and methods.

Except for these two people, no one else was noticed by him.

As a son of God with the blood of the God King, he has the right to be so crazy and proud.

However, Ming, who had been ignored by him, broke through the natural disaster one step ahead, making his pride and loneliness a joke.

"Holy Light, Walnut, Ming~"

The wild beast sighed, with a hint of bitterness on the corner of his mouth.


"Natural disaster level! Who would have thought that Ming was the first person to break through the natural disaster."

"Ming, who is he? Why have I never heard of his name?"

"It's normal that you don't know his name in the Western Front War Zone. Ming is a senior cadre of the Holy Light Mercenary Group and the leader of the peak telekinesis master. He is not as famous as the little monster Hutao of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, but his strength can definitely rank among Entering the top ten of Gru Star."

"Top ten? That means he's not the most powerful. Why did he break through the natural disaster?"

"Hey, strong combat power does not mean that the probability of breaking through natural disasters is high. The growth path of each profession is different, and it cannot be simply measured by combat power."

"That's true, but now the Holy Light Mercenary Group is really going to soar into the sky!"

"Who says it's not the case? There are natural disaster-level powerful men sitting in charge, and Holy Light is crazy about asking for money. To be honest, I want to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

"Hey, we have an idea."


The mercenaries had different reactions to Ming's breakthrough.

Most people are just surprised. It is a very rare thing to witness the birth of a natural disaster level powerhouse next to them.

Some people were stunned, shocked and panicked.

These people had secretly plotted against Su Mo, trying to turn him into their own money-making machine.

Even if Railton and Elifan Rohan defended and warned in public, they still could not stop those greedy hearts.

After all, Railton and Elephin Loang are both outsiders and cannot always guard the Holy Light.

As long as the two of them are not around, they can find opportunities to capture the Holy Light.

However, the situation has changed drastically now!

Ming, a direct member of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, breaks through the natural disaster. Now, let alone targeting the Holy Light, they have to worry about whether they will be betrayed by the people around them and reveal their previous plot to the Holy Light.

It's true, none of the people who participated in the conspiracy can get out of the Gru star.

Alas, Ming, how did you break through the natural disaster!

"Damn it, my brothers took off!"

Half-dragon Kane, Windrunner Sylva, Purple Poison Nesada and many other Illuminati members were exclaimed and excited.

Ming's breakthrough to the natural disaster means that the Holy Light Mercenary Group will surely usher in a stage of rapid development.

Then they, a group of Illuminati members with the Holy Light as the core, can also take advantage of the east wind and get a good share of the pie.

Everyone's mentality changes very quickly.

In the past, although the Holy Light was the initiator and core figure of the Illuminati, the members were equal to each other and were allies.

Now, we are willing to be the younger brother.

Strength is only one aspect. The most important thing is that Holy Light can bring countless benefits and benefits to everyone.

Who can’t see the terrifying potential of the Holy Light Mercenary Group?

A group leader who makes money just for fun, a natural disaster level telekinesis master, and a little monster who is half a natural disaster.

With both strength and money, he will one day become a giant on Zatanvi.

Holy Light is a very generous person. When he rises, he will definitely help the brothers around him.

A rich man like him, even if he squeezes a little profit from his fingers, can make everyone make a lot of money.

So what’s wrong with being a younger brother? I’m willing to be a licking dog even if I’m a buddy.


Under the leadership of three natural disaster-level powerhouses, Ming, Elifan Rohan, and Railton, the battle situation instantly became one-sided, and the undead were slaughtered like wheat.

This was because of Ming's deliberate reminder to let Railton and Elifan Rohan use their strength to give the mercenaries a chance to strengthen the Holy Flame Spirit Seed, otherwise tens of millions of undead would have been slaughtered long ago.

In front of a natural disaster level powerhouse, no matter how many undead there are, they are nothing more than numbers.

With hundreds of thousands of "leeks" growing vigorously, Su Mo's force power successfully reached the peak of command.

In three months, he went from the beginning of leadership to the peak of leadership.

There is no other example in the entire universe.

After reaching the peak of leadership, Su Mo could faintly feel the invisible shackles.

This layer of shackles cannot be broken simply by stacking the force, but requires the triple combination of body, spirit and force.

Everyone's way of overcoming natural disasters is different.

For example, Ming doesn't need a strong body, he just needs to understand the way of mind power.

Another example is Hu Tao. He doesn't need to think about anything. He can easily break through natural disasters by devouring energy like crazy.

And he also needs to find a natural disaster path that suits him best.

The war ended, leaving behind dead bones, stumps, and pieces of flesh and blood all over the ground. The air was filled with a disgusting smell. However, the atmosphere at the scene was quite warm. Everyone put their arms around each other, returned to the base with laughter, and handed over the finishing work. To Colt Civilization's Mechanical Troops.



The members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group excitedly approached Su Mo, and then quickly opened a passage for Ming to walk over slowly.

Ming was still as usual, with a cold expression on his face and no emotion at all.

bang bang bang

Listening to the crisp footsteps, for some reason, the air suddenly became a little solid.

Everyone seemed to have thought of something and looked at Ming and Su Mo nervously, their eyes widening slightly.

After Master Ming/Master Ming suddenly suffered a natural disaster, are they still willing to stay in the Holy Light Mercenary Group?

Do you have any other ideas?

Everyone's hearts were beating so fast that they almost burst out of their throats.

Whether the Holy Light Mercenary Group is prospering and soaring into the sky, or it is divided and unable to recover.

It all depends on Ming's next attitude.

Bang bang~

Ming walked slowly in front of Su Mo, and showed a faint smile under the nervous gazes of pairs of eyes.

"Captain, I'm back!"

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