Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 222 Doctors also need to eat properly

The mine cleaning task has officially begun.

Hundreds of mercenary groups stood in front of each mine in an orderly manner.

Each mercenary group needs to conduct exploration and cleaning according to the routes designated by the military headquarters.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group is responsible for the two mines 27 and 28.

Su Mo divided the team into two groups. Ming and Geforth led the first group, Hutao, Mondo and Anderson led the second group. As for himself, he stayed outside the mine to deal with emergencies at any time.

"Hu Tao, remember to distribute the healing potion to everyone after entering."

Su Mo bent down and whispered instructions into Hu Tao's ear.

"Yeah, I know!"

Hu Tao nodded.

"Protect everyone~"

Su Mo touched Hu Tao's head.

The sacrifices of the two old men, Manlie and Ishikawago, made him very heartbroken.

In order to avoid tragedy happening again, he was fully prepared this time.

First, consume a large amount of military points to exchange the most suitable weapons and equipment for members to improve their combat effectiveness.

Secondly, he stuffed thousands of healing potions into Hutao and Ming's space equipment, ensuring that each member could get at least two.

Finally, all members were divided into ten groups, with several elites in each group.

With triple insurance and the leadership of several cadres including Hu Tao and Ming, I believe everyone can successfully complete the mission and return safely.

"Everyone, let's start taking action."

Major General Rivers ordered in a deep voice.


Tens of thousands of mercenaries responded in unison.

Bang bang bang~~

Tens of thousands of mercenaries walked into the mine with no fear in their eyes.

This time, there were a large number of mercenaries and the military had well-organized arrangements. Each regiment was only responsible for cleaning a specific area and could support each other at any time.

In this case, the threat of the undead has been greatly reduced.

Want to sneak up and attack again?

Damn it!

"Take action!"

Su Mo waved his hand, and golden lights fell one after another, blessing the team members with a full set of BUFFs.

"Set off!"

Hutao raised the war hammer, and his small body burst out with astonishing momentum, like a god of war, making the team members behind him feel a strong sense of security.

On the other side, Ming strode forward with extremely cold eyes.

Ishikawago's sacrifice seemed to be a scar engraved on his heart that he could never let go of.

The undead must die!

After a while, almost all the mercenary groups entered the mine, but there were still a few "conspicuous bags" left in place, all looking at Su Mo.

"Holy Light~"

Tie Bing scratched his head and looked at Su Mo, and smiled: "You know~"

On the other side, Xue Tong and Yan Mo also held hands and said:


Su Mo smiled and waved his hand, and the golden rain fell on everyone accurately.

"Go, my friends..."

The familiar state returned again, and the three mercenary groups were in high spirits and rushed into the mine howling like evil wolves.

Undead cuties, my brother is here.

At this moment, there were only a few officers left in front of the mine, and a small number of mercenaries like Su Mo who stayed behind.

Just now they saw Su Mo buffing a group of people, and they couldn't help but be secretly amazed.

Is this the buffing ability of Holy Light~

It’s really extraordinary~

Several thoughtful people walked directly towards Su Mo and introduced themselves enthusiastically.

"Captain Holy Light, I am..."


In the dark mine, a bright light suddenly lit up.

A group of people walked forward cautiously, holding various weapons, such as laser guns, alloy swords, lightsabers, etc. Two of them were wearing black and gold armor, protecting the group one behind the other.

Suddenly, someone in the team shouted in a deep voice:

"There are undead coming, right in front, about 15 of them."

He is a martial artist, but due to his race, he has a strong sense of smell.

From a distance, he could smell the decaying aura of the undead.


Kurosawa Kita raised his hand and said to the miniature earphone:

"Lord Ming, our team is about to fight the undead."

A cold voice came from the headphones.


Soon, a dozen shadow wolves appeared at the end of the tunnel, their eyes glowing with green will-o'-the-wisps, their ferocious fangs exposed, and their bodies exuding a deep, cold black energy.

Kurosawa Kita pressed the long-handled button, and with a low vibration, a bright yellow broad-bladed light knife suddenly appeared.

This is the standard "Aurora" weapon for Colt civilized officers. After setting the shape and various parameters in advance, it can be transformed into various weapons. It has excellent cutting ability and strong kinetic energy.

Bang bang bang bang~~~

As soon as the Shadow Wolf appeared, the team member behind Kurosawa Kita pulled the trigger, flooding the opposite side with dozens of rays.

In "fragile" mines, people do not dare to use gunpowder weapons easily to prevent the mine from collapsing, and instead choose energy weapons with strong penetrating power.


The shadow wolves howled in unison, dust and slag fell, and black energy suddenly erupted, blocking everyone's sight.


Kurosawa Kita shouted, and with a thought, the outlines of all the shadow wolves clearly appeared on the transparent mask.

Currently, he is wearing a set of top-notch sergeant-level armor, which can increase strength, speed, and vigor, and has powerful scanning and auxiliary functions.


Kurosawa Kita stepped forward and slashed with the light sword, and the blazing holy flames clung to it. The armor roared and white air flow erupted, making Kurosawa Kita's slash even more powerful and as fast as lightning.

Poof! ! !

A powerful blow was struck on the head of the Shadow Wolf, directly cutting off a large piece of the skull. The golden holy flame on the sword was like a shark smelling blood, and it immediately penetrated into the Shadow Wolf's head, causing it to roar in pain. Call.

If the Shadow Wolf was not an undead creature, he would probably be unconscious by now.

"What an awesome armor."

Kurosawa Kita's eyes lit up. Only after the actual battle did he realize how powerful this armor was.

Although it was only a sergeant-level armor, it significantly improved his shooting speed and strength. Moreover, the slightly thick armor also gave him a strong sense of security.

At least it can score 85 points.

I really don’t know how powerful those general-level armors must be~


The shadow wolves swooped out from the black mist one by one, swept across Kurosawa North, and launched an attack on the team members.

At this time, the importance of equipment becomes apparent.

When encountering danger, the team members will immediately activate high-energy polymerization shields to block all attacks from the Shadow Wolf.

First benefit the invincible position, and then launch a fierce attack on the enemy.

Under this style of play, Kurosawa Kita quickly led his team to annihilate the Shadow Wolves, making the Holy Flame even stronger.

"Lord Ming, our team has eliminated all enemies."

Kurosawa Kita gave feedback immediately after the battle.


A cold and calm voice came. Kurosawa North looked at the map and waved, "Keep going."

The Lich Ogwell left a total of 400,000 undead in the Simang Mine.

Among these 400,000 undead, there are no cannon fodder such as ordinary skeletons and ghouls. Their strength is all above E level, and there are also many elites and even commanders.

There are only tens of thousands of mercenaries cleaning the mines. On the surface, they don't seem to have an advantage.

But in fact, the progress of each mercenary group is quite smooth.

The mercenary side is organized.

Each team has a designated cleaning route. If danger occurs, nearby teams and experts will quickly come to support.

In addition, high-tech weapons also play a huge role.

Various detectors, induction robots, laser guns, energy shields, extraordinary armor, etc. give mercenaries an absolute initiative.

It is simply impossible for the undead to imagine sneak attacks in the dark like last time!

"Su Mo, I'm back!"

"Captain, successfully completed the mission!"

The members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group were the first to come out of the mine, and everyone's face was filled with relaxation and joy.

Our mercenary group is really well prepared.

The five powerful leaders lead the team, a full set of BUFF blessings, various weapons and equipment assistance, and healing potions as a guarantee. With these few guarantees, it will be difficult to think of anything wrong!

"How about it, no one was hurt, right?"

Su Mo asked.

"Everyone is safe!"

Hutao curled his lips: "There's no one powerful in it, it's boring."

During her trip, she didn't meet any undead who qualified her to use the Tiger Armor.

Too weak, too weak!

Why don't you try that big guy? Su Mo said that he is quite strong.

Hutao blinked and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Everything is safe here, too."

Ming nodded in response.

"That's good~"

Su Mo smiled slightly.

After making so many preparations, it would be really unreasonable if something happened again.

"Captain of the Holy Light! Commander of the Holy Light!"

At this time, a group of people ran out of the mine and hurried towards Su Mo, holding two wounded people in their hands. It seemed that their injuries were not serious.

One person had a broken arm and his face was pale, and the other person had a huge bloody hole in his abdomen, and his intestines could be clearly seen inside.

"Captain Holy Light, please save my brother."

A big red-skinned man said anxiously.

Su Mo glanced at it and said: "50 innars per person, no counter-offering."

He is a mercenary, not a good man, so he can't always treat people for free.

When in battle, it is necessary to provide timely support to your comrades around you.

But in normal times, just pay with one hand and treat with the other.

Doctors also need to be careful.

"Okay, 50 is 50!"

The red-skinned man agreed immediately.

50 Innars is actually not that much, it can cover a long-distance interstellar voyage.

But if you are recovering from a serious injury or regenerating a broken limb, 50 Innars is really not expensive, and it is even a reasonable price.

He was not familiar with Holy Light, so he naturally would not blame the other party for asking for a price for treatment.

Su Mo hummed, and then released two rays of healing light, which fell on the two of them.

In an instant, granulation sprouted from the broken wound rapidly, the bloody hole in the abdomen healed, and the broken arm also grew back. Many people were surprised to see this scene.

As expected of the famous Holy Light, this healing ability is incredible!

"Transfer the money!"

Su Mo reported his bank account to the other party.

"Okay, okay!"

The red-skinned man nodded repeatedly and introduced himself while transferring money.

"Captain Holy Light, I am Deyou, captain of Feiji Mercenary Regiment. Our captain would like to talk to you about cooperation later."

Su Mo nodded and said:

"Okay, but we'll talk about this later. I'm going to start business."

Doing business?

The red-skinned man immediately understood and turned around to look.

I saw several waves of mercenaries running out of the mine in a hurry, holding the wounded in their arms and shouting:

"Holy Light!"

"Captain Holy Light! Help!"

Seeing this scene, the red-skinned man stepped aside knowingly.

"It's 10 yuan for minor injuries and 50 yuan for serious injuries. It's a small business and there will be no counter-offering."

Su Mo said seriously.

"No counteroffer, no counteroffer, I'll transfer the money now!"

"Me too, please save my brother first."

Overall, the task of cleaning the mine went smoothly, but there were always some accidents and injuries.

The wounded were taken out one after another and sent to Su Mo.

Su Mo happily accepted the money while providing the most perfect treatment. There was absolutely no conflict between doctor and patient.

As for whether anyone dares to default on their debt?

Hum hum, hundreds of pairs of eyes from the Holy Light Mercenary Group are staring here.

Want to default on your debt?

First see if your head can withstand the blow from Hu Tao.

Gradually, more and more mercenary groups came out of the mine, including many wounded.

Ordinary abrasions and scratches will pass in a short time. With the physique of an extraordinary person, they will basically recover in an hour or two.

But if a piece of flesh is lost, or the face, eyes and other parts are slightly injured, although it is not fatal, it always hurts and affects the appearance. It is better to spend 10 yuan to seek treatment from the Holy Light.

10 Innars, which is just the price of a glass of wine in a better bar on Zatanvi Star.

As for serious injuries, let alone that. Where can I find serious injury medical services for only 50 yuan?

Don't say anything, just find the Holy Light and that's it!

Cheap and easy to use.

Su Mo's patients were treated one after another, and the amount in their accounts kept rising.

His charges are not expensive, but he can't stand the crowds.

He treated hundreds of people and charged tens of thousands in consultation fees.

And what he gave was just a little bit of the Force and spiritual power.

“It’s so easy to make money~”

Su Mo couldn't help but sigh.

Tens of thousands of Innars didn't sound like much, and it was completely incomparable to the BUFF potion he sold at the auction.

But don’t forget, this is just a treatment.

There will be many battles between mercenaries and undead in the future, and the intensity will only be more intense than now.

He thinks he can earn at least three to four million, or even more, just by collecting consultation fees.

In addition, don't forget that he also has the big business of Holy Flame Spirit Seed, as well as the PY skill of weapon enhancement that he always has in hand.

Currently, there are nearly 1 million mercenaries on Planet Gru.

Not to mention too much, as long as 150,000 mercenaries accept his Holy Flame Spirit Seed, and each person pays 100 Innars, that is 15 million.

Weapon strengthening is only for strong masters.

The permanent version is strengthened to comprehensively improve all the performance of the weapon, and it also comes with light attribute damage. 3000 Inal at a time is not too much.

This is hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

The money is so much that it's a bit hot to touch.

Just find a way to spend it.

Su Mo's eyes flickered and he had a plan in mind.


After ensuring that all the undead in the mine were eliminated, the Colt Civilization's mining machinery troops officially entered the site.

With technological civilization, mining does not require manpower at all.

With various mining equipment, robots and auxiliary artificial intelligence control, silver sky stones are continuously excavated and then refined into sky-breaking gold.

The Black Crow Civilization was naturally unwilling to let the Simang Mine be handed over to the Colt Civilization, so it united with the Army of Death to constantly harass and attack the mine, hoping to take it back.

In view of this, the Colt civilization decided to move the front forward, integrate the two war zones, and establish a new military base hundreds of miles away from the Simang Mine.

Place the mine at the far rear of the base.

At the same time, the Colt civilization and the mercenary coalition were unwilling to remain passively beaten.

The major mercenary groups turned into guerrillas and madly attacked the strongholds of the Black Crow Civilization and the Army of Death.

The two sides continued to see each other, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

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