The wild beast Gronn, before the Holy Light Mercenary Group came, he was recognized as the strongest leader of Gru Star.

He was nearly 4 meters tall, with gnarled muscles, bare feet and messy hair. A pair of tiger eyes exuded an intimidating cold light. He had a domineering and wild aura standing there, like a wild beast that made people afraid to approach him.

At this moment, two rays of electricity seemed to shoot out from the wild beast's eyes, falling on Su Mo.

Su Mo, on the other hand, looked at him calmly and calmly, as calm as the sea.

"What a Holy Light Mercenary Group."

The wild beast's eyes turned blank and he looked back.

Yesterday, he learned that after him, the Holy Light Mercenary Group, which had just arrived on Gru Star, also successfully destroyed a dark altar.

There are also rumors that a little girl named Hutao in the Holy Light Mercenary Group may be even stronger than him.

He never cares about the outside world's evaluation of himself.

However, special attention is always paid to the strong.

Therefore, he deliberately found the Holy Light Mercenary Group and made a brief observation.

That almost beast-like intuition told him that Hu Tao was indeed an extremely powerful master, and it was rare for him to feel a dangerous aura.

But as for who is stronger between himself and Hu Tao, you will only know after fighting.

In addition, the cold-faced man in black next to Hu Tao is also worthy of attention.

This is also a master.

And he is also his least favorite telekinesis master.

However, what interested him the most was not Hu Tao or the man in black, but the famous leader, Shengguang Su Mo.

Holy Light Su Mo, an auxiliary superpower.

This person has extremely powerful healing abilities, and can bring people back from the brink of death even if they only have one breath left.

At the same time, Holy Light can also greatly increase the combat effectiveness of those around you.

The 703 Highlands guarded by the Holy Light Mercenary Group, after being attacked by two waves of undead armies, actually set a miraculous record in which no one died, which was talked about by countless people.

Now, there are too many mercenary groups eager to be separated from the Holy Light.

You can get a lot of military points, and no one will die at home.

Don't be too happy~

As the leader of a mercenary group, Wild Beast is naturally responsible for his brothers.

He is made of steel and is not afraid of any enemy.

But my brothers are all flesh and blood.

Since arriving on Gru Star, nearly one-fifth of the brothers have stayed on this land forever.

If you don't want to lose more brothers, having a good relationship with Holy Light is the key.

However, due to his temperament, he would not take the initiative to show kindness to others. On the contrary, his simple glances were full of fierceness, which could easily misunderstand others.

Holy Light, might you have misunderstood me too?

I have a headache~


The deputy leader of Wild Beast glanced at Su Mo, meaning, why don't you go up and say hello?

The corner of the beast's eyes twitched, and it was even more uncomfortable for him to take the initiative to say hello than to kill him.

"Let's talk about it later~"

The mad beast shook his head slightly, turned and left.

Seeing this, the deputy captain shook his head helplessly. As a subordinate who had been with the beast for almost ten years, he knew his boss's temperament very well.

Although the boss is usually wild and domineering with evil eyes, in fact, he is a real social phobia and is afraid of contact with others.

When talking to people he doesn't know, he will even be nervous enough to stutter, so in most cases, he, the deputy leader, is responsible for communication.

"Forget it, let's solve the task at hand first."

The deputy captain took a deep look at Su Mo and then followed the wild beast away.

"Wild Beast Gronn, interesting~"

Su Mo looked away, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

The wild beast Gron, the leader of the peak martial arts master, has a very powerful talent - bloody fighting.

In a bloody battle, the lower the blood volume, the higher the strength, agility, and endurance will be.

It can be called a martial artist’s version of a berserker.

In addition, the battle ax in his hand looks like a good magic weapon.

"Su Mo, who is that person?"

Hutao glanced at the burly back of the wild beast and asked curiously.

Su Mo smiled: "A very strong person."

Hu Tao's eyes lit up:

"How strong is it? Is it as powerful as me?"

Su Mo touched Hu Tao's head and smiled slightly: "Probably not, we Hu Tao are the most powerful."


Hutao was like a child who had been praised by the teacher, with a bright smile, raised her little chin, and all the happiness and pride were written on her face.

Seeing this scene, the cold-faced Ming couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, let's continue looking around~"

Su Mo took several cadres and visited all the following areas. There were hundreds more detailed data on weapons and equipment in Pooh's database, and his computing power increased again.

After the "scientific research exchange" ended, Su Mo spent nearly 300,000 military points to exchange a large amount of equipment for the team members.

Sergeant-level armor, high-energy polymer shield, high-frequency chopper, small hand cannon...

These equipment are not exchanged at will, but are targeted choices made by Pooh after carefully analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of all team members.

When the equipment was distributed, the faces of the team members were filled with excitement.

"Thank you, leader!"

"Thank you, leader!"

Many team members gathered around Su Mo and sent all kinds of words of gratitude, flattery, flattery and other kind words.

Mercenaries, thousands of people with thousands of faces.

Some people are introverted and only show their loyalty through actions.

And some people do things just for the sake of doing things, but they will never fail to communicate upwards.

Let your leaders pay attention to you, and you will have more opportunities in the future~

Su Mo doesn't say he likes these people with loose ideas, but he doesn't hate them either.

People with different personalities have different usage and arrangements.

This is something that a manager must understand.

"Okay, let's find an open space and get familiar with your new equipment."

Su Mo clapped his hands and smiled slightly.

Just when the team members were excitedly trying out the new equipment, Xue Tong, Yan Mo, and Tie Bing led a large number of members to find Su Mo.

"Holy Light~"

Tie Bing grinned and said: "Please give all my team members a Holy Flame Seed, and I will transfer the money to you now."

After saying that, Tie Bing transferred 2W Doinar directly to Su Mo's account.

"Captain Holy Light, and us!"

Yan Mo quickly said: "I have a total of 350 people here."

Xue Tong: "I have 240 people."

Su Mo smiled and said: "Smoke Demon, Xue Tong, for the sake of us fighting side by side, I will give you a discount, 80 Inar per person."

"No problem, I'll transfer the money now."

Smoke Demon said decisively.

He knew that the iron soldiers' price was 50 innars per person, which was cheaper than his own.

However, Tie Bing and Sheng Guang have a very good personal relationship.

And Tie Bing was also the first person to take the initiative to ask Holy Light to plant the Holy Flame Spirit Seed.

Therefore, it is appropriate to be cheaper than him, and he will not be dissatisfied in his heart.

Xue Tong: "I've transferred too!"


Two payments arrived.

In just this minute, Su Mo made a huge profit of 70,000 Innars.

Another new way to make money.

"Come here, start with the Iron Soldier Mercenary Group."

Su Mo called the three mercenary groups to an open space, and then planted Holy Flame Spirit Seeds for them one by one.

After skilled operation, the speed of planting spiritual seeds increases from 10 seconds per person to about 5 seconds per person.

Bang bang bang~

As if stamping a pig, Su Mo patted the person with his big golden hand, stayed there for a few seconds, and then continued to pat another person.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"What is the Holy Light doing?"

"It's a bit strange, go over and ask."

Many mercenary captains who knew Su Mo from the spaceship came over with curiosity in their eyes.

"Holy Light, what are you doing?"

Su Mo had no time to talk to them, but Tie Bing volunteered and actively promoted Su Mo.

"Guys, listen to me, the Holy Light is now planting Holy Flame Spirit Seeds on my team members."

"What is the Holy Flame Spirit Seed? Hehe, let me explain it to you."

"The Holy Flame Spirit Seed is an ability of the Holy Light. It can..."

The Iron Soldier excitedly explained the many benefits of the Holy Flame Spirit Seed, and from time to time a ball of fire would appear in his palm, showing it to everyone.

"Holy shit, is it so amazing?"

"That's right, you're not the Holy Light's trustee, are you?"

"I think it's a pity that you don't sell insurance, Tie Bing."

Tie Bing's eyes widened and his spit flew:

"Am I a trustee? What about Xue Tong and Smoke Demon? They are also trustees invited by the Holy Light?"

"Let me tell you, growing Holy Flame Spirit Seeds costs money. Ask them how much they spent in total?"

"Smoke Demon, is this true?"

"Xuetong, would you like to say a few words?"

At this moment, Yan Mo and Xue Tong showed a tangled look.

They are different from the iron soldiers.

The Iron Soldier went all-in and handed all the team members, including himself, into the hands of the Holy Light. If something went wrong with the Holy Flame Spirit Seed, the entire Iron Soldier mercenary group would be completely destroyed.

However, they cannot completely trust the Holy Light at this stage, so they only selected some people to accept the Holy Flame Spirit Seed, and did not consider it for the time being.

In this case, we can neither assure all the mercenaries that the Holy Flame Spirit Seed is fine, nor can we dismantle the Holy Light, lest the Holy Light become dissatisfied.

I'm in a dilemma~

After thinking for a moment, Yan Mo decided to put the safety of his own members first.

He couldn't afford to offend the Holy Light.

What should I do if I don’t treat myself in the future?

"Tie Bing is right!"

Yan Mo said sternly: "The Holy Flame Spirit Seed is really good at restraining dark creatures, and the more dark creatures it kills, the stronger the Spirit Seed will be."

"It's so strong, doesn't it have any side effects?"

Someone nearby didn't believe it.

Yan Mo shrugged: "Anyway, I haven't found any side effects so far. If there were any, I definitely wouldn't let the team members try it."

Xue Tong nodded: "Me too."

After hearing the endorsements from Yan Mo and Xue Tong, many mercenaries began to feel excited.

"Boss, how about we find someone to try too?"

"Let's choose ten people first. If it's as good as Tie Bing said, it won't be too late to promote it."

"Boss, how many should we make?"

"Okay, let's try a few!"

Soon, news about the Holy Flame Spirit Seed spread in the Ximang Mine.


"Holy Flame Spirit Seed~"

Mad Beast frowned and asked in a low voice, "Do you think it's reliable?"

The deputy leader thought for a while: "It's hard to say, but you can give it a try."

"Then let's choose 20 people first!"

The mad beast looked at his watch and said, "It's definitely too late now. After the task of cleaning the mine is completed, you can take people to find the Holy Light."

The deputy leader said tentatively:

"Shouldn't this job be left to the group leader?"

The wild beast's face froze, and he stuttered slightly:

"I...I...Oh, I'll leave it to you. There's so much nonsense."

A slap hit the deputy leader on the back of the head, causing him to stagger.

The deputy captain rubbed his head and muttered:

"I don't dare to talk to men, no wonder you can't find a wife~"

"What did you say?"

The wild beast's eyes widened, and its steel-like hands directly pinched the deputy leader's neck.

The deputy leader said quickly:

"Boss, I'm going to pick someone right now."

With difficulty, he moved his big hand away from his neck, and the deputy captain disappeared in front of the wild beast.

"Looking for a wife?"

The wild beast curled his lips: "A woman will only affect the speed of my ax swing."

But at this moment, a beautiful image suddenly flashed through his mind.

We haven't seen each other for many years. She must be married. Maybe she has a litter of children.

If it weren't for that year...

Alas, forget it.

Now I'm just an Avenger.

The Beast King, my father.

One day, I will chop off your head with my own hands.


After planting Holy Flame Spirit Seeds on thousands of members of the three mercenary groups, Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Captain Holy Light, I also want to buy spiritual seeds for 10 people."

"I'll buy 20 copies!"

"I have 50 copies, give them to me first!"

A large group of people gathered around Su Mo, talking all over the place, and the scene was extremely lively.

Su Mo raised his hand and said loudly:

"Everyone, we are about to enter the mine. We will talk about the Holy Flame Spirit Seed after the mission is over."

Everyone looked at the time and saw that it was less than ten minutes away from the time agreed by Major General Rivers.

In these ten minutes, everyone still has to assemble the team and explain some arrangements. The time is really not enough.

"Captain Holy Light, let me make an appointment first~"

"And I!"

"I'll make a reservation too!"

"Easy to say, easy to say~"

Su Mo smiled brightly

They came to your door and were willing to pay. What a group of high-quality leeks~

The leek sowing plan is officially on the right track.

By the way, I have one person to thank for this.

"Iron Soldier~"

Su Mo patted Tie Bing on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"If the mercenary group can't continue in the future, come to me. I will leave the position of Propaganda Minister to you."

He heard everything Tie Bing said just now, and his positivity and enthusiasm made him have self-doubt.

Could it be that I paid Tie Bing in private?

I have to say, even though Tie Bing looks tall and thick, like a brown bear, his eloquence is really good.

When he introduced the Holy Flame Spirit Seed, he was eloquent, eloquent, and his tongue was as bright as a lotus flower.

The words he drafted in advance were not as smooth as he said.

This guy, like his brother Auggie, knows everyone and talks in one way.

The eloquence of Northeastern people is nothing more than this.

If there is an opportunity in the future, Tie Bing and Auggie can be asked to promote his Holy Flame Spirit Seed to the outside world, which can not only make money but also harvest more leeks.

Propaganda Minister~

Su Mo's seemingly joking words really made Tie Bing's heart flutter for a moment.

It seems good to follow the Holy Light Mercenary Group. I no longer have to rack my brains to think of ways to make money, and there are many top experts in the Holy Light Mercenary Group. Shengguang, Ming, and Hutao all have the potential to break through the natural disaster level.


Tie Bing pursed his lips, his former dream suddenly shaken.

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