Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 219 The undead in the mine are furious

Tianxin City, Headquarters

"Haha, okay! Great!"

Colt Civilization Commander Railton slapped the table, with uncontrollable joy on his face.

"The Holy Light Mercenary Group is really a group of powerful soldiers."

The other generals in the room also smiled with excitement and joy.

Tonight, the third theater encountered a large-scale attack by the undead. Some strongholds were captured by the undead, resulting in many casualties, but most of the strongholds were successfully defended.

And the most exciting thing is that the four mercenary groups headed by the Holy Light Mercenary Group, after holding the position, ran a long distance to the undead lair and successfully destroyed a dark altar.

You know, the Dark Altar is the most fundamental support for the army of death.

They can continuously produce cannon fodder and elite and commander-level undead, relying on the Dark Altar.

Because of this, every time a dark altar is lost, the strength of the death army will drop by 10%.

Previously, the Death Army had a total of eight dark altars, which could create millions or even tens of millions of undead every day.

And in just one day today, the two mercenary groups of Wild Beast and Holy Light each destroyed a dark altar, which is equivalent to directly reducing the strength of the death army by a quarter.

What a blessing this is~

"General, I also have a battlefield video here, please take a look at it."

The Intelligence Department officer pressed the button on the black box, projecting a holographic projection in the air.

The video is an excerpt from the 703 Highland Guardian Battle. There are two protagonists, one is Hutao and the other is Ming.

In the video, Hutao is like a god of war, striking a commander-level undead with one strike. His overbearing power and ghostly speed shocked the generals who watched.

Even the natural disaster-level Railton and Elifan Rohan were surprised by the power displayed by Hutao.

"Brother Luo Ang, this little girl named Hu Tao is already very close to a natural disaster-level martial artist in terms of strength, speed and other aspects, right?" Railton looked at Elifan Luo Ang beside him.

Elifen Loang nodded: "It's a little worse than the natural disaster level, but it's really close."

After saying this, a look of curiosity appeared in Elephin Luang's eyes.

As a member of the Elephant Clan, his power has always been the best at his level, but even he cannot possess the exaggerated and terrifying power of Hu Tao at the Commander level.

In addition, Hu Tao is not only strong, her explosive power, flexibility and other aspects are far beyond the scope of the top leadership.

I really don’t know what kind of race can breed such a powerful little monster~

“The other one is also pretty good~”

Railton looked at Ming in the video with admiration.

He is calm and indifferent, but he can wipe out his enemies with just a wave of his hand and his eyes raised.

Ming's strength has also exceeded the peak of leadership. Although his performance is not as good as Hu Tao, he is definitely at least among the top five masters among all mercenaries.

Elifin Luoang smiled and said: "Ming is good, but he and Hu Tao cannot be strong without the other person."

Hearing this, Railton nodded in agreement:

"Yes, the key person is him, Shengguang Sumo."

Without the blessing of Holy Light's ability, Ming might just be an ordinary peak telekinesis master, and Hutao would not have such exaggerated and terrifying combat power.

Holy Light is the core figure in this battle.

"Inform me, all personnel in the Third War Zone will immediately set out to occupy the Ximang Mine."

Railton ordered.

The undead army in the third theater was basically wiped out. Now is the best time to expand the war situation.

Ximang Mine is one of the three major mines in Gru Star, located in the third theater.

It was previously captured by the Colt civilization in a sneak attack. After a hard battle, the mercenaries were defeated by the army of death, and the Simang Mine was taken away by the Black Crow Civilization.

Now, it's time to take it back.



Battleships departed from Tianxin City one after another and rushed to the third theater, carrying numerous mercenary groups to the Simang Mine.


The mercenaries walked out of the battleship and looked at the open-pit mines that crisscrossed and stretched like a network.

At this moment, the headlights were still on in the mine, and a group of undead were seen frantically smashing the mining machines. The air was filled with the smell of engine oil and rust.

"Everyone ran away~"

The smoke demon had a cigar in his mouth and frowned.

The Ximang Mine was originally stationed by soldiers from the Black Crow Civilization, who drove the natives to mine, but now I looked around and found no one, only hundreds of undead destroying the mining machines.

Obviously, the Black Crow Civilization should have known about the fall of the Third War Zone in advance, evacuated the Ximang Mine in an emergency, and even had to leave the finishing work to a group of undead.

Humph, you are lucky!

Yan Mo snorted coldly. Soldiers from the Black Crow Civilization had killed many of his brothers. He originally wanted to avenge his dead brothers tonight, but he didn't expect these people to escape so quickly.

If a monk can escape, he cannot escape the temple. Sooner or later, he will kill you.

Now that the Holy Light is by his side, his spirit is high.

"Kill them!"

A Colt civilized officer gave the order in a deep voice. Immediately, the mercenaries rushed over in a hurry, using all kinds of magic, supernatural powers, and martial arts to quickly kill all the undead in front of them.

"Everyone, please check each mine next."

The officer said seriously: "If safety is ensured, our mining equipment will enter the site immediately."


"no problem!"

The mercenaries actively accepted this task.

In their opinion, the Black Crow Civilization evacuated in a hurry. Even the destruction of the mining machine was left to the undead, and there was no way they had time to make a fuss in the mine.

So this job should be simple.

Many mercenary groups entered the mines one after another, but they soon discovered that they had underestimated the insidiousness of the Black Crow Civilization.


Mine No. 27

In the dark mine, three mercenaries wearing leather armor were walking casually, holding strong searchlights in their hands to illuminate the road ahead.

"I said, we won the battle today~"

The little Neil said in a brisk tone: "As soon as the reinforcements arrived, the situation was immediately reversed. Now even the Simang Mine is ours."

"Haha, who says it's not~"

Frick said with a proud smile: "The army of death is actually nothing to be afraid of. You see, two dark altars were destroyed in just one day. In a few days, they may be sent back to their hometowns."

"Ha ha!"

Unbridled laughter echoed in the mine.

"By the way, I just heard that the person who destroyed the second dark altar was a little girl named Hu Tao, who was from the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

Neil clicked his tongue and said: "This Hutao is amazing. It is said that even the leader of peak hatred can't stop her from hitting her. Her strength is even more terrifying than that of a wild beast~"

"This is impossible!"

Frick had a look of disbelief on his face: "Is there anyone better than that pervert like Mad Beast? I don't believe it."

"Actually, I don't really believe it either."

Neil shrugged, "But there are noses and eyes out there, so it doesn't sound like nonsense."

"But the Holy Light Mercenary Group is in our third theater. Whether it is true or not, we will know soon."

At this moment, Eli, who had never said a word, suddenly stretched out his hand to stop the two of them, and said with a serious expression:

"Did you two hear anything?"


Neil and Frick looked at each other, then perked up their ears.



In the dark front, you can faintly hear the sound of footsteps, as if something is approaching.

Neil immediately took out the laser gun from his waist, pointed it forward, and shouted: "Who is in front of you?"

The high-pitched voice echoed in the mine, but after a few seconds, there was no response from the other side. Instead, the footsteps gradually became more rapid.

Upon seeing this, the three of them immediately took out their weapons and their eyes became sharp.

"There may be soldiers from the Black Crow Civilization on the opposite side."

Frick said solemnly: "They didn't have time to evacuate, so they stayed in the mine to ambush us and prevent us from easily obtaining the Simang Mine."

"Good idea."

Neil snorted coldly and said, "But..."

Before he finished speaking, Neil heard a puff and a stream of warm liquid sprayed on his neck.

Neil subconsciously activated his martial arts aura and turned around suddenly, only to see a dark face with no mouth or nose, and a pair of eyes radiating a captivating red light.

No, shadow assassin! ! !

This was the last thought in Neil's mind. The next moment, his head spun and hit the mine wall, blood splattering all over the ground.


Another stab, and Eli was pierced through the heart by the shadow assassin.


At the end of the darkness, a vampire emerged. He slowly walked up to the three corpses and showed a bloodthirsty and cold smile.


"Withdraw, withdraw everyone!"

"Damn, there are so many undead in this mine!"

"Boss, help!"

The mercenaries ran out of the mine in horror, their foreheads covered with cold sweat, their mouths trembling with fear.

Facing the undead on a plain or in an open space is completely different from facing the undead in a mine.

In that dark and gloomy mine, the group of undead creatures were like ghosts, silent and likely to kill people from the front, rear, left, and right at any time.

In this environment, they are always under tension and pressure. They become frightened at the slightest movement. Many of them even accidentally injure their companions due to overreaction.

"Captain, Master Ming~"

A subordinate of the Dark Moon Clan knelt in front of the two of them and said in a trembling voice: "Barbara and Ishikawago are dead."

Upon hearing this, Su Mo and Ming's faces instantly darkened.

Manlie is a member of the Ice Barbarian tribe and the first group of old men in the group.

And Ishikawago was once Ming's retainer.

The deaths of these two people made Su Mo feel distressed and very angry.

He did not expect that in the face of an army of hundreds of thousands of undead, none of his family members would die, but in the end they would lose their troops in a small mine.

"Is there anyone else?"

Su Mo took a deep breath and asked.

"No more~"

On the side, Kurosawa Bei said quickly: "The brothers who went in have all come back, only..."

Looking at his fellow Dark Moon clan members kneeling on the ground, Kurosawa Bei did not continue.

There are only two people~

Su Mo pursed his lips, this was considered a blessing in misfortune.

"Ming, go and bring back the bodies of Manlie and Ishikawago."

Su Mo sighed and said.


Mingyin had a sullen face, pulled up the Dark Moon tribesman who was kneeling on the ground, and said coldly:

"lead the way!"

There was strong murderous intent in his eyes, and his aura was so cold that the people around him were horrified.

Many members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group have never seen Ming look so angry.

In their impression, Ming was always cold and indifferent, as if nothing could touch him in the slightest.

And now Ming is like a flaming mountain wrapped in ice. The angry flame is melting the ice and is about to explode before his eyes.

This kind of ghost is really scary.

However, the Dark Moon clan members who are familiar with Ming know exactly why Ming is so angry.

Ishikawa Go is not only Ming's retainer, but also Ming's childhood playmate.

Although when he grew up, with his different status, Ishikawago could no longer play with Ming like he did when he was a child, but the relationship between the two has always been extremely close.

Ishikawago is willing to die for Ming, and Ming also regards Ishikawago as his most valued retainer.

This time, Ming personally ordered Ishikawa Go to be taken with him. Who would have thought that both large-scale battles were safely passed and ended up in a small mine.


Ming led the Dark Moon tribesman and quickly stepped into the mine. After a while, an astonishing wave of mental power erupted from inside. The energy that destroyed the world and the earth could be felt from a distance, as well as the bursts of shrill screams. A wail of agony.

Hearing the sound, the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group couldn't help but shrink their necks and sighed secretly:

Undead, undead, why are you messing with Master Ming when you have nothing to do~

"Captain of the Holy Light!"

"Captain of the Holy Light!"

At this time, Smoke Demon, Xue Tong and Iron Soldier each came quickly with a group of bloody men, and said anxiously:

"Please save my brother."

Su Mo took a glance and saw that there were more than 40 injured people, and the injuries were not serious. The most serious one had half of his neck cut off and was about to die.

These are only the injured, there must be many dead.

Su Mo waved his hand, and golden light fell one after another.

Immediately, all wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and those who had lost consciousness slowly opened their eyes.

"Captain Holy Light, thank you!"

"thank you!"

After recovering, the wounded thanked them excitedly, and at the same time, a layer of cold sweat broke out on their backs.

Fortunately, Captain Holy Light is here, otherwise he would definitely die here.

The movement here attracted the attention of many mercenary groups. When they saw that Su Mo had such a powerful healing ability, they immediately rushed over with the wounded around him.

"Captain Holy Light, please save my brother too!"

"And me, and me!"

"Please, I'll pay you!"

A group of people gathered around Su Mo, and the scene was chaotic.

"Stop, listen to me!"

Su Mo shouted loudly, and the scene immediately fell silent.

"Those who are not injured stand back and bring all the wounded here, quickly!"

Hearing this, all the mercenary groups present quickly placed the wounded beside Su Mo and then retreated.


The golden light fell like a curtain of rain, hitting the body of each wounded person.

Under the shocked and excited gazes of the pair, those hideous wounds healed rapidly, and after a while, all the wounded recovered as before.

"Thank you, Captain Holy Light!"

"thank you!"

Voices of gratitude came like a flood from all directions.

After this incident, Su Mo established a very high prestige in the third theater.

At the same time, the Holy Light Mercenary Group and the name of Holy Light also officially started in the mercenary world.

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