Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 217 Su Mo breaks out and goes straight to Huanglong

"Human, die!!!"

A black shadow burst out from the shadows, as fast as lightning, and rushed to the high ground in the blink of an eye. The sharp black nails were surrounded by rich black light and penetrated into the back of Su Mo's head.

In mid-air, vampire Yegukin showed a hideous smile.

This time, God really helped me.

He was looking for an opportunity to sneak attack on the human, but he didn't expect that the other person would break through at this time.

A breakthrough at the last minute might, at any other time, have led to a desperate counterattack.

But at this time, the distraction caused by the breakthrough and the temporary stiffness of the body created an excellent opportunity for him to sneak attack.

With his peak commanding strength and vampire's innate terrifying speed, it was impossible for the opponent to react.

Hehe, just be obedient and let me stab you through the head!

There was a trace of bloodlust and greed in the vampire's eyes, as if he had already seen the scene of brains splattering and blood flying everywhere.

This human's blood should be extremely sweet.


The black shadow was extremely fast, causing a sound of air explosion.

At this time, Ming, Hu Tao and others felt the evil and gloomy aura from the high ground, and couldn't help but turned around suddenly, their heads seemed to explode, and they shouted loudly:


They wanted to rescue him, but it was too late. They could only watch the black shadow getting closer and closer to Su Mo.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

Just when the black shadow was close to Su Mo and his fingernails were only a few centimeters from the back of his head, something happened.


A piece of silver scales suddenly appeared on the back of Su Mo's head, and then the scales quickly expanded and spread to the entire head, then along the neck and chest, and finally covered the whole body.

In the blink of an eye, a set of sophisticated and handsome armor, like a knight's armor, appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


The black nails pierced the metal scales hard, making a crisp sound.

Seeing this, the ferocious smile on the vampire's face instantly froze, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

Su Mo was staggered by the force coming from the back of his head, but he immediately turned around and looked directly at the enemy who sneaked up on him.

It was a typical vampire, with a face as pale as paper, bright red pupils, a thin and thin body, and black hands with sharp nails.

Moreover, he is not handsome at all.

"Huh, it's so dangerous~"

Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that Pooh's rescue was timely.

At that moment, he had no time to react.

Whether applying BUFF or moving to dodge, it requires time to start, but just now, what he lacked was time.

Therefore, he could only place his hope on Pooh and let Pooh transform into the strongest armor - the Silver God Arms.

Silver God Arms was the name he gave himself.

In fact, this set of armor comes from Bobo Zatanvi.

When he left the Babata spaceship, Bobo gave him and Mundo a set of armor each, allowing them to experience it in space.

After returning to Bobo's spaceship, he took back the two sets of armor, but Pooh had already copied this set of armor.

Since he didn't know the name, Su Mo named this gorgeous and handsome armor - Silver God Arms.

The Silver God Arms was most likely made by the natural disaster-level mechanic Bobo Zatanvi. Its various properties are far superior to general-level armors such as sun-hunting armor and kamikaze armor.

The Yin Shen armor can adapt to various complex environments such as land, sea, and space. It has built-in power systems, weapon systems, scanning systems and other modules, which can greatly enhance the user's combat effectiveness, and its defense power is also unparalleled.

He had never wanted to expose the armor for fear of being noticed.

If it reaches Bobo, it will be difficult to explain.

But at that critical moment just now, the first thing he thought of was the strongest armor in his hand - the Silver God Arms.

"Disgusting human technology."

The vampire looked at the set of sparkling silver armor in front of him, his teeth itching with hatred.

He had fought many human extraordinary beings with armors before, and the weak ones could easily be defeated. Those thick armors not only failed to provide protection, but were in fact a burden.

But those advanced armors, which have high defense, do not affect flexibility, and also have multiple functions, are really tricky.

For example, the set in front of me...

The vampire gritted his teeth. He had never seen a armor that could be assembled so quickly. With a dazzling effort, a whole set of armor appeared.

If it were half a second later, no, even a tenth of a second

That human's head must be pierced by him.

I'm angry! ! !



At this time, two figures flew through the air, one was Birdman Anderson, and the other was Ming.

After seeing that Su Mo was safe and sound, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Anderson and Ming, two cadres with the ability to fly, immediately flew back to escort him.

Seeing the terrifying man in black flying towards him, the vampire's pupils shrank and he turned around and ran away without hesitation. A pair of jet-black flesh wings spread out from behind, and propelled by the black energy, it exploded at an astonishing speed.

"Want to run!"

A sharp look flashed in Su Mo's eyes, and he wanted to run away after the sneak attack. How could such a good thing happen!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The sky is full of light and thunder, blazing and dazzling, carrying holy and explosive energy.

The vampire condensed black energy and formed a shield on the body surface, blocking the light and thunder. However, this inevitably caused his movements to stagnate slightly, creating time for Su Mo to pursue.


A pair of huge white wings stretched out from Su Mo's back. The white feather patterns were clearly visible, as if they were alive. The wings spread over 30 meters, exuding a majestic and terrifying holy aura like an abyss. This made Su Mo look like The god's palace descends to earth, and it is awe-inspiring and inviolable.

After being promoted to the intermediate level of commander, his aura became more sacred and majestic.


With a clear drink, endless white feathers fell down, and instantly turned into an indestructible lightsaber, shooting towards the vampire in the sky.

"not good!!"

The vampire was shocked, and quickly flapped his wings and flew away into the distance.


The vampire was extremely fast, and Guangyu kept chasing him, but was always out of reach.

"If you want to chase me, eat my shit!"

The vampire glanced back proudly, and was suddenly horrified.

I saw a silver light speeding towards him, surpassing Guang Yu and getting closer and closer to him.

That person was none other than Su Mo.

A transparent mask appeared in front of Su Mo's eyes, and blue flames spurted out from the soles of his feet and palms, pushing him forward quickly.

Flight mode, which is one of the commonly used modes of the Silver God Arms, uses a powerful power device to push back into the air, and its speed even exceeds that of the top vampire who is known for his speed.

"caught you!"

Seeing that the vampire was less than a hundred meters away from him, Su Mo curled his lips and his speed suddenly exploded.

【Flash Raid】

"not good!"

Before the vampire could react, he received a hard punch in the lower abdomen.

Haoyou root~


The vampire's eyes bulged, like a ball being whipped away by a big foot, flying dozens of meters into the air, and the black energy on his body shook violently.

"Dare you sneak attack me?"

A cold voice rang in his ears, and Su Mo appeared above the vampire like a ghost. He held a gorgeous and dazzling Holy Spirit Hammer in his palm, and then focused hard on the vampire's head.

With a bang, the vampire fell downwards like a meteorite, with a big bump on the back of his head and his head felt dizzy.

But in an instant, the vampire woke up. Although he was angry inside, he still maintained a trace of calmness.

Now is not the time to argue with the other party. If the cold-faced man in black comes, he won't be able to leave even if he wants to.

Without hesitation, the vampire screamed, and in the next moment, a thick black mist erupted, and hundreds of black bats screamed and flew in all directions.

This is a vampire's life-saving method.

Only one black bat is his true body, and the rest are night bat clones created by consuming the dark force. It is impossible to distinguish them with the naked eye or mental scanning.

He had escaped death many times by using this trick, and he believed he would not miss this time.

However, he still underestimated Su Mo's methods.

"This kind of trick can't confuse me~"

Su Mo curled his lips. Every time he fought, he always habitually put one or two layers of sacred marks on the enemy first.

It can advance and attack. After stacking to seven layers, it can cause a maximum of 20% true damage.

You can retreat or defend. When the enemy flees, you can use the mark to track it.

The vampire's bat clone move played right into his heart.


Su Mo's eyes shone with golden light, and a golden eye appeared above his head. It was arrogant and indifferent, without a trace of emotion, like a god looking down on all living beings.

An invisible wave instantly locked onto a certain bat, causing its movements to freeze, as if frozen in the air.

"How can this be!!!"

The vampire was horrified, "How did he find me?"

The vampire struggled with all his strength, but at this moment, his body seemed to have been taken away from him, and he was completely out of control.


The majestic sacred power gathered in his right fist, making a whistling sound. The golden light dazzled like a sun, exuding a blazing and domineering terrifying aura. Su Mo took a step forward, blasted out his right fist, and shouted:

"Fist of Heaven~!"


A thick golden light beam burst out, like a light knife, tearing through the dark night, and finally enveloped a large area of ​​bats.

The person at the center of the light beam is the vampire's true form.


A shrill scream came from the light pillar. The sacred power contained in the Fist of Heaven, as well as the mixed pure dark holy flame, did too much harm to the dark creatures.

At this moment, the vampire transformed back into his true form, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid. White smoke was constantly emitting, and patches of skin fell off, revealing the dense white bones.

At this time, Anderson and Ming also arrived. When they saw this scene, their eyes showed deep surprise and shock.

Ming had followed Su Mo for a long time and had seen the video of the battle between Su Mo and Meng Duo before.

The leader of the group at that time relied more on his strong physical fitness and superb fighting skills to defeat Mundo.

Instead of like now——

Such a domineering and powerful punch, hitting the enemy hundreds of meters away, really overturned his understanding of Su Mo.

So strong!

In contrast, Anderson's inner shock was much stronger than Ming's.

Before, he thought that the leader was just a pure auxiliary superpower. His superpowers were very comprehensive and almost perfect. The only thing he lacked was the ability to fight head-on.

However, how can there be a perfect superpower in this world?

It doesn't matter if you don't know how to fight, as long as you have a group of subordinates who can fight.

Even if someone around him said that the leader's fighting ability was actually very strong, he believed that this was just nonsense.

But now, what did he see?

The punch just cut through the sky, and the sacred and blazing energy could be felt from a long distance away. Let alone the dark creature, even if he was allowed to resist, he would probably lose half his life.

Grandma's, it can assist and fight, and it's shameless.

I must--

Hug the leader's thigh tightly.


Anderson and Ming sprinted towards the vampire.

The sword of cutting thoughts strikes the soul.

The wind demon finger pierced the chest.

These two moves caused the vampire, who was already in agony, to fall directly into a state of severe injury and coma.

"Hey, you two got here pretty fast."

Su Mo floated over with a smile, pressed one hand on the vampire's chest, and drove the sealing rune into his body.

"Captain, your armor is so handsome. Why haven't you seen it in our internal mall?"

Anderson looked at Su Mo's sparkling silver, gorgeous and handsome armor, and drooled with envy.

Su Mo held the vampire's neck and said with a smile:

"Because even Jarvis can't make this set of armor."

Although the Pooh database contains all the information on the Silver God Arms, including materials, drawings, processes, etc., the conditions for making the Silver God Arms are too high. Not only are the materials rare, but the mechanical equipment for manufacturing the armor is also a huge problem.

Ordinary mechanical equipment on the market simply cannot meet the precision of making Silver God's weapons.

Make bricks without straw

Without the right equipment and materials, even mastering all the techniques is useless.

Upon hearing this, Anderson immediately realized that this was a battle armor that was even better than a general's weapon.

He is greedy, but Anderson knows that such a top-level armor is not something he can ask for now. It is better to settle for the next best thing and strive to obtain the kamikaze weapons of the regiment, or exchange military points for the general-level weapons of the Colt civilization. .

"Ming, leave it to you~"

Su Mo handed the vampire he was carrying to Ming and said, "Search his memory and see if we can find any important information."


Ming nodded, grabbing the vampire's shoulder with one hand and pressing his forehead with the other.

Soul Searching Technique, activate!

For telekinesis masters, soul searching is a very high-end skill. The stronger the skill, the more information can be obtained.

If a weak person forcibly starts the soul search, not only will it cause great harm to the target soul, resulting in nothing being found, but he himself will also suffer backlash.

Fortunately, it is not difficult for Ming to deal with a seriously injured and dying vampire.

Soon, Ming got some messy but important information.

"The one who initiated tonight's battle is a peak-level lich. It is the actual controller of this area. In addition to us, there are many strongholds that are also being attacked by the undead."

Ming's voice was solemn: "Also, there is a dark altar next to the lich, which can absorb the death energy, resentment, soul fragments, etc. on the battlefield, and then use magic rituals to continuously create undead creatures."

Hearing this, Su Mo frowned, but quickly relaxed his brows and said:

"Notify the command center of this information and see how they arrange it."

This is a war involving multiple regions and hundreds of thousands of people. Without command, you cannot act rashly.

"Okay." Ming nodded, then looked at the vampire: "What about this guy?"

"Kill him!"

Su Mo waved his hand casually.

A vampire that has lost its value has no need to survive.

He is now receiving a steady stream of feedback from "wage earners", and he doesn't care about this leader-level vampire.


One strike of the Nian Zhan Dao directly destroyed the vampire's soul.

The next moment, a burst of bright energy poured into the body, making Ming's spiritual seed grow a little stronger.

"Let's go, I guess the battle is almost over."

Su Mo withdrew his Silver God Arms, summoned his angel wings, and flew to Highland 703, with Ming and Anderson following closely behind.

Sure enough, when the three returned to Highland 703, there were not many undead left on the battlefield.

Seeing Su Mo's safe return, everyone's hearts suddenly fell to the ground.

Nothing can happen to this baby.

Su Mo glanced around and cast a healing light on the newly injured people. Then he called Sergeant Bolan to his side and told him the information he got from the vampire.

After hearing the information, Bolan's eyes lit up and he said quickly:

"I will notify the command center now."

After the situation was reported, it didn't take long for the headquarters to give a reply.

"Several captains!"

Bolan said solemnly: "The headquarters ordered us to set out immediately to destroy the Dark Altar while all the undead are out and their lair is empty."

"In addition, other stations will come to support us immediately after solving their own problems."

After hearing this order, Yan Mo, Tie Bing and Xue Tong first looked at Su Mo:

"Holy Light, what do you think?"

Now Holy Light is the most critical figure in this team. If he doesn't speak, no one will dare to act rashly.

Seeing the reaction of Yan Mo and others, Bolan frowned slightly.

As a soldier, the most basic principle is to follow orders and prohibitions.

After receiving the order from the headquarters, these mercenaries did not take immediate action. Instead, they first asked Holy Light for his opinion. It seemed that Holy Light's opinion was higher than the order from the headquarters, which made him feel a little dissatisfied.

But after all, the Colt Civilization and the mercenary alliance are in a cooperative and employment relationship, and are not really superiors and subordinates, so he cannot be harsh and can only hope that Holy Light can follow the orders of the headquarters.

"Take action!"

Su Mo said in a deep voice.

He believed that there was nothing wrong with the command of the headquarters. The undead army came out tonight. Now was indeed the best time to attack Huanglong.


The three mercenary captains nodded in unison.

They had two perfect victories and no one died, which made them full of confidence.

If you can destroy a dark altar, you will make a lot of military points.

"Set off!"

The Altar of Darkness is 100 kilometers away from Highland 703.

100 kilometers is not that far for an extraordinary person.

For ordinary people, the best record of running a 42-kilometer marathon is about 2 hours.

The weakest of the four mercenary groups are all E-class, which are more than ten times stronger than ordinary people. They can run 100 kilometers at full speed without any effort.

A few dozen minutes later, the large force arrived near the target area.


Su Mo waved his hand.

Geforth understood, opened the barracks box, and released a dozen bee-shaped reconnaissance robots.

The little bee flapped its wings and flew silently into the cold, dark depths.

After a while, the robot transmitted the video back in real time.

It can be clearly seen in the video that the round dark altar is standing in a certain open space, surrounded by bones and corpses, and a lich is floating next to the altar, seemingly chanting a spell.

There are not many guardians around the altar. There are 20,000 to 30,000 skeletons and ghoul cannon fodder. In the middle, there are shadow wolves, ghost banshees, bone generals, death knights and other advanced dark creatures as the last line of defense.

Although the number is small, their strength cannot be underestimated.


Smoke Demon asked in a low voice.

Su Mo thought for a while and whispered: "This way..."

After listening to Su Mo's arrangement, everyone had no objections.

"Then let's get started!"

Su Mo raised his hand and waved, and in an instant, golden light rain fell down one after another, hitting everyone accurately.


Many commander-level experts opened the way, and the members followed closely behind, heading towards the outermost undead army.

"Human mercenary~"

Lich Ogwell stood up slowly. In fact, he had just felt the fresh breath of humans. He was originally planning to let his men touch it quietly and catch them off guard.

I didn't expect this group of mercenaries to be so decisive and attack directly.

But that’s fine, it saves you a lot of time.


The mercenary army was like a sharp sword, inserted directly into the undead army, and killed thousands of skeletons and ghouls in one encounter.

At this time, those advanced dark creatures also joined in and started a fierce battle with elites and commander-level masters.

"Ming, let's go!"

Su Mo summoned the angel wings and flew to the dark altar with Ming.

At the same time, the Silver God Arms was put on him again.

"Oh, someone is coming~"

Lich Ogwell clenched his staff, his eyes filled with soul fire. When he saw Su Mo and Ming approaching, he raised his hand and unleashed a series of curses.

Weakness, blindness, pain, confusion…

Ming had never been exposed to such a curse before, so he was caught off guard. His vision went dark, and various negative states broke out.

However, in less than half a second, the curse was all resolved by [Purification].

After waking up, Ming's eyes gleamed, and he felt a sense of fear in his heart.

If the leader was not around just now, he would be in serious trouble.

Sure enough, no enemy should be underestimated.

Ming put away his arrogance, and three crescent moons quietly appeared in his pupils.

"You can actually break my curse."

The Lich was shocked, and without hesitation, he immediately summoned the strongest guards around him to come over.

Death Knight, Shadow Assassin, Ghost Banshee, the three leading dark creatures join forces to kill.

I saw the shadow assassin making a shadow jump and flashing behind Su Mo. The black dagger stabbed his back heart hard and pierced the Silver God's weapon with a ding sound.

The ghost banshee raised her head slightly, and let out an extremely sharp and harsh whistle from her throat. The powerful soul impact surged towards the two of them, but was blocked by Ming's mental shield.

The death knight slashed out a crescent moon of death energy, hitting Su Mo's chest directly. At the same time, the Lich also released two bone hands, grabbing the ankles of the two men.

At this moment, Su Mo said in a deep voice: "Get ready!"

Ming's eyes flashed, and he fired his four swords, stabbing the four dark creatures around him.

The next moment——

boom! ! !

The golden light suddenly appeared, and a powerful spiritual shock wave surged around. When the golden light swept across the dark creatures such as the lich, they were immediately stunned.

【Eye of God】

The Eye of God, when released on a single target, is a immobilization skill. When released on a range, it is a domineering and domineering skill.

Su Mo's mental power is not as good as that of Lich, Ghost Banshee, or even better than Death Knight and Shadow Assassin. However, under the impact of the Eye of God, these four leading dark creatures are inevitably frightened. The effect, although short-lived, was enough to achieve Su Mo's purpose.


A door to space suddenly opened above the altar. Hutao jumped down from the door with giant hammers in both hands. On top of the blazing holy flames, brute force and gravity were all activated, and his momentum was like that of a demon.

This is her strongest state.

When the war hammer hit, the automatic defensive shield of the altar immediately appeared, like a black egg shell, protecting the altar.

However, the shield that was strong enough to withstand the attack of the peak leader was as fragile as paper in front of the war hammer, and was shattered in an instant. Then, the war hammer hit the altar heavily.

boom! ! !

Accompanied by a shocking loud noise, the earth trembled violently. Spider-web-like cracks extended hundreds of meters in all directions. All nearby bones and corpses were turned into powder, and smoke and dust rose into the sky like a tornado.

Seeing this scene, the Lich staggered and said sadly:


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