Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 211 Giant Elephant Mercenary Group Orcs

"This mission was issued by the Mammoth Mercenary Group, but the real issuer behind it was Colt Civilization." Pooh said.

Colt civilization?

Su Mo raised his eyebrows.

In recent times, he has vigorously supplemented the common sense of the Chaos Star Territory and the mercenary world, especially having a deep understanding of the situation on Zatanvi.

The Zatan satellite is located in the territory of the Lion King Rein Gut. Although nominally, the major mercenary groups are independent and not affiliated with any force, after all, the entire Zatanvi planet is the fifth adopted son of the Lion King. Bo Zatanwi's personal property, there will always be an inextricable relationship between the two.

The large mercenary groups on Zatanvi, especially the six major legions, have a close relationship with the Lion Palace. At the same time, the important allies of the Lion Palace, the galaxy-level civilization Colt Civilization, and the star cluster-level civilization Star Civilization, are also Missions are often released on Zatanvi and mercenaries are entrusted with services. The content is not limited to armed escort, war mercenary, resource planet protection, etc.

"What does Colt civilization need mercenaries for?" Su Mo asked.

Winnie explained: "Three years ago, a certain adventure team discovered a resource star in the chaotic star field and named it Gru. Later, the planet was sold to a medium-sized consortium."

"After excavation and exploration, the consortium discovered an astonishing reserve of Silver Sky Stone in the underground of Star Gru. Silver Sky Stone is the core material for making teleportation star gates and is a strategic resource."

"Later, this consortium sold Gru Star to the Black Crow Civilization. When the Colt Civilization got the news, they immediately sent troops to Gru Star to compete with the Black Crow Civilization for the Silver Sky Stone vein."

"So wild?"

Su Mo was a little surprised. The Black Crow Civilization had already bought Gru Star. He didn't expect that the Colt Civilization would still fight for it. Aren't they afraid of triggering a war between the two civilizations?

Pooh said: "This is the style of the Chaotic Star Territory. There is no higher civilization as an arbitration, everything depends on strength. Even if the planet is bought, it may be snatched away by outsiders at any time."

"However, these two civilizations are still worried about the expansion of the situation, which will trigger interstellar discussions and affect the current situation, so they do not invest many troops and rely more on foreign aid."

"The Black Crow Civilization has always been on good terms with the Skeleton Emperor Olevi, so the foreign aid is the death army under the Skeleton Emperor."

"The Colt civilization has a close relationship with the Lion King, and the reinforcements invited are the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group."

"Giant Elephant Mercenary Group?" Su Mo asked doubtfully, "Why not the six major legions?"

Pooh explained: "Because the leader of the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group, Elephant Loang, is from the same clan as the Lion King. Although he is not the adopted son of the Lion King, he is a very valued descendant of the Lion King. By the way, he is also a natural disaster level Martial arts master."

Natural disaster level!

Su Mo was shocked that this mission actually involved natural disaster level experts.

Pooh continued: "I just checked. Half a year ago, the Mammoth Mercenary Group recruited 200,000 mercenary coalition forces to go to Gru. This time, the number of recruits has expanded again, reaching 500,000. It can be seen that the situation has affected Cole. The special civilization and the Mammoth Mercenary Group are not optimistic."

"But it's understandable. After all, their opponent this time is the army of death under the Skeleton Emperor."

"Master, do you want to participate in this mission?"

Su Mo touched his chin, pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Participate!"

He has learned that missions with a background of galaxy-level civilizations usually have quite hefty rewards. If they can perform well in the missions and attract the attention of these civilizations, then the mercenary group will have the opportunity to become long-term partners of these civilizations in the future. , enjoy the policy and resource support of higher civilization.

Of course, the most important reason is that the opponent in this mission is the army of death and dark creatures.

"Pooh, you found the mission very well." Su Mo said with a smile.

Before, he asked Pooh to pay more attention to the employment tasks related to dark creatures, but he didn't expect to find a big one when he found it.

The Skeleton King's army of death sounds scary, but in his eyes, it's like a living leek field~

And these 500,000 mercenaries recruited will also become his laborers specializing in cutting leeks.

Of course, when considering the problem, you cannot only look at the benefits and ignore the risks.

On the planet Gru, there are two galaxy-level civilizations, Black Crow and Colt, as well as the Skeleton King and the Lion King. The power dispute between the two emperors also involves natural disaster-level powerhouses, so the risk factor is naturally very high.

But danger often comes with opportunities. Dark creatures as powerful and numerous as the Death Army are not so easy to encounter.

If he could gain a foothold on Gru and develop tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of "wage workers", then his progress would be out of control and soar like a wild horse.

As the saying goes, wealth can be gained through risk. In order to quickly improve your strength, taking appropriate risks is completely worth it.

What's more, if he really wanted to participate in this mission, he would definitely take the two masters Hu Tao and Ming with him.

With the blessing of his BUFF, the two of them were able to hold on even against natural disaster level experts.

"Winnie, what are the conditions for signing up?" Su Mo asked.

Large-scale tasks like this often have certain constraints on the mercenary groups that sign up to participate, such as the number of people, the level of experts, or reputation points, etc.

This is to prevent some weak mercenary groups from filling up their ranks and seizing quotas.

Winnie: "The credibility level of the mercenary group must be above level 4, the number of participants must not be less than 500, and it is guaranteed to have more than 3 leaders and more than 50 elite members participating."

Su Mo smiled and said: "That's good, we meet the conditions."

After completing the mission of Shenyao Empire, the credibility level of the Holy Light Mercenary Group was raised from the lowest level 5 to level 4.

As for the number of people, 500, 3 commanders, and 50 elites, it is too simple for the current Holy Light Mercenary Group.

After nearly a month of development and recruitment, the current total number of members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group has exceeded 2,000, with 11 commander-level masters and 164 elite-level members.

Although the number of people is not large, in terms of combat effectiveness, looking at the entire Zatanvi planet, it is still above average.

After all, with the blessing of his BUFF, except for Ying Feng and Man Shan, the other cadres are at the peak of leadership, or even beyond leadership.

In terms of top combat power, few mercenary groups can match it.

"Pooh, sign up for me!"

"Yes! Master, the registration application has been submitted and is now waiting for review by the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group."


In less than two hours, the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group sent a reply, allowing the Holy Light Mercenary Group to participate in this mission. In addition, the Holy Light Mercenary Group needs to send a representative to attend the mission briefing meeting tomorrow morning.


Su Mo showed a smile.

After confirming, he will then select the personnel to participate in the mission.

"Captain, I'll go with you!"

After Su Mo introduced the mission, the first cadre to volunteer was "Birdman" Anderson.

I saw Anderson raising his hand and his attitude was extremely positive.

Ever since the internal shopping mall went online, he had been eyeing the kamikaze armor several times every day, feeling like a cat scratching his heart, wanting to steal the armor out of the warehouse.

Of course, he definitely doesn't have the courage, but his desire to earn contribution points by doing tasks is getting stronger and stronger.

So when he heard that he was about to go out on a mission, he raised his hands directly without thinking.

"Captain, don't take the bastard with you, take me with you."

Gefus glanced at Anderson and said: "In recent months, I have almost been sick in the base."

"Why should I take you?"

Anderson glared at Gefus: "Do you think you are better than me?"

Gefusi said calmly: "I have a sun hunting armor."

Anderson said angrily: "It's no use. Can you withstand beatings better than me? Or can you stand in front of the captain at the critical moment?"

Geforth: "I have Sun Hunter Armor."

Anderson: "Are you a repeater? You only know this sentence?"

Geforth: "I have Sun Hunter Armor."


Anderson was so angry that his head was smoldering. He grabbed Gefus by the collar and yelled: "Damn it, if you're a man, come to a duel with me!"

Gefus smiled and said: "I have a sun hunting armor."

"OK OK!"

Su Mo stopped the two of them in time and said with a smile, "You two are coming with me this time."


Anderson gasped through his nostrils, resisting the urge to punch Geforth's mean face, and slowly released his hand.

Bearded man, when I save up enough contribution points and buy the kamikaze armor, I will beat you until you don’t even know your mother.

"Su Mo, I'm going too."

Hu Tao said excitedly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take you with me."

Su Mo smiled and then said: "Ming, you also come with me, Master Andolfo, then I will ask you to be in charge of the base this time."

Master Andolf stroked his beard and smiled:

"For adventurous things, you young people can just go up and I'll stay at the base and take care of the house."

Recently, he has been painstakingly studying the manual of natural disaster-level magicians and having in-depth exchanges with many fellow magicians. He is currently at a critical moment.

Therefore, Su Mo's arrangement was exactly what he wanted.

"Okay, then I will take Ming, Hutao, Mundo, Anderson and Geforth with me on this mission. The other cadres will stay at the base."

Su Mo said slowly: "During my absence, all departments must not relax."

"Anbu, we must establish an intelligence network as soon as possible to improve the personal abilities of Anbu members."

"The Guards must cooperate with the arrangements of the Ministry of Commerce to ensure that the materials arrive at the base safely."

"Lao Mei, I'll leave the training of the newcomers to you."

"Jin Zhan must continue to do a good job as an instructor, especially the newcomers, and must train them well."


Several cadres said in unison.

Su Mo added: "Ming, Anderson, and Gefors, the three of you will each select 50 team members, and I will personally assign the rest."



The next morning, Su Mo took Ming to the location designated by the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group for a meeting.

This is a luxury hotel. There are more than a dozen tall and burly warriors standing in front of the hotel.

"This is the race of the Lion King, the Anya people~"

Su Mo secretly looked at it while showing the electronic invitation.

Anyar people look similar to orcs in appearance.

For example, among the dozen warriors in front of me, some are from the lion tribe, with thick yellow manes on their faces and slender tails trailing behind them. They look majestic and majestic. Some are from the elephant tribe, with thick and long noses, and are nearly 7 meters tall. Standing there like a big mountain, there are also two cat ladies, with petite and soft figures, delicate faces, but extremely sharp eyes.

It is said that the stronger the Anya people are, the weaker their beast-like characteristics will be.

For example, Lion King Reingut, apart from being unusually tall and burly with a thick beard, there are almost no animal characteristics in appearance.

"You can go in."

After the elephant warrior confirmed that the electronic invitation was correct, he moved his body to make way for a passage.

Under the guidance of the hotel waiter, Su Mo and Ming arrived at the top floor of the hotel.

The entire top floor is a huge conference room, with the middle part free and surrounded by thousands of chairs. At this moment, hundreds of people are already sitting in it, waiting for the meeting to start.

Su Mo and Ming found an empty seat and sat down, then looked around.

Here, he once again saw the diversity and magic of the races in the universe.

The giant rock clan is covered in rocks, has no nose, no mouth, and only one pair of eyes.

An insectoid with more than a dozen jointed limbs and a mouth full of jagged fangs.

A two-headed snake man with two heads and a long tail.

"Tsk, tsk, if I had seen these people in my previous life, I would have been scared to death."

Su Mo muttered something in Chinese, not afraid of being heard by the people around him.

"Hey brother, which mercenary group are you from?"

At this time, a person suddenly sat down next to Su Mo and asked in an enthusiastic tone.

Su Mo turned around and saw a slightly thin young man with a cosmic human appearance. He had a smile on his face and looked very smart.

"Holy Light Mercenary Group." Su Mo responded with a smile.

Among all these strange races, it is a kind of fate to find a human race that looks similar to yourself.

"Holy Light Mercenary Group~"

The young man recalled it carefully, and it seemed that he had never heard of this name.

"Is this your group leader next to you?" the young man asked in a low voice.

He felt a strong threat from the aloof and indifferent man in black next to him. It was obvious that this aloof man was far more powerful than him.

As for the man next to him who was talking to him, although he could also feel threatened, his sense of threat was not as strong as that of a cold man.

That's why he judged that the stronger and colder man should be the leader.

Su Mo shrugged: "Let me introduce myself. My mercenary code name is Holy Light."

"Ah, I'm sorry, it turns out you are the leader."

The young man scratched his head in embarrassment. The Holy Light Mercenary Group, Holy Light, was obviously named after himself.

"Captain Holy Light, I am Auggie from the Iron Soldier Mercenary Group."

Auggie stretched out his hand and said with a familiar look, "This mission is quite dangerous. My brother asked me to make more friends so that we can take care of each other in the future."

Su Mo held Auji's hand, smiled and said, "Hello, Auji."

[Eye of Insight] shows that Auggie is an elite peak superpower user, and his superpower is [Space Gate] with B+ level potential.

Space system superpowers are indeed relatively rare.

"Brother Shengguang, that is my brother, Iron Soldier Otto."

Augie pointed at a man as burly as a brown bear and said.

At this moment, Iron Soldier Otto was also building relationships with others like his younger brother Auggie. Unfortunately, the other party's attitude was very cold and they almost didn't even look at him, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Oh, I told my brother not to go to those mercenary groups that have been famous for a long time. They won't pay attention to us. It's a pity that he just doesn't listen." Auggie shook his head, looking like he hated iron.

However, Su Mo's focus was not here. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you two... brothers?"

My brother, Otto, looks like a brown bear, tall and thick, with his arms covered with hair.

The younger brother Auggie is thin and handsome. He doesn't look like two brothers, but his names are very similar.

Auggie shrugged: "They are indeed brothers, but my brother looks like my dad, and I look more like my mom."

"Brother Shengguang, can I ask about your abilities? Let me tell you mine first. I am an elite peak superpower user. My superpower is the gate of space. If you encounter danger in the future, I can quickly teleport you to a safe location. "

Auggie was very honest and didn't hide anything. Su Mo was also willing to be honest about this:

"I am the leader of the primary superpower user. I have the superpower Holy Light, which can help people recover from injuries and improve the strength, speed, mental power and other abilities of my teammates for a period of time."

Upon hearing this, Auggie's eyes suddenly lit up and he said quickly:

"Brother Shengguang, our two groups can form an alliance. I can lead people to escape, and you can treat people. Once we combine, the survival rate will definitely explode."

It is so rare to have auxiliary superpowers that can heal and improve abilities in all aspects.

Not to mention, there is a cold man beside Brother Shengguang who makes him feel threatened and even afraid.

His brother Otto is the leader of high-level superpowers, but he has never made him feel anything close to fear. This shows that the cold man is very likely to be the leader of the most powerful people.

With an all-around auxiliary leader and a top master in command, the Holy Light Mercenary Group is definitely not simple.

Strange, I've never heard of this name before.

Su Mo smiled and said: "Okay, if we can be together, then we can help each other and become allies."

From the current point of view, Auggie is just a familiar and enthusiastic boy with no malicious intentions.

As for Auggie's brown-bear-like brother, Iron Soldier Otto, although he is cold and embarrassed in front of outsiders, he is actually quite capable.

The [Giant Divine Weapon], which leads high-level superpowers and has B+ potential, seems to be a transformation-enhancing superpower.

After arriving on Gru Star, if the Iron Soldier Mercenary Group can be assigned to him, then he can shape the Iron Soldier Mercenary Group into the first batch of "wage earners" demonstrations, and use them to open up the popularity of the mercenary world. Attract more leeks.

"Haha, it's settled then!"

Auggie shook Su Mo's hand and smiled brightly.

I didn't expect that I could find such a high-quality ally through a random initiative. It seems that I am much luckier than my brother.

Soon after, Iron Soldier Otto returned to his seat, his face a little embarrassed. It seemed that his "road to alliance" was not going smoothly.

"Brother, I told you, you can't do this~"

Auggie whispered a few words beside Iron Soldier Otto and pointed at Su Mo. Suddenly, strong surprise burst into Iron Soldier Otto's eyes.

"Captain of the Holy Light!"

Otto, the iron soldier, stretched out his hand to Su Mo and said enthusiastically: "I am Otto, Auggie's brother. From now on, our two regiments will help each other~"

Su Mo smiled. It seemed that the two brothers were quite familiar with each other.


Su Mo held Iron Soldier Otto's generous and strong hand.

After chatting for a while, the conference room was almost full.


The door of the conference room was closed, and a fox tribe member walked onto the central platform. His appearance was too delicate and beautiful, and it was impossible to tell whether he was male or female. Five fluffy silver tails flicked. He was wearing a white top. Judging from the rise and fall of his chest, Look, it should be a male, but the airport is not excluded.

"Good morning everyone, I am the deputy leader of the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group, Fox Horry."

Horry's voice is gentle and magnetic, indicating his gender, male.

"Deputy leader~"

Su Mo blinked, and the [Eye of Insight] showed that Fox Hori was the leading telekinesis master, and he had his own racial talent, charm.

It can be seen from the strength of Fox Horry that the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group is obviously a big step behind the six major mercenary groups.

Each of the six major mercenary legions has more than three natural disaster-level experts, and the deputy leader must be a natural disaster-level expert.

"Pooh, please tell me the personnel information of the Mammoth Mercenary Group."

Pooh: "The Giant Elephant Mercenary Group has a total of 1.02 million registered members. Among them is one natural disaster-level strongman, his leader Elifan Luang. He leads 620 strong people and 7,350 elite-level people."

"I'll wipe~"

Su Mo's eyes twitched.

It has one million members, leads more than 600 people, and has more than 7,000 elites.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group was like little shrimps in front of it.

However, this also highlights the strength of the six legions.

You must know that the six major mercenary legions have tens of millions of people, have their own armed satellite fortresses, and have more than three natural disaster-level experts.

Compared with the six major mercenary legions, the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group is nothing but a giant shrimp.

"Pooh, isn't the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group backed by the Lion King? Why hasn't it developed much?" Su Mo asked curiously.

Winnie explained: "Elifan Roang only broke through the natural disaster level 10 years ago. He did not choose to join the Lion Palace directly. Instead, he set up his own company and established the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group. It has been able to develop to this level within 10 years. Pretty good.”

"After all, the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group does not have the same pharmaceutical capabilities or large-scale machinery production capabilities as you, the master. All fund raising depends on tasks. Even if there are natural disaster-level experts sitting in charge, the speed of making money is relatively slow."

"In addition, it is precisely because of the relationship between Elifan Rohan and the Lion King that the six major mercenary legions suppressed him everywhere and secretly restricted his development."

"Yeah, that's understandable." Su Mo nodded slightly.

The concerns of the six legions are actually quite understandable.

Now, the relationship between the Lion Palace and the mercenaries of Zatanvi Star is more of a cooperative relationship. The Lion Palace gives tasks and the mercenaries actively complete them, but whether they want to do it or not is completely voluntary, and the Lion King cannot force them.

But if the Mammoth Mercenary Group is allowed to develop and become the seventh largest army, or even become the leader of the Zatanvi Planet with the support of the Lion King, then the mercenaries of the entire planet will be tied to the Lion King's Palace. On the chariot.

This was unacceptable to the mercenaries who had always been free and loose.

Therefore, it is inevitable to secretly restrict the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group.

"Everyone, let me introduce this mission."

At this time, Fox Horry projected a giant screen with a slightly serious voice.

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