Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 201 Bet on luck with me? Hyde, come on!

Ten minutes later, the Lich and twelve death knights descended on the battlefield.

"Su Mo!!!"

The lich floated in mid-air, and his hoarse voice filled with murderous intent resounded throughout the world.

"Today is the day you die!"

Su Mo raised the corner of his mouth and smiled faintly:

"I'll tear your bones apart later and feed them to the dogs! Come on!"

Without saying a word, Hyde, Mundo, and Walnut, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately rushed towards the death knight.


A giant hammer was suddenly thrown out of Su Mo's hand and thrown towards Hu Tao.

Hu Tao caught the giant hammer, and her small body held a giant hammer that was bigger than her, which seemed extremely out of place.

However, when she grasped the handle of the hammer, a terrifying aura like that of a giant beast instantly erupted, making even the lich fearful.

"You ugly monsters, die!"

Hutao blessed all of Su Mo's BUFFs, and was as fast as lightning. He rushed in front of the death knight in the blink of an eye, holding his hammer high, with the white-gold holy flame condensed on it, and smashed into a death knight with such ferocity that it was like a mountain collapse.

In an instant, the other death knights slashed at Hu Tao with their swords, but Hu Tao did not dodge, and the heavy hammer continued to smash down violently.


The death knight who was attacked by Walnut let out a beast-like roar, half-crouched on his knees, and made a textbook-level block with a sword. All the force of death was mobilized and concentrated on the long sword.

boom! ! !

The heavy hammer collided with the giant sword, and the crushing force instantly broke the giant sword. Then, the hammer's momentum continued unabated, and it hit the death knight's head brazenly.

With a bang, the death knight's body exploded, as if a bomb had been detonated inside the body. Pieces of white and black flesh fell to the ground, and the bones were broken into hundreds of pieces.

At the same time, the attacks of the other 11 death knights all fell on Hu Tao, and most of the power was blocked by the light shield. The remaining remaining power was unable to pose any threat to Hu Tao, not even piercing her skin. .

Seeing this scene, the soul fire in Lich's eyes jumped suddenly, unbelievable.

You know, the strength of this group of death knights is much stronger than before.

However, the previous batch of death knights could still hold on for a while in Hu Tao's hands, so why can't they survive even one move now?

I’m not Sister Li~~

"Hehe, are you confused~"

The corners of Su Mo's mouth raised slightly.

After being promoted to the Commander level, his BUFF effect is stronger than before.

Hutao himself possesses high-level leadership strength. Now coupled with his full BUFF enhancement and the talent of the starry sky beasts, he can be said to be at the highest level of leadership in terms of physical strength, and can even reach a level close to natural disaster level.

In addition, the heavy hammer in Hu Tao's hand is a natural disaster-level weapon salvaged from the seabed and is indestructible.

After being strengthened by [Weapon Blessing], it not only adds light attribute damage, but also increases Walnut's strength.

Strange girl + top heavy hammer

Killing the Death Knight instantly with one move is not surprising at all.

The golden holy power poured into the body, making the Holy Flame Spirit Seed significantly stronger.

Hutao's eyes lit up and she shouted excitedly:

"Ugly weirdos, come to the bowl!"

boom! !

At this time, Mundo and Hyde also joined the battlefield.

Mundo carried the reinforced ferocious mace, withstood the death knight's attack, and hit the opponent's head with a blow, completely exchanging injuries for injuries. It was a darker creature than a dark creature.

For Mundo, he must have enough confidence to dare to do this.

Originally, his body was ridiculously hard, comparable to that of a high-level martial arts master, and with the addition of Su Mo's bunch of BUFF enhancements, in terms of defensive power alone, he had definitely reached the peak of a master's level.

With such a strong body, he doesn't have to think about defense at all, he is just tough and reckless!


The scorching dragon's breath arrived first, and Hyde came through the air.

Before, he didn't use weapons, but now, he wears the enhanced version of the boxing armor Su Mo gave him.

This boxing armor was bought by Su Mo when he was raiding the weapons store. It was not expensive at 1,000 Innars.

The fist armor is made of extended metal, which can perfectly fit the palms of various sizes. The fist surface has spikes, which is terrifying.

It’s impossible to say how powerful the fist armor is, but after being strengthened by [Weapon Blessing], it is at least harder than Hyde’s dragon scales, and when worn, it will increase strength and deal light damage, which can improve combat effectiveness. role.

Although Hyde has just broken through the command, due to the superiority of his special ability [Blue Dragon Transformation], he basically has no shortcomings. He can attack from a distance and fight at close range. His strength, speed, and defense are all at the top of the same level, and he is even better than the mid-level martial arts master of the command. Not much inferior.

After Su Mo's complete set of BUFF enhancements, Hyde not only did not suffer a disadvantage against the death knight, he even did not fall behind at all when one versus two.

For a time, 11 death knights were fighting with Walnut, Mundo, and Hyde.

In terms of the situation, the side with the smaller number of people actually had the advantage.

Among them, Hu Tao was undoubtedly the biggest contributor. She was able to entangle six death knights by herself. Often, her blows would require at least three death knights to work together to resist them, but the death knights' attacks could not break her defense. Decline is evident.

Seeing this scene, the Lich couldn't sit still at all.

According to its assumptions, these 12 mid-level death knights should suppress the other three and fight, while it would fight with Su Mo for a while and find the opportunity to give Hyde a fatal blow.

Without Hyde, 12 death knights can easily kill Hutao and Mundo, and it can also take care of Su Mo with confidence.

But who would have thought that it was Hutao who took the lead in the beginning, killing the death knight instantly with one move, and the rest of the battle was completely moving towards the other side.

If it doesn't take action, I'm afraid the second death knight will die within a minute.

The Lich raised his hand, and the power of the undead surged wildly, but at this moment, a golden figure appeared in front of it as if teleporting.

"Your opponent is me!"

A chuckle came from his ears, and the golden fist continued to enlarge in his sight.


The magic shield was shattered by a punch, and the Lich stepped back hundreds of meters and said in horror:

"You broke through!"

The fluctuations on Su Mo's body were undoubtedly those of the Grand Knight Commander.

"Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward~"

The golden figure disappeared from sight again, and the Lich turned around suddenly and released three magic shields in succession.

Bang bang bang~~~

The three layers of magic shield were actually penetrated by one punch.


Su Mo's black hair danced wildly, and golden light shone in his eyes. A huge and gorgeous Holy Spirit Hammer suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. With a loud roar, the heavy hammer slammed into the Lich's face.

When the heavy hammer fell, the air became thicker, the wind surged, and the Lich's black robe was almost blown off his body.

At this moment, a blinding curse suddenly fell. Although it was immediately resolved by [Purification], within this short gap, the lich released a magical repulsion field and pushed itself far away.


The heavy hammer fell, making a thunderous noise, and a ball of air cannon fell from the sky, creating a big hole in the ground.

Su Mo narrowed his eyes and looked at the lich a hundred meters away.

A strange feeling arose in both of their hearts at the same time.

After being promoted to the Commander level, Su Mo no longer struggled as hard as before when facing the Lich. In these two or three rounds of confrontation, he even took the absolute initiative.

However, Lich, as the leader of a high-level necromancer, has mastered many magics, is both offensive and defensive, and has surprisingly sophisticated combat experience. It may be difficult for him alone to defeat him in a short time.

So at this point, it's time for a righteous gang fight.


Su Mo shouted loudly, like a thunderous explosion.

In an instant, the Lich suddenly felt a chill in his soul, as if a disaster was about to come.

It didn't hesitate and immediately released its strongest defensive magic.

However, it was still a step too late.

Su Mo suddenly opened his eyes wide, golden light shined in his pupils, and an illusory golden eyeball appeared above his head, showing his indifference and arrogance, as if he was a high-ranking god looking down on the world.

【Eye of God】Stabilize the body!


The invisible power came, the Lich's body stiffened, and the spell he was about to recite came to an abrupt end.

At this moment, its body seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, unable to do anything, and a great fear arose in its soul.

Swish Swish Swish~~~

Walnut, Mondo, and Hyde each crushed the feathers prepared in advance, and in an instant, a pair of gorgeous and holy angel wings appeared behind the three of them.

With a flutter of wings, the three of them jumped into the air and flew toward the Lich at extremely fast speeds.

The majestic sacred power gathered in his right fist, and the golden light was dazzling, like a sun, exuding a fiery and domineering terrifying aura. Su Mo took half a step forward, swung his right fist forward, and shouted:

"Fist of Heaven~!"


A thick golden beam of light burst out, piercing the sky, and drowned the Lich in an instant under his fearful gaze.


A shrill scream came from the light pillar, and the sacred power contained in the Fist of Heaven was like concentrated sulfuric acid to the Lich.

The Lich's skeleton began to shatter, his soul fire vibrated violently, his aura rapidly declined, and his black robe turned into ashes immediately.

However, this is not over yet!

Walnut, Mondo, and Hyde flew in quickly, forming a triangle to encircle the Lich. Then, all three of them used their strongest blows to blast the Lich.


The blazing holy flame burned blazingly on the head of the hammer. Walnut lifted the hammer high and hit the back of the Lich's head with incomparable ferocity.

Mundo held the mace with both hands, the holy flames exploded, and his muscles bulged high. At this moment, he exploded with all his strength and blasted towards the Lich's face.

Hyde clenched a fist with one hand, thunder and holy flames wrapped around his arm, and then he punched forward brazenly.

hold head high! ! !

A giant dragon condensed from thunder and fire roared out and flew out. The roar of the dragon shook the heavens and the earth. It was domineering and fiercely rushed towards the lich.

Three attacks fell on the Lich almost at the same time.

boom! ! !

The heavy hammer and the mace, one after the other, directly blasted the Lich's head, and the thunder and fire dragon also caused the already shattered skeleton body to explode and turn into dust all over the sky.

After a while, the sky returned to calm, and the aura of the lich completely disappeared.

"Su Mo, is he dead?"

Hu Tao asked curiously.

Su Mo shook his head and said: "As long as the life box is not destroyed, the lich will never die."

"First deal with the group of death knights down there. I already know where the Lich's phylactery is hidden."

After saying that, Su Mo swooped down, and his eight wings burst into intense white light. Then, feathers of light filled the sky like arrows, shooting towards the death knight on the ground.

After being promoted to commander, the angel wings evolved from six wings to eight wings, flying faster and becoming more powerful after bursting out.

Bang bang bang~~~

Thousands of light feathers exploded in a series, causing extremely dazzling glare, light particles flying, and the air was filled with scorching breath.

[Angel Wings] is not a high-damage skill and has limited damage to death knights, but the light energy contained in it really makes them suffer.

"I'm coming!!!"

Hutao swooped down, his little face full of excitement, holding the hammer in both hands above his head, and using the force of his dive, he violently hit a death knight on the head.

boom! ! !

The death knight's block had no effect, and he was instantly crushed to pieces. Broken bones and pieces of flesh were scattered in all directions. The power of darkness was purified by the holy flame and became the nourishment for the holy flame spiritual seed.

Mundo and Hyde arrived one after another, first releasing light feathers to bombard the death knight, and immediately began close combat after landing.

2 of the 12 death knights were lost by Hutao in seconds, and the rest were no match.

In less than 30 seconds, Hutao made another achievement and killed the third death knight.

Then Mundo opened up and smashed the death knight's head with his mace.

Later, Hyde was not to be outdone and scored a head.

As for Su Mo, he leisurely acted as a behind-the-scenes capitalist and did not compete with his workers.

Boom boom boom~~

The battlefield was in chaos. Peggy, Frank and the Knights concentrated on dealing with the White Walkers, while Hyde, Mundo and Walnut slaughtered the death knights.

Rubbles are flying everywhere, the ground is shaking, and hundreds of large and small pits have appeared in this area, some deep and some shallow. If you look down from the sky, they look like a pockmarked face, which is maddening.

With the last death knight killed by Walnut, the battle is basically coming to an end.

"Brother Mo, what should we do now?"

Frank walked to Su Mo and asked in a low voice.

Su Mo smiled and said, "Next, it's time to find the Lich Life Box. I probably know where it is hidden."


Hearing this, Frank and Peggy next to him were shocked, followed by deep excitement and surprise.

"Brother Mo, how did you find it?"

Paige couldn't help but ask.

Su Mo explained: "I have an ability that can quietly locate enemies. In the last battle, I used this ability on the Lich."

"For a long time after the battle, the Lich never moved, so I guess that location may be where the Lich hides his phylactery."

"Yeah, it's indeed very possible!"

Frank nodded heavily and said excitedly: "Now, let's go directly to the door?"


Su Mo glanced at the battlefield. Almost all the White Walkers were killed. Even if there were more White Walkers coming later, they would not pose a threat to the Knights.

Now he could go to the lich with peace of mind.

After giving Harland a few instructions, Su Mo took Hu Tao, Mondo, and Hyde to look for the Lich Life Box.


"Wow, how do we go about this?"

Looking at the dozens of rugged forks in front of him, Hu Tao couldn't help but scratch his head.

At this time, a group of people were in an underground cave. The tunnel was rugged and the environment was pitch black.


Su Mo frowned slightly.

He had previously sensed that the Lich's hiding place was nearby. Unfortunately, with the death of the Lich just now, the mark effect left on it also disappeared.

The mental power extends outward for one kilometer, and ahead is a more complicated fork road. One road can branch off into several branches. I really don't know how the terrain here was formed.

"How about we try using a robot?" Frank suggested. There are dozens of beast-shaped or humanoid robots in his barracks box, which are suitable for exploring the road.


Su Mo nodded. This is indeed a way. He also has many hummingbird detectors in his space equipment, which can also be used to explore paths.


Before Su Mo finished speaking, he saw Haide walking towards a certain fork.

"Let's go from here."

Hyde waved his hand and said casually.


Su Mo's mouth twitched, just relying on luck?

I'm really——

Forget it, let’s go with you~

Su Mo followed Heide obediently, not even bothering to use the hummingbird detector. At this time, he chose to trust Ou Huang's intuition.

The group of people followed Hyde and turned left and right for nearly 20 minutes, but still couldn't find anything.

Later, teammates Frank and Peggy began to doubt Hyde and wanted to use more rigorous methods to explore the path, but in the end, Su Mo chose to believe in Hyde.

After all, Frank and Peggy don't have [Eye of Insight], so they don't know that Hyde is a lucky child with [Advanced Luck].

Regarding the multiple-choice questions, I believe Ou Huang is right~

"Hyde, continue to lead the way."


Hyde continued to move forward with everyone. Whenever he encountered a fork, he would not pause at all and just walked based on feeling.

Just when Frank and Peggy were feeling a little discouraged, Su Mo suddenly stopped and said in surprise:

"Found it."

Ahead, there was an extremely strong dark aura. Others may not have noticed it yet, but to him, that dark aura was like a bright light in the dark night, which was really dazzling.

found it! ! !

Everyone looked happy, Frank and Peggy blinked, and looked at Hyde with some embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, Hyde actually found the target based on his feeling.

Luck is indeed good~

"Next, be careful~"

Su Mo reminded him that the Lich's lair was very likely ahead.

Generally, there will be some self-protection tools or other means in the lair, which must be dealt with carefully.


Everyone nodded in unison and followed Su Mo forward cautiously.

After meandering forward for a few hundred meters, the end suddenly opened up.

In front of you is a huge cave, the size of more than a dozen football fields. A forest of stalactites hangs upside down above your head, like sharp swords. There is a black pool in the center, filled with black mist, exuding a gloomy and evil atmosphere.

With the pool as the center, complex and mysterious patterns are drawn on the ground, forming a magic array. At every node of the array, there are dozens of small boxes placed around the pool. , hundreds of human corpses can be seen, with blue and black skin.

"This is it, that's right!"

Su Mo said in a deep voice.

The aura emanating from the Black Pool is exactly the same as that of the White Walkers, and those small boxes on the ground should contain the Lich's life boxes.

The Lich has only one phylactery, and the others are just confusing.

"What a terrifying dark energy!"

Cold sweat broke out on Frank's forehead. In his eyes, the Black Spirit Pond in front of him was like the door to hell. Once it came into contact with it, he would be pulled into hell in an instant and die without a burial place.

"Brother Mo, what should we do now?" Frank asked with palpitations.

Su Mo narrowed his eyes and said, "Destroy all these small boxes. One of them must be a lich life box."

"As for this black pool, after we leave, we will blow it up with a time bomb."


Everyone nodded and prepared to take action.

But at this moment, the blue soul fire suddenly rose and transformed into a ferocious skull face in mid-air.

"Su Mo!!!"

A hoarse and low voice sounded, full of unwillingness and anger.

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and said calmly:

"It seems I was right, your phylactery is right here."

The Lich said angrily: "How did you find out?"

How did Su Mo know that his life box was hidden in this mountain range?

Also, the terrain of this underground cave is extremely complicated. From the cave entrance to the Black Spirit Pond, you have to go through at least dozens of forks.

However, it was really hard to understand that Su Mo and his party arrived here in only half an hour.

Su Mo smiled slyly, "I want to know, hey, I won't tell you!"

"Su Mo!!!"

The Lich roared angrily: "Do you think you have won? I tell you, you are delusional!"

"Look at the large formation in front of you. There is an identical phylactery on every formation node, and there is only one real phylactery."

"Once the life box you destroyed is fake, then the formation will detonate the Black Spirit Pond in an instant. At that time, the entire underground cave will be collapsed, and no one can escape."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

It turns out that you still have such a back-up plan~

Su Mo narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Withdraw!"

Withdrawing does not mean that he will let the Lich go.

After leaving the cave, he would plant high-energy bombs in all the nearby tunnels. As soon as he returned to the ground, he would detonate the bombs, destroy the life boxes and the Black Spirit Pond, and bury them deep underground.

"Su Mo!"

The Lich sneered: "Do you think I can't guess your thoughts?"

"Now, you must sign a soul contract with me to ensure that none of you can reveal the location here or destroy my life box. Otherwise, we will die together."

The lich's gloomy and hoarse voice was like a gust of cold wind, sending shivers down everyone's spines. They all looked at Su Mo to see what Su Mo should make.

Suddenly, the cave fell into a long silence.


Finally, Su Mo slowly spoke: "If I were the only one right now, I might really have to compromise with you. After all, life is the most important thing."

"However, now I have a top European emperor by my side. Are you betting on me?"

"Hyde, come on, destroy anyone you want!!!"

Su Mo shouted sharply, his eyes stern.

At this time, he chose to believe Hyde.

There has been no mistake in dozens of consecutive forks. How can the European emperor's luck fail here?

What's more, even if Hyde really makes the wrong choice, the cave will not collapse in an instant. In that short gap, he can let Pooh transform into a heavy-duty earth-drilling machine to drill a hole for everyone to withstand the first wave of impact. .

There is a gamble in the stability, this wave, it is impossible to lose!

Upon hearing the instruction, Hyde punched out without hesitation. The thunder dragon roared and blasted towards a phylactery on the edge of the magic circle.

Seeing this scene, the Lich's expression changed drastically and he said in horror:


Thank you for the reward from the book friends who follow Wuwaijiangshan.

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