Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 197 The war begins, breakthrough

At dawn, everything is silent, and a ray of light rises from the horizon, infiltrating the light blue sky.

At this moment, the night watch soldiers were at their most exhausted. They yawned, then shook their heads, forcing themselves to cheer up.

Because the marshal said, the White Walker army is very likely to make a comeback today.

boom! ! !

At this moment, a violent explosion suddenly came from the distance, and black smoke shot straight into the sky.

Upon seeing this, the soldiers shouted for warning and quickly reported to their superiors.

"Brother Mo, I saw the army of alien ghosts."

Frank's voice came out from the communicator, mixed with continuous explosions.

"Currently, the White Walkers are about 10 kilometers away from Lingdong City, and number in the hundreds of thousands. This time they are spread out widely, and the damage the fighter planes can cause is very limited."

Su Mo said in a deep voice: "Okay, we can return."


Frank turned off the communicator, threw a high-inflammable bomb at the densest place of the White Walkers, and then turned around and flew back to Winter City.

"The White Walker army will arrive soon."

Su Mo looked around: "Get ready to fight."

"Hehe, I hope I can have more fun this time."

Hutao clenched her fists, her face full of excitement and excitement.

Hyde looked into the distance with bright eyes, and the fighting spirit in his chest grew wildly like summer weeds.

Not long after, the White Walkers army appeared in sight.

Different from the densely packed formations in the past, this time the White Walkers stood far apart from each other, obviously having learned the lesson from yesterday.

In front of the White Walkers' army, there were a total of eight death knights, holding different weapons, with black skin and soul fire dancing in their eyes.

However, the most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the floating figure directly above the army.

The whole body was shrouded in black robes, and wisps of black air could be faintly seen coming out. The head was skinless and fleshless, just an empty skull, and the burning blue soul fire could be seen in the eye sockets.

"What it is?"

The soldiers couldn't help but feel numb when looking at the skeletal figure, and there was a tremor in their voices.

"Mr. Su Mo, is it a lich?"

Marshal Wellington took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

"That's right!"

Su Mo nodded and said with a slightly solemn expression:

"Marshal Wellington, I'm afraid this battle will be difficult."

The Lich sent a total of eight death knights, and on its side, there were only three commanders: Mundo, Hutao, and Wellington.

Wellington once said that it was a bit difficult for him to fight against a death knight. It would be good if he could not be injured or save his life.

This also means that Mundo and Walnut must deal with seven death knights.

Even if the two are powerful, it is quite dangerous for one person to face an average of 3.5 death knights.

As for the Lich, an enemy that can fly and possess undead magic can only be dealt with by himself. The danger factor may be higher than that of Mundo and Walnut.

After all, he had never fought a magician, and he knew nothing about the strength and methods of the lich.

The unknown enemy is the most terrifying.

"That's too bad~"

Looking at the eight death knights in the distance and the terrifying lich floating in the sky, Wellington's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

"Marshal Wellington, I'll leave it to you to deal with the death knight on the far left."

Su Mo made a decision immediately, "Hutao, Mendo, you two must pay attention to safety as you deal with the other death knights."

"no problem!"

Hu Tao agreed decisively, with no fear in her eyes, and even full of eagerness to try.

Mundo gripped his mace tightly and put it on his shoulder, with a fighting spirit in his eyes.

Walnut is a strange beast in the starry sky, born cruel and savage. However, due to a certain period of experience, the wild nature has been tamed a lot, but the aggressiveness in his heart is still difficult to erase.

As a Monlite, Mundo has received the most rigorous training and training as a warrior since he was a child. Trying to make him feel afraid is even harder than climbing to the sky.

"Wait a minute, Brother Mo!"

At this moment, Hyde suddenly said: "Death Knight, give me one."


Upon hearing this, Paige immediately objected strongly:

"Hyde, you are crazy. Death knights are at the commander level. Don't you know how big the gap is between the commander level and the elite level?"

"I am clear!"

Hyde nodded, but his eyes were fixed on the Death Knight, full of passion and fighting intent.

"But I can feel that the opportunity for breakthrough is today, with the Death Knight."

Hearing this, Su Mo raised his eyebrows.

Many people have an inexplicable inspiration about whether they can make a breakthrough, and this inspiration is often unmistakable.

Now that Hyde has said this, let him give it a try.

"Hide, the death knight on the far right will be left to you." Su Mo said decisively.

"Brother Mo!"

Paige opened her mouth to stop her, but soon she fell silent.

Swish swish swish~~

Several consecutive rays of golden light fell on Wellington, Hutao, Mondo, Hyde, Peggy and Su Mo himself.

[Guardian of Holy Light] [Hymn of Courage] [Soul Healing Wind] [Divine Light Feather] [Thorns Anti-Armor] [Resistance Halo]

After a set of BUFFs, Mondo and Walnut were used to it, but Hyde, Peggy and Wellington's eyes widened in shock.

His strength increased greatly, his mental power was extremely active, and his body seemed to have been relieved of hundreds of kilograms of weight, becoming relaxed and flexible. A layer of light shield appeared on the surface of his body. In addition, there were many indescribable changes.

Su Mo: "This is my superpower. It can improve your strength, speed, defense, and spiritual power in all aspects. With the blessing of these abilities, Hyde will not be at a disadvantage against the Death Knight, and so can Marshal Wellington." Give it a try, with me here, you don't have to worry about getting hurt, even if you only have one breath left, I can pull you back from the hands of death."

Upon hearing this, Wellington's eyes lit up.

In his previous battle with the Death Knight, he was not bad in other aspects. The only disadvantage was that the Death Knight was not afraid of being injured.

Now, his abilities have greatly increased in all aspects, and he is no longer afraid of the death knight. With Mr. Su Mo's promise, his self-confidence instantly explodes.

Death Knight, I'll kill you!

"Hahaha, Brother Mo, your ability is amazing!"

Hyde clenched his fists, jumped up twice, and shouted with great excitement.

Paige was also carefully feeling the changes in her body, and she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of wonder and admiration in her heart.

Oh my god, it’s so awesome!

After receiving the blessing of supernatural powers, her mental power increased by at least 30%.

For a telekinesis master, mental power is combat power, which also means that at this moment, her combat power surges by 30%.

Don't forget, she is just a telekinesis master who can fight at a distance, and the improvement in speed, strength, and defense will not have much effect on her.

But for superpowers and martial artists who fight in close quarters, the comprehensive improvement of all aspects of physical fitness can almost double their combat effectiveness, or even more.

With the blessing of these abilities, Paige can trust Hyde to deal with the death knight.

"Everyone, we must face the enemy and not let the lich and death knight get close to the city wall." Su Mo said calmly.

Although there are many extraordinary beings in the universe, high-level combat power is not found everywhere. Most extraordinary beings are still in the E and D ranks. Starting from C level, they are basically the backbone of extraordinary beings. B level is relatively rare, and A level is rare. Grades are even rarer.

The difference between the three is still very clear. The C-level transcendent can deal with an elite ground team alone. The B-level is a city-destroying level with strong endurance. A single soldier can wipe out a spaceship. As for the A-level, it is worthy of natural disasters. In the name of the planet, it can cause terrestrial disasters on the surface of the planet, destroy a wide range of capabilities, and can even destroy the surface ecology of a planet - of course this takes time.

To explain with characters in anime, C level is equivalent to chuunin, B level is equivalent to jounin or even elite jounin, such as Asuma, Deidara, or Marco, Laosha and others in One Piece. The A-level span is larger, and the weaker ones are similar to Fujitora and Kakashi. The powerful ones can be imagined as peak Naru Sa, Akainu, Whitebeard, Kaido, and a certain bald man.

As for the God King level, that is the painting style of the Sun family.

Death knights and lichs are commander-level, that is, B-level. If they are allowed to get close, they can easily destroy this hundred-meter-high city wall.


Before anyone could take action, Frank piloted a fighter plane in the sky and fired dense high-energy rays at the Lich and the Death Knight.


The Lich snorted coldly, raised the skeleton arm hidden in the robe, and the power of the undead surged.

Suddenly, a wall of bones rose from the ground, blocking him and the death knight.

Bang bang bang~~~

The white bones were broken and scattered into pieces and powder. However, the high-energy rays were also blocked by the wall of bones, making it difficult for them to penetrate.


In the fighter plane, Frank shook his head helplessly.

The Lucky One is a small assault ship. Its advantages include fast speed, short transition time, quite strong energy shield, and high safety performance.

But the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the weapons carried are not powerful enough to cause fatal damage to the target spacecraft in interstellar battles, and the threat to B-level and above extraordinary beings is also very limited.

"Frank, we will deal with the lich and the death knight. You just need to provide support." Su Mo said into the miniature earphone.


Frank gave up his plan to continue attacking the lich and hovered high in the sky, making it visible and invisible to the lich, which had a certain deterrent effect.

"Mr. Su Mo, that lich..."

Wellington asked tentatively.

"Leave it to me!"

Su Mo's pupils flashed with golden light, and immediately, a pair of gorgeous and holy angel wings appeared behind him.


With a shake of his wings, Su Mo rose into the sky, like a stream of light, flying quickly towards the Lich.

“Wow, so cool!!!”

Haide looked at Su Mo's back with wide eyes and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Let's go!!"

Hu Tao followed Su Mo, jumped off the city wall with a slight leap, and ran all the way on her short legs.

Hyde and Mondo jumped off the city wall one after another, following closely behind Hu Tao.

"That is……"

On the city wall, Wellington and many soldiers saw the gorgeous and holy pair of angel wings behind Su Mo, and an ancient legend came to mind.

Could it be...him?

Wellington shook his head. Now was not the time to think about this. He handed over the command to Muller, then jumped off the wall and rushed to the battlefield.


"Su Mo~"

Looking at Su Mo who suddenly stopped in front of him, 50 meters away from him, the Lich made a low and hoarse sound in his chest.

"Liches can also talk~"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and said, "I thought you all communicated by soul."

Lich carefully felt the fluctuations emanating from Su Mo, his eye sockets twitched with soul fire, and there was a hint of weirdness and coldness in his tone:

"Su Mo, you haven't reached the rank of Great Knight Commander yet? With such strength, you dare to stand in front of me?"

It originally thought that Su Mo's ability to suppress Mondo and Hutao meant that his strength must be greater than the two.

Who would have thought that this guy hasn't broken through to the Grand Knight Commander yet?

How dare a little knight captain act presumptuously in front of it?

Su Mo smiled faintly: "It's enough to deal with you!"


The Lich had an angry voice, and with a wave of his hand, he unleashed a series of undead curses.

Blindness, deafness, pain, weakness, bad luck

In an instant, Su Mo's vision went dark, his ears seemed to be stuffed with cotton, and a heartbreaking pain arose in his bones. His hands and feet were weak, and he was as weak as a patient who had been bedridden for many years.

"I go!"

Su Mo was shocked and quickly used a skill he had not used for a long time - [Purification]

[Purify] Eliminate all abnormal conditions on the target

With a flash of golden light, the lich's curse was instantly removed.

How can this be!

Seeing that all its curses were ineffective, the Lich was in disbelief. It cast out a series of curses again without belief, but was immediately cleared away by [Purification].

"Don't waste your efforts."

Su Mo raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Your curse has no effect on me at all."

At this time, he was quite happy in his heart.

After entering the combat state, [Eye of Insight] accurately reflects the strength of the lich, B+ level, which is the high-level commander level.

If it were Walnut Mundo and the others, even if they had the magic resistance blessing of [Resistance Aura], they would definitely be greatly affected after being hit by a series of curses from the Lich, and their combat effectiveness would be reduced by 20 to 30%.

But I happen to have the magical skill of [Purification], which can overcome the curse.

If you meet me, you will be unlucky!

Su Mo didn't say any more nonsense. With a [Flash Assault], he rushed 50 meters in an instant and came to the Lich. He caught the opponent off guard and punched him hard.

boom! ! !

The lich skull leaned back, an obvious crack appeared on the skull, and the body flew upward.

[Flash Assault] Charge forward with divine power, launch a powerful attack, and knock away enemies in front.

After launching his hand, there must be a violent storm of combos.

With his wings fluttering, Su Mo rushed upwards, his fists glowed with dazzling golden light, and he punched his head hard again.

【Holy Blow】

Unfortunately, this time his fist was blocked by a magic shield.


There was a muffled sound, and violent ripples appeared on the surface of the magic shield, almost collapsing.

"How can it be!!!"

The lich's eye sockets were filled with soul fire.

It was certain that Su Mo's power definitely surpassed that of the Death Knight, and not even a little bit more.

However, the fluctuations emanating from Su Mo did not reach the level of a great knight.

How on earth did he do it!


A resistance field commonly used by mages rose and pushed Su Mo away dozens of meters.

The Lich said hoarsely: "Without the curse, I can still kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the power of the undead surged wildly, and white bone spurs appeared in the sky, stabbing towards Su Mo like sharp arrows.

Su Mo's wings trembled and he dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the rain of bone arrows. A solemn look flashed in his eyes.

His strength lies in his physical strength and various BUFF bonuses. He has advantages against martial artists and close-combat superpowers, but he is indeed a bit weak when facing high-level lichs with various methods.

Fortunately, his mission is not to kill the lich, but to entangle it as much as possible.

After Mundo, Walnut, Hyde and Wellington eliminated their respective opponents, the Lich alone did not pose much of a threat.

"Want to run?"

The Lich raised his hand, and a big black hand condensed from the power of the undead suddenly appeared, grabbing Su Mo's feet and holding him in the air.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the rain of bones and arrows turned around and directly submerged Su Mo.

Bang bang bang~~

After resisting for a moment, the light shield exploded with a bang, and the rain of bone arrows continued to stab at Su Mo's vitals.

At this moment, a huge iron shield suddenly appeared in front of Su Mo, like an unshakable city wall. White bone arrows shot on it, making a tinkling sound without leaving even a white spot.

This iron shield was salvaged by Su Mo from the seabed of Tianyuan Star. As a natural disaster-level weapon accessory, its hardness is naturally incomparable.

A rain of bones and arrows fell to the ground. Su Mo took back his shield and raised his fingers towards the lich with a provocative expression:

"Come here~"

"court death!!!"

The Lich's hoarse voice was filled with murderous intent. With a wave of his hand, the shadow that covered the sky appeared in the sky, roaring and screaming, and surged towards Su Mo.


Su Mo screamed strangely, and his scalp instantly became numb.


On the ground, Mundo, Walnut, Hyde and Wellington each found their opponents.

Ding ding ding~~

Wellington was fighting with the Death Knight, and sparks could be seen flying from time to time.

The two of them moved at an extremely fast speed, like phantoms. Even the senior knights could not catch their movements at all.

"It's different!"

Wellington thrust his sword out like lightning, poking a hole in the death knight's chest, his eyes brightening.

In the previous battles with the Death Knight, his strength, speed, reaction ability and other aspects were basically not inferior, but the Death Knight often exchanged injuries for injuries, making it difficult for him to parry.

But this time, things were completely different.

His physical fitness and fighting spirit have greatly increased in all aspects, and he has been overwhelming the death knight from the beginning. He can easily avoid the opponent's life-threatening moves and counterattack fiercely.

According to the current situation, it won't take long for him to chop off the death knight's head.

On the other side, Mundo and Walnut were fighting fiercely with three death knights.

Facts have proved that Su Mo not only underestimated his BUFF effect, but also greatly underestimated the combat effectiveness of Hutao and Mundo.

After receiving the blessings of many BUFFs, Hutao was very motivated to fight. She no longer deliberately played tricks on her opponents like before, but used her full strength as soon as she got up.

When Hu Tao becomes serious, he becomes extremely scary.

As the leader of high-level starry sky beasts, her physical strength is difficult to find rivals in the entire leader level. Coupled with the blessing of various BUFFs, even the leader of the peak dragon cannot match her.

When the death knight's giant sword struck her, it was as if it had struck a mountain of steel, without any harm, while Hu Tao's random punches and kicks could make their bodies tremble.

If it were not for the dark creatures, but for other martial arts masters who were in charge of the first level, I am afraid that these three people would have had their hearts shattered by Hu Tao.


Hu Tao punched the death knight in front of her and flew a hundred meters away. At this moment, two gusts of cold wind came from her side, piercing her left and right ears respectively.

Hutao rolled and dodged the attacks from the left and right. Looking at the death knights who got up again and formed a triangular siege formation, she grinded her teeth and wrinkled her nose:

"I am angry!!!"

Compared to Hu Tao's agile figure, Mundo relies entirely on his strong body to resist damage.

boom! ! !

The mace was smashed down violently, and the air waves spread around like a shock wave.

A death knight's weapon was directly shattered by the mace. Then, the mace fell on his shoulder. In an instant, the death knight's arm exploded as if it was attached to a bomb.

Taking advantage of this moment, the two death knights behind him thrust their weapons into Mondo's body. There was a pop, and the tip of the sword sank into his back, but was stuck tightly by the solid muscles.


Mundo made a muffled sound, his eyes filled with violence and wildness.

Although he was stabbed in the body, his injuries were not serious.

After all, his most powerful thing is his physical defense, which is comparable to that of a high-level martial artist. Coupled with the damage reduction effects of the two BUFFs [Thorn Anti-Armor] and [Resistance Halo], this small injury does not affect the battle at all.

Now, he implements one idea, which is to catch someone and beat him to death.


The mace was raised high and struck hard on the head of the injured death knight.



The burning dragon's breath spurted out from Hyde's mouth and pointed directly at the death knight's face.

The death knight blocked with his sword, and the rich black force wrapped around the sword like a large shield, blocking the dragon's breath. Then, the death knight swung his backhand and slashed out a black arc of sword energy.

Hyde took half a step back, clenching his fists, and lightning flashed around his arms. His whole body was covered with dragon scales, and he punched forward fiercely.

puff! ! !

The sword energy collided with the heavy fist, and immediately, the hard blue dragon scales were cut open, and the flesh and blood made a corroding sound.


The death knight leaned forward, the giant sword seemed weightless in his hand, slashing towards Hyde like a gust of wind, as fast as lightning, leaving bloody wounds on Hyde's body.

At this moment, not only could there be no trace of pain on Hyde's face, but his eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

With his super powerful ability [Blue Dragon Transformation] and the strength of the elite peak level, it is difficult to find an opponent within the elite level, but there is still a big gap between him and the commander level.

Before, he had fought with a leading junior martial artist, and was beaten badly. Fortunately, the opponent had no killing intent, otherwise he would have died long ago.

But now, after Su Mo's various BUFF blessings, the gap between him and the commander has been greatly narrowed. Although he is still at a disadvantage, at least he has the strength to fight.

And he can clearly feel that he is like a piece of rough iron being hammered, and the Death Knight is the hammer, constantly hammering and polishing him to evolve towards refined iron.

"Hurry! Hurry!"

The corners of Hyde's mouth curled up, and his eyes became more and more fiery. Finally, when the death knight's slash was blocked by his punch, a sound of glass breaking suddenly sounded in his ears.

"hold head high!!!!"

The unparalleled domineering dragon roar resounded across the battlefield, and a majestic and violent momentum burst out.

Hyde has officially entered the leadership level.

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