Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 189 Layout Arrangement Team Structure

Su Mo did not expect that Colin would make such a request.

Being able to be sent out by Madam Teresa to escort supplies worth 450,000 innars shows that Colin is trusted and valued by Madam.

Why would such a well-known and trusted confidant of Zatanvi Star want to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group, which was founded only two days ago?

"Mr. Shengguang, I would like to briefly introduce my resume to you."

Colin said seriously: "I graduated from the Capital Business School of Blackstone Civilization, majoring in economics and interstellar trade. I worked for the Zevit Consortium for more than 5 years. My highest position was the general manager of the third-level M\u0026A project. I later returned to Megan The family is fully responsible for the two major business segments of the family: arms and pharmaceuticals.”

At this time, Pooh automatically added: "Master, the Blackstone Civilization is a star cluster-level civilization near the Chaotic Star Field, and the Zevit Consortium is one of the top ten consortiums under this civilization."

Wow, so awesome!

Su Mo's eyes opened slightly. Colin's resume was equivalent to someone who graduated from Harvard Business School in his previous life, worked for the Morgan Financial Group for several years, and then returned to take over an important part of the family business.

A truly top business talent~

However, at this time, he also realized that Colin's initiative to join was most likely due to Madam Teresa's intention.

It seems that Madam Theresa is very optimistic about my future, and she actually gave up such a talent.

Su Mo smiled lightly and said: "Colin, you have also seen the situation of the Holy Light Mercenary Group. At present, I only have a small Red Maple Ridge with 400 members, which is incomparable to the huge Megan family."

"What's more, Hong Maple Ridge is now surrounded by evil neighbors and its foundation is not stable. Not only is your safety unable to be guaranteed in my place, but there is also no room for you to develop your business capabilities. Think carefully and decide to join the Holy Light. Mercenary group?"

"I am sure!"

Colin said resolutely: "Mr. Shengguang has great talent and great plans. Only two days after establishing the mercenary group, he expanded the team to hundreds of people and fought off the encirclement and suppression by the two major mercenary groups, Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye. He can be called the leader in the mercenary world." The miracle cannot be exaggerated. I believe that under your leadership, I will achieve higher and further development than in the Megan family!"

At this moment, he remembered the conversation he had with his grandmother, Madame Theresa, before leaving.

"Colin, are you dissatisfied with this arrangement?"

"Colin doesn't dare. Grandma is very discerning. You must have deep intentions for this arrangement."

"Colin, my superpower is not a secret in the family, so some things have been made clear. I judge that Su Mo will achieve far more than the six legions in the future, and may even reach the realm of the God King. You are I am the most outstanding descendant of the third generation of Megan’s family, so I hope you can assist Su Mo with your heart and occupy an important position beside him.”

"You should know that there is no strong person in our Megan family, and it is all supported by my old face. If I die, the Megan family will be attacked by a pack of wolves, and it will be destroyed in an instant."

"It can be said that the future of the family depends on you and Su Mo!"

"...I understand, grandma, Colin will do his best to assist Mr. Su Mo."

"Okay, next I will sponsor an additional batch of strategic materials for Su Mo to help him stabilize his footing. However, in order to avoid arousing suspicion, the family will no longer directly provide funds and materials in the short term. But if there is any need there, you can Feel free to contact me anytime.”


Colin has no doubts about his grandmother's judgment, because the Megan family has been able to develop step by step from a small chamber of commerce on a dilapidated planet to a large consortium with business spanning multiple galaxies, and its wealth ranks among the top ten on Zatanvi. My grandmother was famous for her ability to recognize people, which was almost never wrong.

In addition, he also read Su Mo's information.

Su Mo, who came from an indigenous planet, once defeated the "beast" Mundo beside him in a survival game. Later, the two of them arrived at Zatanvi Planet together and signed up for the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

It was such a rookie with no background or experience that he actually grew the number of members to hundreds within two days, occupied the Red Maple Ridge, and repelled the joint encirclement and suppression by two major mercenary groups.

Although this was due to the 300,000 Inar investment from the Megan family, the most important thing was Su Mo's personal ability and skill.

Now Su Mo has shown his heroic demeanor, and his future development is absolutely limitless.

As a businessman, Colin knows one thing very well, that is, anyone can make the icing on the cake, but only by providing help when it is timely can the maximum benefits be obtained.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group is in its infancy and is short of manpower. Although he is not good at fighting, he is still very confident in business logistics.

"Mr. Shengguang, this is the development proposal for Hongfeng Ridge that I have drawn up. Please take a look at it."

Colin sent the business report he prepared in advance to Su Mo's personal optical computer.

After browsing through it, Su Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the report, Colin listed several important resources in Hongmaple Ridge, such as timber, iron ore, and the specialty of Hongmaple Ridge, red maple wine.

With the help of certain commercial packaging and the sales channels of the Megan family, in the future, Red Maple Wine will bring him at least 1 million innars in annual income.

In addition, the report also comes with a layout plan for the reconstruction of Hongfeng Old City, which details the construction layout of key areas such as the mercenary regiment headquarters, commercial streets, residential areas, and leisure areas.

According to this plan, after completion, Red Maple City will become a large city that can accommodate tens of millions of floating people, and there will still be room for expansion.

"Colin, your proposal is really timely."

Su Mo nodded with satisfaction, "Sure enough, this kind of thing has to be left to professionals."

If there was no Colin, then he could only ask other construction companies to plan the old city renovation plan for him. Such a large project would take at least a week to finalize, and the design cost would definitely be quite large. number.

Unlike now, just use it directly.

Not to mention, Colin also gave several directions for making money.

One red maple wine alone could bring in millions of dollars in revenue every year, which really surprised him.

Although he knew that Colin was assigned by Madam Theresa, Su Mo didn't mind.

After all, he could guess a little bit of Madam Theresa's thoughts.

"Colin, the Holy Light Mercenary Group welcomes you to join!"

Su Mo stretched out his hand and smiled.

Colin quickly held Su Mo's hand and said, "Thank you, Captain, for accepting me. Colin will do his best in the future and will not let you down."


Su Mo patted Colin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Let's go and see the supplies you brought."


Colin, Su Mo, and all the curious members gathered next to several transport airships and watched the loading and unloading robot unload the supplies smoothly.

"Wow, there are quite a few aircraft!"

"Is that a laser gun? It's the first time I've seen this thing."

"There are also robots. Oh, that knife is pretty good. I wonder if the leader will give us one."

"Wow, there are so many delicious foods!" Hutao drooled.

"Hey, that girl from the Mengbei tribe is pretty good." A certain bearded man looked at him eagerly.

Weapons, food, building materials and other various materials were carried out, which opened everyone's eyes and made them excited at the same time.

After all the supplies were unloaded, the airship closed its hatch and took off.

Looking at the black spots in the sky that gradually became smaller and eventually disappeared, Colin pursed his lips, his eyes a little complicated.

From today on, he is no longer the upstart business man who dominates the mall and holds great power, but has become a member of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

It's natural to be melancholy, but more importantly, there is a strong sense of motivation and expectation.

Business elites who left the platform of large companies regained the long-lost passion and passion after joining a startup company destined to have a bright future.

"Don't touch these supplies yet, I will arrange them later!"

Su Mo said in a deep voice: "Now, several commander-level cadres, as well as Colin, Ying Feng, and Man Shan, come over and have a meeting together!"


Su Mo led everyone to a certain open space.

There was no conference room, so he could only lay out a big blanket and everyone sat on the floor.

"Everyone, let me introduce you first. This is Colin, who comes from the Megan family. The first starting capital of the Holy Light Mercenary Group was provided by the Megan family."

Su Mo said sternly: "Now, Colin has officially joined the Holy Light Mercenary Group and brought us the second sponsorship of the Megan family - 200,000 inal in cash, as well as important supplies worth 450,000."

Hearing this, everyone cast friendly glances at Colin.

Colin smiled politely: "This is the first time we meet, please take care of me in the future."

"Colin, these are the current key members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

Su Mo introduced them one by one: "Mundo, who leads the mid-level psychics; Merced, who leads the high-level magicians; Hutao, who leads the level warriors; Ming, who leads the peak telekinesis masters; Andolfo, who leads the peak magicians; Gefu Si, command the high-level gunners; Jin Zhan, command the high-level martial arts masters."

"Ying Feng, Man Shan, is the strongest member of the Shadow Clan and Ice Barbarian Clan under me, and an elite peak martial artist."

"Time is tight, so I won't let you all chat. Let's get straight to the point."

Su Mo said seriously:

"Currently, the powerful enemy has just retreated, but the crisis has not been resolved. In order to prevent White Night and Ghost Wolf from coming back, we must quickly set up a defense and early warning mechanism. Fortunately, Colin has brought us a complete set of Skynet territory defense systems, and Tens of thousands of Hummingbird detectors, guard robots and other supporting weapons.”

"Geforth, this task is left to you. You, along with the remaining three mechanics and the dozens of engineers, must set up the defense system within today."


Geforth nodded, his eyes no longer frivolous, but full of seriousness.

"Second point, Colin has provided a red maple city reconstruction and construction plan. I think it is very good. Now we will build it according to this. Colin, the task of city construction is entrusted to you. You contact the builder and take control. Schedule, watch the cost.”

Colin said sternly: "Currently, our regiment has just started and has limited funds. I think the first batch of focus will be on the mercenary regiment headquarters, training ground, rest area and production area. Others can be put aside for the time being. In addition, , I brought a lot of construction materials, and the material cost was saved, and the project cost alone did not cost much."


Su Mo gave an appreciative look: "Try to build the areas you mentioned within three days."

"Yes!" Colin nodded.

"Next, let me talk about other people's arrangements."

Su Mo said in a deep voice:

"First of all, I want to set up an intelligence agency, named Anbu, and the director of Anbu will be Ying Feng."

Upon hearing this, Ying Feng's body trembled.

"The Anbu is mainly responsible for external intelligence and internal surveillance, and occasionally performs assassinations, lurking or protection tasks. Shadow Feng, the Anbu has a heavy responsibility, especially as the Minister of the Anbu, you must be cautious and decisive in killing. Can you shoulder this responsibility?" A duty?"

Ying Feng took a deep breath, and his voice was sonorous and powerful:

"Yingfeng will definitely live up to his master's trust!"

As a member of the Shadow Clan, he has been involved in intelligence work since the day he became an elite shadow dancer.

Investigation, counter-reconnaissance, assassination, lurking, poisoning...

He has done these things many times and is quite experienced in how to form an intelligence team.


Seeing Ying Feng being so confident, Su Mo couldn't help but smile, but he still didn't forget to remind him:

"Ying Feng, the intelligence work in the universe age is very different from the intelligence work you did back home. The biggest difference is the application of various high-tech products."

"After the defense system is completed, I will dispatch a mechanic to assist you to understand and learn the commonly used intelligence tools as soon as possible."

"Also, due to limited manpower, I can only give you 40 ANBU quotas. The members should not be limited to the Shadow Clan. The Dark Moon Clan, which can search memories, and some superpowers can also be your help."

Su Mo's reminder immediately made Ying Feng realize his own problem, and he said repeatedly: "I understand, Master."

"Just call me leader!"

Su Mo smiled and continued: "Man Shan, let's talk about your arrangements next."

Manshan straightened his body and opened his eyes slightly.

"You first select 20 people from the ice barbarians to form a guard team. Soon I will announce the rules of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, detailing what can and cannot be done."

"And your mission is to strengthen patrol supervision, catch those who violate the group rules, and punish them in accordance with the regulations!"

Hearing this, Man Shan excitedly beat his chest:

"Make sure to complete the mission."


Su Mo smiled and nodded. The people of the Ice Barbarians are a bit stubborn, or in other words, stubborn, so they are very suitable for this kind of internal supervision work.

In addition, according to his assumption, although the Anbu also had internal surveillance rights, they had no internal law enforcement rights. Even if problematic bugs were found, they would be captured or punished by the Imperial Guards.

This was of course done to limit the power of the ANBU.

History has proven that when intelligence agencies have the power to wield a guillotine internally, the outcome is often not good.

"Next, it's time to talk about the responsibilities of leading cadres."

"Mr. Andolfo, in the recent period, you can actively participate in mage exchange meetings, make more friends, and expand your network of contacts."

Su Mo smiled and said: "In addition, I know that you have a lot of research on pharmacy. In your spare time, it is best to make a batch, whether it is for your own use or for sale to outsiders. I will give you corresponding internal contribution points. "


Andolf stroked his beard and said with a smile, he is now looking forward to saving up 10,000 contribution points and regaining his freedom as soon as possible.

"Also, if I'm not here one day, for example, if I go out on a mission, then the mercenary group will need you to take control of the overall situation."

Su Mo said sternly: "Master Andolf once served as the Duke of the Kingdom and governed a territory much larger than Hongfeng Ridge. His life wisdom, experience and experience are a valuable asset to us, whether I am here or If you are not here, everyone must maintain enough respect for Master Andolf."


Everyone nodded in unison, even Ming, whose strength was not inferior to Andolfo, had no objection to this decision.

Hearing this, Andolfo smiled slightly, and there was a touch of relief and touch in his bright blue eyes.

"Ming, now that Master Andolfo is here, your personal combat power can be freed up."

Su Mo looked at Ming and said: "We are a mercenary group after all. We need to undertake mercenary missions to improve our reputation and reputation and attract talents to join. From now on, the field force will be left to you, mainly responsible for undertaking missions."


Ming nodded slightly.

"Jin Zhan~"

Su Mo looked at Jin Zhan and said: "You were a professional officer of the Crody Civilization before, and you have rich experience in interstellar special operations. Therefore, I appointed you to serve as the chief instructor of the Holy Light Mercenary Regiment and strictly conduct strict training on subordinate members. military training to improve their personal military qualities and abilities."

"Whether it is ANBU, Imperial Guards, or field troops, they must learn and train from Jin Zhan in the early stage."


Ying Feng, Man Shan, Ming, and Jin Zhan responded in unison.

Ying Feng, Man Shan and Ming knew clearly that they were from lower planets, and although their strength was not weak, their tactical thinking and military literacy were definitely far behind that of the professional officers from the interstellar civilization, Jin Zhan.

Therefore, they need to learn as soon as possible to make up for their weaknesses in this area to adapt to more intense and intense interstellar combat.

For Jin Zhan, being an instructor was a job he had done before, and he was familiar with the job, so he naturally accepted the appointment with great satisfaction.

"Lao Mei!"

Immediately afterwards, Su Mo looked at Merced and said with a smile: "In our mercenary group, apart from Colin, you are the one who is most familiar with Zatanvi. In the future, I hope you will take on the responsibility of an advisor and help everyone get rid of the evil." Clear up doubts.”

Unlike Ming, Andolfo and others, Merced was a slave he bought, and unlike Colin, he was a talent who took the initiative with a certain purpose.

Su Mo is still not sure whether Mercedes will join the Holy Light Mercenary Group, so he should be more conservative about his arrangements.


Mercedes smiled, feeling a little stirred in his heart.

In the past two days, he witnessed with his own eyes how Su Mo miraculously developed a newly registered two-person team into the Holy Light Mercenary Group that now has hundreds of members in Hongmaple Ridge and assets exceeding one million.

In addition, he also admired Su Mo's gentle and generous yet cautious and decisive style of conduct.

Will the Holy Light Mercenary Group be my final destination?

Mercedes murmured inwardly, somewhat hesitant.

"The above-mentioned commander-level cadres can select 5-10 members on their own to help you complete your duties. As for Hutao and Mondo, they will stay with me for the time being and no additional arrangements will be made."

Su Mo said sternly, Hu Tao and Meng Duo, two foodies, were certainly good at fighting, but they were not mature enough to be independent, so he just let them follow him.

Hutao and Mondo are very satisfied with this arrangement.

They don't want to do those messy things, which sounds like a headache.

It would be better to have someone to eat and sleep with Su Mo. It would be much more comfortable than others.

"That's what everyone's arrangements are. By the way, let's talk about one more thing."

Su Mo said: "From now on, Colin will be responsible for the exclusive bank account of the mercenary group. If you need to spend money, please go to Colin directly for approval. Of course, I will also review the purpose."

Hearing this, Colin was overjoyed and handed over the financial power to himself. This was a sign of the leader's trust in him.

He will definitely perform his duties seriously, ensure that every penny of the mercenary group is used effectively, and work hard to generate revenue for the organization!

"Then let's do it."


Following Su Mo's instructions, the mercenary group started turning rapidly like gears.

With three mechanics and many engineers, Geforth began to deploy and control the Skynet territory defense system, including 20,000 Hummingbird detectors, 10,000 guard robots, 100 Olsen special warfare energy combination cannons and many other armed accessories. Distributed in every corner of Hongmaple Ridge, Hongmaple Ridge is gradually built into an airtight war fortress.

Colin contacted the cooperative builder of the Megan family and outsourced the construction project in Red Maple City at a very friendly price. In less than two hours, the engineering team rushed to the site and started construction in full swing.

Shadow Frontier first selected 20 Shadow Clan cronies, and then had serious exchanges with the Ice Barbarians, Dark Moon Clan, and many superpowers. He was not in a hurry to fill the 40 ANBU quota.

ANBU members must be careful and cautious, so he must first understand the abilities and temperaments of all members and select suitable candidates.

Compared to Yingfeng, Manshan was very casual and directly selected 20 brothers to form the first batch of imperial guards.

Ming and Andolf did not rush to take action, but carefully consulted Merced about the power structure of Zatanvi, the mercenary work process and other matters.

Jin Zhan found a quiet place and conceived a military training plan for the Holy Light Mercenary Regiment. He is a soldier who treats orders meticulously. Even if he is not in the military camp now, his attitude towards doing things will not change.

Compared to these people, Hu Tao and Meng Duo were very leisurely. They followed Su Mo while patrolling the whole place and eating the food that had just been delivered.

The relationship between the two foodies, one big and one small, also heated up rapidly in this environment.

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