Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 188 Core Team Surprise

"..., the Holy Light Mercenary Group has now established a firm foothold."

"Ma'am, that's what happened."

"Okay, I understand, the money will be transferred to your account soon."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Jingjing, who are you communicating with?" White Ghost asked as he looked at Jingjing, who had just withdrawn from the virtual universe.

Ju Jing sighed: "I have a lover who just asked me for money~"

White Ghost shook his head helplessly.

You Jing, this guy, just can’t control his lower body and has dozens of lovers at one go. No wonder you cry about poverty every day~

"White Ghost, what do you mean, boss? Are we going to continue to deal with the Holy Light Mercenary Group next?" Wei Jing asked.

When the word "holy light" was mentioned, Bai Ghost's face suddenly darkened.

"The boss didn't say it, but I think that the Holy Light Mercenary Group must not be allowed to continue to develop, otherwise it will definitely become a serious problem for me, Bai Ye."

Although he didn't like Holy Light in his heart, he had to admit that this was a powerful opponent that combined ability, mind, and skill.

The mercenary group was established only two days ago and already had several leading cadres and hundreds of subordinates.

Without spending a single soldier, they easily pushed back Bai Ye and Ghost Wolf's encirclement and suppression.

Having such a powerful neighbor by our side is really making it difficult to sleep and eat well, so we must get rid of it as soon as possible.

"Well, what you said makes sense!"

Ji Jing nodded in approval, but a strange color flashed deep in his eyes.

Mercenary City~

Madam Theresa dialed the optical phone and said calmly:

"Colin, you can leave now~"

"Yes, Grandma."

A young voice came from the other end of the phone.

The powerful enemy retreated, and the atmosphere at the scene immediately became relaxed and warm.

The Shadow Clan, Ice Barbarian Clan, and Dark Moon Clan were very excited when they saw new compatriots joining them. They gathered in several waves and started talking animatedly.

And many people with super powers gathered together spontaneously and had a great time communicating.

"Hello, my name is Ying Feng, from the Santan tribe."

"Brother Yingfeng, I have heard of your name. I come from the Horn tribe next door to you. My aunt married into your Santan tribe. Her name is Yingwei."

"Wow, Aunt Zhi is your aunt, so we are still related. My name is Yingyu, you can just call me Sister Xiaoyu."

"Okay, Sister Xiaoyu!"

"Brothers, this is our eldest brother Manshan, we will be a family from now on."

"Brother Manshan, let me ask you quietly, is our master easy to get along with?"

"Master, you are fine. Besides, the food and accommodation here are good, so you can relax."

"Brother Manshan, we will hang out with you from now on!"

"Brother Ming, your hands have grown back, that's great!"

"Master Ming, wuwu, I didn't expect that I would be alive to see you~"

"Master Ming, I am Ji Liang from the Guihai lineage. Please take good care of me in the future!"

"Dude, what is your superpower?"

"Bone Control, I can extract bones and use them as weapons."

"Ah, what if you are calcium deficient?"


Su Mo glanced around the audience with a smile and sighed inwardly.

From today on, his core team has been officially formed.

The Shadow Clan, the elves in the night, are naturally the first candidates for intelligence agencies, responsible for building intelligence networks, investigations, assassinations and other underground work.

Ice barbarians, with well-developed limbs and simple minds, are most suitable as guards.

The Dark Moon tribe are natural telepaths. They can join intelligence agencies and search for enemy memories. They can also join peripheral armed forces, fight in both north and south, and undertake mercenary hiring tasks.

As for the remaining superpowers, he carefully selected them. Everyone's superpower potential is above level B. If they are properly cultivated, they will have more development options in the future than the above three races.

He would not spend money on slaves again for a long time to come.

Buying slaves is just for emergencies, to get through the most dangerous period in the early stage and to gain a firm footing.

Next, he will start to vigorously build the territory, take on mercenary tasks, improve his reputation and reputation, and let talents take the initiative to invest. This is the most correct and fastest-growing path for a mercenary group.

Of course, with the dual factors of the slave chip and the first batch of veterans, these people in front of him must be the most trusted by him.

Bang bang bang~

Su Mo clapped his hands and shouted:

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!"

Hearing Su Mo's voice, everyone immediately shut up and looked at him.

"Our mercenary group has more than 200 new members. Many of these people are your compatriots. It is understandable that you are excited. Next, I will give everyone enough time to communicate and reminisce."

"But now, I want to introduce a few commander-level cadres to everyone."

The first one, Su Mo patted Mondo next to him and said:

"Mundo, a Monlite, codenamed Beast. On the system background of the Mercenary Alliance, there are only two people in the Holy Light Mercenary Group: Mondo and I."

"The leader of the middle-level superpower has the ability [hardening of the body]. Among the same level, few people can break his defense."

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately realized that the burly man with green face and fangs in front of them was not only the No. 2 veteran of the mercenary group, but also the group leader's closest confidant.

Immediately afterwards, Su Mo introduced Mercedes in the order of recognition.

"Mercede, the consultant of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, is the leader of the high-level space magicians. He made great contributions when the mercenary group was first established. In addition, thanks to his presence this time, I was able to avoid enemy surveillance and quietly stay away. Go to the mercenary city and bring back more helpers, otherwise our mercenary group will be really in danger."

Bang bang bang~

The scene burst into warm applause, and everyone looked at Mercedes with respect and gratitude.

Oh, space magician?

On the side, Andolfo looked at Merced in surprise, and Merced turned her head at this moment and met his gaze.

The two magicians smiled at each other and nodded in friendship.

"The next one, Ming, is the peak commander-level telekinesis master of the Dark Moon clan. In yesterday's battle, he fought one against two and captured the opponent's commander-level telekinesis master. At the same time, he also helped Mondo quickly eliminate the other two commander-level martial arts masters. , great achievements in battle."

"Master Ming is mighty!!!"

The Dark Moon tribesmen applauded and cheered very much.

Ming's eyes twitched and he chose to remain cold and silent.

"Next, Walnut!"

Su Mo touched Hu Tao's little head out of habit.

The new members who had just arrived couldn't help but look surprised when they saw that the little girl next to the group leader was also a commander-level expert.

"Hu Tao's training system is very special. She has no strength and relies entirely on physical combat, but this does not affect her combat effectiveness at all. Yesterday, Hu Tao easily defeated a leading mid-level martial artist."


The newcomers exclaimed again and again, looking at Hu Tao with wide eyes.

It's incredible that such a fair and tender little girl could defeat the leading middle-level martial artist.

"Haha, that ugly monster yesterday was too weak. I have killed many stronger enemies."

As soon as Hutao became proud, she started laughing with her arms akimbo again, which made Su Mo hold his forehead... Who taught her this move?

At this time, many people whispered in the ears of the new compatriots, introducing Hutao's "great achievements" last night.

The newcomer's eyes nearly dropped when he heard that Hu Tao had eaten tons of food by himself.

Oh my god, this is simply a humanoid beast~

"Next, Master Andolfo~"

In an instant, everyone focused their attention on the tall, slim and elegant old man.

"Mage Andolfo comes from a certain magical civilization. He is a peak commander-level magician. He is proficient in multiple elements of magic. He also has in-depth research on potions. He is knowledgeable and is a true wise man."

As soon as these words came out, the scene was immediately moved.

This turned out to be a peak commanding magician!

Everyone knows that the two professions of magician and mechanic are inseparable from the continuous acquisition of knowledge. Those who can achieve outstanding achievements in these two fields must have wisdom as deep and broad as the ocean.

Feeling the respectful gazes around him, Andolfo made an elegant mage ceremony, feeling filled with emotion in his heart.

As a well-known great mage in the kingdom, he never thought that one day he would become a slave and be picked and sold like goods.

He was so proud and unwilling to live in such humiliation that he once tried to take his own life.

However, under the strict supervision of the slave owner, he not only failed, but also suffered pain that he still dare not recall.

Immediately afterwards, the slave owner threatened his student to make him give up his suicide plan.

In desperation, he could only continue to live in humiliation in that small dark room. Until today, he finally found his buyer, a friendly young man.

This young man not only bought him, but also bought his five students very considerately. There was no slightest contempt in his words and deeds, but full respect.

All kinds of actions and attitudes made him very grateful.

"Next, Gefus~"

Before Su Mo could introduce him, Geforth himself raised his voice and said boldly:

"I am the commander of a high-level gunnery division. I have been a bounty hunter before. My three favorite things are drinking, sleeping with women, and playing Wien cards. Those who like drinking and playing cards can always come to me, but women will not follow you. Shared, haha!”

ha? He is actually a gunner~

Looking at Gefusi, who was as vulgar and wild as a star thief, the corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help but twitch.

Gunnery division is a branch of mechanics. They use lethal guns and cannons as their main weapons, and are especially good at long-distance sniping.

Although there is no way to compare with those rich mechanics of the Legion, gunners still need to master a lot of knowledge and technology so that they can continuously create more powerful weapons and transform and upgrade old weapons.

However, no matter what, no one can connect the bearded Gefuss who likes drinking, playing cards and women with the gunner who also represents wisdom.

Look at Master Andolfo, and then look at you~

It's so... so inconsistent!

This guy~

Su Mo shook his head speechlessly. Geforth's strength and talent were both good. [Heavy Firepower Proficiency] was very suitable for his job as a gunner. His style was just like that of a star thief.

Of course, there are people with all kinds of personalities in the universe, as long as Geforth is serious about his service and doesn't let those hobbies interfere with business.

"The last one, Jin Zhan."

Su Mo stood next to Jin Zhan and introduced: "Jin Zhan is a high-level martial arts master who is good at metal martial arts. He was a professional officer before. You can often ask him for advice on tactical cooperation."

Jin Zhan nodded to everyone and said nothing.

Unlike Ming, who is cold and arrogant, Jin Zhan is a taciturn person. He has not said a word since he walked out of the slave shop until now.

Su Mo bought Jin Zhan not only because of his cost-effectiveness and commanding high-level strength, but the price was less than half of that of Gefus of the same level, but also because of his excellent talent.

Andolf, Gefus, and Jin Zhan were all carefully selected by him through the [Eye of Insight], and each of them has a unique talent.

Andolfo's talent is called [Arcane Heart], and his ability to understand, learn, and control magic is far beyond ordinary people.

Geforth's talent is called [Heavy Firearms Mastery], which provides additional attribute bonuses when building and using heavy firepower machinery.

Jin Zhan’s talent is called [Hegemony], which has the dual effects of damage reduction and control effect reduction.

He has already thought about Jin Zhan's arrangements.

In the future, as the number of mercenary groups increases, they will definitely undertake some war mercenary, armed escort, and various ground combat tasks.

It's definitely not possible to swarm like bandits without formation or tactics.

Therefore, he needs an instructor to train his subordinate mercenaries and teach them formation, tactics, and cooperation to deal with various emergencies.

Then, Jin Zhan, who has experience as a professional officer and is powerful, is undoubtedly the best candidate.

In the future, more and more people will join the Holy Light Mercenary Group. Newcomers must pass the training of Jin Zhan before they can become regular members.

"Finally, let me introduce myself to everyone again."

Su Mo said sternly: "My name is Su Mo, codenamed Holy Light. I am an elite peak superpower user. I am good at treatment and assistance. I can heal all internal injuries, external injuries, and soul injuries. Even if it is a severed hand or foot, I can heal it." Let it grow back. In addition, my frontal combat ability is also good, which I will let you see in the future."

The last sentence was automatically ignored by everyone.

How strong can a healing-assisted superpower be in frontal combat?

In yesterday's battle, Su Mo showed a variety of BUFF abilities and super healing abilities, but no one saw him having a head-on confrontation with any enemy.

Therefore, everyone still has doubts about Su Mo's fighting ability, but no one will show it.

"From now on, just call me leader."

Su Mo continued: "Although I bought you all as slaves, I prefer to regard you as a member of the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

"Random beatings, insults, and bullying will never happen here, but I must emphasize that respect is mutual. If some people think that I have a good temper, they will dare to bully me and ignore the tasks assigned to me. If he does something, or even causes trouble, then I will let him experience what the real hell-level torture is."

At the end of his speech, his tone was cold, like a gust of cold wind, instantly giving everyone goosebumps.

Seeing the fear in his subordinate's eyes and being frightened by his power, Su Mo nodded slightly and said:

"Finally, I want to tell the new members a good thing~"

"The Holy Light Mercenary Group has an internal contribution point system. As long as you perform your duties seriously and complete the assigned tasks, you can obtain the corresponding contribution points. When someone's contribution points reach 10,000, I will remove the slave chip. Let him be free again."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunder that exploded in the newcomer's mind.

All the newcomers, including Andolfo, Gefus and Jin Zhan, looked at Su Mo with great shock and excitement, their hearts churning.

Be free again!

I actually have a chance to be free again! ! !

is this real?

Feeling the doubtful, ecstatic, and excited eyes, Su Mo smiled slightly:

"Is it true? You can ask the people around you. Everyone got their first contribution points yesterday."

"It's true, I already have 20 contribution points."

"I have 45 points and rank 97. This is the contribution point ranking list. Our Master Ming ranks first!"

The members who participated in the battle yesterday happily shared with the newcomers, with pride and pride on their faces. They only came a day early, but they already had the sense of superiority of old employees.

After all, we have contributed to the group and shed blood~

It turns out to be true!

Andolfo was in a state of excitement.

After many people bought slaves, they squeezed them to death, eager to squeeze out every piece of flesh and blood from the slaves.

As for Su Mo, he not only treated others with kindness, but also gave them the opportunity to regain their freedom.

How can such magnanimity and structure not be admirable?

The Grand Magister secretly made up his mind to save 10,000 points as soon as possible and remove the slave chip from the back of his head. Although Su Mo respected him very much, who would be willing to live with a slave chip?


Jin Zhan lowered his head, and the cute smiling face of a little girl appeared in his mind.

Nini, wait for dad, I will definitely find you.

"Okay, let's talk freely next!"

Su Mo waved his hand.

"Mage Andolfo~"

Mercedes walked up to Andolfo and said politely: "Can I share some magic experience with you~"

Andolf stroked his silver beard and said with a smile:

"Of course, I wish for it."

During this time, he has learned that the Dharma God realm that he has been pursuing for hundreds of years is called the natural disaster level in the universe. Above the natural disaster, there is a more terrifying realm, the God King level.

On this planet called Zatanvi, there are several natural disaster-level magicians.

Therefore, he is willing to communicate more with magicians from other civilizations and other schools to broaden his horizons, which may help him take that crucial step.

"Mr. Andolfo, there is a magic union in the mercenary city. Wizard exchange meetings are held regularly there to share experiences, discuss problems, and you can also purchase advanced magic knowledge. If you are interested, we will go there together in a few days. Go?" Mercedes suggested with a smile.

Andolfo's eyes lit up, "Then I'll trouble Mage Merced."

Mercedes smiled and said: "You are older than me and stronger than me. Just call me Lao Mei."

"Su Mo, I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

Hutao hugged Su Mo's thigh like a sloth, pitifully.

Hungry again~

The corners of Su Mo's eyes twitched. He was most afraid of saying the word "hungry" from Hu Tao's mouth. He felt his blood pressure rise as soon as he heard it.

"Hu Tao, weren't you 90% full after eating just a few hours ago? Why are you hungry again now?"

Su Mo said helplessly.

Hutao rubbed his belly and muttered: "I don't know why it gets hungry so fast."

"Su Mo, you told me that you can still have enough to eat today, don't lie to me~"

Su Mo said feebly: "Okay, just wait, I'll get you something to eat."

"Yeah, brother Su Mo, you are the best!" Hu Tao said with a smile.

Hehe, if nothing happens, Su Mo, if anything happens, just call Brother Su Mo~

This little girl, I have seen through you~

Su Mo waved to the chef on the side and asked him to start preparing everyone's breakfast.

However, at this moment, Pooh suddenly issued a reminder.

"Master, the air defense system has issued an alarm, and several large transport airships are flying towards here."

Hearing this, Su Mo frowned.

In the mercenary city, in addition to buying slaves and weapons, he also bought a complete territorial all-round defense system.

The equipment is installed in the old city and emits microwaves to the surroundings, including the sky and the ground, all the time. If a foreign object approaches, the equipment will sound an alarm.

"However, looking at the logos on the airship, they come from the Megan family, which is Madame Theresa's family." Pooh added.

Madame Theresa?

Su Mo's eyes lit up. Could it be that the subsequent 200,000 yuan is about to arrive?

Out of caution, he still asked all members to gather together and prepare for defense. He quietly watched several transport airships land in a large open space next to the old city.


After the cabin door opened, only one person walked out. It was a fair-looking young man, with no wrinkles in his neat clothes. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and was polite. He walked quickly towards Su Mo.

"Mr. Holy Light~"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the young man walked up to Su Mo, bowed slightly respectfully, and introduced himself:

"My name is Colin, from the Megan family. Madam Theresa sent me to deliver a batch of supplies to you and deliver the remaining balance of 200,000 innars to you."

"Hello Colin!"

Su Mo smiled and stretched out his hand, saying friendly: "Thank you, madam, for sponsoring our Holy Light Mercenary Group."

Colin held Su Mo's hand and said:

"Mr. Shengguang, the list of supplies for this batch has been sent to you for the smart optical brain. Please check it."

"Pooh, tune it out and let me take a look."


When Su Mo saw the long list of supplies, he was immediately shocked.

Small aircraft: 20

Medium aircraft: 5

Dark blue laser gun: 1000

Olsen Special Warfare Energy Combination Cannon: 100 pieces

Skynet territory defense system: 1 set

Guardian robot: 10,000

Hummingbird Detector: 20,000

Una alloy combat knife: 1000 knives

Special steel construction alloy: 200,000 tons

High-energy grain reserve: 500 tons

Frozen pig meat: 20 tons

Purple berries: 3,000 pounds

Chef: 20 people

Secretary: 20 people

Beauty: 40 people


Su Mo turned to look at Colin, breathing slightly quickly: "The value of these materials should be more than 200,000 innars."

Colin nodded and said:

"Yes, the total value of this batch of supplies is around 450,000, but this is an additional investment from Madam for you and is not included in the remaining 200,000."

"I will transfer this 200,000 to your account now."

Soon, Su Mo received the news that 200,000 yuan had arrived.


Seeing the extra numbers on the account, Su Mo felt really excited and complicated.

He did not expect that Madam Theresa would be so generous. Not only did she pay the remaining 200,000 yuan, but she also gave him a large amount of supplies worth 450,000 innars.

The total of the two sponsorships was close to 1 million, which made him feel quite stressed.

"Mr. Shengguang, all the supplies are in place and stored in several transport airships. You can go and inspect them."

Colin said politely: "In addition, I have an unkind favor."

"Please speak~"

Su Mo said peacefully.

Of course, he would try his best to satisfy the God of Wealth's request.

Colin said seriously: "I want to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group as an individual."


Hearing this, Su Mo's face showed surprise.

(The system's combat power evaluation has been slightly modified. B- represents the beginning level, B level represents the intermediate level, B+ represents the high level, and B++ represents the peak level)

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