Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 186: Redeem a person and get a huge sum of money

Half an hour later, several airships came with faint blue energy shields and appeared above Hongfeng Old City.

"They're coming!"

Su Mo looked up and the corners of his mouth curved.


The airship landed not far away, the hatch opened, and hundreds of people filed out, looking at the Holy Light Mercenary Group from afar.

"He is the Ghost Wolf, Waldav~"

Su Mo looked at the man in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

Ghost Wolf Waldav is a man with a strong build. He seems to have werewolf blood in his body. He has green pupils, a slightly protruding mouth, and his exposed skin is covered with dense black hair.

[Eye of Insight] shows that Wodav is a B+ level superpower, his ability is called [Storm], and he has B+ level potential.

"The boss is here!"

"The boss is here to save us!"

Seeing the ghost wolf boss leading all the brothers to save themselves, many prisoners were extremely excited, but they were too weak now and their voices were weak.

"Ghost Wolf, are you ready for the 500,000 Inar ransom I want?" Su Mo said with a faint smile.

What! 500,000 Inar!

Upon hearing this number, the prisoners immediately became nervous.

Because they know that for the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group, 500,000 is not an astronomical figure, but it will at least occupy more than 70% of the working capital.

Boss, are you really willing to pay a huge sum of 500,000 to redeem everyone?

"Holy Light, Su Mo!"

Ghost Wolf looked at Su Mo gloomily and said hoarsely:

"500,000, you are really a lion with a big mouth!"

Su Mo shrugged: "You can also choose not to pay, but..."

With a wave of his hand, hundreds of silver spatial sharp blades suddenly appeared above the prisoner's head, with their tips facing downwards, and could be struck down at any time.

"These men of yours will not survive."

For a moment, the scene was completely silent. Both the prisoners and the newly arrived members of the Ghost Wolf mercenary group were all watching the Ghost Wolf nervously.


Ghost Wolf's face was so gloomy that he could almost shed tears.

Now, he can be said to be riding a tiger with difficulty.

By paying the 500,000 ransom, the mercenary group's cash flow will be seriously insufficient, which will greatly affect his subsequent development plans.

But if he does not pay the ransom, it means that he will lose more than 400 subordinates, including 4 commander-level cadres, which will not only hurt his muscles and bones, but also chill all his subordinates.

"Holy Light, 500,000 is too high. I can't raise that much money in a short time."

Ghost Wolf also wanted to lower the price, but Su Mo didn't tolerate him.

"For less than ten thousand, I'll chop off one head, starting with your deputy commander." Su Mo said calmly.

Hearing this, Ghost Wolf's teeth almost shattered.

Holy Light, you wait.

You have the life to take this money, but not the life to spend it!

"Okay, just 500,000!"

Ghost Wolf looked at Su Mo deeply and said hoarsely:

"But how can I guarantee that you won't attack my members after you get the money?"

Su Mo: "It's simple. 500,000 will be paid in 5 installments. Every time you pay me 100,000, I will give you back a commander-level cadre, plus 80 ordinary members."


Ghost Wolf decisively agreed. This kind of transaction can reassure both parties.

Just wait, when my people come back, your Holy Light Mercenary Group will die.

A flash of murderous intent flashed in the green pupils, and Ghost Wolf transferred the first one hundred thousand into the Universe Bank account given by Su Mo.

"100,000 has arrived~"

Su Mo smiled, waved his hand and said, "Take the person over."

More than 40 ice barbarian warriors came out, pulled up the prisoners sitting on the ground, carried one in each hand, and then took the five-eyed demon and walked towards the opposite side.

At this time, Ghost Wolf discovered something was wrong.

The prisoners' hands and feet were all hanging down, and they were being dragged away.

It was obvious that their limbs were broken.

"Holy Light, what have you done!!!" Ghost Wolf roared angrily.

Su Mo smiled and said: "Why, can I still let them go back intact and then turn around and deal with me?"

"Isn't it just to cut off the hands and feet? Just build a few healing cabins and that's it. Are your Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group so poor that you can't even afford a healing cabin?"

Cluck cluck~~

Ghost Wolf's chest rose and fell, and he clenched his fists loudly.

Su Mo's arrangement put his plan on hold.

With the burden of more than 400 people with severed limbs, how can he take revenge?

"What do you mean? Are you still going to redeem people?" Su Mo said with a smile.

No need to guess, he could know what the ghost wolf was thinking.

All members are dispatched, do you want to bully the few and annihilate our Holy Light Mercenary Group in one fell swoop?

Eat your shit!

He didn't believe that Ghost Wolf dared to abandon these prisoners who had been redeemed with huge sums of money, and insisted on encircling and suppressing the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

If this is the case, then let Merced teleport the others away, and he, Mundo, Ming, and Hutao will select these prisoners to kill.

Anyway, with Mercedes, a commander-level space mage, they can come and leave whenever they want.

As for the seven commander-level cadres of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Regiment, they do not pose much of a threat.


Ghost Wolf almost said these two words from between his teeth.

He is now in a difficult situation. No matter how distressed he is, he still wants to redeem everyone.

Reputation is very important to a mercenary group.

If he gave up his old brother who had been with him for more than ten years because of 400,000 innars, then within half a day, his title of cold-blooded and ruthless ghost wolf would be spread throughout the mercenary circle.

By then, almost no mercenary would consider joining the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group.

Hearing the ghost wolf shouting to continue, the remaining prisoners heaved a sigh of relief.

The second payment of 100,000 yuan was made to Su Mo's account, and Bloodthorn and more than 80 members were brought to the Ghost Wolf camp.

The third payment of 100,000 yuan was exchanged for the Insect martial artist and more than 80 prisoners.

The fourth payment was 100,000 yuan, but there were only more than 80 prisoners.

With the fifth payment of 100,000 yuan, the deputy captain, the Skinner, plus all the remaining prisoners, returned.

After the transaction was completed, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became extremely solemn.

Hundreds of people from the Holy Light Mercenary Group stood together, with the small space teleportation array just drawn by Mercede beneath their feet. As long as there was a slight abnormality on the other side, the teleportation array would be activated immediately, sending away all members below the commander level.

"Boss, should we take action?"

A commander-level captain asked in a low voice beside Ghost Wolf.

Ghost Wolf said in a deep voice: "How are their health? Are there any problems?"

"I just checked. In addition to the broken limbs, everyone is particularly weak. It seems that someone has drained their strength in some way."

"Is it a big impact?"

"Replenish your energy, rest for two days and you should be fine~"

"okay, I get it."

Ghost Wolf looked at Su Mo from a distance, his eyes flickering, and finally he made a decision.


Anyway, the Holy Light Mercenary Group cannot escape, so there is no need to fight to the death with the opponent right now.

After all subordinates recover, it will not be too late to retaliate.

In addition, he has not forgotten that in addition to the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group, there is also a mercenary group, and he does not want to see a new master in Hongmaple Ridge.



After hearing the order, many people were relieved and quickly boarded the airship with their companions who had lost their hands and feet.

"Just let them go like this?"

Hutao clenched her little fists, as if she had the urge to keep someone.

She hadn't had all her fun just now~

Fortunately, Su Mo held her head down in time and said:

"Don't worry, you will take action later."

Even though the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group lost 400 people and 4 commander-level cadres, their remaining comprehensive combat power is still superior to our own.

The high-end combat power can probably be equal to each other, but at the level of ordinary members, 100 vs. 700, there is no way to fight.

What's more, even if he could defeat them, he would not destroy the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group at this time.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group has just started, its own foundation is not stable, and there is a serious shortage of manpower. Therefore, killing all the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group is just to make wedding clothes for others.

In the development stage, a half-dead neighbor is a truly good neighbor.


Hutao pursed his lips and collapsed, then turned to look at Su Mo pitifully: "I'm hungry~"

Being hungry is a big problem.

Su Mo did not forget the promise he made to Hutao. After the battle, he would let the little girl have a big meal.

However, he had a headache when he thought about the terrifying appetite that Hu Tao might have.

Now, where can I buy ingredients and cooking tools?

"Pooh, help me check the food suppliers on this continent to see which one can provide a stable supply of large quantities of goods, and it should be delivered quickly, preferably within an hour."

"Besides, let's contact the builder again. The reconstruction of Hongfeng Old City will begin now."

Looking at the devastated ruins in front of him, Su Mo sighed helplessly.

The buildings in the old city were burned and smashed, and no one survived.

We are not talking about comprehensive reconstruction now, but we should at least build a few houses to give everyone a place to stay.

Fortunately, building a few houses is still very simple for space builders. Using modular construction technology, a qualified residential building can be built within ten minutes.

The aesthetics may be a little lacking, but there is absolutely no problem in ensuring various life functions.

"Okay, I'll contact you."

Pooh responded, and soon he contacted food suppliers and builders.

"The first batch of food will be delivered in about half an hour."

"Builders will be a little slower, maybe an hour."

"Yeah, okay~"

Su Mo nodded and quickly added: "You need more food, everyone here is a big eater."

Ice Barbarian, Mundo, and Walnut are each more edible than the other.

Without any financial strength, I really can't afford to support such a bunch of losers.

"Don't worry, I want a total amount of food that can supply 500 extraordinary people for half a year." Pooh said.

"That's good!"

Su Mo thought about something more and asked, "Winnie, the contribution point system has been built, right?"

"Of course, the contribution points have been distributed to their personal optical brains."

"So fast!"

Su Mo was surprised, but when he thought about it carefully, he realized that this was Pooh.

Whatever is put into his hands, it will be done as quickly as possible, without having to worry about it at all.

The personal optical brains of more than 400 prisoners were all taken off just now, unbound, and distributed to the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

Now, everyone has a smart optical computer, and they have registered a communication number, a cosmic bank account, and an exclusive internal account for the Holy Light Mercenary Group designed by Winnie.

In the background, you can check your contribution point data. If you save 10,000 points, you will be free.

After a battle, Ming has already obtained 300 contribution points, and the remaining members range from ten to dozens of points. The values ​​are determined based on combat performance and the number of enemies killed.

At this point, Pooh has his unique algorithm.

According to Su Mo's vision, everyone will register to become a member of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

Members can form teams with each other and undertake tasks independently.

After completing the task, on the one hand, the members themselves can get personal points of the mercenary alliance, and on the other hand, they can also bring an increase in credit points to the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

The mercenary group will extract 20% of the members' mission cash rewards as organizational funds for territory construction, daily expenses, etc.

The contribution point system designed by Winnie will give points and cash rewards back to the mercenary group based on the difficulty of the member completing the task, and give corresponding contribution point rewards.

When the mercenary group really develops, he will build an exclusive mall for the Holy Light Mercenary Group and display various products. By then, these contribution points will be useful.

For example, in the future, the mechanical products created by Pooh can be put on the internal mall, and I believe they will be favored by the members.

"Attention please!"

Su Mo clapped his hands and said under the gaze of everyone:

"Now, everyone can check your smart optical brain. The contribution point rewards for this battle have been distributed to you. If you save 10,000 points, you can remove the slave chip and return to freedom."

After hearing this, everyone immediately excitedly opened the optical brain to check.

"Oh, there are 300 points, not bad~"

Ming saw the numbers displayed on the optical brain and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In addition to seeing his own contribution points on the optical brain, he can also see the overall ranking of contribution points, and his name is listed at the top.

"I'm 30 o'clock!"

"I have 40 points, haha!"

Everyone was extremely excited to share their points.

The contribution point system has been introduced and implemented, which shows that the owner's commitment is not empty words.

Heal Ming's injuries and try his best to protect everyone in the battle.

Everyone saw what Su Mo did.

They wanted to believe that the new master, who was gentle and friendly to his subordinates, would not deceive everyone.

"Look how many I have, 250 points, haha, I'm second!"

Hutao put her hands on her hips and laughed proudly. Her contribution points ranked second, second only to Ming.

"I have it too."

Mercedes raised his eyebrows. He scored 230 contribution points, ranking third, one place higher than Mundo.

However, what really surprised him was that in such a short period of time, Su Mo came up with such a relatively mature points system and connected it to everyone's intelligent optical brain.

This is not something a superpower can do.

Behind Su Mo, there are most likely other forces silently supporting him.

Thinking of the half-price territory discount that Su Mo enjoyed in the government affairs hall, Mercedes confirmed his idea even more.


Looks like I'm going to be staying a little longer!

Mercedes touched his chin with a meaningful look in his eyes.


Soon, the food company's spaceship landed in Hongfeng Old City.

Boxes of food were brought down, including ready-to-eat dried meat, preserved fruits, snacks, fine wine, freshly made barbecue, fried fish, rice, and some fresh meat, fruits, and vegetables.

In addition to these, the food company also provided several temporary kitchen sets.

The chefs who bought it finally have a place to use. They each show their talents and make their own special dishes for everyone to choose from.

"Brothers from ShadowClan, thank you just now!"

"It's a small matter, come and go!"

"Brother, my name is Manjin, and this is my communication number."

At night, the bonfire was lit.

The Shadow Clan, the Ice Barbarian Clan, the Dark Moon Clan and many other people with powers were all hanging around, chatting happily in small groups.

Carrying a gun together is one of the three pillars of life.

After experiencing a tense and fierce battle, the feelings between the members quickly heated up. Although they are from different planets, different races, and have different cultures, thoughts, and backgrounds, now, they have only one identity, that is, the Holy Light mercenaries. A member of the regiment is a close comrade who can give each other's back.

"Master Ming~"

"Brother Ming~"

Many Dark Moon clan members gathered around Ming, their eyes red, and they even couldn't help but cry loudly, venting all the grievances, humiliations, and depression they had suffered over the years in one breath.

Ming sighed softly and patted their shoulders, his voice cold and firm.

"Within five years, I will definitely take everyone back and wipe out the Shuiyue family with blood!"

"Master Ming, we believe you!"

"Brother Ming, I will work hard to practice!"

The Dark Moon clan members wiped away their tears and swore through gritted teeth that they would repay the blood debt of Yihe's lineage tenfold.

"Brother Shan, thank you for saving me just now, I did it!"

"Haha, we are all brothers, there is no need to be so open to the public."

Manshan, the strongest among the ice barbarians, drank all the wine in the bottle. Ordinary people would get drunk after just three taels of strong wine, but it was like a drink to him, refreshing and quenching his thirst.

The Ice Barbarians live in a world of ice and snow, and they start drinking to ward off the cold when they are one or two years old. Even an ordinary Ice Barbarian can drink four to five kilograms of strong liquor in one breath, let alone extraordinary beings like them.

"Come, come, eat meat. This meat is much more delicious than snow bear meat!"

"Brother, why don't you join them?"

Ying Feng, who was sitting in the corner, looked at his younger brother and sister, Ying Yun and Ying Yu, shook his head slightly and said:

"The crisis has not yet been resolved, we cannot relax our vigilance. Night is the most dangerous time."

"Brother, you are right!"

The second brother Yingyun looked serious: "Tonight, I will stay vigil with you."

"And I!"

Third sister Yingyu held Yingfeng's arm affectionately and said coquettishly: "Brother, I want to learn the Thirteen Shadow Escape Styles~"

A doting smile appeared on Ying Feng's stern face, "Okay, I'll teach you tonight."

"Ugh, no, no, I can't eat anymore!"

A tall and strong ice barbarian retched and spat out the crumbs of rice in his mouth. Then he turned to look at the two fierce men who were still eating and sighed deeply.

The stomachs of these two people are probably not bottomless pits~

"come on! Come on!"

"Come on, don't let a little girl pass you."

Everyone gathered around the bonfire and watched with great interest the spontaneous super-eating competition in front of them.

From the original dozen or so contestants, now there are only two left, Mondo and Hutao.


Two huge roasted lamb legs were placed on the table. Judging by the amount of meat, they weighed at least a dozen kilograms.

Mundo picked up the leg of lamb, slurped it, and devoured it.

And Hutao was not to be outdone. Although the leg of lamb was bigger than her face, she swallowed the whole leg of lamb into her belly from left to right in seven or eight seconds, as if chewing a watermelon, not even the bones were left. The people around were stunned.

"Oh my God, what kind of race is Hutao?"

Mercedes was deeply shocked by Hu Tao's amazing appetite. From the beginning to now, Hu Tao has eaten at least two to three hundred kilograms of meat, and all of this meat was taken from elite-level or even commander-level exotic beasts.

He felt very full after eating more than half a catty, and as for Hutao, it was incredible that his small body could hold so much.

"Maybe this is a gift~"

Su Mo said with a smile.

Ten minutes later, Mondo picked up a piece of steak, opened his mouth again and again, and swallowed hard, but finally put the steak down, sat down on the ground, and said in a low voice:

"I can't eat any more!"

"Haha, I won, I won!"

Hu Tao's mouth was full of oil, and she smiled proudly with her hands on her hips.

Bang bang bang~

There was warm applause, and everyone looked at Hu Tao with admiration.

They finally knew why Hu Tao, who looked like a little girl, was so strong.

You won’t get fat by eating this way, isn’t nutrition all about strength~

"Continue serving, I'm only 30% full!"

Hutao shouted loudly.

Thirty percent full?

For a moment, everyone's expressions were dull.

Su Mo staggered, and a row of black lines appeared on his forehead.

My wallet hurts, it hurts so much!


Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group

"Boss, all brothers' injuries have been cured~" a confidant reported in a low voice.

Ghost Wolf sat on the chair with deep eyes:

"Check your body, is there anything wrong?"

"Their bodies are still very weak and they have not recovered even after being injected with high-energy nutrient solution. However, the doctor said that they should be observed for a few days and they may be fine after a few sleeps. Other than that, there are no other problems."

"That's okay~"

Ghost Wolf didn't pay much attention to it. Being weak was not a big problem. At worst, he could buy some nutritional supplements to replenish his health. He could still afford this amount of money.

"You go down first!" Ghost Wolf waved his hand.


The confidant slowly retreated and closed the door.

The bright moonlight shines through the window, illuminating the ghost wolf's face in half-darkness, as if there is a line splitting through it.

After a long time, Ghost Wolf opened his brain and made a call to apply.


After the application was approved, the optical brain popped up the holographic projection interface, and a masked face appeared on the screen.

"White Night~"

Ghost Wolf said in a deep voice.

This person is none other than Hong Maple Ridge's second neighbor, Bai Ye, the leader of the Bai Ye mercenary group.

Thanks to Boss Mohu for the 2000 point reward

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