Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 180 Angel Investor Madame Teresa

Chapter 180 Angel Investor——Mrs. Teresa

Red Beard Tavern~

"Mercede, are you lying to others again?"

The tavern owner, Red Beard, wiped his wine glass and looked not surprised when he saw Mercedes walking out of the space door.

"How can this be called cheating!"

Mercede sat across from Red Beard with a dazzling look, and said with a smile: "This is called asking rookies to pay tuition. Anyway, they are being cheated. It would be better to be cheated by me, Lao Mei. At least I only seek wealth and not life."

Redbeard shook his head: "There are so many falsehoods, but you have to be careful and be careful not to encounter hard problems."

"Don't worry~"

Mercedes waved his hand nonchalantly, "I'm just looking for people to choose, and I only choose people with good personalities. Even if I'm caught, I'll just have to pay the money, so I won't lose my life. What's more, I, Lao Mei, am a space magician. Master, who can catch me?"

"Quick, give me a glass of hell's blood. I just made 1,000 yuan, so I can spend a lot of money with you."

"Okay, I'll be ready soon!"

The red beard turned around and carefully mixed the glass of special mixed wine, while Mercedes leisurely crossed his legs and looked left and right to see if there was anyone to brag about.

At this moment, a faint laughter came from behind.

"Consultant Merced, are you looking for me?"

For a moment, Mercedes' body stiffened, and then he twisted his neck mechanically, and saw the young face with a smile on his lips, and the expressionless muscular man beside him.

"Haha, Su Mo, what a coincidence, I meet you here again."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Merced's face.

Su Mo sat next to him, put one hand on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Unfortunately, I came here specifically to see you."

"I didn't expect you, Lao Mei, to be a space magician. You are very talented~"

There are many schools of magicians, such as elemental mage, battle mage, summoning mage, etc. Under each school, there are at least hundreds of small branches.

Among these vast and complex magic systems, some branches test the talent of the magician.

Not talented enough, not even qualified to practice.

Among them is the space magic practiced by Mercedes.

Space is undoubtedly the most complex, mysterious and difficult to understand of all elements, and its equal name is time.

But so far, I have only heard that some cosmic treasures have the ability to change time. In addition, even the God King Magician cannot touch the time realm.

Therefore, Mercedes can become a space magician, and he is also a commander-level space magician, and his talent is evident.

I just don’t know why such a person would become a well-known deceiver.


At this time, Redbeard placed the mixed hell blood in front of Mercedes, with a playful look in his eyes, as if to say, this time he encountered a tough problem, right?

"Ahem, Su Mo, you misunderstood me."

Mercedes pushed the Blood of Hell in front of Su Mo with a serious look on his face: "I just wanted to bring you a cup of my favorite special cocktail, that's it, the Blood of Hell."

"This is the signature of the Red Beard Tavern. You can only buy it here. I wanted to go back quickly and wait for the wine to be mixed before taking it back to the Oak Tavern. I didn't expect you to come here."

"Really? Then I'm going to have a good taste."

Su Mo picked up the wine glass and took a sip. It was soft and refreshing, and the taste was slightly sweet. The overall feeling was quite good.

After drinking the blood of hell, Su Mo nodded with satisfaction: "This wine is indeed quite good."

"Yeah, haha~"

Lao Mei smiled, the corners of her eyes twitching slightly.

Drinking wine worth 30 innars in one gulp is a waste of money.

He finally realized that the kid in front of him was not a little sheep at all, but a little fox in sheep's clothing, full of ghosts and ghosts.

But then again, how did Su Mo find me?

Could it be that he left some spiritual mark on me?

Mercedes quietly used his mental power to explore every inch of his body, but found nothing.


Hey, I still don’t believe it, my Mercedes can be manipulated by a little rookie like you.

"Su Mo~"

Mercedes looked serious: "Thank you for thinking so highly of me, but I am the wind of freedom and will never be constrained by the outside world. Goodbye."

After saying that, Merced's body trembled, and his eyes quickly lost their brightness.

In about a second, his body seemed to be petrified and turned into a gray stone statue.

Seeing this, Su Mo raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Pooh, what's this trick?"

Pooh said: "The puppet clone technique commonly used by magicians."

The puppet clone technique is interesting!

The corner of Su Mo's mouth raised. He was not in a hurry to find Mercedes. Instead, he ordered two special drinks from Red Beard. He and Mondo had one each and sat at the bar to savor it.

Seeing this, Redbeard couldn't help but sigh.

Mercedes, you may be in trouble this time.


"Humph, you still want to find me and dream about me."

Mercedes walked struttingly down the street, not only had her clothes changed, but she also exuded a strong scent of perfume.

Since Su Mo didn't plant a spiritual imprint on himself, he most likely tracked it through some physical means.

The first thing that comes to mind is the smell.

Therefore, he changed all his clothes and sprayed on strong perfume. Sure enough, after more than an hour, Su Mo really didn't come after him.

Humph, you still want to fight me, but you are far behind~

Mercedes chuckled proudly.

"Lao Mei, you are a man and you wear such a strong perfume."

Suddenly, a slightly disgusted voice sounded in his ears.

Mercedes paused, turned his head stiffly, and saw the tall and short duo again.

"What, what gift do you want to bring me this time?"

Su Mo walked forward with a smile and put his arm around Merced's shoulders affectionately.

Mercedes' expression was stiff and his voice was dry:

"how did you do it?"

He really didn't understand how Su Mo could accurately find himself in a city with a population of hundreds of millions. There was no mental imprint and the smell was masked.

"Well, it's a secret~"

Su Mo smiled slightly: "Anyway, remember, anyone marked by me will never escape my grasp."

Hearing this, Mercedes was extremely serious: "You are really suitable to be a bounty hunter."

Su Mo shrugged: "This is also one of the businesses of the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

"Okay, I admit defeat!"

Mercedes raised his hands in surrender: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

After two failures, there is no need to struggle.

Moreover, he could feel that Su Mo valued him very much, which made him feel warmer inside, and he was willing to calm down and have a good chat with this young man.

"This is not the place to talk."

Su Mo pointed to the tavern next to him, smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll buy you a drink, and we'll chat while drinking."


"Hey, a cup of elven nectar costs 50 innars."

Mercedes took a delicious sip and her eyes lit up: "Sure enough, there is nothing bad about the elves~"

Su Mo also took a sip of the elven nectar. It tasted sweet and refreshing, and at the same time it could bring some moisture to the soul. It was expensive for a reason.

"Lao Mei, let me get straight to the point."

Su Mo put down the crystal cup and said seriously: "If I want to develop the mercenary group to the height of six super first-line mercenary groups, what should I do first?"


Mercedes almost choked on the elf nectar in her mouth, but she swallowed it without wasting a drop.

"Ahem, Su Mo, your goal is a bit high~"

Mercedes said in a strange tone.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group now only has three members, so it fantasizes about becoming one of the six major mercenary groups.

Are all newbies in the new era so reckless?

"Of course the goal must be set higher." Su Mo smiled slightly.

As a glorious cheat, his goal has always been to become a powerful God King and reach the top of the universe step by step.

As for the super first-line mercenary army, it is just his five to seven years plan.

"Uh, okay~"

Mercedes did not immediately dampen Su Mo's enthusiasm, but actually helped him analyze it, and through analysis, helped him retreat.

"Let's put it this way, the start of any force is inseparable from the support of talents and funds. Talents aside, how much initial funds can you use now."

Su Mo was vague: "It's probably tens of thousands of Innars."

Tens of thousands of innars?

Mercedes took a deep look at Su Mo and said, "Tens of thousands of Innars is a small amount of wealth for an individual, but if it is used to develop power, it may not be enough."

"Before the six major mercenary legions came to Zatanvi, they were already well-known in the Chaos Star Territory. After the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance established a branch on Zatanvi, they all directly rented it without exception. A large piece of land, and quickly built a city, attracting a large number of mercenaries to settle in, and after developing step by step, the base was moved to the armed satellite fortress outside Zatanvi."

"The money you have is neither too much nor too little. I suggest you first go to the cities of the six major mercenary legions to establish strongholds. There are many outstanding mercenaries gathered there, which will make it easier for you to recruit talents. In addition, In addition, safety is guaranteed, and no one dares to kill people casually in their territory."

"Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, development is limited, there is no territorial taxation, and you can only rely on completing tasks to accumulate wealth."

After listening to this analysis, Su Mo frowned and asked, "How much does it cost to rent a piece of land on Zatanvi?"

Rather than developing on other people's territory, he prefers to be a lord himself.

Merced: "It depends on the location. The rent for a good location is 100,000 Inar or even higher. For a remote location, the rent is 20,000 to 30,000 Inar, but this is only a year's rent. Under normal circumstances, you need to pay at least 30,000 Inar." annual rent.”

Three years?

Su Mo frowned deeper.

Even if he can afford to pay rent for three years, he is basically penniless. How will he recruit talents and build his territory in the future?

For the first time since time travel, he was stumped by money.

"Lao Mei, do you think I can get a loan from the bank?" Su Mo asked.

Mercedes shook his head: "You have just registered as a mercenary, your credit score is very low, and you have no fixed assets. No bank dares to lend you a loan."

Hearing this, Su Mo shook his head helplessly.

He finally understood the feelings of those entrepreneurs in his previous life.

People who really need money can't get loans.

For companies with abundant cash flow, banks are begging you for loans.


At this time, Mercedes changed the subject: "If you really want to take this path, I have a method worth trying."

"What can we do?" Su Mo's eyes lit up.

Mercedes smiled and said: "There is a famous angel investor in the Mercenary City, named Madam Theresa. She has a vicious vision. Many new mercenaries she has invested in eventually became famous big shots, such as the six major mercenaries. The four legions in the legion all received large investments from Madam Teresa when they first arrived on Zatanvi, which allowed them to develop rapidly in their territory."

"If you can be favored by Madam Theresa, then at least you don't have to worry about the starting capital."

Madame Theresa?

Su Mo secretly said: "Pooh, check this person."


Soon, Winnie gave a reply: "There is indeed such a Madam Teresa. She is known for her love of investing in new people and her ruthless vision. She has a high reputation throughout Zatanvi and has close contacts with the four major mercenary legions."

Su Mo's eyes flickered and he said, "Lao Mei, can you let me meet Madam Theresa?"

Merced smiled and said, "I have a relationship with Madam Theresa's housekeeper. It's not a big problem to introduce you to her, but as for whether you can succeed, you can only rely on yourself."

To be honest, after experiencing the incident just now, he became quite interested in Su Mo.

A rookie mercenary actually let him, a veteran, fall into trouble twice in a row.

He holds a lot of wealth in his hands, and his goals are surprisingly high.

Moreover, he could see from Su Mo's eyes that this boy was really confident that he could reach the heights of the six major mercenary legions.

He didn't mind using his personal connections to meet such an interesting new person.

If Su Mo couldn't catch Madam Theresa's eyes, there was a high probability that this person would be just like that, and it wouldn't be worth his continued trouble.

But if Su Mo can really attract Madam's investment, then... it would be interesting.

"I'll get in touch."

Mercedes' consciousness sank into the virtual network. Not long after, he smiled and said:

"You're lucky. Madam is going to meet a few new people today. I've already informed the housekeeper to include you."

"Okay, thanks, Lao Mei!"

Su Mo was looking forward to it.


A few hours later, Mercedes brought Su Mo and Mondo to a manor in the southwest area of ​​the mercenary city.

Southwest District is a famous wealthy area in the city, where every inch of land is very valuable.

Madame Theresa's manor is located in the center of the wealthy area and covers the largest area, which shows her astonishing wealth.

When they arrived in front of the manor, several Rock Tribe bodyguards blocked the way for the three of them.

"We are members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group. This is our group leader Su Mo. We have made an appointment before." Mercedes said politely.

The bodyguard checked the appointment list, then carefully looked at the faces of Su Mo and the other three, nodded and said:

"Okay, you can go in."

After saying that, the usher behind the bodyguard took the three people into the car and drove smoothly towards the gothic-like white castle ahead.

After entering the castle, a man wearing a straight uniform and meticulously styled hair came over, with a smile on his serious face:

"Mercede, long time no see."

"Foggy, 20 years have passed, and you really haven't changed at all." Merced smiled.

Fergie looked at Mercedes and suddenly sighed:

"But you have changed a lot."

Mercedes knew what Foggy meant, and his eyes darkened.

"Don't mention the past anymore."

Butler Foji patted Mercedes on the shoulder, then looked at Su Mo and Mondo, and said politely:

"Madam is receiving guests. Please follow me to the living room and wait for a while."

"Sorry to trouble you~"

Su Mo said politely.


When the door to the living room was pushed open, the five groups of people inside immediately turned their heads to look.

"Here comes another contender."

"Is that a Monlite?"

Everyone's thoughts were spinning as they silently watched Su Mo and others take their seats.

At the same time, Su Mo was also sizing them up secretly.

The eight-armed Naga tribe, the burly man with four corners on his head, the red-haired female with three eyes...

Through the [Eye of Insight], one can see the majestic power contained in these people, and their strength is at least B level or above.

"Brother, I am Gurrett, the leader of the Black Arrow Mercenary Group."

At this time, the strong man with four corners stood up, walked to Su Mo, stretched out his hand and said, "What do you call me?"

Su Mo stood up, held his hand, and said calmly: "Holy Light Mercenary Group, Su Mo."

Holy Light Mercenary Group~

Gurrett used the intelligent optical brain to query the name on the cosmic mercenary system, and quickly found the result, with a strange look in his eyes.

It can be seen from the system that the Holy Light Mercenary Group was just established a few hours ago. There are only two pitiful people. The leader is Su Mo in front of him, codenamed Holy Light.

This kind of newly formed rookie mercenary group actually has a chance to enter Madam Theresa's manor?

The four waves of people on the side also checked the information of the Holy Light Mercenary Group and immediately lost interest.

Although I don’t know how the Holy Light Mercenary Group got the tickets, it’s hard to say whether a team of only two people will be able to receive the mission, so it’s not worth taking it seriously.

"Haha, brother Su Mo, I hope we can all get Madam's investment."

Gurrett smiled and said politely, then let go of his hand and returned to his seat, with no intention of continuing to talk in depth.

Although his Black Arrow mercenary group is not a big force, it has at least hundreds of members and has completed 30 missions with a mission completion rate of 100%.

It was with such merit that he was able to enter Madame Theresa's manor.

A grassroots team like the Holy Light Mercenary Group usually doesn't even have the qualifications to meet him, so being able to say a few polite words is already a great face to the other party.

"Su Mo, it seems like you have been underestimated?"

Mercedes sent a message to Su Moguang's brain, which was full of teasing meaning.

Su Mo looked calm and replied: "It's normal. The current Holy Light Mercenary Group is indeed very weak."

If you are weak, you will of course be looked down upon.

However, he is not the kind of person who immediately leaps to his feet after being looked down upon, threatening to come back with a slap in the face.

Dignity is achieved through strength. With strength, those who once looked down upon you will shut up without you taking action.


At this time, the room was pushed open, and several humans with thick hair in battle armor walked in, with disappointment on their faces.

They failed~

Seeing this expression, everyone in the room was both happy and a little nervous.

"Black Arrow Mercenary Group, it's your turn!" the butler reminded.


Gurrett and the members around him stood up, looked at each other nervously, gathered themselves, and walked to Madam Theresa's study.

However, only five minutes passed before Gurrett returned with his men, looking lost.

Obviously, they didn't get Madam Theresa's investment.

"Charming Mercenary Group, get ready~"


Several Nagas stood up and left in anticipation. A few minutes later, they returned disappointed.

20 minutes later, except for Su Mo and his group, everyone in the room met with Madam Theresa, but none of them succeeded.

Finally, it was the turn of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

"Holy Light Mercenary Group, get ready."

Butler Foji took a deep look at Su Mo. Can the new guy that Mercedes is interested in be attracted by Madam?

Holy Light Mercenary Group, ha~

Everyone in the room smiled disdainfully. Even these famous mercenary groups have failed. Why do you, a rookie mercenary group with only two members, join in the fun?

I don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is!

Under the sarcastic and mocking gaze, Su Mo led Mondo and Mercedes into Madam Theresa's study.

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