Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 177 Killing someone with a borrowed knife, Golden Millet

The spacecraft quickly took off, and the blue sky and white clouds outside the window turned into a dim starry sky. Su Mo stood by the window, overlooking the blue planet below, and his heart was complicated.

There is anxiety about the current predicament, confusion about the future, and most importantly, reluctance and worry about the friends around me.

Jiajia, Xiaofan and the others must have been extremely anxious as they were taken away by Babata without leaving any instructions.

"Pooh, can you leave a message for me to Jiajia and the others?" Su Mo secretly communicated.

"No problem, but now Tianyuan Star's network is still in the hands of Babata, so the message can only be delayed."

"Well, let's just say..."

Su Mo thought for a while, took a deep breath and said, "Just trust me, I will come back safely."

Although he is in a very difficult situation now, with a slave chip installed in his brain, and he doesn't know where he will be taken in the future, he will never give up.

With his various methods, coupled with Pooh's assistance, there will always be a chance to resolve the current predicament.


Pooh drafted a message and attached a document.

When Han Jia and others see the file, they can determine the identity of the person who left the message.

"Tian Yuan Star~"

Staring at the shrinking planet, the faces of many friends appeared in Su Mo's mind.

Han Jia, Lu Fan, Jamie, Ji Qiqi, Wu Yao, Caroline, Meng Shi, Xiao Jie, Victor...

"wait me back!"

A gentle murmur, filled with endless nostalgia and determination.

No one could have imagined that Su Mo would leave Tianyuan Star in such an unexpected and coerced way.

What awaits him will be a strange and unknown star sea killing field with treacherous waves and clouds.



On the bedside, the mobile phone kept vibrating.

However, Han Jia didn't pay attention at all. She was like a soulless body, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes.

On the side, Caroline looked at Han Jia distressedly. She knew very well what Su Mo meant to Han Jia.

The declaration "If he is light, I will go to the light; if he is darkness, I will blend into the darkness" still echoes in her ears.

Su Mo's sudden departure was a huge blow to Han Jia.

No one knows where Su Mo will be taken by Babata, whether he will live or die, and whether there will be a chance to see him again in the future.

Thinking of this, Caroline felt a heavy heartache and sadness in her heart.


The phone was still vibrating. Caroline thought for a while and decided to turn on the phone for Han Jia to see if there was anything important.

When she opened it, Caroline's expression was stunned.

"Jiajia~~Jiajia~~ look!"

Caroline tugged on Han Jia's arm and said in a trembling voice, "It's Su Mo. It's something Su Mo left behind."

Upon hearing the word "Su Mo", Han Jia's empty eyes immediately brightened up.

She quickly sat up, grabbed the phone in her hand, and read the messages on it word by word.


When you see this message, I have been away from Tianyuan Star for a long time. I never expected to leave you all in this way, but please don't worry, I will definitely come back.

Su Moliu——

After the message, a document was attached.

When you click on it, you will see a huge star map of the universe.

Not only is the star map marked in detail with the coordinates and spheres of influence of the three major civilizations in the universe, the star cluster-level civilization, and the galaxy-level civilization, there is also a separate incomplete star map.

In the center of the incomplete star map, there is the Tianyuan Star. The surrounding area is dark, and there is only a rugged route leading to the nearest galaxy-level civilization, the Silver Blue Empire.

This route was exactly the path taken by Pooh's last owner, and was recorded by Pooh.

Seeing this, Han Jia no longer doubted.

This message and star map must have been left by Su Mo.

Except for Su Mo, it is impossible for anyone on this planet to obtain such a clear and complete star map of the universe.

"Did Jiajia see it? Su Mo is fine. He said he would definitely come back."

Caroline pulled Han Jia's arm excitedly, her eyes red: "Su Mo has never made a mistake, so you must cheer up and welcome him back with a better appearance!"

"Su Mo~"

Looking at the words full of reluctance, Han Jia bit her lips, and fire ignited deep in her eyes.

This blow aroused her endless desire for power.

If he was strong enough, how could Su Mo be taken away by Babata.

Su Mo, no matter how long it takes, I will wait for you to come back.

The next time we meet, I will definitely become strong enough to be qualified to fight alongside you.


Han Jia stood up, a look of indifference and evil flashed across her beautiful and heroic face.

"Please tell the teacher that from now on all death row prisoners on Tianyuan Planet will be executed by me personally."

The goddess of judgment who will dominate the sea of ​​stars in the future is truly awakening at this moment.


"Pooh, can you remove the slave chip on the back of my head?"

Leaning on the wall and looking at the dark starry sky outside the window, Su Mo asked secretly.

"I'll give it a try. If the chip level is not high, it can be blocked."

A thin line suddenly separated from the black bracelet on his right hand, went up the arm, went around the back of the head and stabbed it gently.

The thin thread penetrated the flesh and slowly touched the microchip.

Soon after, Pooh smiled and said:

"Luckily, this slave chip is relatively rudimentary and won't work after some fine-tuning."

"Very good!"

Su Mo's eyes lit up and he said quickly:

"Also, this spaceship should be reproduced as soon as possible."

In addition to being transformed into various weapons, endless weapons can also be transformed into spaceships and even starships.

Once the time bomb in his body was removed, and with the spaceship in hand, he would have the confidence to mediate with Babata.

"I have already started to reproduce it."

Pooh smiled and said: "The current progress is 87%. It will be done in 5 minutes."

"So great! Pooh, it's great to have you." Su Mo couldn't help but sigh.

Pooh is like an omnipotent butler. He not only answers all questions, but also considers many things in front of him. His execution ability is beyond words.

With such intelligence, what else can I ask for~


Pooh smiled happily.

Being truly praised by his master is the best reward for him.


Su Mo turned around and looked at Meng Duo, who was lying dead beside him, a little surprised.

As soon as this big guy entered the room, he lay down on the ground without making a sound. He was surprisingly quiet.

Isn't it because he wants to let his guard down and is doing some dirty trick behind his back?

"Well, Master, you think too highly of the Monlites."

Pooh found out what Su Mo was thinking and found it a bit funny.

"If the Monlite people had that kind of IQ, they wouldn't be deceived and become slaves in major arenas."

"I think he is just tired and lying on the ground sleeping."


Su Mo looked at Meng Duo's face seriously. Well, it was also his fault.

Mundo was beaten into a pig's head, his eyes were swollen into slits, and now it's hard to tell whether they are open or closed.

However, if Mondo did fall asleep, he would be very happy.

Because this shows that Mondo does not snore when sleeping.

It’s really rare to have a roommate who doesn’t snore.

A few minutes passed~

"nailed it!"

Pooh said happily: "This is a small and medium-sized exploration ship produced by the Silver Blue Empire. It is characterized by being light and agile. It can enter the jump and warp flight state within 10 seconds. The weapon system and shield system have been significantly modified. Traces, the comprehensive value is about 220,000 innars.”

Su Mo was surprised: "It's only 220,000, so cheap?"

"It's not cheap anymore!"

Winnie explained: "Inal is the universal currency of the universe. It is issued by the Central Star Sea Bank established by the three major cosmic civilizations. It has a very strong purchasing power. Let's put it this way, the annual salary of an ordinary civil servant in the Iron-Blooded Empire is only 20,000 inal. Of course, Converted into imperial currency, it’s about 200,000.”

"I have made calculations. If the entire Tianyuan Star is sold, the value will be approximately 150,000."

"Only 150,000?" Su Mo's mouth twitched. On such a huge planet, there is not even a single spaceship worth as much as this. This is too chilling.

But if you think about it from another perspective, after Pooh successfully recreated this spaceship, it was equivalent to himself having spent 220,000 innars in vain.

Get rich instantly!

Dang Dang Dang! !

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the iron door, the bottom window opened, and two dinner plates were handed in.

After hearing the sound, Mondo stood up instantly, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and said vaguely:

"Is the meal coming?"

"Mundo, and that native, your food has arrived!"

The thin monkey showed a malicious smile through the window.

"Enjoy your delicious meal, haha."

“It’s time to eat~~”

When he heard that there was a delicious meal, Mondo immediately stood up happily, but when he walked to the door and saw what was on the plate, he immediately roared angrily:

"What kind of garbage is this? I won't eat it!"

Su Mo stepped forward and took a closer look.

The two dinner plates contained the same thing, a slimy, dark brown substance that looked like a lump of feces and was completely unappetizing.

"If you don't eat, you'll be hungry!"

The thin monkey's light voice came from outside the door, and his tone could not hide his pride.

How dare you, a fool and a native, fight with you, Uncle Fry?

No matter how strong he is, he is just a slave, and I, Fry, am an official crew member of Captain Babata.

"I don't want to eat, please change it for me!!!"

Mundo hammered the iron door hard, making a loud bang, with an extremely angry expression.

He endured letting him sleep in such a small space.

It took a long time to go out for a walk, but he tolerated it.

But if the only meal he could look forward to every day became like this, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

Bang bang bang! !

Violent banging on the door continued.

The thin monkey outside the door smiled disdainfully and said, knock, no matter how loud you knock, no one will come.

This is the bottom cabin. The metal plate has excellent sound insulation effect and no sound can be transmitted at all.

"Is this retaliation for the threat I just made?"

Su Mo sneered.

You're like shit, and you're still messing with me. Let's see how I deal with you.

"Winnie, where is the camera in the house?"

"Just in front of you, to the left of the gate, is a bump with a tiny camera."

"I see."

Su Mo stepped forward, punched the bump, and heard a slight click.


"800,000, 800,000, hehe~~"

Sitting on the sofa in the main control room, Babata was sipping wine while imagining the future after receiving a huge sum of 800,000 yuan.

This spaceship must be replaced. It should be replaced by a Star Cluster-class one. It will be faster and make it impossible for others to catch up.

Weapons and equipment must be fully upgraded, and several advanced mechanical technologies must be purchased.

In addition, he wants to buy ten beauties, rotating them every day, which makes him excited just thinking about it!

Didi didi~~

At this moment, the intelligent optical brain issued a beep, interrupting his fantasy.

what's the situation?

Babata turned on his smart phone, glanced at it, and stood up suddenly.

The camera in the cabin where Su Mo and Mondo were imprisoned turned out to be dark.

not good!

Babata nervously ran towards the bottom cabin quickly, the compression ball around his neck fell off, and several tall and powerful combat robots walked in front of him.

The other crew members saw it and quickly followed behind.

"Captain, why are you here?"

Seeing Babata coming to the bottom cabin with a group of robots and crew members, Skinny Monkey was shocked.

Bang bang bang! ! !

"Open the door, open the door for me!"

Mundo's roar and banging on the door didn't stop.

Babata felt relieved when he saw that the hatch was intact, and then looked at the thin monkey seriously:

"what happened?"


The thin monkey's tone was stagnant, and he lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

Seeing this, Babata narrowed his eyes and used virtual intelligence to open the hatch.

"Open the door, open..."


The hatch slowly opened, and Mondo's fist paused in the air, his expression astonished.

Hey, is it really open?

"Mondo, what are you doing?"

Babata scolded sternly.

Seeing the black screen on the surveillance screen, he thought something had happened to Su Mo and was shocked. He didn't expect that it was just Mondo causing trouble.

This idiot makes people worry-free all day long.

Not only can't you do anything, but your appetite is ridiculous. If it weren't for your good fighting ability, I would have sold you long ago.

Mundo pointed at the thin monkey with an angry expression: "He won't give me food!"

Babata narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the thin monkey:

"Is this happening?"

Thin Monkey waved his hands repeatedly and said in a panic: "Captain, I prepared food for them, but they don't want to eat it."

"None of our dogs will eat this kind of food."

Su Mo picked up the dinner plate, took a few steps forward, and said angrily:

"Captain Babata, no matter how backward our planet is, we will never let prisoners eat this kind of food."

"I don't know what you want to do with me, but if I eat this kind of thing every day from now on, I might as well just commit suicide."

Babata took a look at the food on the plate. It was sticky and disgusting, as if nutritional paste had been squeezed together and topped with some kind of heavy-colored seasoning. No wonder Mondo was so angry.

"Did you do this?"

Babata looked at the thin monkey calmly.

Shouhou panicked and quickly explained: "Captain, I just saw that the natives had just arrived, and I was afraid that he would not obey the discipline, so I gave him a slap on the wrist. I..."


A laser pierced his head, leaving a shallow crater in the metal wall behind him.

Babata took back the gun in his hand and turned to look at Su Mo and Mundo.

"From now on, you will eat the same food as everyone else, and I will send my butler robot to deliver the food."

Su Mo pretended to be grateful:

"Then thank you Captain Babata."


Babata nodded with satisfaction, then glanced at the thin monkey on the ground and said with disgust:

"Throw him out."

Damn it, a small crew member dared to do this to his 800,000 gold mountain.

If Su Mo really felt that his dignity had been insulted and committed suicide in anger, then even if he crushed the bones of Slender Monkey 100 times and raised them to ashes, it still wouldn't be able to make up for his loss.


The crew members on the side heard the order and immediately carried the body of the thin monkey to the garbage disposal room.

All kinds of garbage in the spacecraft need to be specially treated in the garbage disposal room before being thrown into space.

This kind of specially treated garbage will be quickly decomposed into various factors in the anoxic environment of the vacuum, and will not have a bad impact on the space environment.

Every spacecraft will have a garbage disposal room like this.

This is a rule jointly formulated by the three major civilizations in the universe. The purpose is to protect the space environment shared by everyone. All spacecraft manufacturers must strictly implement the standards, otherwise they will face huge fines.


Babata summoned another engineering robot, walked into the cabin, and replaced a new camera in front of Su Mo and Mondo, not forgetting to remind:

"The camera is installed here. You two, please pay attention. If it malfunctions again, then I will have to starve you for a few days as punishment."

"I'll pay attention."

As soon as he heard that he would be hungry for several days, Mondo immediately expressed his stance by patting his chest.

What a foodie!

Su Mo shook his head secretly.

Mundo was so powerful in battle, but off the field he let people use food as he pleased.

No wonder Monlite people are always cheated.

My brain is really bad.


The iron door slowly closed, and Su Mo sat in the corner, recalling the scene where the thin monkey had his head shot off, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

You bitch, you dare to do dirty tricks to me.

Brother uses a little trick and lets Babata kill you with his own hands.

Although he didn't know why Babata left Tianyuan Star with only himself, and he left very decisively without any sloppiness.

But at least it shows that Babata values ​​him very much.

With this knowledge, he thought of killing with a borrowed knife, borrowing Babata's hand to kill that little monkey who pretended to be powerful.

What a pity, this is just an inconspicuous low-level crew member.

Su Mo straightened his legs, folded his hands behind his head, and leaned against the wall. The happiness soon passed.

Within a few minutes, two steaming meals were delivered.

The two portions of rice are exactly the same. They are served in a half-meter high bucket. The bottom layer is a long golden strip, something similar to rice. It is covered with thick sauce, meat and strange-shaped vegetables. The taste and smell are It's quite good and whets one's appetite.

As soon as he saw the new food, Mundo's eyes immediately lit up. He picked up the rice bucket and started to eat it happily, making sounds of enjoyment from time to time.

Su Mo sat next to him, scooped out a spoonful of golden rice, covered it with sauce, and put it into his mouth.

This is a strange taste that he has never experienced before. It cannot be described as sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, but it is indeed delicious.

The meat is fat and juicy, and the vegetables are refreshing and delicious.

After a great battle, he was also hungry, so he began to eat happily.

Babata had injected him with a slave chip, so there was no need to poison the food, so he ate it without any scruples.

What's more, he also has [Purification], so he's not afraid even if it's poisonous.

After finishing the meat and vegetables, I only ate half of the rice, and I felt like I was full.

"Wow, Pooh, what kind of food is this? It's so filling." Su Mo burped and asked curiously.

With his appetite, if he really eats freely, he can eat more than ten kilograms of meat and several kilograms of rice in one meal. But now that he has only eaten so much, he is already exhausted.

Pooh explained: "This is a high-energy special food specially cultivated by the Silver-Blue Empire for extraordinary people. Translated into your language, it should be called golden millet. Extraordinary people below the elite level can basically be full with a bowl of rice."

"No wonder~"

Su Mo suddenly realized that indeed, extraordinary people consume a lot of food, so they should eat this kind of food. It saves trouble and time, and can also store more food during interstellar travel, so that they don't have to buy supplies every now and then.

From this kind of food alone, we can see the gap between Tianyuan Star and the civilization of the universe.

Xiao Chongyuan alone is not enough. Tianyuan Star also needs more geniuses in agriculture, biology, finance, war command and other aspects, so that it can gradually catch up with other civilizations.

There’s a long way to go~

Shaking his head, Su Mo suddenly realized that Mondo was staring at him. To be precise, he was staring at the half-empty bucket of rice in his hand.

"Uh, do you want to eat?"

Su Mo pointed to his rice pail.


Mundo nodded wildly.

This is a foodie~

Su Mo smiled: "If you don't dislike it, just take it and eat it."

After saying that, he pushed the rice bucket in front of Mondo.


Mondo picked up the rice bucket and said with a hint of happiness in his rich voice, "You are a good person."

Good guy?

Looking at Mundo's still swollen face, Su Mo couldn't help but laugh.

He could finally see that, apart from being able to maintain wisdom and vigilance in battle, in private Mondo was like a child with a pure heart, simple and honest, with no evil intentions.

Such a big guy is actually quite likable.

Soon, Mengduo finished half of Su Mo's rice, patted his belly, and showed an unfinished expression.

"Hello, Mundo?"

Su Mo asked curiously: "How did you join the Babata team?"

There was one thing that he never understood. How could Mundo be a commander-level expert? He must be considered a high-end combat power in Babata's team.

But it is a bit abnormal for such a master to live in such a small, closed and dark room, and even a low-level crew member dares to bully him.

Mondo scratched his head and said: "I forgot~"


Su Mo twitched the corner of his mouth and asked again: "Then they treat you like this, aren't you angry?"

Meng Duo smiled naively and said: "As long as you give me something to eat, the food here is much more delicious than what my father cooks."

Gee, what a great staff!

Su Mo couldn't help but sigh. Employees like Meng Duo, who could work without any complaints as long as they took care of food and housing, couldn't find employees who worked hard even with a lantern.

After throwing a healing light at Mondo, his face was swollen like a pig's head. Su Mo got closer to him and said with a smile:

"Mundo, tell me a story about your hometown?"

If they become developed in the future, they will kidnap the entire Monlite clan and they will be absolutely invincible.


After finally meeting someone who was willing to talk to him, Mondo was very happy and excitedly shared all the interesting things he encountered when he was young and growing up.

The feelings between the two quickly heated up during the exchange.

At the same time, Babata first drove the spacecraft to the space supply station of the Silver Blue Empire, filled it up with energy, and then without a moment's rest, directly entered the warp speed state and headed for the chaotic star field.

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