Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 163 Battle against the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python


The strong wind blows in the face, and the angel's wings can span a distance of hundreds of meters with a slight flap.

"Pooh, is there any movement in the Mingguang Gold-eating Python?"

During the flight, Su Mo asked solemnly.

Pooh: "Judging from the images captured by high-altitude satellites, the Mingguang Gold-eating Python is summoning the strange beasts on the Wild Wind Plains, and most likely wants to attack human sanctuaries."

Hearing this, Su Mo's heart sank.

He had seen the scene where Amethyst Supreme and War God Luo Tang were competing. Even though they had just entered the leadership level, the strength displayed by the two could only be described as terrifying.

Ordinary gods of war and supreme beings would be instantly killed by one move in front of these two people.

The strength of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python will only be higher than these two.

Once it is allowed to gather the alien beasts from the Wild Wind Plains to form a beast tide, the No. 2 Sanctuary military base will definitely suffer a devastating blow, and tens of millions of people will be exposed to danger.

Currently, Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang are arriving in a phantom fighter plane, so the task of blocking the bright light gold-eating python naturally falls on him.

Can you stop it?

Su Mo wasn't sure whether, with his current strength, he could hold off the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python until the two men arrived.

Everything can only be said after getting close to the Mingguang Gold-eating Python and obtaining its information.


The wings flapped harder, and the speed suddenly increased again.


"Supreme Su Mo is here!"

On the steel city wall, all the officers and Wu Feng saw the flying golden figure.


After his feet landed on the ground, Su Mo withdrew his angel wings under everyone's astonished gaze.

"Martial God of War, how is the situation now?" Su Mo asked directly.

Wu Feng shook his head, with a solemn expression: "The Mingguang Gold-eating Python has gathered a large number of strange beasts, and it is expected that they will enter within 5 kilometers of the base in about 10 minutes."

Hearing this, Su Mo frowned.

In 10 minutes, Amethyst Supreme and Luotang God of War will definitely not be able to make it.

Once the beast tide is allowed to enter within 5 kilometers of the base, even if all the artillery shells in the arsenal are used, it will not be able to stop the terrifying beast tide led by the beast god-level beasts and the bright light gold-eating python.


After taking a deep breath, Su Mo said with firm eyes, "I'll hold him back!"

Now, we must not wait passively for the arrival of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python.

It was necessary to take the initiative, meet the enemy dozens of kilometers away, and delay as much time as possible until the Amethyst Supreme and the God of War Luo Tang arrived.


Upon hearing this, the expressions of Wu Feng and many officers changed.

"No, it's too risky!" Wu Feng said solemnly.

He knew that Su Mo was very powerful, even stronger than him, the peak God of War.

However, the Commander level and the Supreme level are completely different worlds.

This was something he understood deeply after witnessing the battle between Amethyst and Luo Tang.

Su Mo's initiative to face the enemy would not be able to hold off the Mingguang Gold-eating Python for long. Instead, it would make him, a super genius with unlimited potential, perish early.

It may sound cold and callous, but Su Mo's life is more precious than the combined lives of tens of thousands of soldiers in the base.

Therefore, he would not agree to let Su Mo take the risk.

When the beast tide comes, go fight with all your might.

If the fortress cannot stand it, retreat decisively.

Save people and lose land, and everyone and land will survive; save land and lose people, and everyone and land will be lost!

There is still a long strategic distance between the base and Sanctuary No. 2. We must fight while retreating. I believe we can hold on until Amethyst and Luo Tang arrive.

"Martial God of War, I am confident that I can save my life." Su Mo said calmly, "Don't forget, I can fly, but that big guy can't."

"There are many flying beasts in the beast tide, and there must be beast god-level beasts among them." Wu Feng shook his head and said, "Can you deal with a group of beast gods by yourself?"


Su Mo smiled faintly, his tone full of confidence and domineering.

"Beast-god-level alien beasts can be destroyed easily!"

His current physical strength is not inferior to that of a peak war god, and his force power has reached the supreme level. Coupled with a series of BUFFs and attack skills, if he cannot kill even the same level of beasts in an instant, then he will be a failure as a cheater.

"It's still too risky!"

Wufeng God of War was still worried. The Mingguang Gold-eating Python could not fly, but no one could guarantee whether it had the means to attack from a distance. If Su Mo was hit and fell into the ocean of beasts, he would almost certainly die. undoubtedly.

"No time!"

Su Mo said decisively: "Let the drones be dispatched to disrupt the beast tide formation, and I will attract the bright light gold-eating python. Don't worry, if you can't defeat it, at least I can escape."

"You should be very aware of my ability to save my life."

"that's all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Mo kicked off his knees and soared into the sky. A pair of gorgeous and noble angel wings spread out behind his back. With one strong blow, he flew hundreds of meters away.

"Su Mo!"

Wu Feng's expression changed and he stamped his feet anxiously.

Behind him, the base commander Xia Houjun, the military's top expert Xiang Tai'an, and a group of senior military officials looked nervously, gratefully and admiringly at the retreating figure.

They knew very well that with Su Mo's ability and status, he could choose to protect himself. Even if the base was destroyed and countless soldiers were killed or injured, no one would blame him afterwards.

After all, what is attacking the base is the most terrifying beast on the planet, the leader-level - the Bright Light Gold-Eating Python.

Its strength is far stronger than the supreme level Su Mo.

However, Su Mo chose to risk his life and take the initiative to face the enemy to delay time.

He did this not only to protect the base, but also to protect the tens of thousands of soldiers in the base.

Such righteousness made everyone's blood boil with admiration.

"Supreme Su Mo, you must return safely!"

All the soldiers in the army prayed silently in their hearts.


"Pooh, given the current speed of Amethyst Supreme and the others, how long will it take for them to arrive?"

"20 minutes!"

20 minutes!

Su Mo narrowed his eyes and thought.

20 minutes is not a long time, and it is definitely not a short time.

Ordinary Gods of War and Supremes, even if their strength reaches the peak of perfection, cannot survive a minute in front of the Commander.

However, he is confident that he can hold back the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, so he naturally has something to rely on.

First of all, he has a physique that is no less than that of a peak war god. In other words, he has rough skin and thick flesh, and is very durable.

In addition, various BUFFs can ensure his super endurance. As long as he can't kill him instantly, he can keep going.

In addition, Pooh's endless armed ability is also his confidence.

Currently, many of Wildfire's high-end equipment have been reproduced in the Pooh database, including several defensive armors.

These armors can greatly mitigate kinetic energy, provide ionization shields, and come with more than a dozen weapons.

It can play a great role in the battle against the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python.

The only problem is that this might expose Pooh's abilities to the outside world.

But compared to exposing ability, life is definitely the most important!

After considering the above, he dared to propose that he hold the Mingguang Gold-eating Python alone.

If he didn't have the ability, he certainly wouldn't rush to die like the iron-headed boy.

But since he has this ability, he cannot just watch the steel city wall that cost Wildfire countless manpower and material resources and condense the efforts of everyone be broken, and witness tens of thousands of soldiers being slaughtered by alien beasts.

A strong wind roared in, making the clothes rustle.

Su Mo's eyes were like lightning. He looked into the distance and saw the herd of beasts that looked like a black tide, as well as the bright gold-eating python that was like a golden dragon, walking close to the ground.

It has a body that is hundreds of meters long, its scales shine golden in the sun, its horn stands high and tall, and a large group of huge alien beasts surround it, as if it is a guard.

After a pause, Su Mo stopped high in the sky and looked down, his eyes solemn, but also with a hint of deep-hidden fire.

In his opinion, the Mingguang Gold-eating Python is simply an excellent treasure house of flesh and blood. If he can suck it all dry, there will definitely be a qualitative leap in both physical fitness and force power.

Maybe, the strange power can jump directly from LV4 - 202/500 to LV5, which is comparable to the level of a commander-level martial artist.

After all, the beast-god-level death sandworms and top-notch body-strengthening potions have increased monster power by dozens of proficiency points.

As the source of the two, it is not impossible that the bright light gold-devouring python with command-level strength and such a huge size can increase its monster power by nearly 300 points.

In other words, even if it is not enough to suck up one bright light gold-devouring python, there are still hundreds of thousands of strange beasts in front of us!

Pick a few beast gods, top beast generals, and add the bright light gold-eating python, and you can push the monster power to the level of LV5.

Of course, the premise is that he himself can survive, and after joining forces with Amethyst Supreme and Luotang God of War, he can defeat the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python.


The bright light gold-eating python raised its head, looked directly at Su Mo with its cold golden eyes, and then let out a low groan.


Two figures rushed toward Su Mo one after another.

The former was a giant mantis that he had encountered before, with a body close to that of a human, four wings on its back, exaggerated blade arms, and a cold aura.

The latter was a golden eagle flying downwards, its feathers were dazzling with golden light, its eyes were sharp, and its hook-like claws were tearing hard at his face.

Judging from the momentum, both of them are beast gods.

The giant mantis arrived first, raising its blade arm like a guillotine and slashing at Su Mo's neck as fast as lightning. The sharp cold wind made goosebumps appear on his neck.

"Some strength!"

Su Mo murmured, and with a thought, a bright light shield appeared in front of him in time.


The blade arm struck the light shield, as if it had hit a thick piece of cowhide, making a dull sound. Immediately afterwards, the dry eagle claws followed closely, and were also blocked by the light shield.


Communication occurs only in moments.


Two chain-type long knives protruded from Su Mo's side. The blade's head and tail pulled a slender chain, like a poisonous snake. The blade penetrated the giant mantis and the golden eagle very smoothly.

[Vitality Plunder] is activated.

Two streams of pure life force poured into the body like a flood.

The two beast gods whined, fluttering their wings and trying to escape. However, Pooh's transformed long chain knife had already entangled them into rice dumplings. With their rapidly weakening bodies, how could they escape from Pooh's restraints.

In less than three seconds, the two beast gods were drained of their life force by Su Mo.

Strange strength +21

The two beast gods only add 21 points. It is really difficult to increase the monster power in the later stages.

Throwing the two mummies at his feet, Su Mo stopped at high altitude and hooked his hand towards the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, which was full of provocation.

hold head high! ! !

The Mingguang Gold-Eating Python was obviously irritated. It opened its mouth wide and let out an angry dragon roar.

In an instant, all the flying beasts in mid-air paused. The most numerous of them was a large locust, comparable in size to a skylark.

They turned around and stared at Su Mo with hundreds of thousands of eyes, causing his scalp to explode instantly.


With a low curse, Su Mo quickly flapped his wings, like a sharp arrow soaring into the sky, soaring hundreds of meters, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and then flew towards the base.


The densely packed locusts and other flying beasts were like a black tide, following behind Su Mo, making noisy and harsh screams.

However, before they had chased one kilometer, they discovered that there were hundreds of thousands of drones blocking their way in a strange formation.



Countless red lasers weaved into an airtight net, covering all these flying beasts.

For a moment, the sounds of flesh and blood being pierced, screams, and the sound of falling to the ground came one after another.

After this wave of offensive, more than 90% of the flying alien beasts were directly cut off, and the surviving alien beasts were frightened and turned around and ran away.

"Young man, you still want to chase me?"

Su Mo turned around and smiled proudly, "You are the only one with more people?"

Think I have no brothers!

hold head high! ! !

Not far away, the Mingguang Gold-eating Python saw this scene and roared even more angrily.

A small insect dares to challenge its majesty one after another.

Uh-huh! ! !

The body of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python coiled up, and then, like a fully charged spring, it suddenly collapsed forward and walked hundreds of meters close to the ground. Almost in an instant, it arrived at the feet of Su Mo.

"So fast!"

Su Mo's pupils shrank, he quickly flapped his wings, took off at high speed, and added all the BUFFs in one go.


The Mingguang Gold-eating Python slammed its rear tail hard on the ground, and its huge body suddenly flew into the air. While in the air, it twisted its body, and its extremely thick tail was like a whip. Under Su Mo's frightened eyes, it An extremely terrifying force hit him.


Su Mo was like a golf ball that was blown away, flying a kilometer away. His body fell straight to the ground, creating a deep hole in the ground, accompanied by the sound of bones exploding and the sound of vomiting blood.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and severe pain hit him like a tide.

Su Mo endured the severe pain and lowered the healing light.

The broken bones healed quickly, the internal organs were repaired, and a blush appeared on his pale face.

The power of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python is really terrifying. With his physical strength, coupled with [Holy Light Guard], [Resistance Halo] and [Thorns Anti-Armor], which reduces melee damage by 20%, he was still thrown away. The tail shot took away half of Kuai Xiao's life.

If it were any other God of War, he would definitely become meat sauce in no time!


hold head high!

In the distance, the painful roar of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python could be heard.

Su Mo curled his lips and snorted coldly.

The harder you hit me, the more serious your injuries will be.

I really think [Thorns Anti-Armor]’s 20% anti-damage is a joke!

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