Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 161 The Federation is shaken, alien visitors

As a member of the Hellfire Team, Su Mo naturally would not favor one over the other, and distributed the treasures of the alien civilization to Caroline and Wu Yao.

As for the origin of these treasures, Hellfire members could roughly guess a little. However, everyone had a tacit understanding and did not ask in detail. After thanking them, they began to use these treasures to improve their strength.

In just a few days, everyone's strength has improved significantly.

These treasures can be said to have transformed everyone's physique, expanding mental power, strengthening bone density, and strengthening muscle fibers...

According to Pooh, after undergoing this transformation, everyone's physical fitness has become very close to that of some medium-sized human races.

The God of War and the Supreme shackles that troubled countless geniuses were no longer a problem for them. As long as they accumulated enough, promotion to the Commander level would be a matter of course.

As for natural disasters, they are not yet in a realm they can hope for.

While everyone was silently improving their strength, Yehuo suddenly announced two important pieces of information to the outside world, which immediately shocked the entire continent.

First: Su Mo, the first genius of Wildfire, has now successfully been promoted to the Supreme level, becoming the second Supreme in the history of Wildfire and the youngest Supreme in the entire continent.

Second: Amethyst Supreme and God of War Luo Tang. Both of them broke the ceiling of human combat power and advanced to a new realm. This realm was called by the two - the commander level.

Two pieces of news, one more exciting than the other.

Su Mo, this young man who is not even 20 years old, has been promoted to Supreme. His terrifying talent is really shocking.

If the first news brought more shock to the outside world, then the second news shocked all the forces.

Amethyst Supreme and God of War Luo Tang actually broke the thousand-year-old ceiling of Tianyuan Star's combat power and reached the supreme realm that countless geniuses have been searching for but could never reach, the Commander level.

This news completely overshadowed Su Mo's promotion to Supreme.

The large and small forces within Wildfire, the Federation, and the Capital of Chaos are all discussing one question, that is, what will Wildfire do next?


wildfire army

"Haha, double happiness. Okay, great!"

"The Supreme and God of War break through, so what are we waiting for? Let's go straight to the Federation!"

"As long as the supreme and war gods of the Federation are killed, I dare to issue a military order to destroy the Federation in two months and unify the mainland in half a year."

Soldiers are always warlike.

Originally, Wildfire's number of soldiers, military quality, and weapons and ammunition completely outnumbered the Federation. However, because the Federation had more Supremes and Gods of War than Wildfire, they were worried that the other side would adopt decapitation tactics after the war, so the topic of all-out war was suppressed.

Now, Wildfire not only has a young Supreme, but both Amethyst Supreme and God of War Luo Tang have broken through to new realms.

In terms of top-level combat power, it completely crushes the Federation, so what is there to worry about?

Fuck them!

The top brass of the military are like wolves, howling with excitement. Everyone is eager to make achievements and expand territory.

Contrary to the Wildfire Military Department, the federal civilians and the eight major consortiums were all caught in a cloud of tension, worry, and fear.


Thorn Consortium~

"If you have any ideas, tell me!"

The chairman of the Thorns Consortium sat on the main seat with a hoarse voice. The dozen or so senior consortium executives below all bowed their heads and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing this, the chairman sighed silently.

Since the records of extraordinary beings were recorded, many amazing super geniuses on the entire planet have been trapped and died in the God of War and Supreme level.

The talents of many people are definitely no worse than Amethyst and Luo Tang, or even better.

But in the end, it was these two who broke the ceiling of human combat power and reached the new realm that countless people dream of.

There must be some unknown secret in this.

Unfortunately, even if this secret is known, it will not be of any help to the consortium's current predicament.

Anyone can guess what Wildfire’s intention was in releasing these two messages.

Pressure, intimidate, and divide the federation.

In the case of a huge disparity in strength, there will definitely be a consortium that cannot bear the pressure and will be the first to fall to the wildfire.

At that time, the federation, which is not monolithic in the first place, will fall apart in an instant.

It is estimated that before the wildfire strikes, a war will break out within the Federation.


At this time, a senior executive spoke up: "Tell me, could this be a smoke bomb released by wildfires, trying to get our federation into chaos?"

"I also have this feeling."

Another senior executive echoed: "Amethyst and Luo Tang, two people broke through at the same time. This is too much of a coincidence."

The chairman shook his head and said: "This matter can only be believed if it exists, not if it doesn't exist."

After hearing this, other senior executives also expressed their approval.

Fake news is always fake. Once exposed, it will have a major blow to Wildfire's prestige, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

They all tend to believe that this matter is most likely true.

"Chairman, tell me, what should we do now?" the senior executive asked.

The chairman pondered for a moment and said with some helplessness: "Now the initiative is in the hands of Yehuo. What we can do is to protect ourselves as much as possible and prepare an escape route in advance."


The senior officials nodded.

They all understand what it means to have a way out in advance.

There is no shame in leading the way.

The Federation dies, but the consortium survives, and everyone is still a billionaire.

But if the consortium dies, then what's the point of the federation's existence?

Anyone can figure this out.

"That's it, let's break up the meeting!"

The chairman waved his hand and sighed.

Is the end of the Federation finally coming?

Where should the Thorny Financial Group go from here?


Tulip Consortium, Sword and Shield Consortium, Blackstone Consortium...

The seven major consortiums all held emergency meetings as soon as possible to discuss countermeasures.

However, the conclusions drawn by any one company are quite different.

Be prepared to switch sides immediately if the situation goes wrong.

There is no way, in this world where power is paramount, the deterrent power of the top powerhouse is much more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

A God of War can easily kill hundreds of warriors.

A supreme being can even kill dozens of destruction-level superpowers in two seconds.

Then, as leaders, Amethyst and Luo Tang can rush to the federal capital alone and kill all the top executives of the eight major consortiums.

By then, even if all the Gods of War and Supremes in the Federation were added up, it would probably not be enough for the two of them to kill with one hand.

Faced with this situation, what can I do?

I'm desperate too!

The seven major consortiums began to quietly contact Wildfire to test Wildfire's attitude. At the same time, they were always paying attention to the movements of the Life Consortium.

As the head of the consortium, how will the Life Consortium react?

Life Foundation——


Apollo said in a low voice: "Now, the other seven major financial groups are all ready to surrender. What should we... do?"

Opposite him, Joseph's eyes dimmed. He had not yet recovered from the pain of losing his son, his face was full of haggard and fatigue, his beard was not cleanly shaved, and dense bloodshot eyes could be seen in his pupils.

"Let's... leave ourselves a way out!"

Joseph's voice was hoarse, and his tone could not conceal his tiredness and helplessness.

All the consortiums are always ready to rebel against the Federation. Do we want to save the consortium family and stick to it?

If there was really hope that he could hold on, even if all seven major financial groups surrendered, he would not give up.

He is the most powerful person in the federation, and the president also listens to his orders.

But if he is annexed by Wildfire, he will be just a businessman. No matter how successful he is, Wildfire will not let him enter the decision-making level.

This huge sense of gap makes him not give up his current rights and status easily.

But the key question is, can it be defended?

Any one of Amethyst and Luo Tang can kill the Life Consortium directly.

In this case, resistance makes no sense.

"Yes~" Apollo nodded helplessly. He knew very well that once the Federation was annexed by wildfire, the glory of the eight major consortiums would completely cease.

Doing business, yes!

It is absolutely impossible to get your hands on the rights.

From now on, he can only be a wealthy second generation who sticks to his roots, trying his best to preserve the life consortium, and carefully survive under the rule of wildfire.

Not willing? sad?

Of course!

But this is reality.

Two strong men who have broken the ceiling of human combat power can easily make anyone and any force surrender.

Compared with power, strength is king.

At this moment, Apollo was more aware of this, and his desire for power reached its peak.

I also want to become as strong as Amethyst Supreme and God of War Luo Tang!

Apollo secretly made up his mind, his eyes extremely determined.

His talent is very outstanding. At the age of 37, he is a martial arts expert at the peak of the King of War. He is only one step away from the God of War. He is confident that he can complete the final breakthrough within two years.

But after this incident, he decided to temporarily put aside all the work at hand, concentrate on training, and strive to break through the God of War level within a year and launch a charge towards the Commander level.

"Apollo, do you have any clues about Sean?" Joseph asked hoarsely.

Hearing the name Sean, Apollo pursed his lips, then shook his head helplessly:

"No, I have tried every means. In the Federation, Wildfire has searched everywhere. The streets and alleys of the City of Chaos are full of bounties for Sean, but no one has ever seen him. I doubt..."

Apollo paused and said, "The name Sean is fake, and that face is most likely fake too!"

A martial artist with such an outstanding appearance and whose strength has reached the peak of the King of War cannot remain unknown.

But so far, there are still no clues about him, which means that Sean most likely does not exist.

Hearing this, Joseph felt a deep sadness and despair in his heart.

He knew that the chance of revenge for his second son Hero was already very slim!

"Go on...check it out!"

Joseph said in a low voice: "As long as I am alive, I will never give up."

"Yeah!" Apollo nodded heavily, "I won't give up either."


Joseph stood up slowly, his chair rubbing against the ground and making a slight sound. He walked to the window, looked at the endless flow of people below, and murmured:

"The most difficult moment for the consortium is coming. I hope our father and son can get through it safely."

Even if he voluntarily bows his head, it's hard to say whether Wildfire will let them, the leaders of the consortium, go.

Therefore, he must leave the safest escape route for himself and his family.


"Supreme, the Federation is already in chaos!"

In the office, Zhuge Hong said with a smile.

The corners of Amethyst Supreme's lips curled up. He was not surprised at all by this result.

The Federation is not a wildfire, with no unified leadership and no unwavering faith.

The eight major consortiums work independently and take their own development as their own responsibility. The only thing that supports their unity is their interests.

When the benefits outweigh the risks, they can unite to fight against foreign enemies.

But if the risks outweigh the benefits, the alliance, which is already competing with and suspicious of each other, will immediately fall apart.

"Supreme, it seems that we are very likely to annex the Federation without any bloodshed." Zhuge Hong said with a smile, "But in this case, the people in the military headquarters will scream in disappointment."

"It's too early to say this!"

Amethyst Supreme waved his hand and said: "Those owners of the consortium will not give up their power until the last moment. Tell the military department that they can appropriately put pressure on the federation in the recent period and adopt a tough posture. I I just want to see who will be the first to bow his head."


Zhuge Hong nodded.

The war machine began to operate, and Wildfire's major forces quickly expanded outwards, assuming a posture of all-out war.

Seeing this, everyone in the federation is in danger.

The army retreated hundreds of miles, and major financial groups held another emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures. People in the Federation rushed to supermarkets like crazy, hoarding food, water, daily necessities, etc.

What a mess!

The Federation is in complete chaos!


In the vast starry sky, a dark spaceship traveled quietly and silently, like an abandoned loner with no direction.

In the spaceship, the captain with red skin and antennae on his head was lying on the sofa, drinking wine depressedly.

"It has been three years, and I haven't even discovered a valuable planet. Now I can only come to the barren area to explore. Dear God of Silver and Blue, please bless Babata and let me gain something. If this continues, I will Even the energy bills of the battleships are almost unaffordable.”

Thumb thump thump~

At this moment, a crew member, as thin as a monkey, hurried to Babata's side and said sharply:

"Captain, the spacecraft just received a signal. The content of the signal was very rudimentary. It was most likely sent by a civilization that had just entered the space age."


Babata stood up immediately and said in surprise: "Are you sure? How far is it from us?"

Thin Monkey replied: "The distance is not very far. According to the current speed, it can be reached in 15 cosmic days. If we enter the short-distance jump state..."


Babata's fist hit the thin monkey's head and shouted: "It's a journey of more than ten days, and the jump is nothing. You don't need money to use it as energy?"

"Drive slowly, the planet can't escape anyway!"


The thin monkey covered his head and slipped away quickly.

After the thin monkey left, Babata murmured to himself:

"Which civilization is so stupid as to dare to release a signal to the universe?"

"However, we can't be careless!"

"Some civilizations have low technological levels, but their combat capabilities are frightening. You should still be cautious."

"I really hope this is a weak and valuable planet so that I can make a fortune!"

"Dear Silver and Blue God, please bless Babata."

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