Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 158 Lightsaber Fury

Wildfire general equipment depot

"This is a newly developed high-vibration particle knife with extremely strong cutting ability."

Xiao Zhongyuan held an empty knife handle in his hand and pressed the hidden button with his thumb.


Amidst the low vibrations, the powerful magnetic field converged the high-energy ionized gas into the shape of a dark blue wide-edged long knife.

Wuhu, isn’t this a “light saber”!

Su Mo excitedly took the lightsaber into his hand. The black bracelet on his wrist emitted an invisible wave, and the high-vibration particle sword was quickly copied into the database.

"Pooh, how about this weapon?" Su Mo asked secretly.

Pooh: "It's okay, it's an elite-level weapon, but with your current technological level, it's really not easy to develop particle weapons."

"I'll also touch the other weapons one by one to fill up my database."

"Don't be so hungry, take your time." Su Mo turned off the lightsaber switch and said with a smile, "Zhongyuan, I will keep this particle sword for myself."

"Take it and use it whatever you want~"

Xiao Zhongyuan waved his hand. As long as there is money and materials, equipment like this can be manufactured continuously.

With Su Mo's current status, let alone a particle knife, even if he emptied the equipment warehouse, there would be no problem at all.

Wildfire is so rich and willful.

Su Mo happily accepted the particle knife.

Although Pooh can transform into any weapon and equipment, it has a weakness, that is, it can only change into one thing at a time.

To transform into a spaceship or a battle armor, weapons must be prepared separately.

Therefore, usually collect as many commonly used weapons and equipment as possible, just in case

Anyway, his space ring is so big, it’s useless if he doesn’t use it.

"This is an Alpha-grade alloy extended protective ball. It is extremely hard and can withstand missile bombardment. At the same time, it can also withstand the corrosion of aqua regia."

Xiao Zhongyuan placed a black iron object flat in the palm of his hand. After pressing the switch, the iron object suddenly expanded rapidly and turned into a huge spherical metal shell to protect him.

Su Mo tapped the shell lightly, making a bang bang sound, and Pooh also copied the information of the equipment.

"Pooh, can this metal protective ball withstand a full-strength strike from the commander-level?"

"It's so possible! He can barely block a punch from a peak elite martial artist."

"By the way, Winnie, there is something I have forgotten to ask. What will happen if the weapons and equipment you transform into are smashed? Will it affect your body?"

"It won't affect the main body, but it will take me some time to repair the damaged parts."

"That's it, that's okay!"

Su Mo nodded slightly.


The spherical metal shell was retracted and turned into a simple black iron object. Xiao Zhongyuan raised his hand and asked, "Is this you?"


Su Mo took it decisively, don't give up on free things.

Next, Xiao Zhongyuan introduced many new weapons and equipment to Su Mo, which opened Su Mo's eyes. In addition, he did not let go of some small things and scanned them all.

Such as bugs, optical invisibility cloaks, electromagnetic scanners, etc.

Some things may come in handy at some point. Even if they are not used in the future, they can at least add some data to Pooh.

On the road to intelligent life, no small data can be missed.

Just as Su Mo was sweeping away as much as he could, Xiao Zhongyuan's watch suddenly lit up with a rapid red light.

In an instant, Xiao Zhongyuan's expression changed drastically.

"What's wrong!"

Su Mo asked quickly.

Xiao Chongyuan showed a rare expression of anger: "The Civilization Project has been launched!"

"Civilization plan, what is this?" Su Mo asked.

"It's too late to explain!"

Xiao Zhongyuan said solemnly: "Inform the Amethyst Supreme, God of War Luo Tang, and immediately lead people to seal off the entire underground research institute."

so serious!

Su Mo frowned and nodded: "Okay!"

Soon, Amethyst Supreme, Luo Tang, and Wu Feng led a large force and blocked all exits of the underground research institute.


Amethyst Supreme walked to Xiao Zhongyuan's side, with a gloomy expression on his face: "It must have been Chalmers who did it!"

Xiao Zhongyuan said nothing and sighed helplessly.


Amethyst Supreme snorted coldly and opened the door.


The heavy iron door slowly opened.

When they saw Amethyst Supreme, the leader and others, the researchers in the room were like children who had made mistakes, lowering their heads and looking ashamed and nervous.

Chalmers stood at the door very calmly, with no wave in his eyes.

"Chamers, do you know what you did!"

Amethyst Supreme's voice was extremely cold, and deep anger flashed in his purple pupils.

"I know."

Chalmers nodded calmly.

"Do you know that what you do may very well bring disaster that is enough to destroy Tianyuan Star." Amethyst Supreme said angrily, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Chalmers looked at Amethyst and said word by word:

"I just want to survive!"


Amethyst Supreme clenched his fist loudly, suppressing the anger of Chalmers who was killed on the spot, and said:

"Chamers, everyone has to pay for the mistakes he made, even you. Come with me. During this time, you need to sober up in the dungeon."

Hearing this, Chalmers remained calm and simply said: "Okay!"

He knew that with Amethyst's character, if he could not kill him on the spot, it would be based on his past merits and Xiao Chongyuan's face.

He had already been mentally prepared for this.

So what if he goes into the dungeon? Can Amethyst lock him to death?

"Luo Tang, take him to dungeon No. 1!" Amethyst Supreme said coldly.


Luo Tang nodded, and then led Chalmers, who looked calm, to the dungeon.

Looking at Chalmers' old and lonely back, Xiao Chongyuan sighed. From beginning to end, he did not speak.

"Pooh, what exactly is this civilization plan?" Su Mo asked.

Pooh explained: "To put it simply, Tianyuan Star emits a signal deep into the universe. If it is received, it is likely to attract the arrival of aliens."


Su Mo's face changed slightly.

Being able to receive signals in space means that the technological level of the opponent must be higher than that of Tianyuan Star. If cruel and murderous aliens are attracted, wouldn't Tianyuan Star be in danger!

Damn Chalmers, he didn't see him for a while, and he got into such a big disaster!

Why did he do this?

Could it be that because he failed to achieve a breakthrough and was jealous, he jumped over the wall in a hurry and wanted to drag the entire planet into the water and be buried with him!

No, Chalmers said just now that he just wants to survive, so he wants to introduce aliens and try to extend his life through higher civilization methods?

Damn, I really thought all aliens were kind and friendly. It would be nice if they didn’t kill you like a pig.

Su Mo was so angry that his tooth hurt.

"Pooh, why didn't you stop the signal from being transmitted?" Su Mo suddenly asked.

Winnie said: "My current computing power is very low and I can only do targeted intrusion and monitoring, so I learned about the launch of the Civilization Project at the same time as you."

"However, you don't have to worry too much about this!"

"Let's put it this way, Tianyuan Star belongs to the Silver Blue Galaxy on the star map drawn up by the three major civilizations in the universe, but it is also located in the barren area of ​​the Silver Blue Galaxy. This area is not even within the coverage of the Star Network. Normally, No one will come close at all, otherwise, your planet would have been colonized long ago."

"The signal just sent could not reach the deserted area, so I said, you don't need to worry."

That's it~

Hearing this, Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that the location of Tianyuan Star is so remote, but this is also a good thing, as it can give them enough time to fully develop.

"Pooh, are you sure no aliens will receive the signal?"

"Well, I'm not 100% sure, but the possibility is less than one in ten thousand."

"One in ten thousand? With your words, I feel relieved!"

Su Mo relaxed and smiled, but there was always a hint of poisonous milk in his smile.


conference room

Xiao Chongyuan, Luo Tang, Wu Feng, Amethyst Supreme and Su Mo gathered here.

"Leader, Chalmers forced the civilization project to be launched for his own selfish desires. This move is likely to bring unimaginable disaster to the entire planet."

Amethyst Supreme's face was serious, and his voice was cold and angry: "We have already seen the horror of alien civilization. Whether it is technological level or personal power, it far exceeds ours. Once we really attract aliens, we will How to resist?"

"This time, we must not dwell on our old friendship again, and we must punish Chalmers severely!"

Xiao Chongyuan opened his mouth, but was still unable to come up with a word to defend Chalmers.

Yes, only after I really came into contact with alien civilizations did I deeply understand how terrifying they are.

That was an all-round crushing of civilization, and it would take at least hundreds of years to catch up.

Once the gap in strength between countries is too obvious, the stronger party will inevitably invade and bully the weaker party, hunting and enslaving its citizens at will.

Not to mention two completely different civilizations.

From the perspective of aliens, humans on Tianyuan Planet are not much different from pigs and dogs.

If civilization signals are intercepted by aliens, Tianyuan Planet will most likely face an unprecedented crisis. This crisis will be more terrifying than the cataclysm 200 years ago.

"I suggest that Chalmers be deprived of all his positions and imprisoned in a dungeon for three years. If Tianyuan Planet is safe after three years, then he can be allowed to go home for retirement based on his past achievements. If..."

Amethyst Supreme spoke for a moment and did not say what he wanted to say next.

If an alien civilization really comes, then it won't matter whether or not Chalmers is killed.

Three years~

Xiao Chongyuan shook his head. With Grandpa Chalmers's physical condition, it was hard to say whether he could survive three years in a dark and closed dungeon.

But he knew that this was the biggest concession that Amethyst Supreme made in consideration of Chalmers' past achievements and his own feelings.

Otherwise, Chalmers would have been killed long ago.

"Okay!" Xiao Chongyuan sighed.

Seeing that the leader did not excuse Chalmers or reduce the punishment, Amethyst Supreme nodded slightly.

He knew that the leader had a deep relationship with Chalmers, but there was no room for negotiation in this matter. Chalmers must be punished for the crimes he committed.


Amethyst Supreme took a deep breath and said sonorously: "We cannot guarantee whether civilization signals will attract aliens, so we must be prepared in advance."

"I plan to start a full-scale war in three months to unify the entire continent."

"In the face of a powerful enemy, Tianyuan Star can only have one voice."

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