Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 155 Commander level, present world

Inside the secret base~

The researcher used a data reader to read the data from the hard drive and put it on the electronic screen.


A light suddenly lit up on the electronic screen, and then, an alien with silver skin and two horns on his head appeared.

"Hello to the human race of Tianyuan Star."

The alien spoke, his lips moved slightly, and his voice was slightly hoarse.

"I am Guzan Aboshan Yeli, from the Yinka planet in the Red Flame Galaxy."

"Due to the internal fighting between me and my tribe, this beautiful planet suffered a major disaster. Billions of innocent people were displaced, separated from their families, and died tragically."

"Unfortunately, I am dying and there is no way to atone for the mistakes I made, so I left behind some knowledge. I hope this knowledge can help you rebuild your home and embark on the path of exploring the universe as soon as possible."


The screen was interrupted and after exiting the video, hundreds of classified folders appeared on the electronic screen.

"Tsk tsk, Pooh's skills are really high~" Su Mo smiled secretly.

Of course it was impossible for the dead ghost Guzan Aboshan Yeli to record this video. After all, he was a stingy man who wanted to delete all the mechanical backups in the endless weapon before he died.

The video was made by Pooh using virtual technology. The purpose was to make the knowledge obtained logically and not arouse suspicion.

Basic physics, basic materials science, advanced energy knowledge, neural sympathetic technology, virtual electronic technology...

The data was synchronized to Underground Research Institute No. 1. Xiao Zhongyuan clicked on the first folder [Basic Physics], and then clicked on one of the smallest documents. He scanned it line by line, and his eyes gradually filled with uncontrollable joy and excitement.

After just reading a small part, he immediately solved a scientific research problem that had troubled him for a long time.

This knowledge is at least a hundred years ahead of Tianyuan Star. With them, Tianyuan Star's technological level will rapidly develop and climb like a rocket, and it will be unstoppable!

Very good!

For a scientific research geek, what is more gratifying than gaining knowledge!

Xiao Chongyuan browsed the names of the hundreds of folders one by one, his eyes getting brighter and brighter. However, when his eyes glanced at a certain folder, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Mechanic Training Manual"

"Mechanic, what is this?"

Xiao Zhongyuan opened the folder, browsed the preface carefully, and murmured in confusion.

"Is the mechanic also an extraordinary system?"

He opened the first chapter of the file, "The Awakening of Mechanical Power," and browsed it carefully. His consciousness was immersed, and his whole body soon entered an ethereal state. Gradually, faint electric lights appeared in his palms, emitting a stimulating sound. The sound of sizzling.

"Is this the mechanical power of a mechanic?"

Xiao Zhongyuan raised his palm, and blue electric light flashed in front of his eyes, reflecting his wise eyes.

"It seems, it's not that difficult~"


"Oh my God, Su Mo, Xiao Zhongyuan has awakened his mechanical power!" Pooh shouted in Su Mo's mind.

"Isn't that normal? I've already said that he is a true mechanical genius." Su Mo didn't care.

"What do you know!!!"

Pooh said excitedly: "Even for the Yinka tribe, a race rich in mechanics, it is very difficult to become a mechanic. Do you know the record for the fastest awakening of their mechanical power?"

"Four months! It took a man who had received machinist education since childhood, outstanding talent, and the guidance of a natural disaster-level mechanic to awaken his mechanical power for four months. However, Xiao Zhongyuan only glanced at the awakening of mechanical power. After the tutorial, I successfully awakened. This talent is really amazing. I estimate that even the most powerful mechanical race in the universe, the Eternal Mechanical Race, cannot find a few people with talents comparable to Xiao Zhongyuan."

"It's incredible that such a mechanical genius could appear on a small low-level planet."

Humph, this small low-level planet has quite a few awesome people~

Su Mo curled his lips, he himself was cheating, Han Jia, the owner of S-level powers, and Xiao Zhongyuan, the mechanical genius.

Maybe, in a few years, Tianyuan Star will be able to produce three god-king level experts.

The Three God Kings of one sect must be the only one in the entire universe.

"Pooh, do you regret not choosing Xiao Zhongyuan as your master? But it's too late to regret now~" Su Mo teased.

Pooh shook his head seriously: "I don't regret it. Talent is talent, but talent may not necessarily turn into strength. I still say the same thing. Xiao Zhongyuan's character is not suitable for wandering in the cold and cruel universe. If he wants to reach the top of the God King Company, The probability is not even one in ten thousand.”

Which god-king didn't come out of a bloody battle?

In the process of gaining momentum, you will inevitably have to fight and fight with countless forces, and you will face complicated situations such as assassination, betrayal, conspiracy, and alliances.

Therefore, character is a very important factor in becoming a god king. It does not mean that one must be cruel and ruthless, but at least one must be decisive in killing and dare to establish one's authority.

Xiao Chongyuan's character is too benevolent and kind. If a person like this is placed in the universe, he will only be trapped by those mercenaries, hyenas, and chaotic people who have no bottom line.

In contrast, Su Mo's talent as a superpower is equally outstanding, and his character is decisive and cautious, and he has a bottom line in his cunning. Only such a person is suitable to survive in the universe.

"Hehe, these words are very popular with me, don't worry Pooh, Xiao Zhongyuan is a genius, I am more genius than him, God King, it will be a matter of time~" Su Mo said.

No matter how talented Xiao Zhongyuan is, can he compare to this cheater?

Pooh was noncommittal. Su Mo's talent was very strong, but even with his own assistance, the probability of becoming the God King was probably less than one percent, but this was already an absurdly high probability.

An ordinary galaxy-level civilization controls hundreds of thousands of planets and has a population of hundreds of billions, or even quadrillions, but cannot produce a single god-king-level powerhouse.

Among star cluster-level civilizations, less than one-third have god-kings in charge.

One can imagine how difficult it is to become a God King.

"Luo Tang, Teacher Wu Feng, look at this!"

At this time, Amethyst Supreme suddenly shouted loudly, with a touch of excitement trembling in his tone.

Have you finally seen it?

Su Mo raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"This is……"

Wu Feng and Luo Tang approached Amethyst Supreme, stared at the screen, and soon showed uncontrollable excitement and ecstasy.

"This is the way to break through the God of War and the Supreme Being!!!"

Wu Feng pressed his hands on the table, his voice also trembling.


In the past few decades, that shackle has always stood before him, from never admitting defeat, to frustration, to deep despair. He had completely given up on the idea, but unexpectedly, hope appeared!

"Great!" Meng Shi clenched his fists, and his eyes, which were not too big, were full of surprise and passion.

"It turns out that in the universe, our God of War and Supreme are only at the level of elite soldiers of advanced civilizations."

Amethyst Supreme scanned the screen and sighed deeply, "Frog in the well, our planet is really lagging behind in terms of technology and force."

At this time, Su Mo also brought his head over, pretended to browse through it, and said with "surprise": "Wow, I didn't expect that there is such knowledge. Supreme, God of War, you guys try it quickly and see this breakthrough method." Is it suitable for us Tianyuan Planet humans?"

"I'll do it first~"

Amethyst Supreme said seriously: "If I succeed, it means that this road is feasible. You two will try again."

"Tsk tsk, Su Mo, this Amethyst Supreme is really extraordinary." Pooh said with a smile, "At such a moment, he can still remain calm and cautious. He is indeed a very qualified civilized leader."

"Haha, that's true." Su Mo smiled. Compared to Xiao Chongyuan who was obsessed with research, Amethyst Supreme was the one who worried the most and was in charge of the overall situation in Wildfire.

"I'll do it~"

Luo Tangweng said: "My body is stronger than yours, and I can handle it even if I fail. If something happens to you, the whole wildfire will be paralyzed. And Teacher Wu Feng has been slacking off in recent years, and I'm afraid he won't be able to complete what is stated in the information." It's said that the blood is boiling and the blood is boiling."

Luo Tang said very directly, which made Wu Feng couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Indeed, in the past ten years, he has spent far less time on polishing his energy and body than Luo Tang. Therefore, it will take at least one to two years to reach a higher level in the most perfect state. Come and prepare.

"Everyone, don't forget, I'm still here~"

Su Mo patted his chest and promised, "With me here, you can try with confidence. Even if you only have one breath left, I can save you."

Hearing this, the other three were stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

Yes, they all forgot that there was a powerful healing power user beside them.

"Then let me come first!" Luo Tang said.

"Okay!" Amethyst Supreme nodded, and said: "But don't worry, you have to carefully read this Qi-Blooding Passing Technique a few more times, and you must be familiar with it."

"Okay! Let's set it in two days. After two days, we will officially pass the test!" Luo Tang said seriously.


The corner of Amethyst Supreme's mouth raised slightly. In the past two days, he would also be familiar with the superpower's breakthrough method. As long as Luo Tang could successfully break through, he would follow closely and complete the breakthrough on the spot.

With the emergence of two commander-level masters and Wildfire's upcoming rapid technological development, he is confident that he can unify the entire continent within a year.

It’s time to end the situation where Wildfire and the Federation coexist.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the secret room, six men gathered together, namely Xiao Chongyuan, Amethyst Supreme, God of War Luo Tang, Zhan Wufeng, Su Mo, and Su Mo's "old acquaintance" Chalmers.

The leader of Wildfire, the three Gods of War, and the two Supremes, the six most important people of Wildfire were all present, which shows how important what is about to happen next is.

"Chamers, you are in good health recently. Hey, it feels like you have another age spot on your face~"

Su Mo looked at Chalmers with a smile. For Xiao Zhongyuan's sake, he could let this old guy go, but it would be okay to vent his anger with a few jokes~


Chalmers snorted coldly, turned his face to the side, and didn't say anything at all.

He knew that Su Mo had already broken through to the supreme level. Before he broke through, he was no match. Now he might not be able to block even two attacks.

I am so old that I am too lazy to argue with a little kid... Chalmers comforted himself.

Seeing this, Xiao Chongyuan was a little helpless. It seemed that Su Mo was still angry.

However, it's understandable to be angry, as long as the two people don't fight.

"Luo Tang, are you ready?" Amethyst Supreme asked seriously.

"Do not worry!"

Luo Tang sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes showing strong confidence.

"Okay, then... let's get started!"

Everyone stepped aside, feeling nervous and excited.


Luo Tang adjusted his breathing and exhaled a breath of thick air, his eyes as firm as iron.

boom! ! !

The boiling Qi and blood burst out, making a rushing sound, like the waves crashing on the shore, exuding a scorching breath.

The technique to break through to the Commander level is called the Qi and Blood Boiling Climbing Technique. First, the Qi and blood are mobilized to a state of near boiling. Then, the internal martial arts power and Qi and blood are combined to launch the Chongqing in some clever way.

This technique is a method suitable for humans in the universe that has been summed up by countless martial arts masters in the universe through repeated failures and explorations.

Of course, there are many similar methods for breaking through the level, and many civilizations also have their own unique techniques.

However, the general version of the level-breaking method for humans in the universe is the most widely spread and can be found on the Star Network. It is not a precious thing.

But if the martial arts masters of Tianyuan Star are allowed to explore on their own, I am afraid that even in a hundred years, it will be difficult for anyone to break through to the Commander level.

The qi and blood are boiling, like a furnace, filling the entire secret room with heat. The first step is completed. Next, Luo Tang begins to mobilize his internal force to combine with the qi and blood.

The black martial arts flames were blazing. Luo Tang closed his eyes tightly and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. It was obvious that this step was not easy.

At this moment, everyone held their breath for fear of disturbing Luo Tang.


Luo Tang's heartbeat suddenly became extremely heavy, as if it was beating on the head of a drum. Gradually, the momentum on his body became higher and higher, like a volcano that had accumulated countless power and was about to erupt.

"He's almost successful!" Pooh said in Su Mo's mind.

Su Mo's eyes lit up and he waited quietly.

Finally, with a huge muffled sound, Luo Tang suddenly opened his eyes, like a dragon waking up, instantly making everyone in the room feel a strong sense of oppression.

"Everyone, I succeeded!"

Luo Tang stood up with a happy and excited smile on his face.


Everyone in the room shouted excitedly. Luo Tang's success meant that there was no problem with the knowledge left by these aliens, and the door to the commander level had been officially opened.

"I'll be next!"

Amethyst Supreme did not hesitate, immediately took Luo Tang's position, sat down cross-legged, adjusted his breathing, and began to rush through the barrier.

The method used by superpowers to break through the barrier is called the Concentrated Spirit Breaking Method, which involves highly condensing mental power and combining it with the tide of the Force to break through the barrier with some unique technique.


The majestic sea of ​​spiritual power covered the entire secret room, and the purple force emerged like a ball of flame, making the face of the Amethyst Supreme look serious and cold.


The strange amethyst appeared under the Supreme Seat and spread rapidly around.

Ten minutes passed~

"Well, he is more prepared than Luo Tang and will succeed soon."

As soon as Pooh finished speaking, Amethyst Supreme's aura suddenly rose, so cold and evil that everyone present couldn't help but shudder.

The amethyst-like eyes slowly opened, and the corners of the Amethyst Supreme's mouth raised.

"I succeeded too!"

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