Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 137 A hard slap in the face

Bang bang bang~

Several dull voices sounded.

Borden, Grimaud's most trusted peak warrior, and several other generals and bodyguards all knelt on the ground, their faces flushed, veins exposed, clutching their stomachs in pain, their mouths opening and closing, but unable to make any sound.

Seeing this scene, the passers-by who were shouting excitedly were like screaming chickens whose throats were strangled, their eyes widened and they made a clucking sound.

Grimaud, who was waiting for the cheers and praises, instantly froze his smile.

How can this be!

Grimaud opened his mouth so wide that he could fit a fist into it, and stared blankly at the bodyguards who fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Boden, the peak battle king, was knocked down?

Could it be that this person is not a contestant sent by Wildfire, but the legendary martial arts master of Wildfire - the God of War Wu Feng?

In an instant, Grimaud's legs went weak and he almost fell to his knees.

He had never seen Wu Feng, and because of his speech, he didn't have time to watch today's news.

However, who can defeat the peak war king in an instant, except the God of War~

It's not that Wu Feng is Wildfire's veteran God of War. He is over a hundred years old, but he looks like he has just grown up.

Could it be that all martial arts masters like the God of War can rejuvenate themselves?

Damn it, I just said that to a god of war...

"Misunderstanding, Martial God of War, this is all a misunderstanding!!!"

Grimaud waved his hands wildly, almost crying from the sound.

Su Mo's face turned green when he heard this. You actually treat me, a young man, as a centenarian!

If I don't take care of you, I'm really sorry for my young and handsome face!


With a flick of his finger, a ball of light flew out from Su Mo's fingertips and hit Grimaud's front teeth.

Grimaud screamed, and then spat out more than a dozen blood-stained teeth, almost all of the upper and lower rows of teeth were knocked out.

Su Mo really couldn't stand this guy's acting personality. Aren't you a good talker? You've lost all your teeth. Let's see if you can still speak so eloquently.

The tragic situation of Grimaud and the bodyguards frightened the passers-by. They backed away and squeezed out, fearing that what they just said would trigger Su Mo's revenge.

However, Su Mo didn't bother to pay attention to this group of people. He turned around and looked at the trembling white beauty, and said calmly:

"Give you another chance. Tell me who sent you."

The white beauty looked at the wailing Senator Grimmauld on the ground in horror. If even a congressman dared to do this, wouldn't he...

"I said, I said!" She swallowed hard and trembled: "Someone just gave me 10,000 yuan and asked me to slander you according to his request. After the matter is completed, he will give me more Fifty thousand yuan!”


Hearing this, the passers-by around him were instantly shocked, and then became extremely angry.

It turns out that we were all deceived by this woman. Instead of being bullied, she was hired to throw dirty water on the man in front of her from Wildfire!

Good and bad hearts!

Never believe this kind of thing again!

At this time, the one who was most angry was undoubtedly Grimaud. I came to help you with good intentions, but my teeth were all knocked out, but you turned out to be here to act.

Then wasn’t my beating in vain?

Who in the end instigated this woman? I want to peel off your skin, ahhhhh! ! !

"Haha, the total is only 60,000 yuan, are you so stingy now?" Su Mo sneered inwardly, glanced at the woman, and then...


There was a crisp sound, and a red slap mark appeared on the woman's face. Immediately afterwards, half of her face quickly swelled, and the beautiful face that was originally sexy and hot became unbearable to look at.

Su Mo hated this kind of woman very much. She would write short essays and throw dirty water on innocent people, causing them to bear the title of obscenity and receive lots of looks and criticism. Even if the truth was eventually discovered, it would only be an apology.

If he hadn't been so powerful, he might have been on his way to the Federal Security Bureau now, and it wouldn't be long before the reputation of the breast-attacking man would spread throughout the Federation and Wildfire.

So, slapping her is considered a light thing!

The woman was knocked unconscious by Su Mo's slap, and fell to the ground with a thud, her eyes turning white.


The passers-by around him swallowed their saliva and couldn't help but feel their hearts trembling as they looked at the bodyguard who fell to the ground in pain, Councilor Grimmauld who lost all his teeth, and the beauty whose face was swollen into a pig's head.

So cruel!

Who is he?

Some people say that he is a contestant of this year's Wildfire, and Councilor Grimaud said that he is the war god of Wildfire, Wu Feng.

So, who is he?

Su Mo turned his head and looked at several police officers, instantly frightening them so much that they took a few steps back, their faces trembling.

"Now, can I go?" Su Mo said lightly.

"Ok, Ok!"

The police officers nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

I didn’t see Councilor Grimaud being beaten like this. Who dares not to let him go?

Little shrimps like us should not get involved in the boss’s affairs.

Su Mo moved his steps, and the passers-by in front of him suddenly made way for a passage. Even if the people in the middle were about to be squeezed into meat patties, no one dared to say a word.

Su Mo left slowly, took a taxi on the side of the road, and returned to the hotel.

After watching Su Mo's back disappear, the people at the scene finally dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Congressman Grimaud, are you okay?" The police officer quickly pulled up Grimaud who was lying on the ground.


Grimaud was unable to speak a complete word, which intensified his physical pain and anger. He was so out of breath that he fainted.

"No, send the congressman to the hospital quickly!"

The police officers quickly picked up Grimaud, and the police car drove away to the hospital.

The remaining passers-by couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they looked at the remaining bodyguards who still couldn't stand up and the unconscious beauty with white eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, this was too harsh!" One LSP looked at the exposed white hemisphere and couldn't help but lick the corner of his mouth.

"Why is he such a wildfire person so arrogant in the Federation!"

"No, I can't swallow this breath. We must let the federal leaders punish this man!"

"That's right, to be fair, this beauty is at fault, but isn't he not at all wrong?"

"It's wrong to hit someone! Let's go and protest!"

"Let's go together!"

As soon as Su Mo left, the passers-by who had been silent just now began to verbally criticize him again, as if he was a heinous bastard who beat women.

A group of people took to the streets to protest, and several people rushed to pick up the beautiful white woman, saying they wanted to take her to the hospital together.

But among them, it is unknown whether they will take advantage of the majority.

On his first day in the Federation, Su Mo once again became the center of a storm of public opinion.

The instigator, Shi Luo, was sitting in the villa, proudly watching all the insults and ridicules directed at Su Mo on the Internet, laughing heartily from time to time.

Of course he knew that this little trick couldn't bring down Su Mo, but by seeing Su Mo being wildly reviled by millions of people, his goal was achieved.

"Su Mo, Su Mo, I still have many tricks up my sleeve, let's wait and see!"

Hero laughed proudly, but little did he know that Su Mo had already prepared a bunch of "gifts" and was looking forward to meeting him again.

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